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  • Annie Mac
  • 17 Oct 06, 03:47 PM

so it all started from an ill informed article in the daily mail.. check it

then there was the pages of letters in the NME and Kerrang..protesting against the 'EMO' stereotype...

now there's the EMO rangers show on MTV2

and My Chemical Romance are number 1 in the UK charts.

who's side are you on and why? we'll be discussing this on the show on sunday and need your input. What do you think of EMO music? do you think that kids who like EMO are getting an unecessarily hard time? why do you think there's been this sudden backlash? Is this bringing EMO kids closer together?

your thought and opionions please.. and send us your links for the best blogs and sites for emo lovers or haters..

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  1. At 05:58 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Jon wrote:

    The problem is that hardly any of these "emo" kids are actualy emo. They're just scene kids that will change as soon as its not kl to be emo. What really gets me is how bands like MCR can get away with calling themselves metal.

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  2. At 09:19 PM on 17 Oct 2006, wrote:

    if you, or anyone, is going to talk about emo music, do NOT EVER mention MCR as they have NOTHING to do with the genre. they are a POP band... just like evrything else in the charts and everything on daytime radio.

    and kids trends have nothing to do with it either. most of the kids have never heard an emo band... they just think they have because of media coverage like this.

    none of this has anything to do with emo, apart from being a horrible mis-use of the term.

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  3. At 10:47 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Stephen Smith wrote:

    In 1968 John Lennon sang "Yes I'm lonely, wanna die, if I aint dead already, girl you know the reason why", in the song, "Yer Blues", on the White Album. Was Yoko an EMO?

    Whatever floats your boat. It's meant to be a free country, although we know it's not. The self harm aspect is a small minority and can be a cry for help rather than following a fashion. Is the so called EMO backlash exaggerated by the media? As for the Daily Mail's article; it will come in handy in the small room.

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  4. At 01:03 AM on 18 Oct 2006, Stephen Smith wrote:

    To expand on my earlier comment, all original fashions, music or way of life are eventually attacked by the media, who can be very destructive in their criticism of young people. (The tall poppy syndrome). It could be argued that any fashion, type of music or way of life reflects the world that we live in. They don't just appear out of the blue for no reason at all. They are a reaction to the way things are in the world. We create the environment for them to flourish and then give them a good kicking.

    As I said before, what ever floats your boat!

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  5. At 09:40 AM on 18 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I wouldnt class myself as an emo kid, but they are harmless enough, ok they all look alike, so what.

    I don't like the fact a top class newspaper as the Daily Mail would stoop so low as to say emo's all cut themselves, dont people in all walks of life do that?!

    Yes emo songs are sad, about death, break ups, lose of people, but the lyrics are meant for comfort so people know there not alone in what they are going through.
    When I broke up with an ex I used to listen to Dashboard Confessional alot and that helped me, knowing that people cheat, to people all over the world, and im not alone in how I felt, and I could see things in them lyrics that meant alot to me.

    The thing with "emo" now is that it is a fashion more than the music, over the past 3-5 years I've seen them expand alot, where I live in Leeds the local "hang out spot" for them has seen about 10-15 kids hang about chattin with each other to about 40 now.

    The music as well it seems any band gets dropped into "emo" if it falls into what the fashion looks like. Bands like Panic at The Disco!, Fall Out Boy, MCR, are NOT emo, there pop-punk.
    Bands like Sunny Day Real Estate, Dashboard Confessional, Bright Eyes are emo music (to me)

    For me I'd rather see a bunch of emo kids walking round than chavs as emo ain't threatening in groups (unlike chavs), their harmless kids who find someone with each other to talk about, they dont all meet up and cut each other and write suicide notes like people would like to think.

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  6. At 03:03 PM on 18 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Great article.

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  7. At 05:45 PM on 18 Oct 2006, wrote:

    oh for god's sake. right, people of all kinds of different subcultures have been getting ragged on for one reason or another for YEARS. The 'emo's aren't the only ones. Victimisation wasn't invented just for them so they can whinge on about it in their livejournals - a wild generalisation maybe, but they do it. i've seen it with my own eyes. So the daily mail wrote a ridiculous piece on Emos... so what?! Since when has the daily mail ever been a bastion for non-reactionary, sensible journalism anyway? and now we've got to put up with more whining about how the supposed 'emos' are being victimised and how everyone hates them... Just suck it up and move on. It happens. Maybe people wouldn't be 'victimised' if they didn't act like victims in the first place!

    And this is all because MCR and panic at the disco got booed and bottled at Reading. Have ANY of you people ever stopped to think that maybe that they got bottled and booed (much like the rasmus et al before them) because well.... they're s***e? Nothing to do with being 'Emo' but because they are actually rubbish whatsoever. they're mass produced garbage for the kids who've suddenly decided that rock music is cool.

    They're no better than McFly.

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  8. At 07:05 PM on 18 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I think majority of "emo" kids don't know what "emo" is...they only know mainstream of it...but I do think people should stop being rude about it...I mean, I don't think a "punk" would dig getting hated on by someone because of his tight black jeans and gnarly hair...so...let people be!

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  9. At 07:48 PM on 18 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I spend this afternoon having a pint with a guy from an emo band who were talking about releasing their album.

    This band are in their 20s and they look normal. they are however a non-profit band. they have asked SPECIFICALLY to NOT have their album in major stores or on iTunes. they dont WANT to make any profit. they dont want to use plastic cases... they're human rights activists, they would prefer to release on Vinyl rather than CD, they'd rather not sign a contract, they would rather play shows for free than ask for cash... they dont want more than 500 copies made at one time. ALL they want to do, is play music, and make it available for people to enjoy it if they look. Live.. they mess things up, they jump around, they dont care what they look like or if they get hurt as long as thats what the music makes them feel like doing.

    now this is a real emo band with emo values. do 15-year-olds who buy songs from iTunes, spend hours on their hair and wear Converse sond like they have anything to do with this scene?

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  10. At 06:09 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Rhys Morgan wrote:

    Who cares about emo and whos not? MCR are a great punk/metal/emo or whatever you want to call them group (NOT pop!).

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  11. At 09:32 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Emma wrote:

    Omg! I get called emo alllll the time because i listen to that kind of music and have black hair, but i don't think of myself as 'EMO'. If there are people out there that are EMO and want to express it then i think they should. The stereotype is dyed black hair and black eyeliner, skinny jeans etc. but the other stereotype is self-harming which i do not condone in any way! I know people who self-harm because they think it is 'EMO', those people need serious help. But there is also a growing trend of CHAVS! why is no-one writing in the Daily Mail about that? Eurgh!

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  12. At 09:38 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Stuart Harris wrote:

    I had some arrogant music 'rock purist' call me an 'emo' as soon as I stated that I liked the 'My Chemical Romance' track. He said it as if I was a loser, and an outcast. Pah it's music - if you like music whatever it's genre, that's what it's all about. I've listened to other MCR tracks, and to be honest they don't appeal to my taste. Just their big epic pop 'emo' appeals to me.

    I don't like genre's it ruins everything, people become loyal to a particular genre, and despise anything else, and people that like anything different to they do. Good music is good music - end of!

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  13. At 09:42 PM on 19 Oct 2006, deacon wrote:

    emos now, goths a few years back... back in the mid 90's when i was a teenager there were 'grungers' and 'metalers'. kids (and a few adults) are always going to latch on to what's cool. at the moment you have emos and chavs ruling the teen fashion choices. it's always gonna happen, just let them get on with it (you know they'll grow out of it) and stop finding reasons to hate other people

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  14. At 09:50 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Chris wrote:

    End of the day, its all music, no matter what genre, people are guna like it or not like it.

    The only thing i can definatley say is that listening to MCR has never made me want to harm myself.

    Just let music be music, if you dont like it, turn it off. if you do like it, turn it up!!!!

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  15. At 09:53 PM on 19 Oct 2006, James wrote:

    EMO, who cares at the end of the day everyone likes different music. If people are worried about "emo kids" why waste time and effort moaning about it.

    If it is seen as being cool to be emo then it is the media promoting it, i'm sure you've all heard the phrase all publicity is good publicity. If its the bands themselves that people are disliking then dont listen to them. There are more worrying bands in the world then so called emo bands.

    Also self harm, every genre has it, its not the music its all people it all walks of live that have bigger problems than the type of bands they listen to. Chavs do it so do the the metal heads so do emo kids so does R'n'B/HipHop genre. The people who self harm, self harm regardless of the music taste.

    Long live the freedom of choice!!!

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  16. At 09:54 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    i think that emo has a place in the music scene now but the people that promote this music won't give anything else the same chance. i'm in a band and i feel that playing with "emo" bands, our band could support others well. but the way "emo" fans won't make the same sacrifice to appreciate anything else makes me ask the question, why give them support when it there is no appreciation?

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  17. At 10:00 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    it's all 'pop'. 'pop' music is the music that is popular. everyone needs to get over that. i am a 'pop' music fan, as i love pretty much all the songs in the charts, and always have. this 'emo' thing is ridiculous, who cares? at the end of the day, it's music. it's a band or artist who can create music, and have a talent that should be envied, not fought over. we should embrace it all, not label everything we hear, and everyone we see.

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  18. At 10:11 PM on 19 Oct 2006, ahmed wrote:

    it's just a new form of phoniness (catcher in the rye), if you really wanted to be individual or not conform to society then you would conform to society simply becasue there are more emos, goths, gangsters etc. than there are normal people. take it from me i'm a teenager and the most original thing i can do is conform to society's conventions, retain some sense of normality but show sparks of individuality but in a much more measured and less attention seeking way than wearing converses and wristbands. if you think my views are bigoted or overly critical, good, everyone's entitled to a view and just becasue i don't think it's right doesn't mean i will actually take action against emos, so none of this it's my right crap ok.

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  19. At 10:15 PM on 19 Oct 2006, xJodiex wrote:

    well personally i love the "EMO" fashion, the kinda gothic but not look rocks my socks! Although I dnt lyk the way "EMOS" think about depression and harming themselves, its slightly depressing. You could say im just a regular teenager going through a faze and is copying others, but i can assure you im not. Yea its become popular now to be "EMO" but i only dress that way because its me and its who i am. I dont lyk it when ppl take the micky out of them, being "EMO" is just a simple way of expressing emotions and experimenting with fashion. Which is what i'm doing and loving every minute of it XD btw MCR rocks and are NOT POP!

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  20. At 10:22 PM on 19 Oct 2006, tom - aged 16 wrote:

    i think the music is cool, there is nothing wrong with that, each to there own. BUT the clothes and attitudes are scary for older people and some small children, people should be allowed to wear what they want but nothing which is going to upset the general public. they should change into something sensible and respectable: for example a pair of jeans (blue) and a jumper (not emo black). in 5 years time they will only regret making themselves look scary and wierd! this is my outlook anyway
    love tom xxx

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  21. At 10:24 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Dan wrote:

    I would like to comment on Christopher Rhodes addition to this debate. i listen to MCR, the kooks, razorlight. well abit of everything really. i am not emo/chav or in any catagory what so ever. i find it offensive that he thinks chavs are intimidating as every teenager dresses like this. the hoodys, baseball caps, tracky bottoms and trainers. i find goths intimidating in all their black clothes and make up. maybe its because they stand out so much, but there is always huge groups of them hanging around.

    i wear what i like and listen to any music that i decide i like. im not any of these things so how can people say all people that listen to MCR are emo? it cant have gotten to number 1 with only the emo community buying the CD!!!

    additional comment: can everyone please stop refering to people who wear tracky bottoms as chavs! i wear them because they are comfy and practicle not because i want to mug old ladies!

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  22. At 10:58 PM on 19 Oct 2006, sean wrote:

    most emo's dont self harm, alot of ppl who are goths who i know have done and alot of normal ppl have, im not saying goths or emos arent normal they're just different in a good way! lets just face it the ppl at the daily mail are scare mongering for parents like sally off coro who dont know or understand wot emo or metal or goth is about and who cares if vogue has a spread on goth, most goths wont be reading it!!

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  23. At 11:04 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    What a heap of shmuck.

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  24. At 11:11 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Alex wrote:

    I have always enjoyed listening to rock and metal music. As i got older my music taste got heavier. Now i listen to Marilyn Manson and Rammstein, however i do not wear make-up or black clothes and hang celtic crosses round my neck. I listen to that sort music because it is the stlye of music that i am into, it is not a way of life.

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  25. At 11:36 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Matty Botham wrote:

    yeah so the article in the paper was a load of tripe, ill informed tripe that was used to fill some pages and an attempt to keep in tune with the youth of today. the emo debate as its being called is quite frankly getting tedious. the emo of today isnt the emo of a few years ago, its just a scene and a fashion trend that has snowballed. it happened a few years ago with the rise of nu metal, except the rival chav phenomenon wasnt so big back then. the so called emo bands at the moment are in fact pop punk, or just plain pop. as a music lover i have no problem with these bands introducing people to music, and being a stepping stone to better, more talented bands and artists. the word emo is obviously short for emotion, and the emo genre in fact stems from the american hardcore scene, but slightly lighter and punkier. none of the current bands being tagged with that label are emo, and i hate that word being applied to bands that are in fact post-hardcore or straight punk bands. just because a song is catchy doesnt make it emo, or because the band members happen to wear converse doesnt make them emo. the emo of today is a fashion scene, plain and simple. and it will be over soon once the kiddies realise how rubbish some of the "awesome" bands are, or high street shops stop stocking tight jeans. its not a bad thing, its just a fashion cycle, combined with a mutual appreciation for music among the people.

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  26. At 12:03 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Alex wrote:

    It's all a fad, one big fad. Weather your a greasy "metaller", a wining "emo" or a pill popping "chav", your all just latched on to one big fad.

    The thing that amuses me most about "emo" followers, is they take pride in denying that they are "emo". They obviously love the attention, and think after a few months of wearing skinny fit, they are too cool to be called "emo", and they are just being themselves. Really, they just love worshiping thier peers, people who were into "emo" first. 95% of the people you see who have latched on to this temporary fad of fashion disaster are really not being themselves, they are doing it because they have seen so many others above them doing it, but of course, they are still being really really original.

    Im not sure how long it will continue to grow, but its demise is imminent. Anyone over the age of 16 who still gets sucked into trends really need's to grow up. My advice is just to ignore them, don't give them the satisfaction of thinking they are "emo", they love it, thats what they want, ignore them and they will go away with any luck.

    My Chemical Romance, well, they are just rubbish. Stupidly simple music, for the simple mind. Posing as heartfelt musicians, making music for the posers.

    Word x

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  27. At 12:10 AM on 20 Oct 2006, liz wrote:

    emo's rok

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  28. At 12:19 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Will wrote:

    Emo kids are not as most people would think (quiet, self hating, introverts) and certainly nearly every emo i've ever spoken to or hung around with (not through my own want) have been loud, irritating and about as funny as famine in the third world (although they think they're hilarious). So it is of my opinion that the emo kids who cut themselves, or are difficult, or refuse to smile at anyone and claim their style is "different" when its the exact same as all the other emo kids' style are crying out for attention. It is partly down to the music but im sure if asian music started being the music for the people who are "different" there'd be the exact same kids dressed in saris and turbans.

    But thats just my view!
    night night

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  29. At 01:57 AM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    My Chemical Romance new album is a lot more metal than their old tracks... much more EMO.

    Emo people like Jon said... will change they are all the same people who change their style to follow like sheep.

    People should be making their own music and celebrate peel.


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  30. At 03:12 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Kimi wrote:

    I have to agree with Alex as, in my experience, all the kids that fit into the 'emo' style (in my limited view) almost always deny that is what they are. What is a real emo? Has it been lost forever?

    In my opinion the Emo thing is yet another set of guidelines that people can use to legitimately live/act a certain way. By no means is 'emo' the only one around, there are plenty, and there will continue to be.

    It's a perfect way to be androgynous and loud and opinionated with bad (as in chopped) haircuts and hug everyone every five minutes.

    Maybe it's not such a bad thing? Perhaps they are representative of an extremist part of our society where being depressed and down is OK, since in most mainstream society it's not considered that healthy, and is glossed over. Advertising taken into consideration here.

    Yet another pigeon hole. Are we happy about that?

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  31. At 04:26 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Sam Cannon wrote:

    I'm at college in the states and EMO seems to be much bigger here than it is in England. People seem split here too; some people hate it and some love it. One thing that it does do is speak to people who don't fit in anywhere else, which is great, it leads to a really open and tollerant group dynamic.

    The self harm stereotype is slightly misinformed. It is more prevelent in the EMO community but that is more down to the community welcoming the victims and accepting him/her than it causing the problem. I, for one, have found so called EMO kids more friendly and accepting than most other groups of people I've enountered.

    I think that if EMO makes people feel that they have a group of friends and supports them through a difficult time all power to it. What's more it seems to attrat a very talented group of people and if the music's good; who cares.

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  32. At 06:03 AM on 20 Oct 2006, J wrote:

    Its all down to stereotyping and generalisation of youth today again.....my son loves Panic! and was at the secret MCR gig in London.....but he doesn't dress in black, neither is he a manic depressive self-harmer. I think at MCR he had Roberto Cavalli on!! Check him out in this weeks NME pic!

    Actually.......I'll be joining him to see Panic! on Monday at Brixton and I'll be seeing MCR in November at Brixton and next March at Wembley!

    I was, however, horrified at the bottling incident at Reading. We all like different things....why bottle Brendon? If you don't like Panic! why not go watch someone else

    I did think this was a country of free choice.....

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  33. At 06:25 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Nicola wrote:

    I don't want this comment posted but for God's sake get your grammar right - it's "Whose side are you on?" not who's.

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  34. At 06:58 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Joe wrote:

    I would like to say that I dislike emos extremely. They seem to think that they are being different in being so, but they are all the same - people like me, the intelligent ones, are far more unique and far less offensive. There are many times more people who want to be emo than those who want to be the quiet, intelligent type. But (apart from now if you wish to count this, which I do not), we do not shout out about it, and we do not try to seem different from everyone else.

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  35. At 07:10 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Rossi wrote:

    Whats the big deal whether they are EMO or not? You either like the song or you don't and as it is number 1 it would seem that enough people like it.

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  36. At 08:44 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Lauren wrote:

    I thought the Daily Mail article was a load of garbage and a gross generalisation. I also think the label 'emo' is laughable. Can't people listen to a certain type of music without being labelled or stereotyped? Who even classes what 'emo' is anyway? Why can't people just listen to music they like, dress the way they like without getting a hard time. I like My Chemical Romance because I like their songs, not because they're 'emo'. I don't care what genre they are, they make good songs. They've certainly never made me want to harm myself. I think that's a mental issue and the few people I know who do it listen to dance and RnB, not rock or 'emo' or metal or whatever the hell you want to call it. As for the comment someone made about 'wearing converses'- it's just the same generalisation that every stupid person has. I wear converses not because I like so called 'emo' music or because I like 'indie' music, but because I LIKE THE SHOES! THEY'RE COMFY! The same with wearing black! I wear black because I don't like wearing bright colours. I don't like to stand out. I'm a shy person and I think bright colours would draw attention to myself. I don't take it to the extreme. I haven't got black hair, I haven't got long enough nails to paint them black and I wear eyeliner because I think it defines the best part of my body, my eyes. So get over yourself and enter the real world of normal people, who don't want to be labelled.

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  37. At 08:57 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Lauren wrote:

    The fussy, half Scottish side of me made me write this-
    Sam Cannon, I thought your comment was really well written and I agree to an extent, BUT emo isn't only in England, it's in the rest of the UK, ie- Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, all the islands and that. Great Britain. I wish people would stop calling it England.

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  38. At 09:01 AM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Emo -- I beleive this is a stereotype, but then again, I can't really say stuff like that, because I get classed as an Emo at school. I beleive if Emo's slit their wrists, its just plain stupid, but everyone has Emo inside them!

    Just the thing that H said...MCR are no way a POP band, Im sorry but if you beleive they are, then you need to have ur brain re-scanned!!! They are Punk/Emo rock!

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  39. At 09:04 AM on 20 Oct 2006, garry wrote:

    hiya there, im in the royal navy, it is a very hard job, but i feel the best kind of music to listen to to relax to is emo, eg my chem, aiden and atreu. im not an emo but i have a lot of very good emo mates, im also in a emo band, and the kind of music we write is awsome its about life experiences just like every other emo band, why not try get rid if all the chavs who seem to have a problem!

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  40. At 09:10 AM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:


    who cares if someone is an emo or not.. really... does it matter... no

    and as for the music... if it sounds good listen to it... if you dont like it dont listen to it.... if you're undecided then who cares...

    its easy when you think about it....

    be what you want to be.. do what you want to do..like what you want to like...

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  41. At 09:15 AM on 20 Oct 2006, jacob wrote:

    many kids these days aren't actually emo they are all SCENE!!!! this is even worse they dont actually like or agree with the music they just dress as emo so they fit in and think they are cool. some kids even self harm so they fit in just right. while some people are genuinly in to this genre of music and the lifestyle most kids aren't .they are just wannabe s that dont fit in any where else and are just jumping on the emo bandwagon to look cool

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  42. At 09:15 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Lucy wrote:

    I must say, my only issue with the emo sub-culture is that it makes selfharm fashionable. And i can say this with experience as many of my friends have followed the trend and showed off all their cuts and scars. I think people should realise self harm isnot the way forward and hurts the people close to you, there isnothing worse than makingit fashionable.

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  43. At 09:17 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Gregg Stanley wrote:

    Todays EMO seems to have been very much mixed with yesterdays Goth genre. This misunderstanding however does appear to of created over past few years it own scene/genre in it鈥檚 own right.

