Title: [untitled]
by Shaffi from London | in writing, fiction
A girl of around seventeen walks onto the stage. She is listening to an i-Pod, slouched posture radiating defiance. From the opposite side, a pair of teenagers (one boy and one girl), walk on, silently conversing.
Lone Girl: [Nods at other teenagers, but keeps walking]
Paired Girl: Did you hear 'bout that new' [gestures, reflecting frustration at forgotten word] what's it ma' call it?
Paired boy: [Sardonic] The park?
Paired Girl: [Sarcastic] Ha ha.
Pair exit stage.
Lone Girl walks towards a door at the side of the stage.
Lone girl: [Knocks on door]
An older woman answers. She obviously recognises the girl and is pleased to see her.
Woman: Oh, hello Gemma! I'll just get her for you.
Another teenage girl walks on from behind the woman.
Girl 2: Don't you think it's kinda early to be going out?
Lone Girl: [Shrugs] 'S'not like I've anything better to do.
Girl 2: [Deliberates silently for a moment then nods] True.
Girl 2 walks forward, leaving doorframe and following Lone Girl off stage.
Exit stage.
As the two girls exit, a teenage boy enters the stage walking towards them. He seems preoccupied, and stares at his feet as he enters. He mutters under his breath as he walks, before looking up- still distracted
Boy 1: [murmurs] Sine A plus Sine B ' [frustrated] God, I hate maths. [sighs]
Boy 1 exits stage slowly, shaking his head. Two girls enter from behind him, giggling and laughing.
Girl 3: 'think about sex every five seconds.
Girl 4: Wish mine thought about sex every five seconds'
[They laugh as they walk off stage, linking arms]
A group of four teenagers enter the stage in a disorganised clump, centred around one boy. They are laughing and jostling one another.
[Singing closing bars of 'Happy Birthday']
[All Sing] 'Happy birthday to you!
Girl 5: You'll be all wrinkly soon!
The group loiter on stage, and begin to move off only as another pair- a man and a younger girl- enter.
The older man is tall and intimidating. He walks ahead of her and when he speaks, the man's voice is calm- as though he realises that he is untouchable in a small world of his own creation.
When the girl speaks, her voice is hesitant and quiet with fear- her desperation can still be heard.
Young Girl: 'how much can I have?
Man: As much as you want- if you can pay me.
Young Girl: I'
The man strides off stage. After a moment, the young girl follows as though she has no choice.
A girl runs onto the stage, panting from fear and breathlessness. She runs into the centre of the stage.
Girl 6: [panicked] Help! He's been stabbed!
She looks around for help but is alone on stage. After this, she runs off stage.
A boy and a girl enter from opposite sides of the stage. They meet in the middle, facing one another.
Boy 2: [cocky] Who needs responsibility?
Girl 7: [looks at him, then out at audience. Smiles slowly, then speaks with quiet intensity] Screw it.
脗驴You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair脗驴 Snapshots of what it is to be young.