Title: Kivenkantaja - spoken word
Audio by Krazmaz from Berkshire | in writing, performance, spoken word
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Not the song, naturally. Not a song at all, in fact; just me reading a story and being an idiot. By popular demand, no less.
This is fantastic Krazmaz. Love your voice and this story is brilliant. I loved the description of the mermaids falling out of the sea man's beard, absolutely superb. This sounds and reads professionally, you really ought to see about getting your writing out into lots of other places. Really brilliant. Can we have another?
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Wow Krazmaz this is brilliant, I love the voices you give your characters, really brings it to life. Your voice is lovely. This story is so funny and I like the idea of a mermaid having the top half of the fish and legs of a woman. Truly wonderful. And im with kim can we have another?
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Krazmaz, you have found your calling. Suddenly, now I've heard your voice I can hear all the other stories in my head. This is wonderful whimsical stuff - I love the fact that the old man has a boulder on his back - and that you never explain that. I love the mermaids falling out of the sea man's beard. I love that one of them is the 'wrong' way round. I love it all. I've been playing this to other members of the team and we'd all like to hear some more. So what do you think, guys? Do you fancy giving something like that a go? Maybe you could record a poem or short story yourself?
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I swear you've said I've found my calling before, but hell. I am pleased with positive feedback and I blush, truly. The dude has a boulder because...well, yeah. There is a reason, but I'm not going to say.
I will say that I guess I can do more and I like how no-one has commented on the fact I died at the end.
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Yeah - well that was the calling in style - this is your calling in delivery. ;-)
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like it sam...that felt strange i'll go back to kraz. i like your voice and it's a great story.
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i like it
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i like it the voices are great, so is your voice
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more. More. MORE.
Passive-aggressive demands aside, this is very, very nice. Your voice is absolutely perfect for your style of writing - filled as it is with small interjections and gleaming with wit. Excellent stuff!
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Wow Krazmaz (sorry, you started as Krazmaz so that's what you'll always be!) This is brilliant! I love the humour and your voice really helps bring that out. It was...unusual for you to die at the end, but I hope you will post more stories in this format and continue to be a 'trailblazer'!
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I felt I escaped to another land while listening to this. It was very enjoyable. I wondered how you felt reading it out - did you feel it flowed well? Were there areas where you thought it needed a bit of a rewrite? Do you feel that reading it aloud has helped the creative process and, if so, in what way?
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Hi Krazmaz eh Sam, you have an amazing voice and I think you could have a career in audio-books waiting. Onto the story as it's the first time I've read/heard it well done. The charachter dieing at the end was a bit unfair. Revive him i want some more.
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Hello Sam, what a lovely piece of reading. You are blessed with a natural talent and should embrace it. The dying was awkward but it was good anyway.
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Hah, I only just saw those comments. The character didn't die, I did in a rather unfortunate incident. But I got better. And ah, a career reading; now that'd be something.
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you have one of the most atmospheric voices i have heard.
and have some of the most amazing writing skills also
this is just beyond words i am utterly boweled over
i love it :P
isnt Kivenkantaja a moonsorrow album?
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