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The real 'three men in a boat'

The real 'three men in a boat'

Three Men In A Boat in Berkshire

One of the great Victorian comic masterpieces takes place on the Thames - the classic Three Men In A Boat by Jerome K Jerome. The novel features the beautiful Berkshire countryside during a hilarious boating expedition.

"The river is dirty and dismal here. One does not linger in the neighbourhood of Reading."

Quote from Three Men In A Boat below.

The 麻豆官网首页入口 2 series Three Men In A Boat, starring Griff Rhys-Jones, Rory McGrath and Dara O'Briain was a huge it. The three followed in the footsteps of the original Three Men In A Boat, a comic novel written by Jerome K Jerome.

Their odyssey from Kingston to Oxford took place in an exact replica of the wooden skiff used by Jerome, George, Harris and Montmorency the dog.

The real 'three men in a boat' can be seen in the image above: Jerome K Jerome, Carl Hentschel and George Wingrave.

The hilarious Victorian comic tale takes in a lot of Berkshire scenery.

The St George & Dragon, Wargrave

The St George & Dragon, Wargrave

Here are some excerpts from chapter 14, with pictures:

We caught a breeze, after lunch, which took us gently up past Wargrave and Shiplake. Mellowed in the drowsy sunlight of a summer's afternoon, Wargrave, nestling where the river bends, makes a sweet old picture as you pass it, and one that lingers long upon the retina of memory.

The "George and Dragon" at Wargrave boasts a sign, painted on the one side by Leslie, R.A., and on the other by Hodgson of that ilk. Leslie has depicted the fight; Hodgson has imagined the scene, "After the Fight"--George, the work done, enjoying his pint of beer.

Day, the author of Sandford and Merton, lived and--more credit to the place still--was killed at Wargrave. In the church is a memorial to Mrs. Sarah Hill, who bequeathed 拢1 annually, to be divided at Easter, between two boys and two girls who "have never been undutiful to their parents; who have never been known to swear or to tell untruths, to steal, or to break windows." Fancy giving up all that for five shillings a year! It is not worth it.

It is rumoured in the town that once, many years ago, a boy appeared who really never had done these things--or at all events, which was all that was required or could be expected, had never been known to do them--and thus won the crown of glory.

Shiplake church where Tennyson was married.

Shiplake church where Tennyson was married.

He was exhibited for three weeks afterwards in the Town Hall, under a glass case. What has become of the money since no one knows. They say it is always handed over to the nearest wax-works show.

Shiplake is a pretty village, but it cannot be seen from the river, being upon the hill. Tennyson was married in Shiplake Church.

The river up to Sonning winds in and out through many islands, and is very placid, hushed, and lonely.

Few folk, except at twilight, a pair or two of rustic lovers, walk along its banks. `Arry and Lord Fitznoodle have been left behind at Henley, and dismal, dirty Reading is not yet reached.

The Bull Inn, Sonning, praised by Jerome K Jerome.

The Bull Inn, Sonning, praised by Jerome K Jerome.

It is a part of the river in which to dream of bygone days, and vanished forms and faces, and things that might have been, but are not, confound them.

We got out at Sonning, and went for a walk round the village. It is the most fairy-like little nook on the whole river. It is more like a stage village than one built of bricks and mortar. Every house is smothered in roses, and now, in early June, they were bursting forth in clouds of dainty splendour.

If you stop at Sonning, put up at the "Bull," behind the church. It is a veritable picture of an old country inn, with green, square courtyard in front, where, on seats beneath the trees, the old men group of an evening to drink their ale and gossip over village politics; with low, quaint rooms and latticed windows, and awkward stairs and winding passages.

We roamed about sweet Sonning for an hour or so, and then, it being too late to push on past Reading, we decided to go back to one of the Shiplake islands, and put up there for the night.

"One does linger in the neighbourhood of Reading"

"One does linger in the neighbourhood of Reading"

It was still early when we got settled, and George said that, as we had plenty of time, it would be a splendid opportunity to try a good, slap-up supper. He said he would show us what could be done up the river in the way of cooking, and suggested that, with the vegetables and the remains of the cold beef and general odds and ends, we should make an Irish stew.

We came in sight of Reading about eleven. The river is dirty and dismal here. One does not linger in the neighbourhood of Reading. The town itself is a famous old place, dating from the dim days of King Ethelred, when the Danes anchored their warships in the Kennet, and started from Reading to ravage all the land of Wessex; and here Ethelred and his brother Alfred fought and defeated them, Ethelred doing the praying and Alfred the fighting.