    Emo did seem to stand for bands like 鈥淭exas is the Reason鈥, 鈥淭he Promise Ring鈥, 鈥淎merican Football鈥, etc. where these bands touched on and came from an Indie background.

    Bands like 鈥淏oy Sets Fire鈥 were labelled as 鈥淓MO鈥 also despite sounding very different from the previously mentioned bands.

    From here on in it appeared that 鈥淓MO鈥 can probably prefix any music genre. Being Hardcore, Punk or Goth (and more 鈥robably).

    It鈥檚 the scene that makes it and despite my feelings that 鈥淓MO鈥 prefix has been misused and misunderstood it still down to The Kids to be the scene and I hope that the bands will still carry on doing it for The Kids whatever the style of music.

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  44. At 09:22 AM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    For the most part I totally agree with Mazzie Mogwai & H for their input, totally knocked the nail on the head.

    Since I actually hate emo bands but thats just because i dislike the music, I can also say I dislike the new emo's also...and when I say emo's I mean the kids who were goths last summer but have since started using Garnier Fructis Wave Gel or something to get that perfect eye covering hair and invested in some new converse all stars as well as taking photos of themselves to stick on myspace. The fact is that kids that age will leach onto any new fad, the truth is they are trying to be cool and are totally lost in who they are...its sad but so true.

    I am a surfer and spend alot of time travelling to non-pop influenced countries and its so refreshing to meet regular people who have no agenda. I visited london about 6 months ago and I wanted to leave straight away due to these emo kids being everywhere, some even heckling people for wearing a suit.....i just couldnt believe what i was seeing, utter disgrace.

    I just hate the way they think they are so different from the normal person who wears a suit and has a respectable job when steadily the emo is becoming a majority, i could honestly rant on about this for a long time but it annoys me even talking about it.

    Im going surfing now and never coming back.

    P.s. someone please shut down myspace.com its the lamest thing i have ever seen. Peace.

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  45. At 09:26 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Nick wrote:

    The way i see it is that everything has come full circle! 25 years ago we had the new romantics with their "wierd" clothes and make up. The only thing i have to complain about is a small minority of "emo" kids (who are most probably just scene kids) who have such an attitude problem and believe that being depressed is cool! im not an emo kid but i listen to emo music just as i listen to prog rock, metal, punk, jazz, blues etc.

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  46. At 09:33 AM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I find it quite funny that an article from the Daily Mail will get everyone starting a debate. The article just seems to be another rant at any fashion trend that comes along that they don't like and they have probably realised that the fashion industry isn't listening to them going on about the 'size 0 tragedy'. What I do find alarming is that they seem to want everyone to point and laugh at the 'EMOs'. They say that 'EMOs' are exibitionists and that this is wrong but have the paper themselves not just put the wehole thing out for the rest of the country to see, if anything you are doing the very thing you are critisising. They might as well just shove a list of people that bullies can pick on kin school because the media thinks says it's ok to. EMO is a choice you either go with it or you don't. We have to listen to the Daily Mail rant on about how bad Heather Mills is when most of the population has more important things to think about so why can't they deal with the fact that some kids are not going to grow up 'the right way' and vote conservative when they are old enough. Get over it!

    If you are going to judge at least do some proper research and not just skim the latest thing to come out. All you have is MCR and Russell Brand, if I was then I'd sack my researcher. Look at Dashboard Confessional, Bright Eye, Taking Back Sunday etc and you'll find that the lyrics are about heartbreak an not how to top yourself.

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  47. At 09:34 AM on 20 Oct 2006, CM wrote:

    The problem is not the music - I know lots of kids my age (15) who listen and enjoy the music. Bands like Green Day and MCR are not EMO themselves, but the EMO culture is using them as an excuse for themselves and their so-called style. If you are looking for bands who are to blame for this culture, you'll struggle to find any! I would have to agree with Gregg's comment about how the label EMO seems to be tagged to anything remotely heavy or punky

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  48. At 09:37 AM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Yo, even if emo's dont self harm..........I will harming them with my emo slaying!

    SAY NO TO EMO...

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  49. At 09:41 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Phoeniks wrote:

    I still don't understand what an emo is!
    It's considered an insult at my school. No-one is proud of being an emo and gets really offended if they are called one.
    And as for it being an abbreviation of emotional, who doesn't have emotions?!

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  50. At 09:43 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Holly Burgess wrote:

    Hey, i like EMO music and so do a load of my mates! We all sing along to it on the bus! Why is this such a big subject?! Most of my mates like emo music, emo is just a different type of music. Whats the problem?!

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  51. At 09:47 AM on 20 Oct 2006, siobhan wrote:

    I think that being an emo is good and bad. It is good as it makes you feel better however emo's can seriusly hurt themselves by doing what they do. Oh well i don't really care what they do they can do what they like because there not going to listen!

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  52. At 10:17 AM on 20 Oct 2006, dan wrote:

    who cares everyone fits into different groups,
    whether it be goth, emo, greb, chav, skater, indy.
    it dosnt really matter does it?

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  53. At 10:28 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Linsey wrote:


    Even though i mainly listen to 'emo' music and some death metal and electronica, i don't class myself as emo. I think that people who think someone else is 'emo' or whatever,they should keep their mouths shut and not class someone which they dont want to be classed as.Why cant we just be ourselves and not have these ridiculous stereotypes.
    what an essay.

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  54. At 10:33 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Laura wrote:

    One word t describe that article: Rubbish. Having read it, I've seen several traits I recognise in myself - a liking for Green Day (who were emo since when exactly?) and My Chemical Romance, the dyed hair, the black nail polish, the eyeliner, the poetry reading and writing - something tells me being an English student wouldn't hold up as a valid excuse for that - the horror movie fandom (oh, so girls aren't allowed to like being scared now rather than watching love stories are we?), the guitar playing. And Lily Allen an emo? Don't make me laugh! Yet despite the opinion of people who barely know me, if it all, I do not define myself as emo because of a few sweeping generalisations by a newspaper that is clearly stuck in the 1950s.

    Being in a minority because of various personal beliefs, I understand the conflicting need to express one's individuality and to belong to a group that is so prevalent as a teen. Emos, goths, indie kids - call them what you will - are merely rebelling against chav culture. Personally I'd rather have a youth culture of arty kids who are musically inclined towards heartbreak than one of - based purely on the chavs I know of, to counteract those who accuse me of being hypocritical due to my dislike of sweeping generalisations - getting drunk, getting laid, and looking to start a fight at every opportunity. And be honest, how many 'bouncy' chavs do you know?

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  55. At 10:41 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Jane Lee wrote:

    Beatnik, Punk, Grebs, Goth, Emo, its all been done before!
    Its just a uniform to express your musical tastes whilst allowing kids to feel like they belong to something and have something in common. I was a goth in the 80's and it was all about a combined package of the uniform, music, likeminded people and of course to worry your parents to death. The press always blow everything out of proportion and its easier if everything is labelled and pigeon holed. It was the same with Mods and rockers in the 60's.
    Its just chavs and emos now!

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  56. At 10:42 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Emo Rox wrote:

    emos rule...and one day they will rule the earth! All chavs bewarned!

    People give emos a hard time but there is nothing wrong with being emo...people wrongly label people and i think it needs to stop!

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  57. At 10:43 AM on 20 Oct 2006, sophie wrote:

    why do people have to stereotype? whatever clothes and music you listen to people always judge you. why do people judge? i think people have the right to dress as they want without the looks they get!!! people should be who they want to be!

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  58. At 10:45 AM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    This new "trend" isn't even emo....

    Emo was a sub genre of punk/hardcore in the mid/late 80's early 90's. Bands like Rites of Spring, The Promise Ring + The Get up kids.

    This new stuff is pop/rock aimed at teenage boys and girls. Its more about black make up and hair gel than any musical content.

    Emo in this modern context is far too broad to be thrown around and attatched to one band.

    Amazing Prog rock bands like "At the Drive In" and "These Arms are Snakes" could be considered emo in the old conventional sense but they're leagues ahead of theatrical fluff like MCR.

    I suppose the public gets ahold of these terms and just reinvents them as they see fit so I wont spend too much time complaining......

    Anythings better than modern R&B + commercial hip hop though!

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  59. At 10:53 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Gareth Richards wrote:

    This is an article in the Daily Mail. I think that people should not take it to seriously am just supprised they did not try to blame immigrants or single mother for this new trend.

    My sentiment is live and let live viv la differance

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  60. At 10:57 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Chris webb wrote:

    I'm not an emo my self but a few of my m8s are and i do like alot of there music and i like alot of punky music aswell soi neva had anything against emos

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  61. At 11:16 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Tom wrote:

    I myself like Emo music. By this Im referring to Emotional hardcore like Waterdown and older UnderOATH. NOT under any circumstances are My Chemical Romance Emo and never have been, they're gothic punk, just like Aiden and the Misfits. It's a shame that bands like Hawthorne Heights are represented as Emo as they awful.

    The people often referred to as Emo's and ridiculed are not infact Emo's, but what are reffered to as "Scene Kids" by the hardcore crowd.

    Both the public and the media are to blame for this ignorance and misrepresentation (especially by The Daily Mail).

    Emotional hardcore was started in the Washington hardcore scene by people like Ian Mckaye after Minor Threat split up. After years , people started to classify bands 'Emo' just because they have similar appearances to Hardcore bands. Does the fringe on Bloc Party's Russel make him 'Emo'? Of course not, nor does it make self-harm.

    The unfortunate link with Emo to self harm is also wrong. Although a minority will (like any stereotype), they just happen to be more open about it , which is good as this is likely to draw help. Most mentions of self-harm in 'emo' music is metaphorical (example: Hawthorne Heights-Ohio Is For Lovers)

    With Emo becoming more popular over the years , a backlash (although exaggerated- a couple of attempted bottlings and a tabloid article are hardly a revolt) is is inevitable, it happened with Garage, Nu-Metal and New Wave. The only difference being that these genres were fads, Emotional hardcore has been around 30 odd years and is too deep-rooted to die. Ill gove it 6 months before "War on New Rave- Death to Klaxons!"

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  62. At 11:25 AM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    emo means emotional music yea? well then thats almost everything isnt it! Its just the 'fashion' kids nowadays will follow just like any other trend thru the 70s 80s 90s or watever, nothin special just a reinvention of other fashions with a name and stereotype. I dont think half of us around 18/19 really new about it until late school years/college and then it was only people that wer insecure (mainly) that hopped on the band wagon and developed the trend. It is in human nature to be unoriginal because we are the only living thing that can imitate (watch animal documentarys!) even monkeys cant copy another monkey, so this thing about emos trying to be original, in actual fact they'r just following human nature!

    theres no such thing as emo as a specific thing if anything but a word that ppl just throw around carelessly and in some cases hurtfully because of such bad stigma attatched to these supposed people! as long as 'emo' isnt hurting anyone then its not really problem, i guess some people love to hate stuff dont they, english people are renowned for that!

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  63. At 11:25 AM on 20 Oct 2006, ellie wrote:

    I think that emo music rules, i love my chemical romance and bands like that, and i like emo and im not having an unecessarily "hard time" and i have lots of emo mates.

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  64. At 11:30 AM on 20 Oct 2006, charlie jones wrote:

    hey there....me and my friends all listen to emo music but this does not mean were emo...we think emo's do get a hard time...

    im not part of the fashion trend of an emo...i wear what the hell i want...i would even go as far as sometimes sayin i look like a chav...

    yet i get slated for the music i listen to...

    this music means a hell of a lot to me.

    fortunately i dont go thru all the suffering that emo's apparently do...but i do get an insight from listening to the music about what they are goin thru and how hard it is...

    even though that is not directly associated with emo's....anyone could want to kill themselves or slit their wrists or whatever the hell emo's apparently like to do.

    people should be proud of who they are....if emo's are proud of who they are then why are they gettin so much crap from the media and the british public...

    music wise...considered emo...i dont agree myself...but fall out boy, panic! at the disco, taking back sunday, my chemical romance etc etc are the big thing right now...if they werent about then the music industry would be in a bit of a slump...

    also i recently read an article in the sun about more people going to gigs these day than they were 5-10 years ago....this must be thru the uprise of emo/punk music.

    yes emo will probably phase out in the next few years and something new will come in...and get slated...

    the british media and the british public...so judgemental

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  65. At 11:35 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Robert Browne from Derry wrote:


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  66. At 11:41 AM on 20 Oct 2006, simon robinson wrote:

    I get a bit confused about this...where is the issue I listen to folk and I don鈥檛 get dressed as a Morris dancer, listen to country and the cowboy hat stays off, the list can go on...Its meant to be about listening and appreciating music, even the bad stuff has its place. It鈥檚 when people are more concerned with the image they portray by following the latest trend of fusion/music. I find subjects like this damage the credibility if the music industry in the way that, I鈥檓 sure these people were the same before donning the EMO getup unfortunately its cool to be uncoil so yet again a new fusion trend is born, bands will rise to the top as the ultimate musical fusion accessory and then a new "revolution" will occur and then a whole new classification will be brought about. I Guess what I鈥檓 trying to say Goth has been around for ages, the musical influence will always be there its just a method of "creating" a new classification to make it cool whereas what is actually happening is that its recycling what鈥檚 already there.

    I'm just here to enjoy the music, I don鈥檛 care how I look when I do it, as soon as vanity gets in the way your choices are no longer impartial or open to new things....damn that fashion influence on music!

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  67. At 11:45 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Paul Hawkins wrote:

    Is it just me but not only is this article poorly written but goes about what everybody in the world is encouraged to avoid. Stereotyping. If I'm actually honest with you, the gang of 'children of lost youth' who hang around the Norwich Forum on a Saturday afternoon annoy me (probably moreso because I am not 16 anymore!), but nonetheless they are harmless. It is after all, a trend. Let's make no bones about it, we've all had our own trends we all adhered to in our youth (I went through a skater boy look thing 10 years ago when I was 16) but again, that's all it is. Anyway, the 'children of lost youth' will continue to listen to their 'emo' music bought for them by their parents as all us trendies carry on smiling & enjoying the ride!

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  68. At 11:48 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Brandon wrote:

    That article read like it was written by a 12 year old.

    "Teenage girls are frightened of manliness: they like boys who look like girls. Kate Moss, the girl who never grows old, understands youthful taste completely."

    "Who are the male pin-ups for young girls? Johnny Depp and the comedian Russell Brand, who is about 90 per cent Goth. Lord Byron, of course, was the greatest Goth of all time."

    What research are these statements based on? Russel Brand is goth (90%) because he wears black?..
    This is all just one person's narrow minded view of a youth-culture she doesn't understand or connect to on any level?

    The daily mail is the paper of scandal, hate-mongering, and scare-mongering.

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  69. At 11:54 AM on 20 Oct 2006, ashleah wrote:

    Who are these people telling parents how to bring up their kids? what would they rather have? everyone getting drunk and drugged on the street or kids being safely up in their rooms. This sort of music does not advise kids to slit their wrists or keep their curtains closed or wear tight clothing i have never come across a song that does. What about all these songs that advise kids to drink and do drugs? these are much more important things to critisise i hope the reporter feels ashamed of themselves for calling my chemical romance when they have made it to number 1.

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  70. At 11:57 AM on 20 Oct 2006, CJH wrote:

    It鈥檚 always struck me as a funny old contradiction, that music, a medium which (obviously) asks much more of the ears than it does of the eyes, seems preoccupied with pleasing the peepers, sometimes at the expense of producing something that sounds pleasing.

    Now, I don鈥檛 want to get in to any debate about what is or what isn鈥檛 鈥榚mo鈥. It鈥檚 far too easy to apply any genre template. Buzz words and poorly researched media hypes is no substitute for experience. I say don鈥檛 get confused about the music and culture鈥攖hey can be separate things.

    As Ms. Sands points out there is plenty in the generation that experienced Siouxsie and the Banshees and the Rocky Horror Show鈥攚as all the imagery they promote healthy?

    Now self harm is a whole different melting pot of controversy. I believe that there might be a few other social problems that cause people to resort to self harm.

    鈥樷angerous teenage cult鈥

    Sounds like scapegoating to me鈥..

    But that鈥檚 just my opinion

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  71. At 12:00 PM on 20 Oct 2006, emo? wrote:

    um... does it really matter?? Each to their own, right? Oh, and MCR are not pop. Don't lie. You liers. Yes but anyway, emo's do all look the same, but they do look quite cool. And yes, it is all mainstream emo. But I am a wannabe punk, so should I really be commenting?!?!?!?!?!

    Well... 'Mon The Fratellis, anyhoo.

    Luff you emo's.... hehe

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  72. At 12:00 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Dani, Josie, Jaz. wrote:

    Emo's Are Really Disturbing! We Have Them In Our School And The Way They Dress And The Makeup They Use Is Discusting. The Way They Threaten To Kill Them Selves Is Really Discusting!! They Efeect The Way We Act In School!!!!! Chavs ForLife!!!!!!! Dani xxxxx

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  73. At 12:00 PM on 20 Oct 2006, emo hater wrote:

    Yo, I think that emoism is very bad people think there cool to be uncool but there not induviduel coz about 100 other people are like that.

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  74. At 12:02 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Rachel Greenhough wrote:

    Just to let people know before i go on i'm 21 and listen to MCR, Marilyn Manson etc and probably fit into the norm society with the way i dress. So how do you class me?

    What is it with people EMO is just a word and a meaningless one at that. So many people judge poeple by the way the look. WHY? OK so some people want to be different from the norm (which i have to say can be pretty boring) what is wrong with that. Because someone says its not normal its wrong. It won't be long before the world turns back into Nazi Germany with uniformity. As it goes for music people are free to listen to what they want and if certain music makes people happier so be it.

    The Daily Mail needs to do more research before it prints another article like that. All the news wants to do these days is make things up to get people talking. Like claiming Marilyn Manson makes people go into schools and shoot people. Hey I listen to his music and i don't want to do that. And thats my point the news and poeple for that matter always want to put the blame on something and music is the easiest option. EMO at the moment is that word in music that is getting bad publicity saying that kids are self harming because of it. Wrong Kids are self harming mainly becasue of family issues, bullying etc not EMO. And i don't want to bring MCR into this but hey they try and help people with their lryics and so many kids have said how they have helped them through tough times.

    That is all i have to say

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  75. At 12:06 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    To be quite honest, i've been classed as an EMO for a while now but I don't really care, I listen to the music because i enjoy it and isn't that the main thing? This "EMO" topic has only developed in the last few years, making it just like the "Rock 'n' Roll" craze and such like. Its music and people should not be stereotyped because of the music they listen too.

    Let the music do the talking!!

    Kenney (Edinburgh)

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  76. At 12:11 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    the word "emo" has been over-stereotyped.

    emo is a music genre that does not include bands like my chemical romance. mcr are a band that have become mainstream through making themselves commercial, and i would never class them as emo, there pop for petes sake.

    people who call themselves emo kids think that bands like mcr and panic and the disco are emo, and they dress as appropriate. this is fast becoming the problem. they do not know what real emo music is, they only know what's played on the radio, or shown on music channels. they dress how they like, to reflect their musical tastes, but as i say, most of them only associate emo with bands like mcr and panic.

    its completely diabolical that suicide and self harming is being assiciated with the stereotype "emo" and is so wrong.

    people are too quick to judge and stereotype these days, and take to new trends like fish to water.

    it's a phase, it'll pass.

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  77. At 12:19 PM on 20 Oct 2006, kevin wrote:

    EMO is a very big stereo type involving dress sence, hair styles and musical interests. people also associate EMO's with self harm, saying that EMO is short for "emotionaly disturbed". This is not true. I have been called an EMO because of the way i dress and the way i have my hair and also what i listen to. I hate being branded with the stereo type of EMO. I am and individual, and so are all of those people who are associated with EMO's.

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  78. At 12:20 PM on 20 Oct 2006, rosie wrote:

    im for emo they rock! panic @ the disco rock even though they sey dat dey rnt emo.... they r bt hu cares!

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  79. At 12:20 PM on 20 Oct 2006, praj wrote:

    i no lots of "emos" they are nice people who are going throu hard times and people are makein life worst for them by doin things like this so i think they should Quit

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  80. At 12:23 PM on 20 Oct 2006, lauren wrote:

    This blame on emo* is another escape goat. As Maralyn manson was...as video games were as TV was.

    People need to stop blaming things for their own mistakes. I personally are classed as "emo" but it doesnt define me, the clothes i wear , the hair cut i have says very little about my self. If peolpe want to judge others due to jeans and hair cuts they are the losers.

    My chemical romance rnt even that emo , by the steriotypical definition. Look at bands like Dashboard or second hand serande. People need to grow up and research things properly.

    p.s. emo music i dont think is depressing...indie stuff is.

    "emo kid"
    who is not going to go cry in the corner.

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  81. At 12:28 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Jimmy wrote:

    I don't get emo 'music' at all or as they call it 'emotional punk'. it sucks!! why do people listen to a screamy whiney American 19 year old lad telling them to hurt themselves because his girlfriend hates him, whiles playing power chord after power chord and failing at a 'killer solo'. half the kids that dress up and hang around in groups with knives in there pockets just incase they feel the need to 'relieve themselves' thinking less of every other person around them and shouting for attention because they deserve it... Besides its not about the music, its about the stupid clothes and black eyeliner, which isnt music.

    listen to somthing decent....

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  82. At 12:31 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Lisa wrote:

    To "H" to spoke to a real EMO band... if they are an fine example of this genre then it is doomed to die as they are ill-informed and simply stupid.

    If they are so anti plastic cases/cds - why are they releasing on VINYL - A PLASTIC.

    You ruined a good post by that show of stupidity.
    As for EMO's, it is fashionable for pre-teens, before that the 90's it was something else. It deosn't mena that the genre should be laughed at because it appeals to a mass audience.

