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You are in: Berkshire > Local radio > Presenters > Mary Green

Mary Green

Join Mary from 6am to 9am every Saturday with news of what's happening in Berkshire this weekend.

Mary Green

What makes you laugh?听

"YouTube - I mean, have you seen the dancing cockatoo? Or the fainting goats? Or the Charlie Bit My Finger clips? Hilarious! Apart from that, any episode of Friends, any series any time."

What was your most embarrassing moment on air?

"I'm afraid I was terribly unprofessional when President Ronald Reagan had brain surgery.

"A long time ago now and obviously not a funny story in itself but it was during the time of Spitting Image and they ran a comic strand called "The President's Brain Is Missing..."

"Every time I came to read the opening line of the news story, starting with the words "The President's Brain..." I could barely contain myself.

"On an overnight shift at Sky News the story came around every hour - in the end I just had to stop speaking and they ran the pictures in silence while I cried with laughter."

Where is your favourite place in Berkshire?

"I have many happy memories of reporting from the Henley Regatta.

"Being beside the Thames, sipping Pimms on a lovely summers day (doesn't sound much like work does it?) is wonderful - so very English, with all those floaty frocks and blazers and young men in lycra!

"Actually, my own teenage son will be rowing there this year so I will have to behave myself when I'm there simply as a spectator."

What were your most memorable jobs before working for 麻豆官网首页入口 Radio Berkshire?

"Working in television means I've had some wonderful opportunities and experiences.

"Last year I threw myself out of a plane at 13000 feet for a feature about skydiving.

"I have ridden out with the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery - leading a string of eighty horses and soldiers past the landmarks of London felt just wonderful.

"However, it is not always the nice jobs that stick with you - I will never forget the devastation I saw or the people I met when I travelled to Sri Lanka to report on the relief efforts after the tsunami."

What's your favourite piece of music?

"Oh dear! I wish I could impress you with an extensive knowledge of classical music but I'm ashamed to say I don't have one.

"My taste depends on my mood and what I'm doing - ranging from current chart toppers for running or driving, to classic Elvis or Motown for singing along with.

"My son loads my iPod for me (yes, I am a technophobe) so I've come to share his taste for heavy rock bands like Seether, Staind or Green Day, played very loudly - my husband despairs of me!

"For emotional response though, it would have to be certain film soundtracks - Han Zimmer's music for Black Hawk Down (a fantastic movie!),听 or the main themes from Pirates Of The Carribean or Lord Of The Rings - they can stir me up then make me cry."

last updated: 25/06/2009 at 10:25
created: 25/06/2009

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