In later years, Reading seems to have been regarded as a handy place to run down to, when matters were becoming unpleasant in London. Parliament generally rushed off to Reading whenever there was a plague on at Westminster; and, in 1625, the Law followed suit, and all the courts were held at Reading.

It must have been worth while having a mere ordinary plague now and then in London to get rid of both the lawyers and the Parliament. During the Parliamentary struggle, Reading was besieged by the Earl of Essex, and, a quarter of a century later, the Prince of Orange routed King James's troops there.

Blake's lock at Reading

Blake's lock at Reading

Henry I. lies buried at Reading, in the Benedictine abbey founded by him there, the ruins of which may still be seen; and, in this same abbey, great John of Gaunt was married to the Lady Blanche.

At Reading lock we came up with a steam launch, belonging to some friends of mine, and they towed us up to within about a mile of Streatley. It is very delightful being towed up by a launch.

I prefer it myself to rowing. The run would have been more delightful still, if it had not been for a lot of wretched small boats that were continually getting in the way of our launch, and, to avoid running down which, we had to be continually easing and stopping.

It is really most annoying, the manner in which these rowing boats get in the way of one's launch up the river; something ought to done to stop it. And they are so confoundedly impertinent, too, over it.

The Swan Inn, Pangbourne

The Swan Inn, Pangbourne

You can whistle till you nearly burst your boiler before they will trouble themselves to hurry. I would have one or two of them run down now and then, if I had my way, just to teach them all a lesson.

The river becomes very lovely from a little above Reading. The railway rather spoils it near Tilehurst, but from Mapledurham up to Streatley it is glorious. A little above Mapledurham lock you pass Hardwick House, where Charles I. played bowls.

The neighbourhood of Pangbourne, where the quaint little Swan Inn stands, must be as familiar to the habitu茅s of the Art Exhibitions as it is to its own inhabitants. My friends' launch cast us loose just below the grotto, and then Harris wanted to make out that it was my turn to pull. This seemed to me most unreasonable. It had been arranged in the morning that I should bring the boat up to three miles above Reading. Well, here we were, ten miles above Reading! Surely it was now their turn again.


last updated: 31/03/2008 at 01:08
created: 03/01/2006

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麻豆官网首页入口 Berkshire
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Andy Bell
Re-read the book every year, and enjoyed Rodney Bewes one-man stage production a few years ago. Is there any chance of the Tom Stoppard radio adaptation from 1994 being repeated??

Hallo! Great! Will come here more often :).I am from France and too poorly know English, give please true I wrote the following sentence: "Com there has how to start a consulting business in ontario the following document was."Best regards :o, Kanya.

i watched the programme and was inspired by it i went out and got the book and i am planning to do the adventure with my two friends and my jack russel but iam worried when ever i do any thing like that it goes very wrong but it will be a great adventure for three 18 year olds and a nutty dog

has this series been released on dvd

Mario Schembri Wismayer
I'm a keen Jerome fan! Is it possible to buy a tape or DVD of 'Three Men in a Boat in Berkshire'? I have not seen this programme and I would really love to.Malta GC

when is it out on dvd

Will there be a DVD of these two programmes relased soon Thanks

What type of dog is loli ?chrisdx@hotmail.com

Matt Spencer
I have just done this trip, but downstream instead of up. Great fun! I have never seen the 麻豆官网首页入口2 show 'three men in a boat', but would love to see it. When is this going to DVD? I need three copies

lucy j
please please please release this on dvd !!!

Alan Reynolds
When will you be doing a re-show of "Three Men in a Boat" with Griff Rhys Jones? OR...can I buy a copy??

will this ever be available on dvd because I'd like to buy it as gift for someone who really liked it!

Mario Schembri Wismayer
Excellent stuff! How can I get hold of a copy of this little journey that follows in the footsteps of J? Is it available for sale?

Graham Konstandelos
it's over a year now since the show aired, can you please show it again, so the rest of my family can enjoy this brilliant show as much as i did 1 year ago thanks Graham

Peter (Elf) & Tash
Three men in a boat has inspired us to get out onto the Thames in our kayaks. we enjoy it so much, we have organised a charity event next year raising money for the British Legion. We plan to kayak the entire 210 mile length of the Thames from its source to Southend. Having seen this programme, we are looking forward to visiting all the sites mentioned in the book and hopefully camping at all the sites Jerome K Jerome stopped at. A really interesting side topic to follow whilst raising money for a good cause.

