
get creative

Title: Thanks to the Park

by Kate from Northamptonshire | in writing, fiction

He stared at her with great curiosity. Although he was unaware of her knowledge of his gaze. He was smoking a cigarette. The red glow from the tip was noticeable in the dark night. Only a few lamps light up the dark and abandoned park. Every so often a runner would jog past the park staring at the two boys, but they didn't give a crap about anyone. He sat on a bench on the corner of the park trying to be unnoticeable, but with the cigarette he was smoking and the one in his friends hand he stood out. He wore dark blue almost black jeans a dark shirt with unreadable writing. His arms were covered by a plain black hoodie although he chose not to wear the hood. Pokka green tea bottles were on the floor carelessly thrown.

She walked into the park without a care in her world. Wearing black three-quarter trousers, a plain white tee and a black zip up jacket with a hood. However she chose to wear the hood. Listening to her music which was loud enough to make out every word. She walked the opposite way to where the boys entered to get to the bench. She was walking a dog, scruffy dog, about medium build with a hairy face that was messed up. She seemed to walk in time with the music. I'm sure if no one else was there she would be dancing and singing. You couldn't see her face because of her hood which seemed to thrust her hair around her face even more. Her hair was a dark brown but you could see bits that looked black but were actually a deep purple. As she walked it seemed that the dog controlled her more then she did the dog. Wherever the dog wanted to go she went with it.

She was getting closer to him. His heart beat had slowly risen as she got closer, not much only by a couple of beats. He turned to his friends to whisper something as discreetly as he could.
'Hey I'll meet you later okay' he tried to whisper
'What. Where are you going?' his friend said loudly. Luckily she was listening to her I-pod.
'No you are. Just get the fuck outta here.' He said hoping he'd get the idea. His friend looked at her walking carelessly.
'Ahhh I get it. Okay catch you later then' his friend said with a smirk on his face.

On his own he tried to groom himself as quickly and as discreetly as he could. She was near to the bench. He didn't have a clue how he was going to get her attention. Or was he, was he just gonna hope that she'd sit down next to him? He had no idea what was gonna happen next. Her Dog was sniffing around where he was sitting. It got close to him and started sniffing at his legs.

She noticed, took her earphones out and threw them over each of her shoulders. The music was still playing even more clearly now. She was listening to Zebrahead hello tomorrow a song he was familiar with.
'Mandy, stop. Sorry mate' she said in an English accent. He didn't hear one very often. She was smiling; to him it seemed unnatural for her to smile. She tugged on Mandy's leash to pull her away from his leg that she was still sniffing.
'Uhh don't worry its proberly my cat' he said uneasily, while trying to smile.
What the hell am I thinking I don't have a fucking cat. Crap. I'm such an idiot.
'Really what type of cat?' she said relaxing her body. He gazed at her while she turned her I-pod off. In the light her top looked slightly see through. She wore a yellow bra.
Stop checking her out and answer her fucking question
'Umm I think it's a mixed cat' He said unsurely
'Same with this little madam'. She made a head gesture towards her dog. He moved his body to try to make some space for her. Hopefully she'll sit down.

'I'm Aaron' he said hoping for a reply.
'Katherine, but my friends call me Kat' she said coolly. She sat on the bench in an awkward way. With one leg under her bum and had the other standing vertical on the bench. She readjusted slight so her body was facing him more, holding the leash in both hands resting on her leg. She looked towards the ground and noticed the green tea bottles and the discarded packet of cigarettes. Trying to turn her attention from how carelessly he littered he started asking her questions.
'You live round here?' Aaron asked
'Yeah Bedok Ria place' she replied looking at the passing car. He was intrigued by her. He noticed that she had a scar on her right hand, as well as some bruises on her ankles and little scabs. 'What about you?'
'I live in woodlands'
' Shit that's ages away. Why the fuck are you here then?' she said in a more English accent. He was stumped by her language thinking she was more lady like and proper. He was slightly glad that she swore like him. He laughed.
'Umm well I come here after school with my friends. It's just so peaceful' He said trying to come up with reasons.
'Yeah , let me guess Bedok south secondary school'
'Yeah. So how long you lived here for?'
'Not long since August. You?' she was now staring right at him.
' I was born here'

'So you know all the good places' she said with a little laugh and a smile. She was flirting now. He gave a little chuckle.
' You could say that.' he was now flirting back. She leaned back a bit and took a look at her phone. The time was now 9.30, they'd been talking for no more then 10 minutes.
' I've gotta get her back before my mom and dad start to worry.' there again was here little chuckle.
'I'll be back in about 5 minutes if you wanna carry on talking, your choice' she said with a devilish smile on her face.
' I could wait 5 minutes' he said as he returned the smile. He watched her as she walked out the park and down the road until he couldn't see her anymore.

She returned in about 5 minutes like she had said. When he saw her he smiled. He had thought that she will ditch him. She came and sat in the awkward position again.
' So how old are you?' she said in a cheerier voice.
' 15. You?'
'I'm 13' she replied a bit less cheerfully
'Really wow you look at least 15' he said. She laughed at his comment.
' Yeah maybe. Wait a minute. Your 15 and you smoke?' she said in a smile. He started to get nervous now. Thinking what would she do next. 'Hey don't break down. Don't worry about it. I used to smoke.' He was surprised by her last four words. He hadn't met a lot of people who smoked illegally.
'Really? What do you mean by used to?' he inquired.
'As in I didn't but haven't smoked in about 7 months' she said surprisingly proudly. ' You need to quit. Smoking's bad for you.'
'Yeah I know but it isn't easy to say I've given up like that.
'Yeah it is. I did it. You have to have will power, I'll help you. An ex-smoker helping a smoker. Do you have some on you now?' Aaron leaned back trying to get the nearly empty packet of cigarettes out and a cheap plastic lighter.

'Here' Aaron said handing them to Kat. She lifted the lid of the box getting a cigarette out. He noticed her nails. They were painted black and pink. One nail black, one nail pink. She put the cigarette between her lips and was about to light it.
' I thought you had quit' he stopped her before lighting it.
' I have, just showing you will power.' she did that devilish smile again. She lit it. The end glowed a warming red. Kat breathed in the smoke, tipped her head back, opened her mouth and let the smoke slowly arise. When she had finished with that drag she offered the cigarette towards him.
' You last ever smoke' she said with a more serious tone. Aaron stretched his arm out to take the cigarette, Their fingers met, she quickly pulled away. Aaron smoked the cigarette quickly, dropped it on the floor and tapped his foot on the end to put it out. She stood up with the packet of cigs still in her hand.
' where you going?' Aaron quickly asked before she went too far.
'Nowhere' She extended her hand towards him. He accepted. Her hands were cooled, cooling his warm hands down. she walked towards the bin pulling him with her.

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Its a slightly different version on how i meet my boyfriend.


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