
Evaluating expressive work

Abstract painting of a face with notes below it
Figure caption,
Student's analysis

There are a number of approaches to use for evaluating expressive work. For example:

  • You might comment on studies and experiments by adding throughout your work.
  • Your teacher might provide a template for you to collect your thoughts on evaluating your work.

Whatever your method of evaluation, it should answer questions about your sources of artistic inspiration, your own expressive ideas and your reflections on your process and the development of your work.

The following questions can be used as a guide.

Artist and their work:

  • Who were your chosen artists, art and artworks?
  • What are your opinions of these artworks and how did they influence you?
  • What did you learn about the way the artists used materials and to communicate their ideas?
  • In what ways did and impact on the artworks?
  • How did you use aspects of this knowledge in your own work?

Your expressive ideas:

  • What was the theme of your project?
  • What , materials and techniques did you select?
  • How did you develop and improve your ideas?
  • What were the challenges and how did you respond to them?

Review and reflect on your development process:

  • What do you think about your development work?
  • How well did you respond to your theme?
  • How did your work change through the project?
  • How did your skills develop during the project?
  • What would you do differently in the future and why?

Review and reflect on your final piece:

  • How have you used formal elements such as line, , colour and shape?
  • What materials did you use, and why? Did they work successfully?
  • What meaning and messages did you want to convey and were you successful?
  • What is your opinion of your final piece? What elements do you think are successful and why?
  • What would you do differently in the future and why?