Please can this be put on DVD soon so we can all enjoy the program over and over again.

We are still searching what the background piano music was - please does anyone know the answer. Fabulous programme.

Simon Newman
Pangbourne is a lovely village. I've found some great pictures of the place and the Swan Inn. Check out www.thethamesboathouse.com. Does anyone know if this has come out onto DVD yet?

L isa
Will this be out on dvd in time for christmas 2006?

Marvellous programme. Is it available on DVD?

Andrew Hale
It is fantastic to finally see Rowing taken seriously by a television company. We see football, rugby and athletics all the time. The 麻豆官网首页入口 have not only produced a programme about a little of the history of rowing with this programme and the Viking Boat Race, but are also televising some of the World Rowing Championships this week.

Fantast ic programme! Thouroughly enjoyed it, all the men in the boat were well chosen and really funny. But I only caught the last in the series. Is there any chance it might be shown again, if so on what channel? Thank you

Steve Jones
Anyone know who the background piano music is by?

Mandy Griffiths
Three men in a boat: I loved this programme. In fact as I taped it I have managed to enjoy it time and time again. It was absolutely fantastic. Can we have more?? I loved Griff (the mummy of the group) and their antics. Especially calling in at interesting homes and meeting interesting people along the way. I've even bought two books by Jerome K Jerome. Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful. I missed the second episode though. Can you tell me if you plan to bring out a DVD? Or whether you plan to bring out another series. Perhaps from Lands end to John o Groats??!!!

Karen Levett
Please bring Three men in a boat out on dvd.Just loved it.Is it coming out,so many people have said this to me.?Many Thanks and Regards.

Michael Jordan
I would like to say how much I enjoyed this programme. It was funny, entertaining and informative...I wish you had made it last longer with more unannounced garden raids and interviews. These are the sort of programmes that I do not mind paying a licence fee for. Are there any more river journeys written about?

aimie parker
we also missed the second program very dissapointed and would love to see it repeated

christina de ridder (email: tinekederidder@kpnpl
What a lovely series and you can see so much of your lovely country, lovely inn麓s en sourroundings. And by the way I love Griff! When is de next broadcast because I think a lost some, is that correct?

Roger King
Will 3 men in boat be coming out on DVD

Will you be showing the guys again, i missed the first half but the last half left me & the missus in stitches, you need to do more with these 3 stooges it was fantastic TV compared to the rest of rubbish we have put up with (not just the 麻豆官网首页入口 in that that last phrase) any way it was certainly a refreshing change from the B*ll*cks on E4 (Big Brother phhhh). Thanks again and please repeat the show for us. J

Debe D
Absolutely loved watching this programme, both hysterically funny and informative but sadly missed 7/8/06 episode. Please can you tell me if it is on DVD or will there be another re run?

Paul Fry
Fantastic entertainment, a travel show and a History Lesson all rolled into one. I loved every minute. More please. What was the religious song used in the last episode this week? my email: paulfry1@tiscali.co.uk

Claire Newport
I loved this the first time it was shown and love it the second time too. I am only 21 but find this programme magnificient!I would love to know when the DVD is coming out as I think this and Grumpy Old men are No1 items in which have been bought to our screens for quite a while. From this programme,I am now looking into going on the journey myself (except without the dog)

great tv! enjoyed it emmensly, more programmes like this would be good! i think the best part was the laughs! the 3 men and the dog had me in stitches! we need a re run! i missed the first part and was sad to hear it wasn't a two parter, more comical trips like this would be good to see on the bbc othgerwise we have to deal with eastenders!!!!

Carol Ellis
Excellent scenery, beautiful music and all round good entertainment. Please release a DVD soon carolellis.brinklow@virgin.net

Duncan Jones
How can I find out the name of the music and artist in part 2? The song was gospel and came in after the visit to the Church and was playing during a over head view of the river. the song was something about going to the river or down to the river.

Karen Caddy
I gather 'Three Men In a Boat' was a repeat, I missed it first time around, I thought in was an excellent programme and it made my laugh til I cried, if it was rerun for the 3rd time I wouldn't hesitate to watch it again. Well done 麻豆官网首页入口 it was brilliant.

Garth Bretherton
Absolutely fantastic, I haven't laughed so much at a television programme in years. An Excellent balance of characters and commentary.

