Title: Ed Sheeran CD cover design
Image by Charlie from Norfolk | in art & design, 2d, mixed media

I decided to choose Ed Sheeran as the artist to base my design around since I love acoustic music so felt a connection to his style. I decided to try and focus on the acoustic/ soul aspect of his music in my design. I used fabric (for the hair) and scratched surface overlays on Photoshop to create an appearance of texture in the piece which I felt represented the rougher, earthier sound qualities of acoustic guitar. I used ink which I dripped onto paper to try and create a sense of movement in my design again representing the acoustic sound. I scanned all these aspects of the design into Photoshop as well as a line drawing of Ed, which I then coloured. By using this media I was able to layer areas over each other to create different tones which I hope has made the piece eye-catching and appealing. I enjoy using bright colours in my work and I wanted to show how acoustic music can be applied in a modern urban context; by combining the colours with the scratched layers I feel I have been able to achieve a modern but still fundamentally ‘rootsy’ piece.