Title: El Policia Album Design
Image by Daniel from Surrey | in art & design, design, graphic design

I chose 'El Policia' to design an album cover for because I like their style of music the most out of the three artists and I have had experience designing 'grungy', 'minimal' and 'dark' designs before. This meant I could do a better job of designing for them. Their music is 'intelligent, raw, minimal indie-rock music'. The eyes of a person can show intelligence which is why I focused the portraiture of the design on the middle of the head where the eyes are situated. I later felt that there needed to be something more to catch the attention of the audience and so I coloured the eyes of the band members. I also didn't over complicate the design and therefore kept it at a minimum by just using three images and text. I kept the whole design dark and greyscale. This is because their favourite colours are ‘dark, deep and mysterious’. Also, the image of a 'dimly lit basement' gives the impression of greyscale and black & white. I designed it in Photoshop because it is easy to manipulate the images and I have more experience using it. I can also keep it a sharper design and more minimal.