Liz Balmford
Fantastic! The three men's good-natured sarcasm had us laughing out loud.

l j wilde
great progam when is the next chapter rory mcgrath is a ;#'&;

Val W
Superb programme, can't wait to see tonight's episode. Does anyone know what the music was used in the aerial shot? This has been niggling us since January!

Dr F D Higgs
What a missed opportunity with your version of Three men in a Boat: Good idea, great scenery but spoilt by three coarse oafish actors. The dog was fine.

My mother and I watched the first episode of the program last night and found it very funny and enjoyable. However as avid boaters ourselves we disapprove of the waving tactics shown on this program. We feel that a friendly wave is a common gesture on the river and it should not be abused.

Keith Donaldson
I watched this the first time around and just had to see it again - recorded it too. Brilliant!. A perfect exposition of why middle aged women should not allow their menfolk out on their own and an equally perfect demonstration of why middle aged men need to keep doing it anyway. More like this please, 麻豆官网首页入口.

what size was the skiff, please

andrew brown
Three men in a boat is hilarious, is it coming out on dvd?

Best thing ive seen on tv for a long while, Hilarious

Ross Bransby
We had been thinking about rowing up the Thames having read 'three men in a boat' but this programme spurred us into action. For those considering it or wanting more information I have created a web-page of our trip, link as follows: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/bransby/rowing.htm (broadband or equivalent connection required)

This was superb...where is the DVD or at least lets have a re-run....Soon !!!

robert downing
What's holding up the DVD release (or a re-run)? Only saw bits and want to enjoy the whole journey.

Lou Kagan
Please let me know if there is a dvd available of this series. Will you show it again?

Sue M
Please, please, please repeat this programme...I also rushed home to watch the 2nd episode on the following week to find out I missed it....why was it scheduled in such a strange way....I am gutted...I want to see it all again...please release it on DVD...

Nigel Goody
Can you please tell me if Three Men in a Boat is available on Video or DVD yet? Many thanks,

Cassie I have a video of the second episode as I missed it also. I'd be happy to let you have it. I can be contacted at j_fred_davidson@hotmail.com

jan halls
i missed the second episode too and would like to see both again or on dvd

Lisa MacDonald
please, please could you let everyone know if this great programme will be either released on dvd or repeated ..thanks

i commented earlier that i would love to do this trip too, and i told two friends, and now we are going in August and raising money for Diabetes UK as we go. I can't wait!!!!!

cassie pollock
How can I get to see part 2 which I missed? Is there a DVD I can purchase? It was excellent!

Michael Yorke
Absolutely Fantastic; providing humour, history and interest in one short fun packed series. Excellent!

Absolutly fantastic programme. Please, please, please repeat or release on DVD!

Marie McDean
Fantastic programme and yes i am also guilty of missing the second episode. Will it be re-run on 麻豆官网首页入口3 or released on DVD.

Dugald Craig
What's the point of commenting and asking questions, as most have done, asking about the widely missed 2nd programme being reshown, when the 麻豆官网首页入口 then don't post a reply to anyone

I would add my name to the ever increasing number of people who missed the second episode. Please tell me how I can get to see it

Jeff Bronstein
Saw the first episode and really enjoyed it and like SO many others missed the second due to the silly scheduling. Please repeat the series on 麻豆官网首页入口2 but this time over 2 weeks instead of one.

Rats - been waiting for the second episode and missed it. Why not repeat the whole show in one go on digital?

Sue Dobbs
Great programe, we live on the Thames and would love to se this again. My daughter, like many it appears missed the second episode. Will you repeat it soon and can we purchase a copy on DVD. Regards Sue

Anita Jefferies
Will this be repeated, I missed the second part, it was hilarious.

I agree with all of the positive comments here. We are arguing about the music during the aerial shots of Clivedon, it's not Amelie - any thoughts?

Thought it was a great programme but also missed 2nd episode - was most disappointed, bad planning by Beeb to put both episodes in same week. Please please repeat this excellent programme

What happened to the second episode, Did not see it listed. Will this be repeated?

Brilliant but surely not the sort of program for the amazingly organised sort of person that would know that the second episode was on the Thursday, not the following Tuesday. I have just discovered that I am among the many who missed part 2.

Fabulous programme; I would love to do the same as long as I was being rowed! Hope it will be repeated at some stage.

mrs a dennis
Missed it, when is it on again thanks

Sally Mitchell
Please repeat!!! It was hilarious

Such a brilliant 2 hours of TV. So entertaining and very, very funny. When is the DVD available? It has to be soon

I thought missed episodes could be accessed via the website? I also missed episode two and am kicking myself!

