Title: A drawing of my character Worrall Witchett
Image by Kim | in art & design, 2d, story

Well a few days a go I thought I'd have a go at drawing one of my characters from my story 'The Floating Chapel' and this is the result. This guy is called Worrall Witchett and he's the preacher of the chapel. I don't pretend to be an artist, because I really am not, in fact this was coloured in with kid's crayons and felt tips, but it was still fun to have a go, people should try it. Oh and the writing at the bottom, basically says. 'The two boys followed the Mandrill’s sorry gaze. Directly below them there was a rather plump man dressed all in green. He had long scraggly blond hair, which fell to about his shoulders and a chubby face with rosy red cheeks. He looked like he had stepped out of one of the boring costume dramas Josh’s mum like to watch; only his clothes were scruffier and were sopping wet' which is an extract from my story and just about the only description of Worrall Witchett I have. And there we go, essay over!
It's a great drawing Kim! Also really fits with the description, if that makes any sense. More, more!
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Kim.... you really have so stop being modest!!! This drawing is so fantasic! I wouldn't even know where to start with shading like you've done!! I can't draw people... or anything other than cartoons really, and blimey! This really is a fantastic picture!!!!!!
Stop being modest! You make the rest of us feel bad :P
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Kim - this is very much like I had in mind for Worral - the description and the picture go really well together - well done - it's marvellous!
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I love this picture. It embodies how I saw Worral perfectly, which is great - 'cos it shows your description gets across what you wanted to get across...if that makes sense.
Well done :D
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brilliant m'dear, it is superb. And it is exactly how i see Worral! can we see some more? :D
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