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  83. At 12:37 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Niall Innes wrote:

    For some reason, the media and socially intolerant people feel the need to pigeon hole anyone who doesn't fit the "normal" and comfortable stereotypes. According to the Daily Mail, I fit into the adult goth category though I would hardly consider myself to look the part these days.

    Everyone has a right to express themselves and doing so during the teenage years is, and always been a sign of individuality or just to follow the crowd. I was always happy as a teenage goth as I stood out from the masses as having made a choice of my own. Sure, I got abuse (verbal mostly) but I wasn't miserable, didn't live in the dark and wasn't uncomunicative.

    The so called "Emos" of today are just the latest way for people who choose to do so, to express themselves in a certain way. When I was young, there were casuals, goths, rockers, squares. I don't think it has any bearing on whether or not you decide to self harm. I knew plenty of goths and not one of them did this. Most young folk will choose to slot themselves into one of the pigeon holes or another. All of them probably have the few who could be used as a worst case scenario to label all the rest.

    Leave the emos and all the rest of them alone. What harm are they doing to the rest of us?

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  84. At 12:39 PM on 20 Oct 2006, shauna wrote:

    Emo has been around for a long time and no one knew what it was and now suddenly eveyone uses the term emo, mostly as an insult, it is also now the latest trend but what annoys me the most is the fact that people can call my chemical romance as an 'emo' band and not relise that when you listen to their songs, its not emo at all, they don't even associate themselves as part of the sudden emo craze. they are much better than that, they are a category of their own. a damn good one at that.

    What is emo anyway?

    people who cut themselves? this is a very serious matter and shouldnt be taken lightly, so everyone who is suicidal or cut themselves is emo.

    People who write poetry or songs that is emotional? So most famous poets and song writers are emo, because lets face it most poems and songs are based on love. right?

    People who wear stripey socks maybe?

    People can like and think what they want without being critisied.

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  85. At 12:41 PM on 20 Oct 2006, stef, Jersey, C.I wrote:

    emo's( or as i call them emu's) all have one thing in common, they are all trying to be so different that they all become so similar, their wrists and black across-the-face-hair and hate of 'chavs' really does get tiring. i dont see why blood pouring from your wrists is something to be proud of, all this attention seeking gets boring, and have u ever noticed not one of them is smiling? it really doesnt sound like a fun idea to be engrossed(sp) in.

    and to whoever mentions heartbreak, we all go through it, except the emu culture indulge in razor blades and self harm as opposed to seeking real help like counselling or making friends.

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  86. At 12:42 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Jess wrote:

    I think that 'emo' is very stereotypical and i dont agree with labelling. People say that Emos slit their wrist and are always depressed which is not always true for the majority of them. I listen to 'emo'music only i dont like heavy emo music because it makes me unhappy. It stands for emotional although aren't everyone?

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  87. At 12:43 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Laurel wrote:

    I think the whole 'debate' is a load of bo***cks! As a middle class 21 year old woman I guess I'm not the target audience for 'EMO' music, but I really enjoy it. Everyone seems to have forgotten that it's meant to be about the music, not silly little children who are influenced by it! A lot of so called 'EMO' bands like Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical ROmance etc just make really good, catchy, tunes and they shouldnt be labelled and put down because of it. I think it's the stupid little kids who take the lyrics and the band's image too seriously that are the real problem here!

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  88. At 12:43 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    'Emo' or emotional, started off a as a music genre to show that the lyrics & the music that complimented them were about emotions.
    'Emo' has been so over exaggerated recently.
    Being 'emo' is about being sucicidal, self harming, or anything that people associate with emos, including wearing black.
    I could call myself 'emo' as I tend to be an emotional person - but then again everyone is emotional. We all feel happiness, sadness, pain, joy etc etc.
    I only read a part of the article in the Daily Mail, but I strongly disagree with it.
    At the end of the day, 'emo' is associated to music that talks about emotions and reality, not people.

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  89. At 12:56 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Mat Duke wrote:

    Emo is a fad. Its teenages who love attention, and teenagers who long for friendship and in reality there is nothing wrong with a group of teenagers who want friends who feel the same as them

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  90. At 01:03 PM on 20 Oct 2006, lyssa wrote:

    it really anoys me the need we have to classify everything.
    What is wrong with being ecletic.
    I like such a wide range of music and i dress how my mood dictates.
    I am proud of that.

    I am going to watch panic at the disco on monday at brixton academy and i am so excited, and a friend started going on about me being emo
    yes i like some "emo" music and sometimes i dress similarly.

    But i also listen to drumb and bass, classical, and r'n'b.

    I dont see what our fasonation with labels is.

    Wes hould be who we are


    in cornwall

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  91. At 01:08 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Lauren wrote:

    Why do people take "emo" so seriously. People can be whatever they want to be. Look like whatever they want to. Listen to what ever type of music they like.
    It's always the war against emo.
    Why is it never against punks, goths or chavs?

    And regarding the My Chemical Romance issue, yes most of their fans are emo, but that doesnt mean the band are! They are just a great band who write songs about things that have happened or affected them in their lives.
    What's wrong with that?!

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  92. At 01:14 PM on 20 Oct 2006, haz wrote:

    emo rule

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  93. At 01:16 PM on 20 Oct 2006, old duffa wrote:

    what on earth does EMO stand for.

    Bloody kids!

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  94. At 01:30 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Johnny wrote:

    Please learn what 'emo' is before starting a debate on it, Radio 1.

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  95. At 01:40 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Lucy wrote:

    Exactly. That word should be banned. Nobody knows what it is really. Too over used.

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  96. At 01:56 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Adam wrote:

    Yet another attempt to create a sterotype based on very little fact and plenty of supposition and downright incorrect information. I'm 37, a fan of My Chemical Romance, Green, Day, FFaF. My first big musical influences were The Smiths, Echo and the Bunnymen, The Cure, so where on earth do i fit in?

    My first exposure to My Chemical Romance was the song I'm Not OK and it came to me in a point in life where I wasnt OK ( I Promise). This song was one of the things that encouraged me to acknowldge my problems, to speak out and take steps to get things done. Far from self harming, it was my self help anthem, along with the Killers Mr Brightside.

    IMO this kind of article does little for the credibility of the author or the publication that printed it.

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  97. At 01:56 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Sarah wrote:

    I am pro EMO!!! I am especially a fan of MCR. I think that EMO does bring people closer together especially at EMO gigs, it makes people feel happier in my opinion. My sister and I are both EMO fans and always play some EMO whilst getting ready for a night out as it cheers us up - we can't help belting out the tunes and dancing around like a couple of mad heads!

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  98. At 02:00 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Keviano07 wrote:

    Im not emo, but love the music. my hair n clothes arent in any way influenced by bands like My Chemical Romance or Lostprophets. Emo is here to stay. Get used to it.

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  99. At 02:05 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Kenny wrote:

    The Daily Mail article is brilliant. I love reading this nonsense; makes me glad to live in this country. With moral guardians like this to keep me and mine out of harm's way I can look forward to a long and happy life of knitting patterns and nice cups of tea.
    Personally I don't like the label Emo, don't much like the label grunge, punk, grime...actually I don't much like labels of any description. Music is music and if you like it then who's to say whether you're wrong or not? It strikes me that this is another part of the long running saga of whether media can ever be held responsible for the actions of individuals. I guess that you could argue that hip-hop is far more dangerous than "emo" seeing as how it's violence against others that is being advocated rather than (alleged) violence against self.
    We seem to hear a lot about people's "rights" these days. Certainly a lot more than we did maybe ten years ago. What we don't hear as much about though are our responsibilities. It's all about personal resonsibility. You want to start blaming music for the actions of individuals? Rubbish, let them look in a mirror first.

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  100. At 02:13 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Josie wrote:

    The thing that seriously irritates me, and reminds us of the daily mail's marvellous sensationialism, is the use of the extreme consequences of being "emo"- that being the "self harming" element of it- and them reporting it as the ONLY consequence of being emo...

    As the paper correctly states (and that being one of the few things that is correct) emo is short for emotional, however, as usual, and with that delightful hint of melancholy, extremism and somewhat trademark forgetting of detail: sad/ depressed/ angry (what we basically see as negative emotions) are not the only emotions out there.

    A person slitting their wrists is not dictated by the clothes they wear. The emotions they feel are not going to disappear if they don a yellow t-shirt and listen to whatever cheery artists have been churned out this week.

    The attack on 'emo' music- though (I must admit) some is depressing, though so are other genres of music) is meerly musicians and their audience expressing emotions and unfortunately not all of those are happy or "positive"... but they are emotions nonetheless...

    As a 15 year old (not an emo) female, I see it as an insult to all teenagers as they proclaim how fickle and obselete we are... how we will change as soon as the magazines do... and how we have no rhyme or reason for our own expression (no matter what form it is). In the daily mail's usual patronising passive "voice of reason" we are told what we are, what we shouldn't be, and why...

    let me, and everyone else, be ourselves... and don't complain when you don't agree...

    the goths, the punks, the chavs... etc... are the mods, rockers, rude-boys etc and the older generation look back on this with a fond nostalgia... as my generation will in years to come!

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  101. At 02:19 PM on 20 Oct 2006, em wrote:

    its all nonsense. music is music. what you like is your own personal choice.

    people have been singing about broken relationships and not feeling like they "belong" for decades.

    MCR, Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard etc etc are just rock bands that have been lumped into this "genre" Like Nu-Metal before it - the bands who are great will survive (deftones) and the bands that arent will disappear (limp bizkit).

    MCR and Taking back sunday are both on their 3rd albums. Which to me, denotes that they have staying power and continue to grow and grow - not only in the excellence of their music, but their fan base grows with them

    I'd rather the youth of today be listening to challenging - intelligent music rather than the pop crap that is being churned out by the Xfactor/ Pop idol wannabees.

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  102. At 02:21 PM on 20 Oct 2006, sara wrote:

    swell to ne honest this whole labeling people really annoys me. its what starts bullying and things. people say they want all this lavleing and what not to stop, yet you see these people saying ' gothic or emo' people can choose what they wear and how they wear it, its up to an individual to choose the type of musaic they like, it shows individuality. i totally disagree with people stereotyping, even when, to be honest, i doubt theyve met 'emo' people. they all dont want to slit their wrists and kill themselves, its what they want to look like. just leave them alone!

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  103. At 02:25 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Cat Marie wrote:

    EMO is for depressed teans who need something to cry to

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  104. At 02:25 PM on 20 Oct 2006, George Bush wrote:

    EMO'S or EMU's (I have noticed someone else used the emu word so big up yourself!) are just another fad and a way for people to get attention, so just shut and grow up ya losers!

    Put on Led Zeppelin and get some real music into your ears, be happy and do something with your life, you may have to cut your crap hair so the music doesnt get blocked by all the hair and girly products your using in it.

    P.s. Vote Bush!

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  105. At 02:36 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    emo was a movement that was started many years ago and has very little to do with the stereotypical image of emo today.bands and people get labelled emo because of their looks and the bands get labelled because they have emotive lyrics and a very specific sound.in my view if it makes people happy and brings people together its only a positive thing,people just want to condem it because as with every movement there are people who disagree.im 20 now and love it

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  106. At 02:37 PM on 20 Oct 2006, alex wrote:

    most emos dont harm themselves a;ot of people dress like emos but dont slit their wrists i meen i dress like one listen to the music and i dont cut my self. people from other stero types cut themselfs its just people who are a bit deppresed and need help

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  107. At 02:40 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Claire wrote:

    Men look ridiculous in skinny jeans. Emo girls and boys look the same! Not my cup of tea at all. Emo men look ill and need some meat on there bones. Not a good look.

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  108. At 02:42 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Troy short wrote:


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  109. At 02:42 PM on 20 Oct 2006, sammie wrote:

    Hiya... just wanted to say.. I didn't think "emo" bands got in the "poppish" chart nowadays and MCR aren't that emo anyways!!! I xxxxxsammiexxxxx

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  110. At 02:43 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Hayleyy wrote:

    Im only 14 but in th last year ive noticed 'emo' is becoming some stereotypical name for anyone who likes bands like fallout boy, panic at th disco, my chemical romance etc. && who dresses, well as i see is individual =S A few of my friends see people walk by n make comments about them bein so called 'emo'.I dont see why we have categories for people, just because they dont dress like everyone else..I dont think its fair to put a stereotype on people by th clothes they wear or the music they like.

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  111. At 02:47 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Charlotte wrote:

    In the daily mail article they mention Green Day thus showing them up for the half witted hacks they are

    clearly they know nothing about very much at all.

    The emo debate has been raging in the rock world for sometime now, in fact its been going on so long the generally accepted defination of emo has changed about three times...does anybody remember jimmy eat world they were supposed to be emo

    And Dashboard Confessional was once the poster bosy of emo and he looks and sounds nothing like MCR

    the problem is an age old one - anytime music is sub - categorized people will argue over who fits into what box! Personaly I would argue music comes in 2 categories good and bad and only you can determine for yourself if any particualr band falls in eiether category

    As for MCR causing kids to self harm, this makes no more sense than blaming Metallica for the WM3 or Marliyn Manson being to blame for Columbine

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  112. At 02:49 PM on 20 Oct 2006, sammie wrote:

    "Although the look is similar, the point of distinction, frightening for schools and parents, is a celebration of self harm"

    this is worrying even that I am a teenager that children and teenagers shouldn't be at risk to self harm because of a "trend"

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  113. At 02:57 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Matt wrote:

    i think this is a problem that has been blamed on 'emo' just the same that the drugs culture was blamed on the rocker's a few years back i know a high amount of young girls harming themselves none of them being emo, and none of them looking to show off thier scars they are more likley to hide them and be embarissed i think classing bands like green day as emo is completly and utterly disturbing they have been around for years and right good songs... now you get a band like trivium or Funeral For a Freind those arew emo bands but if thats what people want to listen to thats up to them but this is just another phase just like the rockers and the skaters we have all changed our appearance once and to judge people on that would take us back a few hundred years. emo is just another spin off of a small percentage of the rock community just like punks.

    i used to be a skater and the more things came up in the news or debates like this one, it drives you more into thinking people are judging us and thinking we are scum of the earth so the more the Daily Express do this the more they are going to annoy these people just leave them be every one is and individual and no one is normal because you can't define normal so leave these kids alone

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  114. At 02:58 PM on 20 Oct 2006, haggis wrote:

    i hate emos. i really do, they smell, they have girsl hair and are really random people i wish they were all dead lol !!! oh and they also play crap music lol

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  115. At 03:04 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    oh please....

    get over it.....emo's just a phase.....like leg warmers and shell suits (although im not sure if they ever went out!!!)

    its just a fashion and a fad....some people are into it and others aren't.

    i wouldnt call myself emo. but on the odd day i do fancy a pair of skinny black jeans and my thick rim glasses and a bit of fringe over my face ! thats just what i fancy !

    does it eve matter what genre MCR are in...or anybody for that matter !!!
    Musicians and bands alike should be able to create records simply because they sound good, not because of the genre they fit into !

    i love a bit of MCR myself :-D

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  116. At 03:06 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Claire wrote:

    It's an article by the daily mail - nothing they write is worth reading.

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  117. At 03:10 PM on 20 Oct 2006, katy from keele wrote:

    that woman knows NOTHING about emo, she obviously overheard some teenagers talking, paraphrased wildly, then decided to call a lot of people goths, slag off the music and accuse people of self harming.

    (not that i'd expect too much else from a newspaper that bases all its news stories on fear of change/the country/people who might threaten the stability of the country!)

    i get called emo because i like dashboard confessional, panic! at the disco, MCR, paramore, bright eyes etc etc (not that i don't like a lot of other music, inc pop, rnb, indie, rock) and wear converse with my black leggings, denim skirt a tight t. does it matter? no. do i do it for attention? no, nor do i get any!

    that journalist needs to get her facts right, and not generalise. and to those who keep going on about it being a fad, people change, styles come and go. get over it.

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  118. At 03:24 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    just because people happen to like a certain clothing style or a certain type of music what was classed as 'emo' music does not make then 'emo' automatically, I like loads of different bands, some of them happen to be in the scremo/emo genre, but I do not class myself as emo. I think it is another stupid stereotype that people have come up with in order to generalise teenagers yet again, just like the 'chav' , 'goth' , 'trendy' , 'townie' , 'gangsta' , 'geek' , 'swot' etc etc.. its not a new thing so I dont know why the media are drawing attention to it and 'warning' the public about this new 'cult' for one thing I think if parents were genuinely bothered if their kids were unhappy then the kids wouldnt BE unhappy in the first place and would have no reason to self harm. It is nothing to do with a cult status in how people dress or what music they listen to!
    I think this whole thing is so stupid and shouldnt have been published in the first place.

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  119. At 03:30 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Ania (Poland) wrote:

    Yesterday I was wearing a black/white striped t-shirt and a pair of mere jeans. Entering my school's front door I've heard: " Ania! You are an EMO too!.I stood speechless with my mouth opened. Is it normal for you people that you have to watch out what you are putting on because you may look like EMO?! You also can't listen to MCR because you'll be regarded as an EMO KID. I personally listen to MetallicA for over three years now and I'm not going to change it anyway(whatever is fashionable).
    If someone is wearing a pink/black striped shirt it doesn't have to mean that he is EMO or kinda like. Stop moaning at those poor people! Please!
    Leave us alone!


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  120. At 03:32 PM on 20 Oct 2006, apple wrote:

    i hate the way peopel stereotype type someone by the way they dress and by how the look, its ridiculous.
    just because someone wears skinny jeans and has black hair and has a fringe, they sterotype them as a emo. how can you label someone and you dont even know them. its society today that makes peoples put people onto genres or into some type of "group".
    why should you can how someone dresses and what type of music they're into, i mean everyones different and not everyone has to be exactly the same, it make the world we live in a very boring place.

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  121. At 03:32 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Holly wrote:

    i support proplr who are emos but emo isnt about being a clone its about being who you are and what you wnat to be emos arnt all succidal and musnt b put down and the 'sterotype' is so wrong!!

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  122. At 03:40 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Lauren Bunney wrote:

    What's the big problem with emos? They're better than chavs so stop complaining.

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  123. At 03:55 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I am 15 and i am totally on the emo side, i mean i am an emo! i can't see why people are so stupid about it. SO WHAT WERE EMOS?! Emo music totally rocks. i think when people see something diffrent the push it away instead of trying to understand it, and i really do think its just making us closer together.

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  124. At 03:55 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    My chemical romance are NOT EMO. They're just plain rubbish.

    Bands such as bullet for my valentine are EMO. Which are also rubbish.

    I run a website called and we have all sorts of members, over 16,000 to be specific. We have EMO's, metal heads, goths, punks, cyber-goths and so on.

    Getting back to EMO music, the only reason it's called EMO is because of the style of the band, and by this I mean their looks.

    I mean come on, my chemical romance could be compared to HIM, and they are not EMO. Also as said before, below, MCR are not metal, and it sucks that they can get away with it....I mean what happened to likes of children of bodom, they are metal, not MCR.

    Its all about the scene to be honest, for example....If you saw a guy or girl walking down the highstreet wearing drain pipe jeans, a tight top, a real thin scarf (not to keep them warm) and hair that reminds you of a skunk, you can almost gurantee that they like bands such as bullet for my valentine and MCR etc.

    These may be strong assumptions but most of the time its a correct one.

    As for EMO kids in general, they are harmnless, just the same as the rest of the alternative culture. We are peaceful, and just wanna have a good time. People who say they hate EMO's mostly refer to the style and genre, and the look. Its kinda of the same with Chavs, every alternative person hates chavs and few alternative people hate EMO's.

    Its neither here nor there, most of it is down to group leadership, and by this I mean an influential friend of a group of friends influencing others around them to have their opinions. Silly really.

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  125. At 03:56 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    MCR are emo so i have no idea what any of these people are talking about!

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  126. At 04:02 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Issa wrote:

    Just read that Mail article... I can't believe it was actually published. It was not journalism... just a list of opinions!

    Although I believe that the original meaning of 'emo' is has been completely lost, and I am not particularly a fan of what is called 'emo', I think the generalisations and stereotyping used by some people, including the author of that article, is grossly unfair and untrue. Not all emos self harm. But then you could say the same with a lot of things - not all young guys in hoodies are about to mug you either!

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  127. At 04:04 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Robin Lorimer wrote:

    I am always mistaken for an emo cuz I love the music and Im always called a freak so I say STOP STEROTYPING just because they are different and like a different genre of music. Music was made to bring people together not to push people apart!!

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  128. At 04:06 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Marco wrote:

    Emo is the epitomy of what is wrong with music in the United States. It is formulaic and exploits the delusional deppressions of teens whose selfishly think they are the only ones to have such feelings at their age. In the U.S., corporate radio mostly plays emo, which is unfortunate because, as your side of the ocean has noticed, our country is producing some great music these days. Unfortunately we have to listen to underground stations, or radio stations abroad, to be exposed to it. Thank God for the Internet!!! Emo is a formula that companies exploit to make money. Plain and simple.

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  129. At 04:13 PM on 20 Oct 2006, dom wrote:

    people call me emo for loving music by my chemical romance funeral for a friend, panic! at the disco, the zico chain, hawthorn heights and thursday, having black hair and wearing dark clothes. Emo's don't have it hard its just emo's don't go around and try and be superficial in material objects. we all know that everyone has it hard and we are not out to say we have it the worst. all we are doing is being ourselves and we are just open about the sad things in life such as death, breakups, and other bad times. what the "emo" music does is offers comfort to everyone to let you know that you are not going through bad times alone and that others have been there and come out the other side. yes there is a massive growth in emo's but emo's have been around for years, its just the fact that no-one has bothered opening their eyes to see them but as soon as MCR hit number 1 its suddenly becomes a talking point?! I agree with Christopher Rhodes and think that emo's are better to see than chavs, emos won't bash an old ladys head in just for the 5quid in her purse. so hows about leaving emo kids be? what have they done to deserve such bad publicity as the article in the mail?

