Title: My Spacehip Design
Image by 08DaviesBH from North Yorkshire | in art & design, design, graphic design

The DRX-3 芒聙聹Sausage芒聙聺 has an internal gravity slingshot that latches onto other objects and uses this point of anchor to pull itself along. As there is no friction in space, it can release its slingshot at the ideal time and fly off into space, using its twin side mounted engines to slow itself into a nose down landing, hence the hatch on the side rotated 90o. It can also use the gravity system to temporarily reverse gravity directly below it, allowing it to hover. The pilot controls the ship via two joysticks. The torpedo tubes on the front can fire nuclear, Electro Magnetic Pulse or Capturing (Transfers captured objects/organisms to data) interspatial missiles. The ship can internally hold a maximum of twenty missiles of any of the listed type. Its special feature is a drone, designed to explore and/or kill. Can be piloted or run on autopilot, using a similar gravity slingshot to the main ship to get around. The drone is detachable from the DRG-3, and has thermal, x-ray, black and white, laser rangefinder and colour vision. Both the ship and drone are made from an unknown alloy that seems to absorb light, heat and radio waves.