Title: Beach dress
Image by Hayley from Cumbria | in fashion, clothing, dress

This is my final piece for my GCSE art exam! I first came up with the idea from my initial theme; Mixed media and lost and found! So I then decided to go on a walk but where? To the beach..and I photographed all the different things found on a beach; such as drift wood, shells, seaweed and all the other stuff left on the beach! But I decided it would be a bit minging if I put bottles and stuff like that on my dress so I came up with the idea of making the dress swirl round like a shell! And having a fish tail (which you can't see in the photograph very well) and having the net under it like white horses! I decided to put on tucks in the front of the dress to add detail and to make that swirl round and join in with the shell like side! It took me 10 hours to complete this dress which I made from one piece of material and some net! It took me 5 hours to pin the dress into place and 1 hour to tack it in to place! It then took me 3.5 hours to sew on around 350 individual sequins sequins! And the last 30 minutes to add the spirals of beads, the sea life detailing and of course the shells around the top! I then displayed my dress with sand on the floor to make it look like a beach and I put drift wood, shells etc around it! I was very pleased with my dress. I got loads of compliments off people and all my friends asked me to make one for them lol ! I am currently awaiting my results, so when I find out what grade I get overall, I shall let you guys know! I hope you like my dress too. I will try and post some more picture of it and also my practice design (which is the fish bowl skirt) on here as well! x x x