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  130. At 04:15 PM on 20 Oct 2006, jay wrote:

    I Have just replied to that ridiculous article in the Mail.
    I am 25 and a professional designer. I lead a healthy active lifestyle and my friends do too.
    I have been listening to 'emo' for about 10 years, since before it had a name, and other genres like post/hardcore/punk etc and some darker stuff too.

    Most of my friends have similar taste and some choose to wear black, eyeliner etc. NONE of us have ever self harmed and this article is a pathetic attempt to generalise a music culture into a group of mentally unstable people. Quite pathetic indeed.

    How you dress and your music tastes are two of the most readily availible ways of expressing your feelings, if these feelings are accompanied by the desire to self harm, this problem is in the mind and is most probably CAUSED by the parents. Its an outrageous thing to say:

    "Although the look is similar, the point of distinction, frightening for schools and parents, is a celebration of self harm."

    It makes angry almost but i can't be bothered to be as its such a childish and weak arguement/article.

    The author needs to grow up and concentrate on helping those with problems, not blaming the music people listen to.

    Regards Jay (Devon)

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  131. At 04:17 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Basically, any emo kids that I know, constantly whine, bitch, and moan about life, so this emo scene thats peaking at the moment is like "Music to kill yourself to". Life is depressing enough, without having to listen to some random squeal about how crap their life is, while getting paid a fortune for the privilage...
    Enough said....

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  132. At 04:18 PM on 20 Oct 2006, tom wrote:

    whoevr writes stuff bout emos don't know what they are on about!!!!!!!!!!
    the roc kand their music(being and emo myself)
    g oall us emos!!!!
    ............................................................................. and rock on Kerrang

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  133. At 04:19 PM on 20 Oct 2006, becky wrote:

    emos are all boring and constantly sad they all look the same with the same style hair and the girls look like boys and boys look like girls.
    they all have a negative attitude to life and is depressing to be around.

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  134. At 04:27 PM on 20 Oct 2006, matt mallon wrote:

    ewwwww emos... yuck!lol! normo's al d way!!!!!

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  135. At 04:33 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Sam + simon wrote:

    oh dear, another example of bad journalism
    the daily mail, (britain's favourite fascist newspaper) has YET AGAIN picked on the minority.
    let me ask how may emos harm other people?
    how many jouralists can write better music?
    the comments were immature and the nessarcery goverment forces SHOULD be informed
    absolute digrace--------------------------------------sam+simon

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  136. At 04:34 PM on 20 Oct 2006, carl wrote:

    look MCR have even said they're not emo. it's just idiots who dont know what they're talking about labelling bands to look cool. i like MCR's new song but i don't like any of their other stuff and it's the same with a lot of other bands. good music is good music and if you limit yourself to one genre youre missing out.

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  137. At 04:39 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Chris wrote:

    Emo bands are all rubbish, there depressing and have turned alot of normal people into sad people.

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  138. At 04:46 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Emo is just a phase that a certain age group go through i.e. teens. 90% of people that are into music reach the end of the their teens and have by that point been exposed so much more life experience and a million more one or two album bands that they move on. There's no way that these emo kids can be dressing and acting the way they do by the time they hit 20, there's too many other influences around that you can easily avoid living with your parents and socialising in certain groups.

    Scene kids/emo kids are one in the same. Whatever's fashionable in a certain peer group is what they're going to listen to. I did, my friends did it, everyone does it. So for me there's no debate, it's a phase that will grow as old as the length of the teenage attention span.

    Personally, at the ripe old age of 26 I can say that I like some of the music that's genred as Emo. It's not the music that I dislike, it's the attitude of the teenage listeners that go with it.

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  139. At 05:02 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Harrie wrote:

    It really annoys me that people who appear to be "emo" are getting such a rough ride at the minute. A couple of years ago I went through a very low patch for what most of my peers saw as no reason and so they bullied and isolated me for it.

    I used to wear dark clothes and seemed to hide away purely to stop being noticed.

    If this had happend now I would probably be labelled an "emo", all this would have done would be to isolate me more and then perhaps, yes I might have ended up self harming.

    Bullying people because they are different in any way is totally wrong. Getting at 'emos' is no different to getting at a Muslim kid because they have different traditions. Perhaps if these people really are so emotional we should be trying to help them rather than bullying them.

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  140. At 05:15 PM on 20 Oct 2006, beef flaps wrote:

    Who cares. Walking around seeing the sad sheep of goths...emo kids...skids...thinking and acting as though the weight of the world is beating on them...it's just recycled genres and subcultures of past decades.

    It's nothing new nor individualistic. It's a sign of procrastination in musical ideas and lack of talent in our society. So why bother even discussing it or listening to it?

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  141. At 05:15 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Katie wrote:

    I'm all for people being different. Isn't that the whole point? Just because people are wearing skinny fit jeans, tight tops and neck scarfs doesn't mean that they automatically self harm and read poetry. I don't think that we can automatically stereotype people into the emo group just because of the clothes they wear and the music they listen to.

    My chemical Romance (MCR) Are not emo although the lyrics to songs on the new album are deeper; they actually mean something to the people that read them. Emo-Pop-rock type music is HUGE in America, so why should people have such a prejudice of it here in Britain? These songs are great. Songs such as 'I'm Not Okay' from MCR's previous album is full of guitar, and is an awesome song just to listen to and turn right up.

    How many of you out there watch the X Factor? Eten Road's Lead singer, Anthony, Is different and people love him! He stands out from the rest and although he wears skinny fit jeans, celtic crosses, tight tops and has black hair does this make him Emo?

    I think Emo is being looked into far too much. Modern day goths/chavs/townies don't seem to recieve this much attention. Not all Emo's harm, they dress differnently and if they want to experiment with poetry and meaningful lyrics who are we to stop them?

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  142. At 05:22 PM on 20 Oct 2006, claire wrote:

    i dont like emos, i was once friends with one, but when she became an emo she dissed who i am and who i like, so i dont like her anymore. she thinks that she is super important because she is an emo, and boasts to all of her friends she cuts her wrists? but why? i belive you only have one life on this earth, so why cut yourself, or commit suicide, or go around saying you are depressed, if that's the case? why do they want to die in the first place? i think im taking this too seriously, and if i am, can an emo PLEASE explain WHY they are like this?

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  143. At 05:53 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Quoting ''matt''

    all emos are pathetic and look like weird little idiots wearing all cheap black clothes!!! chavs rule!


    EMO's don't usually wear '''cheap black clothes'''.

    This is another AMAZING example of how dumb a chav is....Not only was it off-topic, but a completely un substantiated claim.


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  144. At 06:14 PM on 20 Oct 2006, sean wrote:

    There's nothing wrong with EMO music. I'm not it's biggest fan but i quite enjoy that MCR tune. I think the real problem is EMO kids thinking that they have to go that extra step to fit in with the scene. They wear black clothes in the middle of summer and think it is a crime to crack a smile. What really worries me is the association with self harming,which cant be ignored. Why cant they just enjoy the music?

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  145. At 06:17 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Louise McCabe wrote:

    I'm not a of emo music and can appreciate this huge debate.

    I think everyone should be entitled to there own taste in music and kids should not be given a hard time...even if there tast in music is mince.

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  146. At 06:20 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Amy wrote:

    Well, being a teenager, this is the way I see it: there are (and I know this is a huge generalisation) two main types of kids in terms of style; emos and preps.

    Both have their good and bad points, but to be honest Im sure people would criticise my generation even more than they do now if we were all preppily dressed, shallow and materialistic.

    Emos rebel against this, and I think people should stop criticising them for having some emotional integrity, even if some do take it to extremes. Not all emos are depressed weirdos, the majority that I know are the people who go out most weekends and have a good time at gigs and parties.

    In terms of the media, I think my generation is extremely unfiarly treated:
    we listen to "emo" music, we are criticised
    we are told we dont have any manners, we are criticised
    we pass exams that are apparently too "easy", and we are criticised.

    I would appreciate it if older generations would take a long hard look at themselves before they criticise teenagers in future:
    they were not perfect when they were our age, and they hardly are now.

    Just look at the hash made of Iraq and the state of young children being brought up by parents too busy to kiss their children goodnight.

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  147. At 06:26 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Fran wrote:

    How many Emos does it take to change a light bulb?

    None- they all just sit in the dark and cry.

    Fran Danczak, 13

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  148. At 06:28 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Chris wrote:

    Anyone that took the time to listen to MCR or Panic!... and knew anything about the history of american indie would know that these bands are NOT 'emo'.

    'emo' = 'emotional hardcore'

    i'm not even going to begin to write a summary of hardcore, there's a film out soon. i suggest ill informed Daily Mail journos check it out.

    MCR are a very good guitar pop band. their fans love them. what else matters, exactly?

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  149. At 06:30 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Daniella wrote:

    I've always liked MCR, from day one i listened to every word they sang...never once have i considered committing suicide or self harming in any way. It's not the music you listen to that makes you self harm, it's how you feel.
    And the emo craze at the moment, it'll be over in a couple of months, and it'll be something else that the daily mail is criticizing, and those who are truly emo will be left to carry on as they always have and will be forgotten about.
    I don't think there are so many people that are that stupid to self harm just because it's the 'in thing', it's only because it's been in the media recently that it has been bought to light just how many people who have serious problems are self harming.

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  150. At 06:33 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Jack wrote:

    Its not that i hate the style of music its just there whinning american accents that i cant stand and its even worse when u get an engish or welsh band trying to sing like an american..there is no need what so ever we are english...PEACE

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  151. At 06:41 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Holly wrote:

    My friends call me an emo 'cause i like bands like MCR, Bullet for my velntine, trivium and Aiden. i don't mind, i take it as a complement. So i dress in balck, i like certain muisc, i have an individual attidude.. I don't get hassle for it, i get respect.

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  152. At 06:42 PM on 20 Oct 2006, dave chapple wrote:

    Thogh i am a massive fan of MCR I was kinda shocked that Welcome To The Black Parade got to number 1

    I love EMO music and i would class myself as one but i am also a born again christian and i do not go around slitting my wrists and feeling sorry for myself my best friend is exactly the same as me in this respect and shes the happiest most smiley person i know i dont think ive ever seen her without a smile on her face.

    We are not what people think they see one or two people who are "emo" looking depressed and they suddenly stereotype.

    And the rumour that MCR encourage self-harm and suicide is ridiclous. in fact at their shows Gerard Way actually says if you are depressed and suicidal yo must talk to someone you can trust who can help you because he knows what its like and its the worst feeling in the world.

    So to those people who bash emos try getting to know the person behind the fringe before you judge them because they may be jst like you. one of my best mates is semi-chav so it can be done

    We judge eachother of character and personality not fasion and musical taste

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  153. At 06:56 PM on 20 Oct 2006, neil wrote:

    EMO or not, `my chemical romances` black parade album is one of high quality and superb musical talent, a number one in the album charts will surely follow there single charts success

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  154. At 06:59 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Will wrote:

    The problem is these guys are obviously rly good at the instruments that they play its jst what they sing about. It can't be satisfying writing a song that shows that u are rly upset. It also isn't nice to hear yourself that these people are upset. I personally like indie rock so im a a little biased but i rly do hate emo with a passion. The new mcr album is a blend of noise and random shouting which words are inconceivable from. I rly hate it.


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  155. At 07:01 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Hollie wrote:

    I am a sort of emo thing... I went to get my hair cut like an emo because i like the way there hair was and my hairdresser said like a what an elmo and i said no thats a character off of sesame street. But ever since then most people call me Emo, Elmo Or Punk Elmo... I must say I'm more of a punk than anything else but elmo is like a blonde haired punk who can wear what he/she wants and basically do what she wants... But as I'm only 12 then i kinda can't do what i want. But so far I'm the only elmo in the universe except my good old friend Elmo... off of sesame street. I love him lol. Anyway bye bye xxx PLEASE READ!

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  156. At 07:05 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    MCR R NOT EMO ! ! !

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  157. At 07:34 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Jack wrote:

    emos are just attention seakers as soon as their music becomes mainstream they will all just fade out and then find some other type of music that not many people like so the can get more attention.

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  158. At 07:46 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Sprocket wrote:

    I hate Emo's and Emo music as why should you slit your wrists when your angry. It would make me even more angry. Their just stupid.

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  159. At 07:49 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Ben wrote:

    Who cares?

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  160. At 07:55 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Chris from Canada wrote:

    Another case of image before music. I'm not going to generalize here. Living in Canada, I have a hard time understanding why many people feel the need to conform to the image of a particular genre. I understand that teenage conformity may be somewhat genetic, but I think many people loose sight of what the music really is, regardless of genre. When I hear music that makes my foot tap or gets me emotional, I try not to get wraped up in whether or not I can enjoy it when I haven't conformed to the sterotypical image of that particular genre. For example, If people like Nine Inch Nails or the Cure, do they need to be goth? If they like Jay-Z or Eminem do they need to be more ghetto style? If I like Miles Davis or Charlie Parker do they need to be a heroine addicted jazz musician? If they like trance do I have to be an etarded candy kid? If they like Mozart do they have to be a rich old snob? and if they like MCR or Panic at the Disco, do they need to be emo?
    Modern Western pop music only has 12 notes 12 keys and a whole lotta rhythm. Who cares how it looks or how you look. Enjoy it cause it appeals to you aurally.

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  161. At 08:13 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Rich Williamson wrote:

    What are they depressed about really!? Is it there hard, middle-class lives, or are they annoyed with their new iPod nano which daddy just bought them! Wear what you want and be who you want to be but they should out things into perspective. Although some probably have serious problems most are just jumping on the bandwagon and unecessarily moaning about their difficult lives to fit in with the other "depressed" EMOs!! My friend spent the summer in Africa doing charity work and explained to me how truly hard life is for them, they've got real problems.

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  162. At 08:17 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Carys wrote:

    im an emo n im just fine im just a normal crazy fun loving teen just coz i like different music and clothes dnt mee im wierder den da rest of u it just meens im mor indavidual n have mi own sense of style xxxxxxxx

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  163. At 08:21 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Paddy wrote:

    I went through a very slight emo phase a couple of years ago and now the very idea of listening to "emotional rock", wearing converse and running round giggling, screaming and handing out hugs to all that I see makes me squirm inside. I would say the stereotype is ridiculous, as most "emos" don't want to kill themselves, depression often seems to be a thing adults (often parents) use as an excuse for their child not liking them. Depression is a serious matter and it really doesn't help to presume the person is a goth/emo and listens to heavy metal. A spide (chav) can be depressed.

    Despite my views on the emo stereotype, emos very often annoy me to no end. People who are friends with emos often feel pressurised to listen to a certain type of music, wear black and feel like outcasts. (Seems a good time to point out that if you are being an emo/goth to be different, don't you realise it's a massive craze?) Basically big groups of them in my hometown and near-by city take over whole areas, intimidate the OAPs (oh no!) and make the place look bad to any foreigners to our troubled country on a holiday.

    I suppose I haven't properly explained why this group of people annoy me so, but I have my reasons; it's just hard to pour your general hate and anger into a box of writing on a screen. (Just to add, some emos can be okay, to more-or-less contradict some of what I've said)

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  164. At 08:22 PM on 20 Oct 2006, nikki wrote:

    i dont get it most bands write stuff that means stuff to them so surely thats emotional so how come their not all called emo it is so confusing.

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  165. At 08:25 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    hey, my friends call me emo....i dress like emo's...i have hair like emo's...and i love emo music e.g. my chemical romance, but it doesn't mean i harm myself. i totally diasagree with what the daily mirror are saying. i thinks its ok for people to show how they feel inside, afterall it's surposed to be a free country.
    i hope this helps,

    luv ya xx xx

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  166. At 08:25 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Najah wrote:

    ARGGGGGGGHHHH!! There is no such thing as an "emo" or "emotional rock". It is simply a figment of imagination of every pathetic person who likes to label people in a certain way. Grow up. Your lame and pathetic and your probably troubled too. Its just like every other label in this world depicting people for the way they dress or how they apply make-up. GET OVER IT. Your not emo, your friends aint emo and your favorite band isnt either. So just crawl back into your little hole and stop pissing people off by targetting them.

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  167. At 08:28 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Sarah wrote:

    i think putting anybody into a stereotype is wrong .. why do we have all these different groups of people .. how can anybody be defined to one specific type.

    i listen to all kinds of music and dont describe my self as anything ... im just me!!

    but ... if someone wants to call themselves an EMO and put themselves into that category then thats their decision ... who can tell them what to be?

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  168. At 08:30 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Emily wrote:

    I love Emo things and i couldnt belive it when i read the artical in Kerrang! I love my chemical romance and i was so glad that they slaged off the daily mail. That woman was out of order about tell parents to watch out for the kids when they were a sort of style and listen to different music. I think you should be able do wear listen and do whatever you want without being put down and accused or taken the complete mick out of.

    Im so glad MCR are number 1 yay

    love Emily

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  169. At 08:40 PM on 20 Oct 2006, fox wrote:

    i think emos are gettin an a hard time for no real reason, its just a trend and i think most emos are stereotyped in the self harming image but i like the music and get called all sorts of things, but the music doesn't make me different to every1 else. so im portarayed to be somthing im not. :(

    p.s. keep playin M.C.R.

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  170. At 08:42 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Chris wrote:

    Emo is the worst thing to happen to music in a long time. They all know who they are, they all think that they're the only one who really "gets" emo, and that everyone ELSE is just a scene kid. They ALL have the warped idea of an "original" haircut by sweeping it over to one side. And yes, if you spike it up at the back you're still just the same as everyone else, you just look more like a girl.

    Emo kids tend to be narcissistic little kids that think its cool to be "deep". To sum up, emo is just metal with a pinch of 80's pop culture (mainly the haircuts). Get over it, and get rid of it already.

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  171. At 08:46 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Joe wrote:

    The views the daily mail demonstrated were grossly misinformed, and showed the nation the fear that teenagers can cause adults. The scaremongering this woman aimed for showed parents what she wanted them to know, and therefore caused even more stereotyping than was evident before. I personally think that her views were personal, and should not be published in a way to influence parents with lies like 'death pop!?!' And I don't think anyone would ever agree MCR were an emo band. It's like calling Westlife metal.

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  172. At 08:47 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Laura wrote:

    Emo is going to be popular with teenagers as it goes well with their muddled hormones and dramatic romantic lives....Every year, kids think that there is no way that anyone has ever had a life as intense and dramatic as theirs, life is so unfair, why go on, no-one understands, lalala.

    Most 'emo' is pretty boys in goth get up and make up singing what, essentially, are pop songs. It's the look that the kids like (and why not, it rocks).

    Yes. I am old. I was a goth over ten years ago. But, bizarrely, I too wore black nailvarnish, black lipstick, stripey jumpers, dyed my hair purple etc etc. I think it's pretty funny that the 'alternative' kids are so 'alternative' that they're wearing exactly the same get-up that all the other 'alternative kids' wear...

    It's something that you either grow out of, or at least broaden your horizons, but it's nice to have a defined identity when you're growing up and figuring out who you are. Sometimes you can relate to the lyrics of a song, and that's cool, but don't get too precious about it.

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  173. At 09:00 PM on 20 Oct 2006, emily wrote:

    emo was originally a genre of music, now it has turned into this big fashion style. i have nothing against 'emo's' i dont think they should get the abuse they are having to put up with. the only people i have a problem with is the people me and my friends call wemo's, wannabe emo's. they dye their hair black and cut themselves in attempt to fit the stereotypical requirements.
    i know plenty of real 'emo's' and they are all lovely people, my brother is an 'emo' and the nicest person in this world i think.
    i think that giving lables to someones style is so stoopid! but what i hate more is people getting grief over their chosen style! its pathetic!

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  174. At 09:19 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Ruby wrote:

    i hate the whole scene emo thing. you get loads of them in bournemouth, infact to me they are just the new version of chav.
    you go into H&M or somewhere like that, and the whols shop is emo. it's taking over. i don't have a problem with emos at all, it's just when they walk past you and come out with something along the lines of "oh my god, what a skank" i get that alot. just because i wear thick black eyeliner and my slayer hoody. they have to look down at you, like your something disgusting on the floor, so i cant help but turn round and hurl abuse back at them.
    they call themselves 'individuals' but theyre not, theyre just following a trend. they are the modern version of chavs. they cant exept people who dress diferently to them. to them, u either have to dress like a 'scene' or you just cant be in the 'gang' it's sad.
    i bet now, that as soon as emo goes out of fashion, all scene kids will dissaper, all because its not cool anymore. but the true emos out there will stick with their preferred dress sense, and only then will they stick back out like they used to, where they belong.

    but im with the whole anti mcr thing, call mcr metal, and i slap you!

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  175. At 09:30 PM on 20 Oct 2006, danny james wrote:

    well in my school we debate about wether emos are over populating but the poeple in my school are stereotyped just by the way they look have have best friends that are i would say emo's but there great friends and if they want to wear dark coloured clothes then that is intieley up to them. i think mostley that poeple are scared of a a new fation or a trend but people only dont like them because they are not like them

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  176. At 09:33 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Thomas wrote:

    "Emo" is short for emotional. People dont seem to understand this. They do not cut their wrists and the article in the Daily Mail was incredibly inaccurate and i think the Daily Mail have used a serious issue such as self harm to produce a cheap shock story for parents to read. I find it incredibly irritating that recentlymost "emos" are just trying to be fashionable and are following an ever growing crowd and supporting bands such as MCR and Panic at the Disco. These bands are not emo bands and merely use "emo" as a way of gaining popularity. "Emo" bands are underground bands who most people would not have ever heard of. This recent influx of fake emo bands has irritated me and i would support a new label and use it constantly against fakes who follow the crowd. I have no prejudices against emos. I hate fakes and the people who label them.

