Title: el policia
Image by Jordan from London | in art & design, 2d, drawing

I chose El Policia because its a band and i am a big fan of bands. Their music is also the kind of music i like to listen to, Rock mixed with a bit of Indie. The image that they brought across the 'anti image' influenced me because it isn't clean and perfect, they are slightly scruffy, but very edgy. My cover shows the way they are, unusual and unique. They don't like to follow the crowd. If you take one look at them there is nothing special, you have to know and understand their music to see wear they are comming from. I have tried to show this in the background of my cover. When you look at it its just a scramble of newspaper stuck together. However if you take a closer look you will see shapes start to form this represents you as the listener starting to understand El Policia .