I missed second episode too ... repeat please!!

have waited all week for second episode, rushed home from footie training....even bought book in the week!! Just found out I've missed it...well disappointed !!!!

james (?????)
it was brilliant and i want to do this i have a sailing boat but doubt it will fit under a bridge and is a pig 2 row. i think he 麻豆官网首页入口 should show us ow to plan this type of thing. but my last comment is please repeat it

Stripe of Maidenhead
Excellent relaxing chuckle, will this be released on DVD?

Steve R, N Yorks
I should have videoed the 2nd episode for my wife. She got Big Brother and I got cold shoulder for tea all week. Any chance of repeats please?

Sue Thornton
What absolutely entertaining TV. Laughed through both episodes. So enjoyed the delightful scenery and the banter - please let's have more TV like this though perhaps with less swearing. Well done 麻豆官网首页入口

I was lucky enough to see both episodes, I thoroughly enjoyed them. Not much happened in either really but I found myself smiling the whole time. Well done to all, including the dog and the alpacas!

Tom Jones
Great programme! Can you tell us where you hired the boat from?

Gillian Brades
Brilliant programmes - please release on DVD!!

Sean James Cameron
Also missed the second programme as I thought it was on the following week. Are there any plans to release it on DVD or repeat the series?

We missed the second episode - please tell me that you are going to put them both on DVD or repeat them?? The first episode was fantastic!

Claire Thompson
Could you please tell me where I could get information about doing that sort of thing ourselves?

I missed the second episode, can you tell us of any repeats?

Chris Gooding
I read and re-read the original book as a child and have always harboured an ambition to reproduce the trip. Next best thing was watching this superbly entertaining programme. One of the best things I've seen on TV for a very long time - a treasure.

We also missed the second episode. Are there any plans to repeat it?

Margaret Adams
Most enjoyable would love to see it on DVD

Gillian Brown
I missed the 2nd episode too, episode one was brilliant - any chance of a repeat?

Ed chapman
This was a truly awesome peice of entertainment from the bbc. easily my favorite programme of the year. Hard to beat

Mark Grover
Congratulations to everybody involved in the making of these thoroughly entertaining programmes - they totally encapsulated everything that is great about British summers, and the British sense of humour. I await "Three men in a boat go up the Amazon" with baited breath. Many thanks for a most enjoyable couple of hours.

Barbara Webber
I missed the second episode too - how do we have to wait to get another opportunity to see it? The first episode was brilliant - I haven't laughed so much in ages!

Gordon Bogle
Why was what could have been a brilliant programme spoilt by having people on it who have to use bad language all the time?.

patricia bowerman
Loved the book. Saw a movie while living in America-stunningly English. Loved your episode. The best program on over the holidays. Would love to have a video or DVD of it. Unfortunately due to a faulty vcr I missed the second episode.

Robert Prior

mike la-traille
This was a wonderful piece of television. An excellent idea which came to life with the three personalities involved and the dog, of course. It felt so fresh and different and was a great start to the new programmes on the beeb for 2006- let's hope there will be more of similar quality. It is what makes the 麻豆官网首页入口 important. Brilliant.

Jane of Watford
Stories like this show the true beauty and splendour of a summer's day in Britain on the river or in the countryside. All visitors to Britain should experience this side of our country and not just the urban landscape.

John Hulmes
Will the 2nd episode be repeated.

Katie Merchant
Caught the second episode the other day. I hadn't seen the first, but thought it was brilliant, i haven't laughed so much for ages! Have to read the book now!

Great programme, especially as I live in Marlow. Does anyone know where a boat like they used can be hired to do part of the journey.


Tim Everitt
At one point in the first part Dara O'Briain was shown looking at a map of the river Thames. Would you be able to tell me where I can get a copy of that map as it seemed to have the level of detail that I am looking for? I enjoyed the programme greatly and it brought back memories of similar (slightly bigger boat) expeditions in my early twenties.

Anne & Nick
We - and our two teenagers - really enjoyed the two programmes; the interation between the "3 men", their observations, and the scenery (tho' not the swearing!) But did they REALLY row the 97 miles? And in 6 days?!!

a great trip, tree men in a boat, but missed first part, would like to see again how can i matt bowes.

Please repeat this!!

Stephen Marriott
I missed the second episode last night of 3 men in boat, will it be repeated as I have just watched the first episode that I had recorded & it was excelent

Stephen Marriott
I miised the second episode last night will it be repeated and when as it was excelent

James Parker
I fort 3 men in a boat was great i would love to do what they did as i love camping and boating. I am trying to find out where i can get a boat from so i can do i myself. Thank you for expiring me.

