
Changes to the atmosphere

Carbon dioxide is a very gas. It readily in water. As the oceans formed, carbon dioxide dissolved to form soluble so the amount in the decreased. Carbonate compounds were then as rocks, eg limestone.

Carbon dioxide was also absorbed from the oceans when the first plants and carried out . Many of these , and those in the food chains that they supported were turned into fossil fuels, eg , coal and , which all contain carbon.

Crude oil and natural gas were formed from simple plants and tiny animals which were living in oceans and lakes. These small organisms died and their remains sank to the bottom where they were buried under sediments. The lack of oxygen prevented oxidation from occurring.

Over millions of years, heat and pressure turned the remains of the organisms into crude oil and natural gas. Natural gas contains the smallest molecules and is often found on top of crude oil, trapped under sedimentary rock.


Describe two reasons why the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere decreased over time.

Plants make their own food by photosynthesis. In this process, carbon dioxide is reacted with water to produce glucose, with oxygen as a :

carbon dioxide + water 鈫 glucose + oxygen

6CO2+ 6H2O鈫 C6H12O6+ 6O2

Scientists think that algae first evolved approximately 2.7 billion years ago, and soon after this oxygen began to exist in the atmosphere. Photosynthesis by primitive plants and algae released oxygen, which gradually built up in the atmosphere.

Eventually, the amount of oxygen present in the atmosphere enabled animals to evolve. Photosynthesis also decreased the amount of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere.

Blue-green algae cells, viewed through using electron microscoped
Image caption,
Blue-green algae cells, viewed using an electron microscope