
Characteristics of the early Church

In the book of Matthew (chapter 10) Jesus sent the disciples to preach and teach and to do miracles. These are activities that were common in the early Church.

Image caption,
Fresco of the twelve apostles by Enrico Reffo (1914), in Chiesa di San Dalmazzo

The teaching and preaching in the early Church was the message that 鈥渢he kingdom of heaven is near鈥. This was central to Christian belief and reminded people that they needed to be right with God by asking forgiveness for their sins.

After Jesus returned to Heaven, Christians started their wait for him to come back to Earth. The phrase 鈥渢he kingdom of heaven is near鈥 reminded them that Jesus could come back at any time.

The miracles of the early Church included:

  • healing the sick
  • raising the dead
  • cleansing the leper
  • driving out demons

These miracles were evidence of God at work in the early Church.

Why do these kinds of miracles not happen today?

Some suggest that these miracles were only meant for the early stage of the Church when it was new and people did not know about Christianity. The miracles gave the Christian message credibility as God could be seen at work. The Church today is well known and miracles are no longer needed.

Some claim that miracles are still possible, but that people no longer have the faith required to experience them.

Some today emphasise that healing of the sick and people speaking in tongues (other languages the person has not previously learnt) as miraculous experiences.