Title: Rizzle Kicks
Image by Sarah-Elizabeth from Scotland | in art & design, 2d, mixed media

I used a picture of the band and blacked out their figures at the front show their like for mystery. I carefully outlined the figures using a white colour. The brush effect has a faded edge and this helps towards a ripped paper effect. The writing on the background shows their like and ability to mash up music and do it well: the different styles of music that they like to listen and henceforth produce themselves are reflected in the different colours and styles. I chose the font for the text in the background because it is sharp and edgy – how they would describe their music style. The band name is repeated throughout the background because they have been described as very talkative people with a lot to say and I thought that this could reflect that particular description of them. I used a range of different media programmes on the PC, including Photoshop CS2 and Microsoft Publisher, to achieve my finished product.