
How to say ‘not’

Using ‘ne … pas’

An explanation of how to make a sentence negative in French by forming a 'sandwich' around the main verb

To say ‘not’, use ne and pas, on either side of the Use before a vowel or ‘h’. In the they are placed around the main verb in the sentence:

4 linked boxes: subject + ne/n' + conjugated verb + pas

For example:

  • Je ne veux pas aller à la plage. – I do’t want to go to the beach.
  • Il ne joue pas au foot. – He is’t playing football./He does’t play football.

In the the negative words wrap around the auxiliary avoir or êٰ:

5 linked boxes: subject + ne/n' + auxiliary of avoir/etre + pas + past participle

For example:

  • Ils ’ont pas fait leurs devoirs. – They did’t do their homework.
  • Nous ne sommes pas allés aux États-Unis. – We did’t go to the USA.

In the near future, the negative words are placed around aller:

5 linked boxes: subject + ne/n' + conjugated form of aller + pas + infinitive

For example:

  • Nous ’allons pas manger au restaurant cet après-midi. – We are’t going to eat at the restaurant this afternoon.

With negative questions, add a question mark and make the pitch of your voice go up (known as inflection), or insert est-ce que. For example:

Tu ne vas pas au concert ce soir ? - Are’t you going to the concert this evening?

Pourquoi est-ce que vous ’aimez pas partir en vacances ? - Why do’t you like going on holiday?

Make these positive sentences negative, using ne … pas.


Il parle avec sa sœur. - He's talking to his sister.


Pourquoi tu aimes cette chanson ? - Why do you like this song?


Nous avons utilisé beaucoup de plastique. - We have used lots of plastic.


Je vais me coucher à neuf heures. - I am going to go to bed at nine o'clock.