
Causes of crime - EduqasPressures in the 20th and 21st centuries

There are many reasons why people commit crime. Some of these causes have always existed, such as greed, poverty and economic distress. Other causes of crime have changed since around AD 500. What have been the main causes of crime over time?

Part of HistoryChanges in crime and punishment in Britain, c.500 to the present day

Pressures in the 20th and 21st centuries

The 20th century saw the development of new types of crime. Technological advances opened up opportunities for criminals, particularly with the rise in car ownership, the wider use of computers, the increasing numbers of ways in which illegal drugs could be distributed and the growth of modern terrorism.

Changing crime in the 20th century

  • Crime rates rose sharply in the 20th century as more crimes were being reported, recorded and detected by the police.
  • Crime rates have begun to fall in the 21st century.
  • Crimes linked with cars are now becoming one of the most common types of crime in Britain.
  • Existing crimes continue to be committed, such as theft, robbery, assault and murder.

Transport crime

Possible crimes committed by using cars - no license, no insurance, no valid MOT, dangerous driving, speeding, using a mobile phone whilst driving.
Figure caption,
The most common types of transport crime

Cars first began to be mass produced in the 1920s. By the 1930s, cars were increasingly affordable to upper- and middle-class people. By the end of the 20th century, there were over 25 million cars on British roads.

Cars have led to new crimes. New laws have been passed to make driving safer. For example, there are now laws against:

  • drink-driving
  • driving without a licence or insurance
  • driving a car without a valid MOT certificate
  • dangerous driving
  • speeding
  • using a mobile phone while driving

Cars are used to commit crimes. They allow criminals to get to the scene of a crime more quickly and getaway cars can make escape more likely. Cars have also been used as weapons in crimes, such as ram-raiding, where vehicles are driven into premises in order to steal items from inside.

Criminals can also make money from stealing cars. People often leave personal property inside them, which can be easily targeted by thieves.

Computer crime

The invention of computers has created new types of crime. It has also provided criminals with new opportunities and methods of committing existing types of crime.

New types of crime
Illegally downloading music or films
Phishing scams 鈥 used to obtain personal information by deception
Identity theft
Creating or using computer viruses
New types of crimeHacking
New types of crimeIllegally downloading music or films
New types of crimePhishing scams 鈥 used to obtain personal information by deception
New types of crimeIdentity theft
New types of crimeCreating or using computer viruses
New methods of committing crimes
Sexual crimes
New methods of committing crimesCyberbullying
New methods of committing crimesFraud
New methods of committing crimesSexual crimes

Most people now have access to a computer, a tablet or a smartphone. Mass ownership has led to instant communication for criminals, with quick access to the internet from any location. This allows criminals to commit crimes anywhere.

Drug-related crime

Since the 1960s, many laws have been introduced criminalising drug use. This has led to increases in many drug-related crimes. There are now greater opportunities for criminals to make significant profits from growing, making, trafficking and selling drugs.

Drug smuggling and distribution is a form of organised crime, ie run by a gang. These gangs often compete with each other for customers. Often the rivalry between drug gangs can lead to gang violence and to gun and knife crime.

Because drugs are addictive, drug users often resort to other crimes, such as theft or burglary, to get the funds to buy drugs.

Drug gangs can also be involved in other types of organised crime, such as

Violent crime

Throughout the 20th century, there was an increase in violent crime. For example, gun crime grew by 90 per cent in the decade between 1999 and 2009. Knife crime also increased, with 277 deaths from stabbings in England and Wales in 2008. Knife crime is often linked to juvenile gangs.

This was down to a number of reasons:

  • Increased access to guns and knives.
  • Increased use of alcohol and drugs, which are commonly linked with violent crimes, financially motivated crimes, and crimes involving weapons.
  • Media, films, music and video games sometimes glamorise violent crimes, and some people think this has influenced people to commit crimes.
  • Gangs of rival football fans sometimes fought each other throughout the 20th century. However, from the 1970s onwards, it became a particular problem and such brawls became more organised and targeted. Special police units, segregation of fans and the use of CCTV have helped to control the problem.