Amazing, i would love to recreate that journey myself and with a few mates, it looks like so much fun. Is it coming out on DVD? Will they be doing another journey together?

Lisa Graham
I missed the first episode. Will the programme be repeated?

Delphine Gray-Fisk
How could the 麻豆官网首页入口 have stooped so low as to produce these three oafish louts onto a programme whose material had such potential? The subject matter, scenery and photography were superb.

Sue Isaac
What a delightful programme can't wait to watch the 2nd episode, lets have more like this . Many thanks

Nigel from Oxford
I also missed last nights episode, when will it be on again?

Sarah Chilton
My family and I absolutely loved the two-part programmes 'Three Men In a Boat.' It would be nice to have more programmes like this on the 麻豆官网首页入口, showing the beauty of England. Thank you.

Richard Conradi
We have a boat moored at Wargrave. We missed the programmes. Will it be repeated?

jinks mcgrath
I too missed the 3 men in a boat last night..how can I see it again?

Callum Southgate
I Missed the first episode once again how do i get it ????

Amee Smith
I missed the second episode too... Please, please repeat... On 'normal' tv... Thanks..

Graham Ault
Did the same thing myself frm Putney Bridge to Lechlade back in the late seventies, in a 'vintage' homemade plywood sailing dingy. It was Wimbledon week, so naturally it p*ss*d down with rain practically all the time. I had to find a sub. for the return journey because my original companion got the hump and took the train home from Lechlade, but on the whole it was bl**dy marvelous fun and I'd recommend any young dudes with two spare weeks, not much money and a sense of adventure try it.

Paul Wilcock
I stumbled across this program last night when I was flicking through the channels. I am really glad I did. I can not remember the last time I've laughed as much as I did watching those three blokes. Good natural humour and not to mention to brilliant countryside.

Fabulous! Lovely to watch, seemed like so much fun - Id LOVE to do that trip! (especially with that sweetheart of a dog)

Anne Inman
They stopped at a pub, the something and Wedge, what was the rest of it called, I want to go there

Lesley Fuller
This was an Absolutely brilliant programme but the star of the show has to be Loli - How she stayed on that boat was fantasic. Loved it!

The music was largely taken from the French film Amelie (Sountrack by Yann Tiersen). It is available from all good record shops, amazon.co.uk and many other places.


James Richardson
Absolutely brilliant, never read the boat, but have spent a day on the river back in the Summer (loved it) and was enraptured by the program. Is there going to be a CD of score/DVD of program? I don't pay the license in my household (I'm only 16...) but I second David Ashby: with programs like this and Bleak House I would be proud to pay the license. Many thanks for a brilliant program!

Adrian Buckmaster
The story of a genteel pastime on a beautiful stretch of the river brought up to date by unecessary and liberal use of the "F-word". When I saw the programme was on I phoned my father to get him to watch it but now regret it.

Lizzie Witchard
This was such a pleasure to watch: 3 people messing about on a river in the height of summer whilst it is gloomy outside - it really does lift the spirits. And what a talented bunch they are. I could have watched them nattering away for hours. I would like to see lots more programming like this on the 麻豆官网首页入口, and definitely more of these three; Griff especially.

Frank Pardy
The programme my best viewing of the year , fantastic entertainment . Thank you to the funny three and producers.

Tim Dallow
Excellent viewing. A perfect blend. Very inspirational, expect to see 100's of skiffs wobbling their way up the Thames this summer with menopausal men at the helm.

Rosie and Paul
Brilliant programme .. should be repeated on 麻豆官网首页入口1 for everyone to see .... best laugh in ages.

Joanne Weston
Loved the program. Didn't doubt I would as loved the original book. However isthere going to be a book accompanying the program with some of the wonderfl views from the river?

dr david ashby
three men in a boat was a wonderfull program it makes paying your licence a privalige

Gerry Kilduff
If Bleak House was the best thing in 2005 it's going to be hard to beat 3 Men in a Boat in 2006....

Great program! Is there a CD of the music score?

chris chandler
Three men in a boat great programme shame about the swearing at the end ! is it available on dvd ? or is it to be repeated? well done

chris chandler
a wonderful programme. More please, other tours with this 3 around britain ?? what a great programme well done !

Mike Oliver
Fantastic Programme can't wait for the next episode!

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