05听Meeting People The perfect situation would be you sitting in the deejay/ journalist/ producer's office playing your tune and looking at their grill to see their reaction while they listen.
"Keep putting your music out. Get those records in the shops. Deejays buy records and people talk - that's free promotion."
Joe Christie
Lowlife Records
The worst is putting a badly labelled jiffy bag in the post and hoping they'll find it amongst the hundreds of others they get.
The reality may lie somewhere in between but the closer you can get to actually playing your track to someone, the better.
We've all met someone who claims they know someone who's mates with a name-brand deejay, well difference is, now you've got to follow it up - they might even be for real.
Try anything you can to get a face to face meeting because it makes it much more likely that your tune will get a listen.
If you've let someone know you're sending your disk, make sure your name is on the OUTSIDE of the packaging so they know it's yours.
Remember to include a reaction sheet and an SAE - they may or may not return it but they definitely won't if you don't include one.