Title: Ed Sheeran- Portraitcomp09
Image by K-Jay from Northumberland | in art & design, 2d, mixed media

I chose Ed Sheeran because his music stood out the most to me. His style is rather unique as you wouldn’t imagine such a hip hop influence in an acoustic style. To do his cover I used acrylic paints, after hearing him and his music I thought the best way to relate to him is to use a very traditional media, he said that he wanted to just be seen as a normal guy, not ‘glossy’ and thought this was the best way to portray that. Also the first thing that came to mind was colour. He’s a very colourful guy and says his music is his art, and each song is a colour. I think a messy look is a good way to show his personality. The reason I used this photo to paint from is because his songs are meant to make you think, and this photo captures that kind of expression to show a more serious side. As an addition, the white coming in on the left hand side was to show how he is like a work in progress, like most musicians they will always be working on getting better and no one is a ‘finished piece’. I did actually end up editing the piece a bit on Photoshop, obvious examples of this is the boarder and name because as it’s still an album cover, I didn’t want it to be too messy and the name needed to be readable. Also with the font used I needed to find something that could try and show the hip hop influence, I ended up using the font I found on his Myspace page because it was the best one I came across to suit his work and I think the font is important. Any other editing I did was to make the photo seem more presentable as a final piece, which includes just adjusting the colour, saturation and contrast to make sure it isn’t too dull because of the photo quality.