Title: Yero
Image by Blast | in fashion, backstage

Yero is a PR Director for Your Label, a Blast project where a group of teens have a few months to design, produce, market and sell a fashion label which will debut at London Fashion Week 2009.
PR Director
Yero, 17, Bristol.
I love... Diversity within the fashion industry, music, passion, ceasing all opportunities, being comfortable with your style. Brogues, girls in boys clothes vice versa. 1.WO/MAN!
I hate when I moan about spending £5 on a magazine... when I really know it's worth it! Running late. When people let fame get to their heads when they're only human. I also dislike the lack of Black and Asian models on the runway, it's a disgrace!
Favourite fashion label
Apart from 1.WO/MAN ;)...I'm really championing G.V.G.V. and the dynamic duo Proenza Schouler.
Favourite item of clothing
I adore big tacky rings! I've been collecting them since I was 5. I also love a gorgeous tartan blazer I bought with Rose and Rachel when we went to Lazy Oaf. It's so boyish with shoulder pads! SHOULDER PADS!
Dream job
My dream job would be...owner of a successful Fashion PR firm...editor in chief?!
I'm inspired by everything...from what's on the web (lookbook and fashion blogs) to pushy parents who've dressed their kid head to toe in designer gear! I'm so excited about RANKIN LIVE! Avant-Garde...and of course - My mother!
My advice to others with a passion for fashion
Just go for it, it is possible...and if you want it so much, you'll get there in the end. But you need to want it. Apply to lots of fashion intern websites. People who are "in the know" do their research! Read lots, write to tons of magazines, EMAIL!!! Just keep trying and you'll get there, I definitely did.