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  177. At 09:37 PM on 20 Oct 2006, danny rose wrote:

    fair play all emos think normal looking poeple are chavs or either to fat to thin to ugly and they always moan and i listen to real hard rock which is so crap thats why is isnt on radio 1 which i a good radio station to listen to so ill slit my wrists type of stuff ....whats they point i no that they dont like to be like everyone else but normal is good instead of being different looking like a goth/emo/ugly/make up wearing turd they should be put in mental homes

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  178. At 09:38 PM on 20 Oct 2006, emma wrote:

    hey, i love emos and why? because they r hawt and my bf is emo and he is sexy the music is so leathal take my chemical romance as an example, there new song welcome to the black parade who in the world hates it, and emo's r jus people who like to put there emotions on display, thats my oppinion lol xx

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  179. At 09:48 PM on 20 Oct 2006, vicki wrote:

    emo is gr8, people are only afraid of what they dont understand

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  180. At 09:57 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Georgie wrote:

    Why is everyone being so stereotypical anyway!?! Why should people be judged on how they look or what music they listen to? If someone listens to a certain band it doesnt mean they have to be stereotyped! If you ask me, its good to be different, i couldnt care less if someone is a emo or whatever other stereotype!

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  181. At 10:05 PM on 20 Oct 2006, [amberlouise] wrote:

    no one knows the meaning of the word. people just say it to put peole in a group because of the music people listen to.

    its sad to think that so mayn people use the word because of the music we listen to and what we wear.
    its all sterotyping people and i think thats it wrong!

    there are more importent things out there than putting people into groups!

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  182. At 10:12 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Mark Fletcher wrote:

    I'm into pretty much any kind of music, be it metal, hip-hop electro or good old fashioned pop, but I'd rather be an "Emo" than a "chav" or one of the rising trend of "pretentious indie kids".

    MCR is being hailed as the new Greenday, being the next biggest band in the world, on the basis of one song. This 'rock opera' (cough, cough Greenday...), described by the press, is quite similar to "Helena' or "I'm not okay" in my opinion - yet people who like the new song, often seem to hate MCR's previous work. (By the way, I enjoy all of MCR's stuff from 'I Brought...' and onwards - emo music is very good to cycle along to in the gym!)

    It seems that the assosication of Greenday's 'American Idiot' video director and producer with MCR has changed them from emo into pop-emo, accepted only because of promotion and name dropping.

    Good luck to emos, they're usually nice people, and at least they're not the car-stealing, granny-mugging, tracksuit-wearing idiots that chavs often are !

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  183. At 10:24 PM on 20 Oct 2006, summer wrote:

    emos make me laugh. they think they listen to hardcore rock. My Chemical Romance is the complete antithesis of hardcore rock. It's just a fad. People where i live think, "ooh, because it's cool to be emo, i'll start listening to hardcore metal, like panic at the disco." i watch wannabe emos at my school; they start to smile, then realise it, then frown.

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  184. At 10:29 PM on 20 Oct 2006, beki wrote:

    i love MCR they r brill even tho every1 says there emo i dont care thay are wiked!!!!

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  185. At 10:31 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Emma FitzGerald wrote:

    I don't think kids who like Emo music are disliked and recieve bad press it's the 'Scenes' that give us bad press! People who just jump on the band-wagon of whats fashionable at the moment... Such as 'Indies' they are the worst for it. Those are the people who give Emo's a bad name. Their odd fashion sense and need to cry and write poetry every five seconds brings us down and has resorted in the joke:
    Q: 'How many Emos does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: 'None they all sit in the dark and cry.'
    We are not all that bad we just appreciate the emotional side of the music; the fact that is has depth and meaning, hence Emo... Emotional.....
    These 'Scenes' are the soo called bad press. They corrupt bands to become mainstream
    e.g. Greenday,
    I bet half the people who have bought their newest albums don't even know any songs from their first album.
    This annoys me and so does people buying such t-shirts as Ramones/ Led Zepplin/ Rolling Stones/ New York Dolls t-shirts because their fashionable, not because they love that band and want to show their appreciation. I bet if you asked half the people wearing those t-shirts to name just five songs by that artist and atleast 2 albums they couldn't even do that....
    I enjoy and appreciate Emo music.. I liked bands such as Finch and FFAF before this stereotype began...... The media has the idea of Emo music all wrong saying bands like Fightstar and Fall Out Boy are Emo.... Get your facts right is what I have to say! What type of Emo in their right mind would support an ex busted!? I put it to you.
    Many thanks.

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  186. At 10:51 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Chris Birch wrote:

    Emo is stupid. just a fad! I hate it. Metal all the way. music isn't about what clothes and style you wear that just stupid! why wear what everyone else does? cut your hair the same way? very very boring

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  187. At 10:59 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Joe hutson wrote:

    when emo started out, like anything, it was a cult for a certain group of people who used the way they acted and dressed as a way to express themselves and the way they feel.

    i am 14 years old and Classified as "emo" but the thing is no1 really does quite understand the meaning of the whole thing, "kids" walk around in england now and people say oh yeah look there goes an emo and the kids love it well for a matter of fact these are the majority of people who will jump on the bandwagon when anything that is deemed as fashionable comes along.

    these people are not artistic or expressive and have probably never heard real "emo" music.

    there are all sorts of stereotypes about emo and pretty much every other "craze" but to be honest their all just people and you shouldn't judge a book by its cover,

    no matter how long their fringe is.


    mcr = green day

    i see no difference, do you?

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  188. At 11:01 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    EMO's just made me laugh so i can't diss them - although they are a bit wierd.

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  189. At 11:30 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Jenni wrote:

    I remeber when Emo first started to emerge as a genre 4 or 5 years ago and it was considered slower pop ounk with lyrics based on heartache and broken romances and I have considered myself 'emo' for some time, favouring bands like My Chemical Romance, green day, bright eyes and New Found Glory. Not once have I ever considered my life miserable or self harmed. I am very happy and fulfilled and feel that the sub culture of emo is getting a bad rap at the moment in much the same way as the goth culture associated with Marilyn Manson and the hip hop culture associated with Biggie and Tupac once did. the media is using them as scapegoats to blame all the ills of youth on, not considering major factors such as home environment. I feel it is beneficial to younger teenagers to feel part of a group, be it chavs, skaters, emo or what not in order to be part of a community. i would be more concerned if my child was not part of a unit and therefore would be very lonely, as high school can be a very lonely place at times, these are the children more likely to self harm, the ones who are not supported properly by friends and family units. and as for the skinny issue there are plenty of well round goths and i tip my hat to them!

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  190. At 11:55 PM on 20 Oct 2006, kev gayton wrote:

    who cares if its emo who cares if its metal who cares if its pop!!!

    If its a good song why give it a genre, if u like it then u like it n thats that!!!

    i don't go uugggg thats a pop band i dont like that song even if i do like it a bit???

    i couldn't give a funk if its metal, punk, emo, pop (even rap) if it appels 2 me n i like it i don't care what it is

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  191. At 11:58 PM on 20 Oct 2006, K wrote:

    The daily mails article was complete trash.Everyone should be entitled to be who they want to be,dress how they want to dress,hang with anyone they like and listen to whatever music they think is goood.No one has the right to critise anyone else over any of these things.As everyone is unique and we have to accept it.Even if they dont dress how You dress,or listen to your music,or hang with different people to you dosent make them bad people.Just get over it,and let everyone be themselves.Unless you have spoken to every single emo what right do you have to judge?None.

    Also read the daily telagraphs article on emos at

    This is much better than what the daily mail printed.

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  192. At 11:59 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Nick wrote:

    I agree with jon, there are hardly any real emos.
    Most are just stupid little scene kids...almost how when you were a little kid you might want to be one of your heroes, kinda babyish really, i dont like scene kids, i dont like emos, sorry to be a whiner, i just felt it had to be said.

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  193. At 12:07 AM on 21 Oct 2006, chloe wrote:

    omg i think you shouldn't b so hard on kids my age who look the slightest emo. i mean what is a proper emo? i where skinny jeans nd i like mcr but i hav my natural hair colour nd i would never slit my rists so am i emo!!?

    i bet this so-called 'top class newspaper' The Daily Mail probrly havn't even met a emo!!! they r just finding somthing else 2 complian about teenagers. first it was chavs now is emo's wat next?
    i hav a question 4 all u people who only have a 1 sided view about teens. Didn't u have trend wen u were a teen?

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  194. At 12:33 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Ian wrote:

    Blah blah blah, these are the first kids to make music like this - rubbish.

    Kids were wearing dark clothes and being moody in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. Mods, Punks, Goths, New Age, Grunge, Emo - It really is nothing new.

    Teenagers feel angst and no-one understands them - life sucks so get a helmet - It's just a ride.

    Fashions change and teens grow up to become the same people as their parents - cest la vie.

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  195. At 12:34 AM on 21 Oct 2006, wrote:

    i think its the bands, the music and the whole scene, placing everything into little sub genres and making it so competetive every little group tries to outdo each other, all this self harm, wearing black, its just a show.
    look at house music! now theres nothing like this sort of bravado, cliques or anything! everyones in it for the love! ok you may think im coming down harsh but its the way i feel about it, i understand that the media do blow little things out of proportion though, they have done with house culture before. so maybe i AM wrong and its just to be ignored!

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  196. At 01:02 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Matt wrote:

    Just reading through the comments and I cant believe somebody called the Daily Mail a top class newspaper! hahahaha!

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  197. At 01:21 AM on 21 Oct 2006, adam wrote:

    EMO is cool and im not even emo...yet....but i can change!! i what the hair!
    hey if u wanna be like it so god-dam what. i love emo music like MCR, the get up kids and britney spears. its gr8 to carm down n listen to themafter a long day but bugger what i think this is just words be what u wanna be n do what u want.....

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  198. At 01:25 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Sarah wrote:

    I don't know why people have a problem with emo's, me and my friend like emo music and are proud of it! There is nothing wrong with it. Emo is short for emotional, and I think people who don't like to show their emotions are the ones that have problems with emo's, or they just want to pick at people who they think are different from them (in this case emo's).

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  199. At 02:14 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Chris wrote:

    My main problem with so called Emo music is that it is just formulaic poppy rubbish manufactured by record companies to appeal to the masses. My other problem is that you now hear it EVERYWHERE and that as far as most people are concerned, if you don't like it you aren't 'cool', dispite the fact that these people all dress exactly the same and all have the same hairstyle. Apparently it isn't 'cool' to be able to see out of both eyes anymore.

    Thanks, but I will risk my coolness in favour of music with a bit more substance and the ability of depth perception please.

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  200. At 03:05 AM on 21 Oct 2006, January wrote:

    I think that the society tries to put everyone into a stereotype to help them understand things they do not. In reality, all this does is make things more confusing. I HATE stereotypes. No two people are the same so why should we try to categorise them? You cannot define a person with a stereotype. There are kids out there who harm themselves because they are genuinely hurting inside, not for attention and not because of fashion. I am sure that there are some do it because they think its "EMO" but surely by the daily mail stating that it is EMO to cut yourself they are encouraging those that are of impressionable mind to do this also in order to keep up with fashion?

    I live in Leeds and there has been a gang hanging around the corn exchange in the city centre for years now I haven't asked them but i assume they would call themselves EMO, they all wear similar dark clothing, but I have no idea what music they are into. A while back, apparently one of them killed themselves outside the corn exchange whilst shoppers were going in and out! Its tragic, but because of the stereotype they have attached, nobody seemed surprised and from the circumstances it would appear it was done in the name of being EMO! Its appalling, but how do you stop society boxing people into all sorts of stereotypes? You cant! (rant over!)

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  201. At 06:42 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Rebekah wrote:

    To be perfectly honest, I've stopped caring about what people think. I know the one label that fits me: human being.

    Yeah, I used to like dressing in black and being overdramatic. But then I grew out of it. Trust me, four or five years from now we'll all be going, "emo? what's emo?"

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  202. At 07:00 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Kitty wrote:

    Since when were Green Day emo?

    Just leave the kids alone. They're not doing anything to anyone, are they? They're not running around, attacking people and mugging them, so I see no need as to why people have to be so incredibly immature about this! That Daily Mail article was so overblown. It's the same "let's cause mass paranoia!" attitude that's really causing harm.

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  203. At 07:13 AM on 21 Oct 2006, pabolski wrote:

    I've not read all of these comments but basically you could wind the clock back 25 years and substitute the word goth for emo... ....everyone was saying the same about them - harmless stuff really and if emo kids enjoy the music and style - let them

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  204. At 08:45 AM on 21 Oct 2006, wrote:

    i think personally rock culture has changed alot over the last decade there are so many different styles of rock "emo kids" seem to be singled out because people who have liked classic bands for a long time see these styles eg emo rock getting brought into rock culture and good classic bands are being forgotten. emo is a group of screaming teenagers singing about things they havnt experienced, alot of there fans are kids and the males look very feminine its just lame but at the end of the day its there choice evenually they will grow out of it its more of a trend and they are fashion victims.

    peace out

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  205. At 08:58 AM on 21 Oct 2006, kiz wrote:

    mm......... mi bro says tht im an emo!!!
    an i love all Chemical Romance
    so im sidin with them

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  206. At 09:24 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Martin Harman wrote:

    Emo is just a tag, and shouldn't be taken seriously. I'm not an emo, but I know people who are, and they're not self-harmers or whatever. If someone does something like self-harm, its their choice, so why get involved. It's there personal reason, so why should the press get involved

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  207. At 09:48 AM on 21 Oct 2006, jess wrote:

    I get branded emo, but do not consider myself to be, although i listen to emo music. Emo is just another cult, a craze that some people will grow out of, and the originals won't. Some self-harm, but that's not because they have to to be emo, they would most likely do it if emo didn't exist. People should leave them alone, and stop giving it such a bad name. No one actually admits to being emo, because the phrase is turning into an insult. The media causes a lot of upset, but does bring them closer together. It seperates the people who are in it for the music, from the people who dress like it to be cool. MCR aren't even particularly emo, anyway. I love them, but originaly, emo is Sunny Day Real Estate, and, right now, Dashboard Confessional, who sings love songs! Hardly depressing. So, just leave emo's alone, they're not doing any harm, and people will get over it.

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  208. At 10:24 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Verity wrote:

    Firstly, what the hell is emo? Black hair and eyeliner? Many kids these days are like that. Natural or not. Does this make them self harmers? Does it hell. Also the vast majority of so-called "emo's" do not self harm. Okay i'll admit some do, but its not just "emo's" is it? You find many different style groups doing it, it's just not exaggerated as much as the emo culture is for some reason.
    I think it's absolutely disgraceful that the Daily Mail, a national paper i read nearly every day, sunk itself this low to sell papers. The story isn't even politically correct for god's sake. Green Day and MCR are bands playing they're own type of music, how do you define a emo band? They are good at what they do, how many people out there say they are in a international super-band? Hardly any. So it's unfair to label them unless they class themselves as emo, then fair enough to them.
    EMO now is fashion. It's not to do with the music anymore.
    What happened to the basic human right, freedom of expression?
    Leave the kids to it.
    Don't put anymore hassel onto them than they already get.

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  209. At 10:25 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Amanda wrote:

    I'm sometimes accused of being an emo and I don't think it's a bad thing. Most of my giid friends are emos/goths but they're not always crying and slitting their wrists. They have fun too, but maybe a different kind of fun from the plastics, chavs, townies etc.

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  210. At 10:33 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Aaron wrote:

    Why does everyone need to label themselves???
    Emo, scene, goth, metal, punk! Christ, listen to what you want you want, wear what you want, do what you want!

    The whole origin of ROCK, was to do what you like, not to label, be laid back and enjoy some amazing music.

    Seems to me that people have lost this sort of meaning, and have become focused on segregation,

    " i don't like you because your a emo kid, or your a goth!"

    Who cares, why can't people be open-minded!

    I like my baggy jeans, a t-shirt and my DC's, does not make me a indie kid! I like music across the board from Emo, Rock, metal, pop, indie, Soul etc!

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  211. At 10:41 AM on 21 Oct 2006, sarah h wrote:

    I think that the whole Emo thing is a glorified Goth. Its Goth in Technicolour!

    I was looking ebay the other day and foudn this lady who customises her clothing (emo styling) and her pics were sick... she had cut her self up so much all over her arms. it was gross. now she was advertising that fact that it was cool

    emos and this self harming, down trodden thing is absolutely no good for the kids. they bring on the hassle they get in most cases

    and they try desperately to be different but they all look the same! hee hee

    they think they are so hard done by... they should take a look at the real world... if they can afford their piercings and their hair dye they aint doing too bad! when you are struggling with the choice of food for the next 2 days or the phone bill... then they'll know! or see the realy world and the horrible things that are happening to people every day.

    As far as the music goes. I enjoy some of the music that these so called emos produce... its talent.. you can't hide it no matter how they look!! they are good, most of them. I probably wouldn't go out and buy an album or anything, but i can appreciate it.

    Thats me - Rant over.

    Enjoy who you are - but do't try to be something your are not - thats all i have to say...

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  212. At 10:54 AM on 21 Oct 2006, wrote:

    If i had to pick a side i would pick emo.
    after all in my experience they seem to be mroe passive then that of chavs roaming the streets
    i also love the unique style with skinny jeans, bold colours and pattern (espeically polkadots)
    i also like the music as it tends to be mroe tuneful then average metal and more lively than indie.
    everyone has their own opinion and thats mine.

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  213. At 11:22 AM on 21 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Music should not be graded, if it sounds good and you enjoy it, dont worry what class of people its for. If people didnt grade music there would be less rivalrys between groups and people will get a long better. But you have to hang around with your groups nowadays. Basically peoples inmaturity about others likes and dislikes have to stop. 'Emo' music a lot of it is good, i like everything from Dance to Death Metal.

    The way it should be (Y)

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  214. At 11:40 AM on 21 Oct 2006, James wrote:

    Who draws the line between metal/rock and emo?
    Listening to BFMV in my car the other day and got tagged with being an 'Emo'.
    I didnt mind being branded but couldnt understand how someone came to this conclusion based on a band/song?
    So I'm guessing that listening to any mainstream rock suddenly makes you........yep you guessed it.

    who makes these decisions?

    kill switch For the win

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  215. At 11:41 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Kayleigh wrote:

    Everyone to their own thats what I say, leave the kids who like it to like it and stop fussing over it. Hardcore dance reminds me of neds but I don't moan about it because there are people who like it so I leave them to like it and listen to the music I want to listen to.

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  216. At 11:53 AM on 21 Oct 2006, hello wrote:

    i like this song, im not an emo

    i just like the song

    people are saying that just because you like emo music means your an emo

    this isnt true. i just like good music

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  217. At 12:27 PM on 21 Oct 2006, ryan wrote:

    Go back 5 years and eminem was scary, 5 years before that Oasis wanted to smash people up, 10 years before that there were subliminal verses in judas preist songs, 10 years before that black sabbath freaked people out and 20 years earlier Elvis "The pelvis" currupted the youth.
    Its all just a little bit of history repeating - just with a new name.

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  218. At 12:39 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Vicki wrote:

    I don't understand some of these people saying that emo is just kids who cry and cut themselves, most aren't ACTUALLY emo there just like 8 years old boys and girls who think if they listen to MCR it makes them emo. you know you put on a superman top have a side fringe thick rimmed glasses your all of a sudden emo, most are attention-seeking aswell. I get called emo at school, but thats because i used to be a little bit but then i thought whats the point in being all depressed to fit in with some sort of stereotype?
    It's pathetic.
    scene kids are better anyway :P

    =[ thas my view.

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  219. At 12:53 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Joe H wrote:

    this is ridiculous. i dont know what i am. im certainly not 'emo'. i dont think im a 'chav'. but i love MCR and Funeral For A Friend, i like all rock like Blink-182 and Lostprophets. does that make me an emo? if i listen to supposed emo music. i also like rap music and RnB. people stereotyping emos that they all cut themselves and walk around with a constant sad face obviously have never met an emo. i have to live with one, hes not like that, none of the people i know that are emo do that. this article was probably written by a middle aged woman who knows nothing about emo. and i think you should give me a medal for not swearing in this because it was hard.

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  220. At 12:54 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Will wrote:

    Im not sure how ppl can not call mcr emo!? They dress like emo's and sing songs about emotional stuff. And if you say that emo is emotional hardcore then they fit that as well cos its pretty hardcore stuff. At times i cldn't understand a word they were saying on their new album cos the guitar was so loud and "Hardcore" like. Jst admit it guys. MCR ARE EMO!!!!


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  221. At 01:02 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Peachey wrote:

    Emo is the latest in a long line of ridiculous trends, its just yet another way for young people not to think for them selves. It could be that they are all trying so hard to be different they all end up the same. It seems that you are either expected to be miserable (emo) or go around mugging people (so called "hoodies")

    As for the music, I went to see Muse at T in the fringe, they were being supported by My Chemical Romance. It was the most horrifically bad hour of my life, especially when the singer said to the crowd


    ...I men what the hell does that mean!

    And i just dont get why a man would want to ware womens trousers.

