Title: Rizzle Kicks
Image by Natasha from Leicestershire | in art & design, 2d, illustration

I decided to do the Rizzle Kicks because as soon as I saw them and heard their music ideas came flooding into my head! I chose to use this photo of them because I think it shows how fun they are and it also shows their more indie side (plus I love Rizzle's hat which Sylvester stole!) I see them as quite a messy band and I wanted to portray that within my composition. I did this by using a sandy colour for the background with a rough texture behind it. I went with quite deep colours for Rizzle and Sylvester because in the interview notes it says they like deep and mysterious colours. I think my compostition works really well for them, its show they're fun, indie/hip hop and stylish but messy all at the same time! I hope you like it too!