Title: Ed Sheeran Train Platform Album Cover
Image by Gali from Essex | in art & design, design, graphic design

I have based my design on the idea of travelling and isolation as Ed, in many of his songs references travelling alone and use people he sees and comes across to base his songs on. Firstly I took a photograph looking down a platform with a train about to pull away, and people getting off of it. From my photo I have then drawn simplified lines with a computer mouse using a black brush tool to create my own version and a give the cover a more stylized feel. To hide the identity of the 6 other people I have drawn in this picture, I have decided to use circles in place of their heads, making them anonymous in comparison to Ed. However, I’ve drawn more detail onto their bodies to represent clothing so that they are not totally dehumanized. To direct the viewer’s attention to Ed and make him stand out, I have placed him in the foreground and centrally, as this is where people normally immediately look when viewing a picture. I have also decided to draw on the profile of Ed’s face and hair to give him more identity and emphasise the aspect of portraiture. By adding the colour orange to certain parts of his body and guitar it immediately brings the design to life and adds an element of personality by portraying him with his trademark colour, orange. I have kept this design clean with minimal use of colour; black, white and orange. I think that the cover relates to Ed’s style of music and shares the same direction that many of his lyrics point towards.