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  222. At 01:15 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Naomi wrote:

    I don't agree with this article. people who self-harm don't have to be "emo." Its not music that causes it, but stress or a deeper psychological issue. This is just another example of the media trying to rip open & mock teenage culture when there is no need. Wouldn't they rather teenagers listened to music & talked about it than roaming the streets causing problems?
    The term "emo" has also been taken out of context, I bet the writer of this article doesn't know the original connotations, since they've been changed by the media and others who don't like the genre to the point of charicature and ridicule.
    The bands that were part of the original post-harcore emo movement such as the get up kids, braid, brand new & the promise ring are all credible musicians who simply started to produce more acoustic, melodic music which went just as well with their lyrics as before.
    Fair enough MCR got to no. 1 if people liked their song, they're not emo, but seem to have changed to try & conform to it to secure a larger fanbase. Listen to their first album, its quite different, & amazingly underrated.

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  223. At 01:20 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Andy wrote:

    The judgemental views of certain press (ie, the Mail) and public figures infuriate me.... the only reason people refer to 'groupings' in society is to help them try to understand society in their own way.... but that doesn't make it right - it is judgemental and shows a lack of understanding about what is really going on.

    What is worse is that they very organisations and individials who have a responsibility in our society to report the facts, are the very people who are making sweeping statements and scaring uninformed people. I bet there are many Mail readers who took that article as fact and now believe exactly what was written, because they have nothing to tell them otherwise.

    I'm a musician and I also work with teenagers, and I see many different 'types' of young people - by 'type' I mean that they are interested in different styles of music and dress differently, but I don't see them as Emos, Chavs etc - they are all individuals and are all exploring their own tastes in music, fashion, relationships etc. They are just learning to express themselves.

    As a society we should be embracing different types of music and fashion, as this is free expression in a free society. All responsible adults should be encourging young people to do exactly the same - so that they can explore what they like and don't like without being misled by misguided judgements.

    Is there really an Emo war? Only if ignorant people want there to be one....

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  224. At 01:44 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Geeta wrote:

    I agree with Andy, he's thinking exactly what i think, the only difference is is that he can actually explain it. Go Andy! and everyone else who thinks grouping is a load of rubbish people use to understand society, when really all it does is complicate things. I'm only 13 so if this doesn't make sense i wouldn't worry! EMOs are not aliens, oh and the music rocks! I don't see why the world can't forget about social grouping and be happy! yay happiness!

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  225. At 01:49 PM on 21 Oct 2006, susie wrote:

    i absolutely hate emo music its boring and i dont think you can distiguish one 2 minute whine from the next its samey and the dress sense to go with it is frankly ridiculous we should be proud of our british music industry and not follow like blind sheep the minute the 'next big thing' from america comes along in a haze of skinny jeans and media hype

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  226. At 01:52 PM on 21 Oct 2006, emma wrote:

    I love people who are individual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .MCR ,fallout boy and lostprofets are sooooo not emo, "emo" is a pathetic stereotype and if i want to have a side fringe,thick make up and a superman tshirt it doesnt mean im a emo!!! but 2 all the emos out there keep rockin!!!

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  227. At 02:07 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Rory Miller wrote:

    The reason emos have been getting such a hard time is because of the original emo stereotype of wrist cutting, black eye liner wearing, everyone hates me emos. They destroyed the hope for nu-wave emos that aren't depressed but more scene.

    I'm not a fan of emo music as i feel, well its basically terrible.

    But music is expression of self so if someone wants to sing about how **** life is and how about everyone hates them, fine, go do that but don't expect it to sell.

    And as for MCR, Panic and Fall out, just why? Fair enough they like making music but why not make decent music?

    I heard a rumour that MCR may be supporting Muse on their upcoming tour, was not impressed!

    I don't want some emo band coming to Belfast and ruining my night, and if they do its going to take a lot of restraint not to through beer at them, realllllly don't want to have to get kicked out for doing the world some good!

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  228. At 02:08 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Jen wrote:

    'EMO' Is generaly a type of music, and people linking suicide and death's to it is well out of order. although we get the name from listning tot hat music and wearing yeah maybe abit of black but not EVERYTHING we wear is black. And if 'Daily Mail' went out into the streets i thinki they'd find that out for themselves. 'Daily Mail' also failed to put into place the different forms of being 'emo' e.g heartache and writing poetry containing their feelings.
    Nothing is the matter with 'Emo's' they wear what they want just the smae as chavs, skaters, goths and any other type of labelling. Labelling Emos with crying, suicide ect.ect.. is pure labelling. Just becuase we choose not to dress the same as other people and listen to a different music. We get pressurised from alot of people teling us to be someone who we arnt and the fact that the 'Daily Mail' is poisoning peoples minds with what they are saying is just going to make people have more of an opinion.

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  229. At 02:11 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Alex wrote:

    Thing is, these emo's are all fake, to be emo your supposed to be "depressed" so all these kids think self harming will make them look like they are depressed. You cant force depression on yourself which therefore shows that being an emo means you are a fake person and just trying to fit into a scene.

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  230. At 02:14 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Nick wrote:

    Bear in mind that "emo" is a bit older than most people think. It started as an offshoot of hardcore punk (emocore) in the late 70s/early 80s with bands like "Still Life" and "Rites of Spring" and has gotten progressively poppier and friendlier over the years. Bands like Dashboard Confessional, that people think if as being prototypical "EMO" bands, aren't really very emo at all...not in the way the term was originally used, anyway. ...not that there's anything wrong with Dashboard.

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  231. At 02:45 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Declan Murray wrote:

    hey i do not think its rite for you ro prejudice against ppl for what they look like, emos they are also people!!! am i described as an emo!!! and do not like it we shudnt belong to a group! we are like everyone else!!!

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  232. At 02:54 PM on 21 Oct 2006, me wrote:

    i wish my lawn was emo...so it would cut its self.

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  233. At 03:10 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Charles Devlin wrote:

    its all just becoming swings and roundabouts here.... as soon as a new style comes out that isn't considered "in" by the press and people who decide what bands get played on radio one appear they get attacked for being different, and give opinions based on what they hear and dont investigate the real facts. so its no wonder that the kids who like to call them selfs emo are hitting back, how about writing a peace about the typical group of guys walking down the street in there tracksuit bottoms and top and there base ball caps at an obscure angle with there hand down there crotch shouting abuse at everyone and considering themselves "hard" because they can call someone a gimp!!!. when was the last time you heard of a "emo" beating up and old granny for her purse.... never... now consider the chavs... yep hunfreds of times... i rest my case. the article was based on rumours and speculation not facts.

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  234. At 03:23 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Tom wrote:

    Emo's are all just jumped up moshers, with long fringes and listen to My Chemical Romance and Bullet. They are ruining the the look of scenesters by wearing drainpipes and stealing the very thing that chavs used to love, dunks!!!
    The Daily Mail however was way to extreme, most emos don't slit their wrists and say die, they just have a long fringe spike up their hair and get pissed in the local park like chavs...maybe the groups shoud merge...have a lot in common

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  235. At 03:23 PM on 21 Oct 2006, JayJ wrote:

    All I have to say is be thankful that everone doesnt dress in tracksuits and trainers, wear their hair hairsrayed back in a tight ponytail, dripping in gold and covered in orange make-up. Im Behind The Bands. x

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  236. At 03:32 PM on 21 Oct 2006, George wrote:

    Why are people being stereotyped in to diffrent groups? I think its stupid you have Chavs, Goths, Emos and many more there is no need for it when we grow up are children will ask why dont you talk to her we will have to say because there chav. So what they like diffrent types of music wear diffrent clothes and have diffrent views. ITS GETTING WORSE THAN RACISM AND PREJUDICE. Its ok 2 have your own opinion but just get along with each other.

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  237. At 03:39 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Abe wrote:

    Oh ffs! Anyone remember nu-metal?
    That was a fun phase.. or not. Brought along a load of baggy jeans, hoodies and chains.

    That was gthe scene just before emo was the scene.
    People have somehow decided they're arty and in touch with their emotions these days.

    I'm probably repeating what a few people have said here but I'm too lazy to read 200+ comments.

    It'll pass. There's some really cool things about the scene style and although I wouldn't go full on cut my own hair, stars on my arm emo, I do think the scene now can be pretty atrractive.

    There's always been a cutting scare and it's all just an attention seeking mess. I think it must happen with whoever the world's paying attention to at the time.

    Every big scene gets a bashing. The majority of them looked different before it all got big so there no need for crying about how they're getting a hard time.

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  238. At 03:59 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Sian Cairnd wrote:

    What is wrong with emo's i am 1 and who cares if u cut urself it has nothing to do with all those people who dont emo;s R Cool and det ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  239. At 04:00 PM on 21 Oct 2006, wrote:

    This is much ado about nothing. I'm 41, so I'm old enough to remember similar frights about punks and goths in the late 70s and early 80s, when mainstream society thought we were going to burn down the world. Then in the 80s there was all this stuff in the media about everyone who listens to heavy metal being a satan worshipper.

    Who is responsible? The media, primarily. Fear and controversy sell advertising space, but people have short attention spans, so in the US for instance, the media got everyone terrifed about spinach recently (the E.Coli scare.) That's a big story for a few weeks, then it's on to the next thing. Guess this week it's EMO. Next week, they're have everyone cowering behind their sofas with stories about deadly toast or something.

    Should anyone truly be scared of kids that wear eye shadow, seem unnecessarily depressed, and listen to a particular genre of music. Absolutely not. What's truly scary to me, is that all of these bands use similar cliches, both lyrically and sonically, and the whole EMO scene is so completely watered down and mediocre in comparison to what bands like The Clash or The Cure did nearly 30 years ago. How can so many bands look the same, sound the same, and say the same things, and be described as anything but shallow? I'm a lot more scared that such crap music generates such dedication.

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  240. At 04:06 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Jack Armiger wrote:

    Music is a way of expressing your emotions

    Emo stands for emotional

    So just cos you like emotional music means your an emo?

    Thats not right is it

    You should be able to listen to whatever you wont and not have a label stuck on you

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  241. At 04:06 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Paul Kelly wrote:

    I live in Bristol and we have a large concentration of Emo kids that hang out by the cathedral and council buildings. granted they pose no actual threat to any one and are simply enjoying themselves. however Emo is another heading for mild rebellion and many of these kids are rebelling against the fact that they are bored or not understood by the older generation. this is fine except that all to often these Emo's are intimidating oaps and leaving the area covered in trash and cig butts. so what occurs is a full circle Emo kids rebel against their feeling of isolation from the rest of the community and yet behave in a way that isolates them further. i feel that its fine to be able to express yourself in any maner you want its just a shame that so many people settle on an image that pushes them further away, not to mention makes them look like extras from the thriller video (just my opinion).

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  242. At 04:19 PM on 21 Oct 2006, su wrote:

    i have nothing against emos, but i feel the song emo kid by adam and andrew seems to sum it all up pretty well... and its funny :D

    u can find the song here:

    "Emo Kid"

    lots of love!

    su xx

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  243. At 04:33 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Hannah wrote:

    Emo stands for emotional. At my school me and my friends love rock music, we wear eyeliner, and skinny jeans. We dont self harm, but we still get classed as emos. To me its all stereotyping, im an individual, not an emo, chav, or townie. Just me.

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  244. At 04:51 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Chris wrote:

    Sittin on the fence with this one. Just like any other genre of music it's got good and bad songs in it. It bugs me seeing groups of malnutritioned, make up wearing 15 year olds calling themselves emotional.

    Weather i'm wearing my suit, jeans or PJs I have feelings all the time, no need to starve myself and wear make up to be in touch with my feelings.

    At the end of the day, bands like my chemical romance, funeral for a friend and whoever dont deserve a lame reputation due to this new fashion.

    The emo kids get a hard time but to be honest i'd rather today's youth be antisocial and wearin make up than annoying, loud 'gangsters' thinking they're the toughest thing in the world before they've grown all they're teeth.

    Radio 1 rocks, in new music and some 90's stuff i trust

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  245. At 04:52 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Maeve wrote:

    It's not fair that everyone who wears black clothing and listens to this kind of music are generlised cause i listen to that type of music as well as R&B and Dance and loads of others but yet i get called emo. My friends are emos and none of them self harm and soem of tehm laugh most of the time as do I and i don't think any of them could ever emagine self harming therself.

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  246. At 04:58 PM on 21 Oct 2006, wrote:

    emo kids are depressed and giving them a hard time will just make it worse. I think some ov there music is ok but some is just wierd.

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  247. At 05:08 PM on 21 Oct 2006, justin timberlake wrote:

    oh dear lord.
    just shut up the lot of you.
    does anyone care?
    just leave everyone to it will you.

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  248. At 05:10 PM on 21 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I think its just a type of music not metal not rock not alternative just emo. us lot 11-18s say that emos like death and are horrifying.

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  249. At 05:24 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Gillpot wrote:

    what is this emo OBSESSION for? the best description for emo's is chav's that wear black, and as for cutting themselves their supposed to use spoons! weather that would work i dont know but would love to see someone try! the danger is not emo but the fashionable side of self harm that is found in secondary schools across the country. at my school girls in particular try to gain attention from self harming. its clear who is genuine and who has made scratches along their arms for attention! the only way to stop this problem is for musical icons to set an example. although that is easier said then done!

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  250. At 05:44 PM on 21 Oct 2006, lizzie wrote:

    i love emos because i am one

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  251. At 05:44 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Matthew Tilley wrote:

    emos are really just a bunch of posers. im from ireland and all these youth sects are at war with each other like emos against chavs. these kids think this gives them individuality but they dont realise that their conforming to a larger group.

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  252. At 05:59 PM on 21 Oct 2006, KitKat wrote:

    Most of theses Emo wannabes think that dance music is chavy, thing is i love dance music and its deffo not chavy!

    And if theses emos attempt to cut themselves then they're just stupid

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  253. At 06:11 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Niki wrote:

    My Chemical Romance are a rubbish band, but leave the Emos alone. The Daily mail article was written by someone ill informed of Music culture, and likes to sound concerned, when really, they're just badmouthing something they have no understanding of.

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  254. At 06:15 PM on 21 Oct 2006, icEtroY wrote:

    I dont get what all the fuss is about, have emos ever offended you?

    they are not sissys, I strongly believe that crying is a
    strength not a weakness, the true sissys are the ones that are ashamed to cry.
    We are human ok, we make mistakes we screw up, people hurt you, people have feelings, how can you deny that and just but it in a box calling it
    "Emotional" ?

    Emo is expression of depression

    Im a believer of Jesus christ, and some people give me a lot of stick about that, when its really none of their business what I believe.

    Surely this is not a case of whether or not Emo is "cool" but its hypocritical critizism.

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  255. At 06:20 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Christie wrote:

    although im not an emo myself i do like the music and have downloaded many 'emo' tracks. i have no problem with people our age expressing themselves in whichever way they want! its all got slightly out of hand with the newspapers calling it a 'dangerous cult' and i really dnt think that many self harm! There has bin an increase in emos i must admit but thats just becuz the music is becoming more and more popular and more teens are listening to it, and lets be honest its alot better that steps!

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  256. At 06:29 PM on 21 Oct 2006, olivia wrote:

    emos are only emos because they think they will get attention from it. i don't know how you can say a band is emo because it is listend to by emos. i am a goth, i listen to bands like mcr and fallout boy, am i an emo i think not. Emo bands are ok but they all are a bit "samey"

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  257. At 07:17 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Sally Hughes wrote:

    I think people who don't accept people and who they are are basically discriminating! People call me emo just because i like writing poems and reading. I think thats quite wrong. I have lots of friends who are emo who dont do any of thoes things. Their funny, caring and respect you. Some of my other friends hate emo's. I dont see why they do but they tried to explain and came up with a crap answer.

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  258. At 07:41 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Hannah wrote:

    This article is way too stereotypical to be taken seriously, I mean come on, there are loads of "emo" and goth people in this world, they may have a dark look, doesn't mean they're miserable and suicidal.

    It's not only emo's that swap tips on self harm, there are so many networks for self-harmers, from any social group.

    I'm not emo myself, though have been called it (heaven forbid I should wear a t-shirt with a cartoon character on and not be emo!), but I have many friends who consider themselves to be such, they are some of the most amazing people I've ever met, yes some are over dramatic and look depressed all the time, but not everyone, that would be like saying all chavs mug people, all goths sleep in a coffin etc.

    I think it's very sad that people feel they need to find a social group they can fit into because of the way we are conditioned in society.

    Everyone just go with the flow, wear what you want, listen to what you like, who cares. If you feel the need to harm yourself, please seek help, don't just become part of a growing cult. Be your own person!

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  259. At 07:46 PM on 21 Oct 2006, bEN fULLER wrote:

    Theres nothing wrong with Emos,
    There harmless its chavs you all wanna be talking about here.
    There the ones SMASHING up our streets, smoking the drugs and just being CHAVS.
    INIT AND ALL THAT CRAP is from them animals so talk about them and dont waste your time

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  260. At 08:13 PM on 21 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Well I Have No Problem with Emo's I Would Class Myself As One And Im Sick Of People Picking On Mr for It.

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  261. At 08:15 PM on 21 Oct 2006, amy wrote:

    theres a huge difference between 'emo' and scene kids. what the guardian is hyping up is the typical scene kid and it gives the whole 'emo'. 'emo' is a genre of music, not a person. you don't go around saying 'oh, i am so r'n'b' do you? i say 'emo' with quote marks because it's a word used so loosely now that no-one even knows what it means anymore. what music people consider to be 'emo' is nothing like what was originally classed as 'emo' music i doubt you'd find that article mentioning dashboard confessional, bright eyes and sunny day real estate

    that is all.

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  262. At 08:16 PM on 21 Oct 2006, ben wrote:

    ok erm just point out but MCR arnt classed as emo or as pop
    and 'emos' dont get a hard time from any1 apart from people like chavs but aslong as ur not a chav u will get a hard time from them
    and the music aint to bad to b fair to them

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  263. At 08:39 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Richa Shukla wrote:

    Okay, I'm 19 now, and have kind of gotten over the whole mosher vs. chav fight. I got over it a long time ago. But that has to be THE funniest article I have ever read, probably ever. Fact:it is hilarious cripe. I cannot believe that ANYONE is attributing something as serious as self harm to a group of youths who like to write poetry and dress in a similar way.
    For generations teenagers have been involved in uniformed groupings on a national scale, and the EMO is sure as hell nothing new, in fact, it's probably the most diluted version of the goth you could possibly get.
    I love this article because it is yet another example of how some random person tries to understand today's youth and then gets it so very wrong. I don't know a single emo who exclusively wears black, nor did I realise that you could in fact estimate the emo-ness of a person. Jeez-louise, Sophie Ellis Bextor? Daughter of former Blue Peter presenter Sophie Ellis-Bextor? I can totally see it. The lyrics "yeah if this ain't love, why does it feel so good?" do scream some sort of tortuous feeling of angst and is a worry for any parent to allow their child to hear. And also, how can poetry writing possibly be seen as a bad thing? HONESTLY? It's a private therapy, it gets feelings bottled up, out.
    So, yes, this is very non-sensical piece of writing, and bears absolutley no fact.

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  264. At 08:55 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Leif wrote:

    Im an emo and yes I do get a hard time but dont care. Emo music is the best. I dont see why everyone is anti emo

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  265. At 08:58 PM on 21 Oct 2006, dom wrote:

    Emos are emos. Thier music is cool, they arnt simply. Thier music is good and has a real rhythm unlike most around today. To say some one is an emo because of song lyrics is also stupid, listen to some nirvana? Thier grunge not emo but thier lyrics arnt. Smells like teen spirit: 'Load up on guns' or 'Its fun to lose' Emo lyrics about the bad things in life. An emo is someone who harms themselves and is a type of goth. Listening to thier music is not emo, its just good taste.

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  266. At 09:08 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Tom French wrote:

    The Sarah Sands from the Daily Mail writes about how chavs are 'Bubbly faced'. Honestly I'd prefer my kids to wear black and listen to heavy music than go to the park every night, getting drunk and mugging people.

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  267. At 09:09 PM on 21 Oct 2006, J2Whoa wrote:

    Frankly i think that the fact that this "debate" is even occurring is ridiculous. Maybe these people dress like this because they want to? What the hell business is it of you to feel the need to criticise because they dont look the same as you or listen to the same music as you? That piece of poorly researched, and downright ridiculous "journalism" was just yet another way to get at these kids for doing what they want to do. In the end we are all just human beings so leave them, chavs, and everyone other segregational stereotype alone for God's sake.

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  268. At 09:14 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Ferox wrote:

    Music is ok, clothes...well ok too. But that depresion thingy :O omg! people should understand finally that depresion isn't a fashion thing, it's serious illness. You can't say that you are depresed only if you're in bad mood today...

    About cutting. It's totally rubish that every emo cutts. But we can't forget that there are kids who really do that because they have big problems... and they need help.

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  269. At 09:41 PM on 21 Oct 2006, ssss wrote:

    omg I am so fed up of people mis-using teh word emo and especially when radio stations and channels like mtv 2 and Kerrang mis-use the term to its wrong bands like Joy division is proper emo all of the MCR and The Used is rubbish and people with the image its just a scene kid who things he's all depressed and what-not and the self-harm thing dows come with the stereo-type and these kids need to grow up and get over it Im 15 I realise that my life doesnt suck for me but for the people who are actually there starving do they start cutting themselves on purpose no they have to get on with life so should all these little "emos" that seem to be popping up everywhere

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  270. At 09:53 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Stuart wrote:

    I am against the 'emo' 'movement' the music inspires kids to self harm and the lyrics are depressing. All music is emotional singing about break-ups etc so why is this music different???!!!

    I think this backlash has been long coming its just the music hasnt been as well known kinda like now MCR are number one its been critisized *spelling mistake i know*

    People say they are Emo yet EMO IS MUSIC!!!!!! not a person!!!!!!

