Title: Ed Sheeran image
Image by Cait from Shropshire | in art & design, 2d, mixed media

i came up with this idea, by the information given about Ed, for example, the colours he liked, bracelets he has and his style of music, my main inspiration came from the piece of chalk he said he found and made into a necklace, i used this information to create a picture that is created with a chalk effect, i then took notice of his love of colour and how he believes that you can paint with music, so i added a strong colour effect onto the picture to make it stand out. The colour in the picture varies throughout with it changing in colour from black to dark green to a neon green to an orange font. This picture reflects the artist's personality through the strong and captivating colour, which reflects his music and personality. i think that this is a successful album cover design because it shows Ed's love of colour, it also shows the interest that he has in collecting unusual things, with the unusual texture of the picture. The orange on the lettering is to represent his many train tickets. There is many aspects to this picture and i think that it shows the interesting side to Ed and his personality, aswell as this his interest in things unusual.