Title: Rizzel Kicks
Image by kmac1996 from Scotland | in art & design, design, graphic design

Rizzel Kicks I picked Rizzel Kicks as my band because I thought they were better than the other two people and I liked the short demo they presented of themselves singing. I thought that they were kind of different so I thought they would be more interesting and I like rap music in general. When I was designing my CD cover I didn’t want to make it too girly, so I tried to think what I would like to see and what would catch my eyes, so I looked at two main colours (red and black), I found a background on the internet and copied it onto GIMP, then I added the title, I cut out a picture of Rizzel Kicks from the website and copied and pasted them on top of the background as well , I then played around with the size and the angle of the title and picture to produce my final product. I hope you like my CD cover.