Title: Untitled at the moment
Image by graceloves from Durham | in art & design, 3d & sculpture, mixed media

This is a sculpture that is nearly completed that I did for my GCSE Manufactured Forms Cwk in Art and Design. The main theme was perspectives, and as I created it out of a broken up table, I like to look through the legs to see the world in a different light. I bought the table from a car boot sale and then disassembled it, and painted it white. Then I sanded it, and drilled holes in it. I bent pieces of twisted wire into the holes and glued them there with hot glue. To add colour, I added photoshopped images of a few of my favourite pieces of art. The broken up crockery symbolises first impressions being wrong, and I collaged images into the curve to make it look like another world. And then more recently, I stuck pieces of the broken crockery onto the side of the leg to make it look like they had broken in mid air and then fallen to the ground. As I said before, this is unfinished. I hope to finish it as soon as I get back though. It obv does look better in 3D:) Any views, criticisms, praises, rates, words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!! Grace xxxx