Title: Rizzle Kicks Album Cover
Image by james | in art & design, 2d, mixed media

I chose to create an album cover for the band ‘Rizzle kicks’ because I love their take on music, I think that their music unique and I wanted to make my album cover unique and specific to them, their music style is also varied and seems to mix genres like indie and hip hop, to show this in my album artwork I have shown two different sides to the music by using the art form mixed media, using both pencil drawings and stuck on photographs, I have also used some acrylic paint to create the background colour. I have then scanned this in and enhanced its look on Photoshop CS3. I wanted the album cover to show that the band are upcoming and new, they are bringing a new style to music and I believe that this new style of music deserves a new style of album art, to achieve this I have shown dotted lines and resize tools to show that it is new and in the making. In my design I have used portraiture by ripping parts off of a picture and then filling in the rest of the picture with a pencil drawing of the Rizzle Kicks.