Title: Album Art For Rizzle Kicks :)
Image by Sarah from Oxfordshire | in art & design, photography

I chose Rizzle Kicks as I found them unique up to the point that there is a gap in the market for singers with their style and flair. I have incorporated the theme of portraiture by making the central piece both their faces. In addition there are small faces (portraits) surrounding some of the other photos in the background, which I thought represented the theme quite well. I wanted to include as many of their photos as I found them to be very photogenic. I liked to keep the main colours of the artwork as dark and mysterious, but I added in some brighter colours in the middle to contrast the idea that they like dark colours. The bright colours also represent a metaphor that even behind the banter and joking about they are quick, humorous and have set goal which makes them stand out. So that even bright colours can be used to manipulate and represent the dark things that they surround and engulf. The shoes are an added touch to emphasise the band name of Rizzle Kicks and represent more of a trademark.