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  271. At 09:54 PM on 21 Oct 2006, EMO DUNNO wrote:

    At the school that i go to the EMO sterotype is that they are depressed people who slit their wrists for enjoyment or to try and comit suicide hhowever i do nt belive that this that true as their is this kid who goes on our bus he used to be pretty normal for a 14 year old boy. but just before the summer he decided to becime a goth it worked for a few coments were passed but everyone got over it. But just recently he has started to become an EMO listen to that type of music weres certain clothes etc... But when this happened he started to get bulied alot and got into fights alot. One morning about a week ago he tried to slit his wrists on a pice of cut glass from a smashed window but lucikly we stoped him. After that we asked him why he did it and he said it was because thats what he thought EMOS do! i think no one should be influenced by this but MCR i think have nothing to do with this so leave the sterotyping out of this.

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  272. At 10:11 PM on 21 Oct 2006, rob lewis wrote:

    what's all this about the "emo" kids!?
    i'm 29 and get called an "emo",so it aint just the kids.
    i live in swansea,i'm a father of two,i clean windows for a living. yeah, i have tattoo's! yeah, i have a pierced lip! yeah, i like bands like evanescence and my chemical romance,but, do i cry or hate my dad when i listen to these albums?????
    NO! i just love their music.
    rant over..thanks annie mac,love the show!


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  273. At 10:17 PM on 21 Oct 2006, L wrote:

    I agree with Jon, a lot of kids (and they generally are kids) who call themselves "emo" are getting confused with "goth". Maybe they don't know the difference. I always considered the term "emo" to be associated with emotional music about love, heartbreak or sadness. Genuine human feelings. As for MCR, I think they are rather cute really, not metal and not dark, just a bit of fun. Its hard to really take them seriously as "emo".

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  274. At 10:26 PM on 21 Oct 2006, Verity Webb wrote:

    This emo thing is just getting completley out of hand! The views about emos are all steriotypical! "Emo's are all the same" we each are our own individual person but emo's dress the same and look the same!
    Look at chavs!
    I myself hate them but i'm warming to a few at my school!
    My view of chavs is they are all ASBO's trouble makers and i am scared of them!
    We should be concentrating on other problems instead of emo's! Come on Its crazy!
    Emo is a fashion!
    Emo is a trend!
    Don't read a book by it cover people!
    What's the big problem i do see us all concentrating on goths they supposedly "self harm"
    The war on emo has just got so unproportionaly out of hand and its beginning to get on my nerves aswell as many others!
    Teenagers have enough pressure enough without people accusing them of being emo!
    Theres this girl she wears fred perry listens to hardcore dance and rNb and she called me emo! If i dont listen 2 the same music as her or wear the same clothes as her im emo! If you aint chav then you're emo! Its rediculous!
    Glad i've got that out of my system!

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  275. At 10:47 PM on 21 Oct 2006, rachel wrote:

    what does it matter if people wear skinny jeans, have black hair and wear eyeliner?! labels are stupid, why can't you like mcr and mcfly? why cant you like opera and rock? My chemical Romance are really good, and nobody can aruge other wise, they have a huge fan base, they are number 1 and they are really good live. I dont understand why people like to put people into neat little boxes, surely the most important thing is that the genre of music a person likes is being shown to as many people as possible. I for one love to get different people interested in the bands I like. I wish people would stop labeling people and stop this whole emo debate. It is a fashion just like punk was and will be again probably. Clothing isn't important and if people like a type of music then its worthy of respect and not abuse.

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  276. At 10:47 PM on 21 Oct 2006, yo wrote:

    i think that the so called "emo war" is blown all out of proportion. you cant judge people on what music they listen to or how they dress. im not an "emo" but i think that we should veiw all people and all sub- cultures in the same way.

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  277. At 11:19 PM on 21 Oct 2006, woohoo!!!!! wrote:

    dude!!!! the world has just gota stop all this grouping such as "chavz" and "neds" learn 2 get along man! every1z going 2 be different so i say 2 all ma dudes and dudets out there ROCK ON! and keep being you watever your into . WOOHOO!

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  278. At 11:22 PM on 21 Oct 2006, woohoo!!!!! wrote:

    dude!!!! the world has just gota stop all this grouping such as "chavz" and "neds" learn 2 get along man! every1z going 2 be different so i say 2 all ma dudes and dudets out there ROCK ON! and keep being you watever your into . WOOHOO!

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  279. At 11:58 PM on 21 Oct 2006, kirsty wrote:

    people think that if you listern to emo then you are automaticly depressed and suicidal, well i listern to a lot of emo and am neather i also read cosmopolitan just as much as kerrange and follow high fashion. My point is you can like the music without being emo.

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  280. At 12:36 AM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    EMO is the most confusing thing I've ever come across lol.

    For a start one guy has said that anything on the radio or in the charts is pop, true, as in popular but that doesn't mean pop can cover everything that is played. Radio one play an ecclectic range of genres but it doesn't stop them being indie, emo, metal, dance, hip-hop, rave, r'n'b or anything else for that matter!

    I get labelled as indie because the majority of music I listen to is classed in that genre and I never shut up about it but then I've had people say I look "emo" just because I occasionally wear skinny jeans and I have a long fringe. So has one of my friends who listens to everything going so does that make her emo too?

    MCR are incredibly crap in my eyes but its personal opinion and to be honest the minute I saw them on stage at Leeds Fest asking the crowd to start chanting dead I walked away with my head down thinkin "bloody emos!" so I stereotype too!

    The long and short of my rant is that emo stands for emotional yes? In which case probably every band, group, MC, DJ, artist are emo! If that makes sense.

    I'm gonna shut up now lol

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  281. At 01:41 AM on 22 Oct 2006, Tom wrote:

    Its just music. I don't like it, but i don't hate people that listen to it. People should be free to dress how they want and listen to what they want (even if it is crap). If people want to be introspective and moody then so be it. It doesn't affect anyone else, so just let people do what they want to do.

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  282. At 03:07 AM on 22 Oct 2006, nick wrote:

    emo was a derogatory term back in the day for over the top hardcore bands like rites of spring and orchid. the culture surrounding those bands is unrecognisable when compared what kids these days call "emo"

    the "emos" we have nowadays have nothing to do with emo music, bands like MCR take advantage of the modern misuse of the word to market their appalling pop-punk to the masses.

    in it's original form any sort of emo culture was a product of the emo music; whereas now 15 years on the reverse is true, "emo" music is a product of "emo" culture.

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  283. At 09:28 AM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Surely calling My Chemical Romance emo is a bit flawed; especially from music industry proffesionals.

    I admit one or two songs, I'm Not Okay, Helena, and the bands older aesthetics; were fairly close to emo. But taking the bands knew album as a whole; there new look, I can't really find anything specifically "emo".

    If it's the music style; your calling bands like Queen (who The Black Parade has had comparisons drawn too by several of your DJs and the band themselves) emo.

    If it's the dress sense, thats just bloody ridiculous; firstly dress-sense should not dictate a bands genre, and secondly they don't even dress in an emo "fashion" anymore.

    Finally; the lyrics arne't at all traditional emo if you actually read them and think about them; there all associated with death; but by no means does that make a band emo. It's to broad, thousands of bands have written songs about death.

    Surely when it gets to a point where anyone with lyrics slightly darker than Barney the Dinosaur, and whos clothes contained black is called emo, by the industry and the radio stations. Any thoughts of proffesionalism have drifted off?

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  284. At 09:58 AM on 22 Oct 2006, Evelyn wrote:

    I love the fact that all those people who are like " MCR and Panic! are shit!" are saying that because they've fallin in with the oh so cool thing of hating a band because it's cool to.

    Get Over Yourself.

    If you don't like them so what..I'm sure they don't care. Just because you don't like somthing doesn't mean it's crap.

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  285. At 10:00 AM on 22 Oct 2006, Ed wrote:

    I'm pretty split on this one. one of my best m8s is emo n wen he first made the change, he was real depressed, and did self-harm. But he soon changed. Now hes real jolly and doesnt write heartbreaking poetry out of his a*se. There's nothing wrong wiv them, its just a cult following of music and lifestyle.
    I think all these cults are segregating - chavs, emo, goth etc. they separate communities and actually TAKE AWAY individuals freedom of expression.
    Also, since when is green day remotely emo? - and P!ATD said in NME on wednesday about how they are not emo and want to be the next radiohead - a shabby attempt at marketing.
    As for the music, emo is shit. Except Get Cape Wear Cape Fly.

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  286. At 10:09 AM on 22 Oct 2006, Joe Evans wrote:

    Although I am not a fan of emo music and not a big fan of emo's I think that are becoming more popular.

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  287. At 10:10 AM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hi! I would just like to say that i'm not personally emo but alot of my friends are. there is nothing wrong with them and all they really want to do is listen to music and gave a laugh with each other. the people i know that self harm aren't even emo! all it is is a group of people that like to have fun,do all the normal teenage stuff but they like to be oprn about their EMOtions.

    Lots of Love

    Rhianne/Rhimanne x/x/x/x
    p.s you ROCK!

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  288. At 10:12 AM on 22 Oct 2006, billy wrote:

    i know emos and there music but they all say there all idervidual but they all have the same haircuts luv the same music and clothes to me that aint iderviduality

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  289. At 10:45 AM on 22 Oct 2006, abi wrote:

    The article is rediculous - the older generations have obviously forgotten what it was like to be young, needing to have some sense of identity and doing things that purposefully annoy your parents. Emo is just one of the many 'looks and lifestyles' out there and I don't think it's any more to be worried about than if a teenager was a chav! Emo music rocks man, who cares about what everyone else thinks heh? And as for the suicide bit, the rates are enormous in the uk for young people - reporters should stop trying to blame it on a youth cult and start addressing the real reason...

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  290. At 10:45 AM on 22 Oct 2006, mark vader wrote:


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  291. At 10:59 AM on 22 Oct 2006, franz indienand wrote:

    Look, this emo "war" is stupid espicially any other rocker types having a go at em.

    There is not point any other groups within the rock n roll circle having a go at them, because we are all contained under the big rock n roll umbrella of rock n roll. So live with it, different strokes for different folks.

    Why have a go at a group of people who mostly mean no harm to anyone else?

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  292. At 11:09 AM on 22 Oct 2006, Olivia wrote:

    I love stuff like MCR and Panic but some of my guy mates call me emo cuz of it. As far as I'm concerned music is music so I don't reali care what ppl say but ppl use the term too easily! I no ppl who are called emo for having an 'emo' haircut. The problem is when we call them 'chav' you risk them starting a fight with you.

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  293. At 11:14 AM on 22 Oct 2006, Olivia wrote:

    Even chavs that wear eye make up get called emo. Free conutry?

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  294. At 11:16 AM on 22 Oct 2006, Andrew Williams wrote:

    i personally do not think that people know what emo music is. i would not class my chemical romance as emo because they are liked by 'scene' kids who try and be emo; mcr r the most famous band which are closest to emo but are NOT! its like green day, people who want to be punk listen to them 1st but i personally think that they r not punk. Emos though are getting a hard time for the music and clothes they wear, its there choice after all, we shudnt critize them! the same happend with chavs and people are coming to terms that people who listen 2 rap music are not chavs. Its just steriotyping if you saw a band ten years ago with black hair and black make-up wearing black outfits, you would class them as goths nowadays, they are emo so therefore marlyin manson is emo. My view of emo is a mixture between punk and goth music and styles, things have to change and older people who grew up with a punk or goth lifestyle dont like it and critize it, dont worry it wont last for long...

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  295. At 11:18 AM on 22 Oct 2006, CJ wrote:

    im 15 and i have some emo friends, i think their style is awesome, and Im pretty sure im not friends with anyone who self harms, thats just very streotypical, people can dress how they want and listen to what music they want. People should stop saying things about them about self harming, personally i would never do it, but its they're way of calling out for help, if someone actually listened they would probably stop doing it.

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  296. At 11:23 AM on 22 Oct 2006, Jonny wrote:

    Emo is basically a bunch of winey kids running around with make up on some of them go a bit to far into the suicidle genre which is not good, but who cares what the rest of them do, let them listen to music while crying to the devil it makes no difference to me!

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  297. At 11:25 AM on 22 Oct 2006, ruby wrote:

    i dnt like emo's they just want attention.. but i do luv the rocka dn indie bands !

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  298. At 12:05 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I dont see what people have against emos, emos are just regular people but with a different outlook on life so what if they like different music/wear different clothes no one is the same!

    But most emos arent actually emos they are just fasion followers, has any1 else noticed how shops like primark have started selling 'emo' belts and the stripy tops which are apparently emo when they arent, most people who wears these clothings dont even listen to 'emo' music.

    also the fact that panic! at the disco and fall out boy call themselves emo? i meen whats with that, real emo music is bands like funeral for a friend.

    i personally hav nothing against emos , its just chavs that do, i meen if i , being a metal head, walk down the street wearing anything that isnt chav im apparently emo? and they say for having longish black hair im emo, they even stop me to check my wrist to see if ive been slashing them?
    chavs really need to get the cultures right. they started calling everyone who was different goths now its emo. whats next?

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  299. At 12:34 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Rob wrote:

    I don't see why people get worked up over anything printed in the daily mail. To be honest its about someone started bringing the $hite they always print to the forefront and start a backlash that will make people think about the papers they buy and read.

    They know nothing about youth in Britain and know everything about twisting anything to help back up all of their agendas. I like to call it "spin", the very same thing they campaign against the Labout party doing

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  300. At 12:36 PM on 22 Oct 2006, kerry pibworth wrote:

    i am completely for emos. people should be allowed to be individuals and be who they want to be. if others just judge them and try to force them to be different they will grow up into people they hate. My Chemical Romance are just doing what they want and making great music, if adults are allowed to be who they want why arent the children? i think that the emo debate is pathetic, and should just be scrapped. cant people see that doing this and trying to force people to change is just making them even more depressed? i dont understand why people are doing this to them. leave them be, if they dont like who they are they will change, but until then leave them alone and let them get on wwith their lives.

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  301. At 12:49 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Naomi wrote:

    Well.... i think there is nothing wrong with 'emo'. Emo is more like a fashion style than anything else. It's derrived from alternativeism (my new word). It's jsut a way of expressing yourself. People would say i dressed 'emo' and i like badns that are put under the 'emo' sterotype. And to be honest there is nothing wrong with that, it's just when people get discriminated for being 'emo'. After all we can't all be the same. 'Emo' is just a classification for people with a different veiw on life... like chavs, townies, or goths. After all it's just a style, and you shouldn't really get discriminated for being different.

    xxx naomi xxx

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  302. At 12:56 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Mork wrote:

    My chemical romance are not an emo band, the are a post hardcore band, like most bands in the 'emo scene' are now. I listen to post hardcore, and people call me emo, its annoying as bands like bright eyes or blood brothers are emo. Just because bands scream doesn't make them emo. Its just a label that media have added because they actually know nothing about music. Bands like Brighteyes sing about love lost not the type of subject featured in most Panic!At The Disco Songs, why do people see emo as a dirty word associated with 12 year olds in Skinny jeans? Actual emo bands are brilliant and deserve the correct recognition for their music and their musical genre.

    Traditionally Emo has been described as Punk music on estrogen. Often acoustic guitar with soft, high male vocals that dwell exessively on the singer's feelings, especially melancholy remembrances of past relationships/mistakes in life. A form of music that diverged from punk in the '80s, the name "emo" is derived from the emotive style of the lyrics and music. This genre has lately been marketed heavily by the music industry to teenagers with bands such as Dashboard Confessional and Taking Back Sunday, and has seen much commercial and mainstream success. The music has also spawned a subculture which conforms to certain conventions in dress such as tight sweatshirts, tight band T-shirts and horn-rim glasses. Adherents profess to exessively melancholy temperments. Males that adhere to the emo subculture are sometimes confused with metrosexuals; indeed the line between the two is somwhat blurred, though both groups claim to be intouch with their emotional side. The ephemeral and hackneyed nature of emo songwriting suggests that its audience will be restricted largely to teenagers. the genre suffers from a lack of credibility outside the aforementioned demographic group, much like current Nu Metal bands.

    The emo you are all mentioning is merely a fashion among teenagers at the moment and whats wrong with that? We've all been there with bands of our time like Nirvana, it's what being a teenager is all about!

    Stop getting musically high and mightly, we should all congratulate MCR for getting to number one, they deserve it.

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  303. At 12:57 PM on 22 Oct 2006, mad man ross wrote:

    emo bands like MCR degrade the true meaning of rock and metal music, they are no more than 'slightly more alternative' pop bands. THEY ARE FAKES! i have nothing against the clothing style or the image, but i disagree with them calling themselves any form of rock.

    i agree that the mail on sundays article on emo was completly wrong, since when are green day emo!?! and to try and suggest that kurt cobain was an emo influence just because he died is stupid.

    bring back grunge! a true teenage rebellion genre!

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  304. At 01:05 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Kimberley wrote:

    I can't understand the need for the media to pigeonhole every type of music and fashion trend. I listen to metal, punk, pop-punk, indie and goth amongst others. If the music sounds good to me, then I listen to it.

    what I find insulting about the daily mail article in general, is that it is so misinformed and full of wild assumptions. I feel a bit targeted by it because if you read the description of the so-called 'emo-kid', I fit the visual profile. I'm naturally dark haired and fair skinned and wear a lot of black. I am also an arts graduate, having studied English at Uni. Yes, I have several 'emo' bands in my CD collection and yes, I also happend to like My Chemical Romance, but I would like to point out to the journalist (if she should ever read this board) that I am a well adjusted member of society. I've never had the urge to self harm, and okay, there have been depressing periods in my life, but the music I listen to has never caused it. In fact, sometimes listening to music has helped in a small way.

    The emo-kids are getting a hard time purely because they are the latest music/fashion trend. I'm on the fence over if i agree or disagree with them. I think that some of them are clearly posers and will abandon the trend once the next-big-thing hits. When I was in high school, it was the whole nu-metal thing with baggy jeans, hoodies and skateboarding trainers. Before my time it was the manky grunge look with doc martens and lumberjack shirts.
    Then again, what is so wrong about being with a group of like minded people who enjoy the same things as you? As long as they aren't doing anything to trouble the rest of society, then I don't see the harm in that.

    My final words are targeted solely at the Daily Mail readers. Music does not kill. My Chemical Romance don't encourage their fans to cut themselves up. take the time to listen to them and read interviews with them. But of course, throwing wild accusations at bands that are a little different is nothing new. Wasn't Marilyn Manson accused of causing the Columbine High School massacre? Wasn't Judas Priest and Ozzy amongst others, accused of hiding subliminal messages in their music that encouraged people to commit suicide?

    I would like to end this post by asking the Daily Mail or in fact any concerned conservative individual why they have never launched a full out assault on pop music in general? After all, the pussycat dolls and girls aloud disturb me way more than kids dressing in black with complicated hair styles.
    Little girs dancing and singing along to such overtly sexual gems as 'I'm just a love machine/feeding my fantasy.'
    So wrong on so many levels......

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  305. At 01:16 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Chris wrote:

    LEave them fucking alone, its none of ur business. I'm not an emo but like most people they have a kind of dress code. so do chav's!!! burglary caps and all that. NOthing bein said bout them!

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  306. At 01:21 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Alicia wrote:

    My Chemical Romance are not a pop band..there far from it!. They are emotional rock. If you listened to the lyrics you would relise that "H".

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  307. At 02:03 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Dave McLeod wrote:

    at the end of the day its just music. the only people that care about stereotyping and labelling music are people with nothing better to do.

    i say people can like whatever the hell they want and leave it at that. Personally i like artists ranging from My Chemical Romance to Razorlight to "pop acts" like Will Young.

    People, Grow up

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  308. At 02:19 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Alice Bowring wrote:

    Although the article from the Daily Mail does hit some key issues - self harm etc it is ridiculous to say that this is because being emo is "cool". It also makes countless references to goths, emos aren't goths and I have many friends who dress in emo stylee clothes and this is not all in black, black would be gothic. I don't know what the big deal is? let people where what they want, if you don't like it who cares? you don't have to wear it! It is unfair to say that only emos self harm and whatever anyone dresses like you've got to be an idiot to think that cutting yourself is the thig to do to fit in. I think you will only find misguided idiots doing that.

    Plus.. everyone knows the Daily Mail is full of s**t!
    who agrees?

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  309. At 02:38 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I have been into emotional hardcore (emo for short) since I first heard 'Bleed American' by Jimmy Eat World and it opened me up to a lot of new bands and the music has helped me through many hard times in my life but of course it annoys me how it is mainstream these days. I'm not being called a goth in the street anymore, I'm now called an emo and I presume it was only a matter of time before emo was going to be in the mainstream. It's just a shame of what is representing emo at the moment and it's not the valued artists that get the recognition in the UK they deserve. Bands like Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance will be popular because they are pop-rock bands with a hint of emo which are focused for the mainstream. Does that mean that emo is the enemy? Everyone bangs on about The Kooks and Razorlight yet they're indie for the mainstream, am I right? MCR being number 1 in my eyes is actually fantastic. I find it funny because it has upset the generic indie bands eg Kasabian, Razorlight, Oasis who are basically dull and tiresome and we have no need for them. The thing that I think people find more annoying in this emo war is the kids and the depth of their status. People try to look emo because they think it's cool. They hear 'I Write Sins Not Tradegies' and all these kids jump on the bandwagon without any knowledge of what is going on. It's sad when a kid comes up to me saying 'who are at the drive-in?' whilest they have their fall out boy tee shirt on. It something that angers me because newmo's don't have a clue. Ask them about Fall Out Boy and they'll say 'Pete Wentz is a genius etc etc' but I bet in 5 years time, no-one will give a damn, but mention real emo/emotional hardcore/screamo/post hardcore like Glassjaw, Thursday, At The Drive In, Saves The Day, Fugazi and they won't have a clue what you're on about. The kids will not last, this is just a phase that music is going through and I presume in 2-3 years, the kids will jump on another bandwagon but Emo will still exsist becuase true emo fans will stay with it because it's not fashion to us, the music means something. We're not trying to out-scene each other, we relating to the music we love to listen to and be a part of. In conclusion I should say I'm of course all for emo, but fake emo can just hopefully fade away, or be classified as something else, maybe pop punk (Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco) or Goth Punk (My Chemical Romance) so I won't have people coming up to me saying 'You're an emo! I like Fall Out Boy, I like emo.' They just need to be slapped.
    Thanks for listening

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  310. At 02:48 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Howard Storey wrote:

    I respect MCR for leaving Emo behind. Emo stands for emotional and that is excactly what they are, they cry and look for attention. Also sliting their wrists, they do that for attention. I don't know what's with the skin tight jeans for 8 year olds and the jet black hair with a stupidly long fringe over one eye. WHAT IS WITH THE MAKE UP!!!

