Title: Rizzle Kicks entry.
Image by Billie from Devon | in art & design, design, graphic design

Ok, so it's basically a mix up of the both Sylvester and Rizzle. Simply, it's parts of Sylvester's face on Rizzles and vice versa... It's nothing fancy, I only used paint, but I thought i'd do it because of the fact it was simple, their music is very straightforward and not too over complicated, and in the interview they said they talk about stuff in a more "basic" way, so I went with this idea... I didn't want to think about it too much or go too deep into it all. Also it's a mix up of the two of them, just like their music is a mix up of different genres. I put white borders around the cut outs because in the interview Rizzle said he liked polaroid Retro images... and the borders remind me of how a polaroid would look. Anyway, it's nothing special and I just thought i'd upload it.