
Join Little Red Riding Hood on her adventure to her grandmother's house.

Little Red Riding Hood says goodbye to her mother.

Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood ( Xiǎo Hóng Mào).

One day, her mother ( mā ma) asked her to take some cakes ( 诲àn gāo) to her grandmother ( wài pó) who lived on the other side of the forest ( sēn lín).

Little Red Riding Hood is stalked by the wolf on her way through the forest.

In the forest, Little Red saw an enormous wolf ( 濒á苍驳).

Wolf: Hello ( Nǐ hǎo), where are you going?

Little Red: My grandmother’s house ( fáng zi).

Wolf: That's good. Today is very nice ( Tiān qì hěn hǎo).

Little Red: Goodbye ( Zài jiàn).

Little Red Riding Hood spots the wolf entering her grandmother's house.

When she arrives, Little Red can see that the wolf ( 濒á苍驳) has arrived first.

She comes up with a plan to trick the wolf.

The wolf is disguised as Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother, wearing her clothes.

Little Red: Grandmother, what big ( 诲à) eyes ( yǎn jīng) you have!

Wolf: All the better to see ( kàn 诲ào) you with.

Little Red: Grandmother, what big ( 诲à) ears ( ěr duo) you have!

Wolf: All the better to hear ( tīng jiàn) you with.

Little Red: Grandmother, what big ( 诲à) teeth ( yá chǐ) you have!

Wolf: All the better to… eat ( 肠丑ī) you with!

Little Red Riding Hood isn't fooled and hits the wolf with a rolling pin.

As the wolf ( 濒á苍驳) pounces, Little Red takes out a rolling pin and hits him over the head ( 迟ó耻) with it.

Little Red Riding Hood heads home, eating the cakes meant for her grandmother.

The wolf ( 濒á苍驳) is defeated and Little Red goes home ( huí jiā), enjoying her grandmother's cakes ( 诲àn gāo) to herself.

Key Mandarin words

ěr duoears
huí jiāto go home
kàn 诲àosee
mā mamother
tīng jiànhear
wài pógrandmother
yá chǐteeth
yǎn jīngeyes
The wolf dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother.

Did you know?

In Mandarin, different words are used to describe the grandparents who are your father’s parents and the grandparents who are your mother’s parents:

  • wài pó - grandmother (mother‘s mother)
  • wài gōng - grandfather (mother's father)
  • nǎi nai - grandmother (father’s mother)
  • yé ye - grandfather (father’s father)
The wolf dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother.
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