
What is pi?

Circle: circumference divided by diameter equals pi.

For any circle, \(circumference \div diameter = 3.141592鈥)

This number is so special that it is given its own symbol \(\pi\) (the Greek letter pi).

The value \(\pi\) is a constant, but is called an irrational number as an exact value for \(\pi\) does not exist.

In non-calculator working out, approximate values of \(\pi\) are used, of which \(3.14\) and \(3.142\) are probably the most common.

Other, less accurate approximations of \(\pi\) are \(\frac{22}{7}\) and \(3\).

All scientific calculators have a \(\pi\) button.

You can use this to make your calculations more accurate.

A short video demonstrating pi.


The earliest known use of the Greek letter \(\pi\), to represent the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, was by the Welsh mathematician William Jones in his 1706 work 鈥Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos鈥 or 鈥A New Introduction to the Mathematics鈥.


We know that \(circumference \div diameter = \pi\)

It therefore follows that \(circumference = \pi \times diameter\).

This can also be written as:

\(C = \pi d\)

The diameter is twice the length of the radius.

So, an alternative formula for the circumference of a circle is:

\(C = 2 \pi r\)

A one-minute video on how to show the circumference of a circle is 蟺 x diameter. 蟺 is 3.14 to 2 decimal places.

Circumference of circle slideshow

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 7, An image showing glasses, scissors and ribbon, WHAT YOU NEED: 3 glasses, ribbon, scissors.


A circle has a diameter of \({10~cm}\). Work out its circumference, using \(\pi = 3.14\).

Circle with a diameter of  10 cm.


Anish and Becky each have a circular pond in their garden.

Anish's pond has a diameter of \({6~m}\).

Becky's pond has a diameter of \({3~m}\).

Anish says that the circumference of his pond is twice the circumference of Becky's pond.

a) Find the circumference of each pond, using \(\pi = 3.14\).

b) Is Anish's statement correct?

Area of a circle

The formula for working out the area of a circle is:

\(A = \pi r^2\), where \(r\) is the radius of the circle.

\(\pi r^2\) means \(\pi \times r \times r\).

Only the \(r\) is squared.

A one-minute video showing how to prove the area of a circle is 蟺 x r虏.

How to show the area of a circle is 蟺 x r2

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 9, An image of paper, compass, scissors, ruler, pencil and a pen, WHAT YOU NEED: Paper, compass, scissors, ruler, pencil and pen.


Find the area of the following circles, using \(\pi = 3.14\).

a) a circle of radius \({6~cm}\)

b) a circle of diameter \({10~cm}\)



The dartboard above has a radius of \({20~cm}\).

The bullseye in the centre of the board has a radius of \({1~cm}\).

By calculating the area of the two circles, work out the area of the dartboard outside of the bullseye, using \(\pi = 3.14\).

Key point

When calculating the area of a circle, remember to use the radius, not the diameter.

How many times do the wheels on a scooter go round during a lap of the park?

How to work out circumference, diameter and the area of a circle.

Test section

Question 1

What is a commonly used value of \(\pi\)?

a) \({3.14}\)

b) \({3.16}\)

c) \({13.5}\)

Question 2

Which of the following is not a formula to find the circumference of a circle?

a) \(\pi{r}^{2}\)

b) \(\pi{d}\)

c) \({2}\pi{r}\)

Question 3

What is the formula to find the area of a circle?

a) \(\pi{d}\)

b) \(\pi{r}^{2}\)

c) \({2}\pi{r}\)

Question 4

What is the circumference of a circle that has a diameter of \({7}~{cm}\)?

Question 5

What is the circumference of a circle that has a radius of \({5}~{cm}\)?

Question 6

What is the diameter of a circle that has a circumference of \({15}~{cm}\)?

Question 7

What is the area of a circle that has a radius of \({5}~{cm}\)?

Question 8

What is the area of a circle that has a diameter of \({16}~{cm}\)?

Question 9

What is the area of a half circle that has a radius of \({10}~{cm}\)?

Question 10

What is the radius of a circle that has an area of \({42}~{cm}^{2}\)?

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