Title: Portrait'09- Ed Sheeran
Image by Briony from Warwickshire | in art & design, 2d, mixed media

I chose to do an album cover for Ed Sheeran because I admire him; I think his style of music is creative, and unique—the combination of hip-hop and folk is something I haven’t heard before, so it instantly caught my attention. I then took a deeper look at his work and was impressed by not only his overall sound, but also his lyrics. Ed Sheeran describes himself as ‘arty’, and that he realised he ‘could paint with music’; this quote is what inspired me for my album cover. I decided I would have Ed Sheeran pictured in the middle of my album cover, surrounded by images of his lyrics; I selected the lyrics which created the most vivid picture for me. I chose the lyrics ‘you’ve got a goldfish memory’ and ‘tears from a crocodile’. Further on in the interview, Ed then states that he has a necklace made from a piece of chalk; because of this, I decided to draw the images in chalk. I decided to have my portrait of Ed Sheeran in earthy tones; I used a brown mask, on Photoshop; this also meant that the chalk images stood out against him.