Title: Ed Sheeran Album Cover- Words To Make You Blush
Image by Fiona from London | in art & design, 2d, painting

I chose Ed Sheeran beacause his music sounds really good and from his video portfolio, I knew I would be able to make a really good album cover out of it. I chose painting because I wanted to capture the feel of the music and not just the way he looks. I used acrylic paint in my picture because it made Ed Sheeran stand out from the background and I chose that picture because I could change his pupils into music notes so that you can believe he is looking at music or he is thinking about music. The background stands for the future and what he would like to see himself doing in the future which is writing songs for other people and playing music with people he admires. So this album should like suit him and I think, in this album cover, I have captured his music career.