Title: Ed Sheeran Album Cover
Image by Suriyah from Buckinghamshire | in art & design, 2d, mixed media

Ed Sheeran’s music really inspired me to create an interesting, unique album cover. I used computer graphics to create the cover. I feel when you first listen to any music, you quite often do not listen hard enough to realise its true greatness. This is why I have one main image of Ed’s face in the centre, with another of less opacity behind it, representing the blur of listening to his music. However once you get a feel for the music, Ed’s colourful side is let loose and made a pleasure to listen to. I also accentuated the colour in his bracelet as it shows quirkiness and personality, and I took the colours from his bracelet and put them to the right of his head, to show the burst of colour in his music. I inverted some of these colours horizontally, to make the cover more original.