
Internet advertising techniques

Illustration showing web advertising techniques

As more and more people use digital devices to consume media, the web is becoming a crucial place for advertising

Some of the specialised techniques used on the web platform include:

Pop-upsAdverts that appear when using a specific web page. They often are competition related and offer prizes or discounts.
Pop-undersAdverts that appear when you close a web page.
Web bannersAdverts placed on website. If you click on the banner, you are re-directed to the advertisers website.
Email marketing This happens when advertisers have your email address and send adverts to your inbox. They may include special offers to encourage further purchases.
Contextual advertising These are adverts that are linked to internet searches you have made. If you have been looking for a specific pair of shoes online, adverts for these exact shoes will appear in your future searches.
Search engine marketing Companies often pay search engines to have their market presence rank higher on search results, this is to increase visibility of their products and services.
Vloggers and bloggers Increasingly advertisers offer free products to vloggers (video bloggers) and bloggers - such as Zoella on YouTube - who then test and talk about the products with their audience.
DescriptionAdverts that appear when using a specific web page. They often are competition related and offer prizes or discounts.
DescriptionAdverts that appear when you close a web page.
TechniqueWeb banners
DescriptionAdverts placed on website. If you click on the banner, you are re-directed to the advertisers website.
TechniqueEmail marketing
DescriptionThis happens when advertisers have your email address and send adverts to your inbox. They may include special offers to encourage further purchases.
TechniqueContextual advertising
DescriptionThese are adverts that are linked to internet searches you have made. If you have been looking for a specific pair of shoes online, adverts for these exact shoes will appear in your future searches.
TechniqueSearch engine marketing
DescriptionCompanies often pay search engines to have their market presence rank higher on search results, this is to increase visibility of their products and services.
TechniqueVloggers and bloggers
DescriptionIncreasingly advertisers offer free products to vloggers (video bloggers) and bloggers - such as Zoella on YouTube - who then test and talk about the products with their audience.


In the UK, advertising across all media is regulated by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

It is the ASA鈥檚 role to ensure that all advertisements comply with the Advertising Codes, written by the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP).

The ASA act on complaints and proactively check the media to ensure there are no advertisements that are misleading, harmful or offensive.

For example, the ASA banned an advert by Yves Saint Laurent, in the UK edition of Elle Magazine, for the use of an unhealthily underweight model.

The advert was banned because it was believed to be irresponsible and harmful to women's health and body image.

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