
Watch: Counting in 5s

Let's count up and down in 5s.

For more help and advice with Maths watch this Teacher Talk video.

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Using a number grid

Here is a number grid starting at 1 and finishing with 50.

A grid from zero to fifty with every number ending with five and zero highlighted.
An illustration of a young boy thinking with a question mark in a bubble.

Look at the highlighted numbers. What do you notice?

Here are the numbers:

5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50.

Each number is 5 more than the number before.

An illustration of a young boy thinking with a question mark in a bubble.
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These flowers all have 5 petals each.

five flowers.
  1. How many flowers are there?

  2. How many petals are there?

Count in 5s to help you work out the number of petals.

There are 5 flowers with 25 petals in total.

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An illustration of a young girl pointing and a bubble saying 'Top tip'.

Top tip

Counting in 5s helps you learn to multiply by 5.

So, 5 flowers with 5 petals each is the same as saying:

5 x 5 = 25 petals

Counting in 5s gives you the 5 times table.

An illustration of a young girl pointing and a bubble saying 'Top tip'.
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Activity 1

Practise counting up in 5s from 0 to 50.


Remember, when counting in fives, the last digit will always end with either 0 or 5.

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Activity 2

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Karate Cats Maths game. game

Train with the Karate Cats to become an expert in addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, place value and more!

Karate Cats Maths game
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