Title: Ed Sheeran Album Cover
Image by Mollie from Wiltshire | in art & design, 2d, illustration

Ed Sheeran - I personally connected to his music the most. My design shows his music style and identity: his music and lyrics follow a twisting path, telling a story: the music scale. This was also inspired by Ed’s quote: "If you don't know where you have been, you don't know where you are going". His music has layered purpose and meaning, composed of many parts: the variety of background sections. The wide ranges of colours represent not just Ed’s music but also his personality. Ed’s seems imaginative and deep so I split an illustration of him in half with rest of my design in the centre; representing the complex of thoughts in his head and the intense feeling and deep thought that goes into his compositions. I chose this image of him to show we cannot know him from just looking at him; it is the music that gives us this chance. The mediums used are black fine liner, watercolours, and an image editing software. I feel confident using these. I felt watercolour could capture the soft colours of Ed’s music and personality alongside the energetic ones. The insert of text is in a clear, but not overpowering, way.