
Key points

  • Heredity is the study of inheritance.
  • Genetic conditions are inherited from parents.
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What is a genetic condition?

A genetic condition is a condition or disease that is passed from one or both parents to their children. Unlike such as the common cold, genetic conditions cannot be caught by others. This makes genetic conditions non-communicable diseases.

It is important to remember that other non-communicable diseases like lung cancer are not genetic conditions, but often develop as a result of lifestyle choices like smoking. People who don't have genetic conditions but could pass them to their children are called carriers.

For relatives of people with genetic conditions, genetic testing can help them understand the chances of having children with these conditions.

Learn more about inheritance.

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Cystic fibrosis

Girl with cystic fibrosis breathing through a Nebulizer mask

Cystic fibrosis causes the build-up of sticky mucus in the and the digestive system. This causes infections in the lungs and makes it difficult to digest food.

Newborn babies are tested for cystic fibrosis and other genetic conditions shortly after birth. The symptoms of cystic fibrosis usually start in early childhood. Treatments help remove the mucus and reduce infection, but there is currently no cure. People with cystic fibrosis have a shorter than average life expectancy.

Girl with cystic fibrosis breathing through a Nebulizer mask

Sickle-cell disorder

A photo showing a sickle-shaped blood cell and a bi-concave-shaped blood cell
Image caption,
The red blood cell to the left is crescent-shaped rather than the bi-concave cell on the right

Sickle-cell disorder results in red blood cells with a sickle or crescent shape, rather than the characteristic shape. These cells do not live as long as normal cells, can carry less oxygen to the body's organs and can cause blockages in blood vessels. If these blockages are in the brain or heart, this can cause a stroke or heart attack.

Sickle-cell disorder is more common in people with African or Caribbean backgrounds. The symptoms usually start in early childhood. Treatments help manage the symptoms. The only cure is a transplant, but this is a risky medical procedure. People with sickle-cell disorder have a shorter than average life expectancy.

A photo showing a sickle-shaped blood cell and a bi-concave-shaped blood cell
Image caption,
The red blood cell to the left is crescent-shaped rather than the bi-concave cell on the right


A photo showing a big purple bruise

Haemophilia stops the blood clotting. People with haemophilia may have nosebleeds and bruises that last for a long time and have cuts that heal slowly.

People are usually diagnosed with haemophilia in childhood. There is no cure for haemophilia, but effective treatments are available, including injections that help blood clotting. People with haemophilia are advised to avoid contact sports and reduce the likelihood of cuts and bruises.

A photo showing a big purple bruise
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Inheritance key terms

Key termMeaning
HeredityThe study of inheritance.
InheritanceThe passing of characteristics determined by genes from parents to offspring.
GeneA short section of , which is the genetic code for a characteristic.
GenotypeThe combination of alleles in an organism - genotypes are often written as pairs of letters, one for each gene.
PhenotypeThe appearance of the organism's genotype - phenotypes are often written as words, not letters.
Dominant geneJust one dominant gene in the genotype means that its appearance is seen in the phenotype.
Recessive geneA recessive gene is only observed in the phenotype if no dominant gene is present.
HeterozygousA genotype with one dominant and one recessive gene.
Homozygous dominantA genotype with two dominant genes.
Homozygous recessiveA genotype with two recessive genes.
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Test your knowledge


Test questions

Write a short paragraph to answer the following question. Tap 'Show answer' to see five points you could have included.

Describe the symptoms of cystic fibrosis and how they are treated.

Write a short paragraph to answer the following question. Tap 'Show answer' to see seven points you could have included.

Describe the symptoms of sickle cell disorder and how they are treated.

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Try out practical experiments in this KS3 science game.

Play the Atomic Labs game!
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