
Key points

  • Health includes physical, mental and social well-being.
  • Mental health issues include stress, anxiety and depression.
  • There are lots of causes of mental health issues and many things we can all do to look after our mental health.
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2 boys at football training
Image caption,
Being physically fit is just one aspect of health

Being healthy means having a positive state of physical, mental and social . It is not just being free from diseases or injuries. Our health is linked to how we are physically, mentally and emotionally.

For many years when people talked about their 'health' mental health was not part of the conversation as few people understood its importance. Recently more and more people understand that mental and physical health are both extremely important. We are all used to taking care of our own physical health by being , eating healthily and exercising. However, some people are still less used to taking care of their mental health.

Mental health issues affect around 25% of people each year, they often feel alone. As with all health issues, it is really important to seek help when needed.

There is a wide range of mental health issues. Examples include stress, anxiety and depression, together with less common ones such as and .

2 boys at football training
Image caption,
Being physically fit is just one aspect of health
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Hormone responses

When something stressful or frightening happens, the body's nervous system releases cortisol and adrenaline. This prepares the body for fight (defending yourself), flight (running away) or freeze (preparing to protect yourself).


Can you answer these questions based on the video?

1. What type of substances does your body produce to prepare you for fight, flight or freeze?

2. What can help you come down from fight, flight, or freeze, to cool, calm and collected?

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Stress, anxiety and depression

man in bed with hand covering his face
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A sleeping problem is a symptom of stress, anxiety and depression

Stress, anxiety and depression are common mental health issues. They have a range of symptoms, which can be mild or severe.


Feeling stressed is a natural reaction that can help people get things done or be more motivated. For example, knowing the science test is on Monday may cause a student to feel stressed, but it will also motivate them to revise on the weekend.

When stress is constant or unmanageable it can become a problem and cause the following symptoms:

  • Physical symptoms such as aches, dizziness or stomach problems.
  • Changes in behaviour such as being snappy, forgetful, difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
  • Increased worrying, feeling overwhelmed, difficulty sleeping or eating.
man in bed with hand covering his face
Image caption,
A sleeping problem is a symptom of stress, anxiety and depression


Anxiousness is the feeling of unease, worry or fear. Most people feel anxious about some things, for example a visit to the dentist.

But anxiety occurs when these feelings are more constant. The symptoms include:

  • Feeling restless or worried.
  • Having trouble concentrating or sleeping.
  • Dizziness or a more noticeable heartbeat.


Feeling unhappy, sad or upset are emotions which everyone feels at certain points. Depression can include these feelings but it also has a wide range of symptoms which include:

  • Lasting feelings of unhappiness and hopelessness, feeling very tearful, tired and sleeping badly.
  • Losing interest in the things you usually enjoy.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Aches and pains.

If you or someone you are close to are experiencing the symptoms of a mental health condition it can be hard to know what to do.

Take a look at this Bitesize Support page on when and how to ask for help, and the type of help that is available.

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Causes of mental health issues

There is a wide range of causes of mental health issues, which often overlap. They include:

  • Bullying or other abuse.
  • Losing someone close to you.
  • Isolation or loneliness.
  • Discrimination.
  • or
  • Physical health problems.
  • Drug and alcohol addiction.
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Improving mental health

The mental health charity Mind suggests ways to improve mental health. These include:

  • Staying aware of our mental health.
  • Nourishing our social life to feel more connected to other people.
  • Trying peer support with other people with similar experiences.
  • Making time for enjoyable activities.
  • Looking after our physical health.
  • Contacting an organisation for specialist support.

Find out more about looking after your mental health.


For more ideas and advice, watch this video from Own it: Five things to do when you鈥檙e feeling down.

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Play the Atomic Labs game! game

Try out practical experiments in this KS3 science game.

Play the Atomic Labs game!
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