
Recording to develop ideas

Pen and pencil studies of shops
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Producing a range of sketches and studies can record different visual elements of your subject
Student development work for an architectural design
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Development of design work could be recorded through sketches and simple paper models, as this student has done

When recording to develop your ideas you could produce:

  • and studies of visual elements from and sources
  • studies of artists' or designers' work and their working methods
  • rubbings, prints or photographs that record texture, contrasting surfaces, pattern, tone or form
  • or models in paper, card, clay or found objects and materials that explore form, structure or scale
  • experimental studies in different media exploring what effects you can create
  • collections of images as a mood board
  • organised sequences of images and studies to show how your ideas have progressed

Using photography and video

Drawings of a gorilla, sloth, meerkat and giraffe. Notes and title - Eric Carle
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Produce a design inspired by the work of an artist, designer or craftsperson - this student has looked at illustrator Eric Carle.

Photography or video can be used to record the progress of one piece of work, or your whole project. You could then reflect upon the process that you have gone through by:

  • producing additional experiments or studies
  • annotating alongside digital images or printouts of your images
  • adding a spoken commentary to a video piece or slideshow


When recording to develop your ideas have you:

  • kept all sorts of possibilities in front of you?
  • tried out different layouts or combinations of images and ideas?
  • experimented with different media and techniques?
  • worked on a different scale?
  • re-visited and explored stimulus materials through different techniques and processes?

Have you reflected upon the process that you have gone through by:

  • producing additional experiments or studies?
  • using alongside sketches, designs and images?
  • adding a spoken or written commentary?
  • organising your studies into a sequence that shows development of your ideas?