
Co-operation ends and the Cold War begins

A diagram of the alliances


The USA entered World War Two against Germany and Japan in 1941, creating the of the USA, Britain and the USSR.

The alliance of the USA and the USSR brought together two sides that were divided by their of and .

Several political parties representing different sectors of societyOne-party state
Governments are chosen by democratic electionsNo democratic elections and no opportunity to change the government by election
People are free to set up private businesses and make money for themselvesAll businesses and factories are owned by the state
Individual rights and freedoms are importantIndividual rights and freedoms are less important than obedience to the state
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The wartime alliance between the USA and the USSR by 1945

The alliance between the USA and the USSR was purely strategic; the main objective was to defeat Germany.

The differences between the USA and the USSR started to re-emerge even before the end of the war.

Some of the distrust between East and West included:

The USA and Britain had spent years fighting Germany. They did not want to see another take control over Europe.The Soviets wanted to make sure that they would not face another invasion. Germany had invaded Russia in 1914 and the USSR in 1941. Therefore, they felt they needed a protective 鈥榖uffer zone鈥.
There was a fear that Stalin would treat the people of Eastern Europe badly.Stalin wanted compensation from Germany as the USSR had suffered the loss of 28 million soldiers.
There was anger that Stalin appeared to go back on his word about free elections in Eastern Europe.Stalin did not trust the West as they had fought against the in the Russian Civil War.
Many in the West feared that the USSR wanted to spread communism and to take over Eastern Europe.Stalin believed that the Americans wanted the USSR and Germany to destroy each other during the World War Two. The Western Allies had delayed launching an invasion of northern France until June 1944.


What is a "buffer zone"?

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The Yalta conference

While the war with Germany continued, the wartime allies (USA, USSR and Britain) met to discuss the post-war future of Europe.

In February 1945, 鈥榯he Big Three鈥Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin met at Yalta in the Crimea region of the USSR.

War time leaders

The main priorities of the leaders for the post-war settlement

Each of the three leaders had different priorities:

Map of Yalta
ChurchillHe was aware of the dangers of the USSR to the West and keen to see Germany rebuilt at the end of the war to act as a buffer between in Eastern Europe and democracy in Western Europe. Churchill also wanted to see free elections in Eastern Europe, especially Poland.
RooseveltHe wanted to ensure world peace after the war finished, so that the USA could rebuild its connections with the global economy. He believed that a United Nations organisation would be an effective peacekeeping body and was prepared to accept the USSR joining it.
StalinHis main aim was to guarantee Soviet security. He wanted a of communist countries in Eastern Europe to give the USSR security.
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The Yalta conference: Outcomes

Germany and Berlin to be divided into four zones
Figure caption,
Germany and Berlin to be divided into four zones
  1. Germany and Berlin would be divided into four zones of occupation; the USSR, Britain, France and the USA would each control a zone.
  2. Germany would pay .
  3. Eastern European countries would come under Stalin's but be entitled to free elections.
  4. The would be established.
  5. The USSR would declare war on Japan.
  6. There would be new borders for Poland.

Sample question

Describe two outcomes of the Yalta conference in February 1945.

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The Potsdam conference

The next meeting of the Big Three took place between July and August 1945 at Potsdam, just outside Berlin.

The Potsdam conference

The main priorities of the leaders for the post-war settlement

Each of the three leaders had different priorities:

AtleeHe had defeated Churchill to become Prime Minister of Britain. The British attitude to the USSR was hardening.
TrumanRoosevelt had died and had been replaced by Harry Truman. He did not want a weakened Germany in central Europe as he believed it would encourage support in Germany for . He was also being encouraged to take a harsh line against Stalin.
StalinHe wanted to weaken Germany further by taking equipment and materials as .


What were the outcomes of the Potsdam conference?

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Yalta and Potsdam compared

What were the differences between the Yalta and Potsdam conferences?

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Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the start of the Cold War

Image caption,
The damage caused by the atom bomb attack on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945

On 6 August 1945, the USA dropped an on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

The blast devastated an area of five square miles, destroying more than 60 per cent of the city鈥檚 buildings and killing around 140,000 people.

On 6 August 1945, the USA dropped an  atomic bomb  on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

Three days later, the USA dropped a second atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki, killing around 74,000 people.

The official US justification for the dropping of the two atomic bombs was to force the Japanese government to surrender, which it did on 14 August 1945.


How did these events impact upon relations between the USA and the USSR?

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