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  311. At 02:53 PM on 22 Oct 2006, ben wrote:

    To be honest I can't relate to the emo culture but everyone is different people dress to fit in and when the dress to be different they fit in with that group, i say just wear what you want, listen to what you want and live your life, no-one has anything to fear from the emo-culture at all just accept it, ben, kent

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  312. At 02:55 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Nicola wrote:

    i think its pathetic. where i live its emos against the chavs and then well everyone else is just kicked to the side. i think emos and chavs are exactly the same, all silly little fashion followers, who think they are cool because they know all these bands and have a yellow streak running through their jet black hair. they think its cool to wear their jeans around their knees (boys as well as girls), they think its cool to listen to really rubbishy bands they can barely play their instruments. When really all the music they listen to is in the charts. They think are seperated by society but they are society as there are so many of them, they are no longer the individuals because well...they all follow the crowd, like chavs do. they both like to drink,. listen to god awful music and smoke weed in the streets, the only difference is the dress code, but even thats starting to become similar

    On the other hand most people who dress emo are not even emo, they listen to mcr and proclaim to be hardcore emo, when they arent, i think its unfair to say that emo is a type of music, when all music on some level is emotional. emo is a fashion trend. as lover of all music i think its bad that the music market is saturated with really terrible bands that come under the emo label just because they have this huge fashion following. i dont have a problem with the people, its just the fashion, the pretentious, we are better than you fashion

    but thats teenage fashion for you

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  313. At 03:03 PM on 22 Oct 2006, stacy wrote:

    personally i dont get why people class themselves as 'emo' because, being short for emotional, that would put everyone in the world under that catagory (unless theyre heartless which i guess some few people might be) kids go around calling it a scene, when in actual fact it's just a new genre of music. music which is filled with strongly-emotional lyrics. but i dont think its something we can ever get away from - life is full of stereotypes/groups: chavs/neds/townies, goths, emos, geeks/nerds etc...but why people feel the need to catagorise people just because of the way they look, act, music that theyre into i cant understand. i think people who class themselves as 'emo' or a 'goth' are just people who want to feel a sense of belonging. i know i dont put myself into any of the well-known groups because i dont fit into the stereotype. there are a lot of kids in my school, mostly boys in the below years, who constantly go around calling my small group of friends goths simply because we wear black...ITS SCHOOL UNIFORM! so it makes no sense at all. i hate how people think 'they wear black, cry all the time...they must be a goth, they must slit their wrists!' when the fact of the matter is they just like that clothing and probably have a lot of problems/troubles at home or in other areas of their life, and everyone has their fair share of troubles they just deal with it in different ways.

    i know someone whos into heavy metal/emo type music (a friend of a friend who i actually hate) and shes one of the most self-obsessed, annoying twats ive ever come across. all she talks about is herself and how her family sucks and pity me, pity me. sometimes its jsut like SHUT UP. I dont know why people who wear black/gothic/'emo' clothing hang around in gangs, but i just think its to do with belonging. when you're labelled you at least belong somewhere. you might hate it, but there are loads of other kids the same as you. the 'chavs' i know of might hang around in groups but when you catch them on their own they actually talk to you and are ok, but if you slag them off because of something they said who comes running? they need their mates to back them up.

    theres not much point in arguing about it because nothings ever gonna change. people are always going to be brought up around stereotypes, there'll be the odd few who will actually stick out from the crowd without even trying...but even if you dont class yourself as a type of person, you're still being labelled as 'normal' or 'non-conformative' either way, you can't have one thing without the other, it just wouldn't balance. and wouldn't the word be bland and uninteresting if there were no groups of kids trying to be different?

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  314. At 03:13 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Kirsty Johnston wrote:

    ive been called a emo but i dont think i am one but if i was i dont think i would care cos well.. wats rong wit it? its their choice!

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  315. At 03:15 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    After reading the Daily Mail article. I was very angry about how the whole 'EMO' genre has been sterotyped and catergorized. The article was misformative and gave a bad impression of 'Emo'. This one of the key reasons why it has suddenly been a backlash. I think the backlash is unecessarily and uncalled for. If people want to listen to 'Emo' music let them. I think it is wrong when people criticzed others for being different, I mean wouldn't it be rubbbish if everyone was the same.
    I for one like 'emo' music and at times has helped through hard times but so has other genre's of music.
    So what if My Chemical Romance are number 1. This shows there is an Emo fanbase out there and they are willing to support their bands to number 1. I'm also guessing non-'EMO' fans brought the single, does that now make them 'emo'.
    Personally I think this whole 'emo' thing will die down, just like the whole 'nu-metal' craze afew years ago.

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  316. At 03:19 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Nics wrote:

    i think its important to distinguish between emo the fashion and emo the music....there is a large difference.

    I think that in the past 5 or 6 years a really pretentious and arrogant attitude to music has built up. You have these people who claim to be purist who dont like anything made after 1990, and then you have the exact opposite who wouldnt dare listen to anything made before 1990, all these little pretentious people who like to discover new bands so that they can be really cool, just to move on when they enter mainstream.

    I myself am not an emo. im a me. i dress how i wnat which is typical...jeans jumpers scarfs, converses, whacky accesories, im not overly into fashion..'normal' or 'emo' and i am glad to say im not pretentious i listen to absoloutley everything.....rock, indie, pop, jazz, metal, hip hop, r n b, dance, country and most definitley anything 50s and 60s....

    .i think with me as someone said before its all down to you. music for me is either great, good, bad or just plaing ugly, and if someone wants to dance to girls aloud then good for them, if someone likes to chill out to jack johnson, good for them, is someone loves a bit of old school like myself then good for them, and even though im not the biggest fan of all these new bands some of they are credible and sound good. i hate music snobs, the people who think they know it all, they dont, music is entirely down to taste, now i think that gargage music is god awful where as some people love it, and thats ok because its down to them. i think bon jovi are on eof the best bands ever, some people would ask me firstly who they are and secondly not agree....but thats fine

    i personally think people forget pop...means popular, not bubble gum britney stuff, and i think people dont like to admit they like pop, on of my favourite songs i flying without wings, by westlife....now most people wouldnt have the guts to admit that, but i dont care, i can also admit that i love hermans hermits, the drifters and gerry and the pacemakers, most people my ages havent heard of them.

    stop being so hard on emos, yes they look a bit silly with their long fringes, but they are as equally entitled so listen to what they want to and dress how they want to, as much as the next person is, and you will probably be supirsed to know that i bet they secretly listen to westlife

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  317. At 03:24 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Mike wrote:

    Much as I love most forms of music, I don't like Emo as to me its just a whingy watered down immitation of punk..

    That said, I've not got anything against people who like Emo as long as they're not forcing it on me, and at least it doesn't seek to propagate violent and selfish ideals and behaviour as with other genres such as "RnB".

    As I don't go out of my way to listen to EMO the stuff I've heard is probably quite mainstream anyway, and we all know how the "pop" influence can dilute and ruin any genre, as has happened over the years with house, trance, dnb, garage..

    As for the Daily Mail article, its your usual attempt to generate yet another "our children are causing the world to implode" moral panic to sell papers to paranoid, out of touch middle class parents. True to form its yet another example of the typically un-informed and bigoted toss the mail churns out daily.

    If it wasn't EMO it'd be the internet, or any other form of new technology or youth culture their decrepet right wing scaremongers have niether experienced nor understand.

    Anyone else remember the article they published some time ago about the dangers of ever stronger strains of "Super skank" cannabis?

    Ffs, my cat could write a more engaging and technically proficient piece.

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  318. At 03:40 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I know I only posted about an half hour ago but I was reading other posts and I liked what some people had said.

    The self harm thing? Now when has this ever been emo, I have stressed this point many a time. Anyone who is anyone can do self harm. It's not an emo thing, never has been. It is a teenage angst thing to help them get over whatever it is they need to get over. I have never done this and I think it's ridiculous.

    Black eyeliner?! This is a goth thing, not an emo thing. Maybe a scene thing but that's not emo/post hardcore. You wouldn't catch Geoff Rickley or Chris Carrabba with eyeliner but you might catch Gerard Way who, yes is a goth.
    Emo has been here for many years, and will always be here. As Busted and McFly are obviously fans of emotional hardcore, then they're style is of course, going to be copied across the country as they are/were popular bands. Then fans of Busted/McFly will find out about these rock bands and then they will get popular. That's how this has happened, it's not a bad thing.

    As I'm at work I cannot access many websites and I cannot view this Daily Mail report but as far as I have gathered from other peoples reviews, it sounds a bit of a joke. Of course, MCR will not cause kids to self harm themselves. Someone mentioned earlier about Marilyn Manson was to blame for Columbine, yeah right! F.Y.I the bands the 2 Columbine students listened to were Prodigy, Rammstein and KMFDM (I think thats them, god knows) so how did Marilyn Manson tell them to do it. Emo music doesn't make you depressed - end of story.

    We have so many more worse idols for kids/teenagers then My Chemical Romance like Pussycat Dolls, who promote sex and do stripper routines in there music videos, that's not a good thing for a 13 year old girl now is it? Or what about 50 Cent, bragging how he got shot 9 times making it cool? That isn't is it? Gangsta rap promotes violence, ho's and gun crime and of course no-one seems to have a problem, then My Chemical Romance come up with a number 1 pop rock tune and suddenly they're all a bunch of sicko's because they write about depressing subjects like heartbreak and loss of a loved one.

    Like I said earlier, I'm all for emo. Just when it's real and true. MCR are not emo but they get lumped into there. On the other hand I think it's good MCR are number one because hopefully, we can have more popular rock acts (Kasabian, Oasis, Razorlight don't count) floating around which will make the radio and music stations more varied. I'd rather have the charts filled with Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco who have been bands for a number of years and had to work hard and tour to get recognised then 'artists' such as Girls Aloud, 50 Cent and Pussycat Dolls.

    Thanks Again

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  319. At 03:44 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Becca wrote:

    To be honest 'emo' now has nothing to do with music.
    Bands like My Chemical Romance who don't fit into indie or metal or rock are just all classed as 'emo', for example Taking Back Sunday and My Chemical Romance are both classed as 'emo' yet if you listen to their music it is totally different, so how can it be in the genre?
    The whole emo thing is now based on how people dress.. and is no longer related to music.

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  320. At 03:47 PM on 22 Oct 2006, martin wrote:

    Okay listen, im emo i love it i have seeing chavs taking the mick because people like dressing how they like so what if its a fashon now but think about it havent there always been this constant rivalry between the non conformists and chavs its stuped. and for the record "Emo" music is 'hawhtonre heights', 'Funeral for a friend', 'taking back sunday'.

    this whole thing about emo kids is just dumb i think we should take a leaf out of john lennons book give peace a chance whats come to this world its just pathetic.

    The world nowadays is boring same old "look an emo kid" woooo its not an insult so all the "chavs" we dont have a problem with you so leave us all alone and shut up.(they look like twats with there socks tucked into there tracksuit bottoms.)

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  321. At 03:49 PM on 22 Oct 2006, lol wrote:

    I was at this year's Reading festival and I was absolutley disgusted with the way Panic!at the disco were treated because they are classed as 'emo'. If any of these so called 'Emo haters' actually stopped and listened to the lyrics of this band they will see that they are not even slightly emo, most of them are actually very upbeat, as are Brendon and co's stage show. So why are they being classed as Emo? oh yes because they have fringes and wear skinny jeans. As a 20 year old girl I have liked 'Emo' music for some years now, and not because of the fashions or conatations that go with the genre, but because I like the music and the clever lyrics which i have to say are a million times better written than most indie bands could dream of. Which takes me to my next point, dont the majority of 'Indie kids' dress the same? Yes, there are thousands of Johnny Borrells walking around thinking that they look different and original. Each genre of music has a dresscode and one is no more superior than the other. With the emergance of 'new rave' thanks to the Klaxons expect an army of neon clad kids roaming around, will they be slated in the daily mail for their encouragement of drug use? probably not.

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  322. At 03:52 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    KURT COBAIN - Emo legend?! Ha ha! Funniest thing ever! How is he? Emo legends are -

    Ian McKaye
    Robert Smith
    Cedric Bixlar
    Rivers Cuamo

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  323. At 03:57 PM on 22 Oct 2006, slipp wrote:

    another media invented music trend, designed so they can build it up the destroy it just as quick.

    This so called emotional music has all been done before and much better. Anyone remember The Smiths.

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  324. At 04:06 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Ane' wrote:

    i understand liking a 'look'; but emos are practically glorified transvestites, the men look ridiculous in those mobility-impairing trousers!

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  325. At 04:15 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Jon wrote:

    I recon we should put the editor in a sealed room and play hatesphere and Hatebreed at them!!! See how they like my fav type of music.

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  326. At 04:15 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Shan wrote:

    I think that it doesn't matter about the label, you can dress how you want and look what you want to look like. I dont see why people bully because of your "label". And not all emo's cut there wrists or self harm, people say that cause it gets to some emos. I have nothing wrong with emos they rock :)

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  327. At 04:16 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Angi wrote:

    It's up to emos what they want to do but I'm not emo and i absolutely love Welcome to the black parade

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  328. At 04:17 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Why is it bad 2 be an emo?
    My Chemical Romance might be emos but wots rong with it?

    dere still sick tho!

    Isaac 12

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  329. At 04:28 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Rachael wrote:

    To be honest i dont really mind what music people listen to, each to their own i say! However, i must say some 'emos' are really disrespectful to other types of music. Being a really big pop fan ( i know it is quite sad) i have to admit that some emos tend to be abit judemental! They think im abit stupid because i listen to girls aloud. So i think all emos should stop doing the whole double standards thing, everyone needs to just accept that differnet people like different things! :)

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  330. At 04:28 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Afk wrote:

    It's all really pathetic to be honset, i mean, fair enough to all them 'emos' which have always acted, dressed and listened to the music they liked, but most of you 'emos' out there are just following a fashion, and thats all it is, a fashion, so its gunna go as quick as it came.

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  331. At 04:37 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Heather wrote:

    Emo's are just tennagers who express themselves. I should know since I am one. One day I was on a school trip and I came wearing black jeans and the usual stuff I'd wear. People looke at me as if I was a freak? What the hell is the problem? I'm going through a hard time trying to find myself and emo music really hepls. I feel free when I listen to it and I have no idea why. So get lost even if I'm not like this forever it's who I am at present and it feels good to be me! Who are you to judge me. Everyone probably belongs in a clique so why does mine get so badly treated??????

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  332. At 04:40 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Emma. wrote:

    Who care's whether someone is emo or not. I hate stereo-typing, and the fact people need to do it. The whole 'emo' thing has got out of hand when it started off to be something completely as it is today. And also Emo stands for emotional, therefore it is not dress sense.. or emo bands or whatever.
    Bands such as MCR are not emo, yes, I might not like them, but I'm not gonna go around saying they're emo because I don't listen to them and I'm a labeller, because I'm not.
    And the whole stereot-type has been taken out of proportion too, and anyone seen wearing black is emo.
    People just need to grow up, stop labelling and realise there are more important things happening in the world instead of going round calling each other emo.

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  333. At 04:47 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Calum wrote:

    My first point is that people are too quick to stereotype! They are frightened of anything that they don't understand and can't relate to instantly. This "EMO" thing is just another stereotype. Hardly anyone who calls themselves an EMO cuts themselves and is constantly depressed. If they do then they are obviously mentally ill and should be helped, not outcast! I wouldn't call myself an EMO but I do like My Chemical Romance and various other rock bands like them.
    My second point is, so what if MCR got to number 1! If you ask me it's better than another intolerable dance track or any of that tribal R&B rubbish!

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  334. At 04:49 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Ed Fry wrote:

    "Many of the alluring women of our time - Nigella Lawson, Debbie Harry, Chrissie Hynde, Sophie Ellis Bextor, Lily Allen - have a touch of the Goth about them"

    Sums up just how ill-informed the article is. All those women that "the kids" hold in such high regard. When dod you last hear anyone under the age of 25 raving about Nigella Lawson!?

    I couldn't care less what people choose to dress like or act like but the idea that wearing a particular type of clothing automatically subscribes you to a belief system and a way of life is ridiculous. Once again it's sensationalist and irresponsible journalism. There will always be people that self-harm, take drugs, etc and it is very rarely the music that people listen to that drives those choices.

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  335. At 04:49 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Calum wrote:

    Oh, and one more thing! It's only music for God sake! Get over yourselves!

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  336. At 04:50 PM on 22 Oct 2006, nikki wrote:

    emo is just a random saying that is being miss used by alot of people.
    but i personally see emo as a good sence of music and style.
    i listen to emo music and some might say i dress like 1 too
    but i just see moi as moi
    so there we go
    he he he

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  337. At 04:51 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Sabrina wrote:

    Emo is a fashion statment and music genre. I personal things 'emo' is no threatening one bit.
    I have many 'emo' friends and they are not 'depressed' or anything like that.
    As for the band MCR, they dont class themselves as 'emo' they dont lablem themselves at all. And I love the band.

    Emo is just a harmless lable given to kids, for the way they dress. Nothing bad comes from it.
    All these articals saying 'emo' is theatening and parents should be worried, is stupid and a waste of time.

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  338. At 04:51 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Mike wrote:

    Much as I love most forms of music, I don't like Emo as to me its just a whingy watered down immitation of punk..

    That said, I've not got anything against people who like Emo as long as they're not forcing it on me, and at least it doesn't seek to propagate violent and selfish ideals and behaviour as with other genres such as "RnB".

    As I don't go out of my way to listen to EMO the stuff I've heard is probably quite mainstream anyway, and we all know how the "pop" influence can dilute and ruin any genre, as has happened over the years with house, trance, dnb, garage..

    As for the Daily Mail article, its your usual attempt to generate yet another "our children are causing the world to implode" moral panic to sell papers to paranoid, out of touch middle class parents. True to form its yet another example of the typically un-informed and bigoted toss the mail churns out daily.

    If it wasn't EMO it'd be the internet, or any other form of new technology or youth culture their decrepet right wing scaremongers have niether experienced nor understand.

    Anyone else remember the article they published some time ago about the dangers of ever stronger strains of "Super skank" cannabis?

    Ffs, my cat could write a more engaging and technically proficient piece.

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  339. At 04:53 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Catherine Bailey wrote:

    I think that EMO is weird! The music is just shouting and the fashion sense is just disgusting! i'm getting annoyed about it all and i'm only 12! I hate EMOS!

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  340. At 04:54 PM on 22 Oct 2006, miba wrote:

    That article is just one big joke for news! It makes laugh! In actual fact this whole debate makes me laugh! Kids into a craze are always like this, right from hippys (if not before) to the original punk scene and so many more. As for the scars on their arms I can remember when I was a kid in the grunge scene friends did that then, some for attention, some to look cool (they will regret it!) and yes some because they have serious problems. We all have been into scenes and still are, its what creates friendships and those good memorys we look back on when we are kids. I ask all those who were into Pearl Jam in 1994, how many of you went to the charity shop got the great grunge look and sat around looking woefull listening to 'Black'. That was my scene and god didnt parents worry and articles appear then. Its always the same. Let the kids to what they want, its caracter building.

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  341. At 04:57 PM on 22 Oct 2006, jane wrote:

    the only ppl who call my type emos r chavs n id rather b a emo that a chav!!

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  342. At 04:59 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I am 16 and live in Norwich, there are a few types of style for teenagers and Emo seems to be one of the most popular.
    Personally i think it looks extreemly unattractive and the majority of the people who adopt this style are about 14, and just ebing immature, they will grow out of it and realise how pathetic they look and seem.
    I am not an emo, and never will be, but i have self hrmed in the past, i think it's wrong to attatch the lable emo to anyone who self harms.

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  343. At 05:03 PM on 22 Oct 2006, luke orford wrote:

    i dont have a problem with emo music, its the peoples attitude who listen to it i have a problem with. I will quite happyily listen to old emo bands that are out such as finch but newer bands are basically saying you got to be depressed and hate your parents . Emo bands nowadays think they can change peoples opinions. Also it is a spesific age group that listens to it most, which is middle teens i have very rarely seen an emo over the age of 21 - 22. EMO's say there different because they listen to this music saying its emotional but to be fair isnt all music emotional, have you sat down and listen to a chilli peppers song or a feeder song which sing about loss and they make it sound good because they dont sing about it all the time. EMO atitude is the problem not the music!!!!!!!!!!!

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  344. At 05:12 PM on 22 Oct 2006, chloe wrote:

    im emo. so what? get over it. i did self harm, but have come out of depression now. how can you judge ALL emos, you don't know whats going on in their life, do you?

    people last week looked at me like I was a freak or something, the tears pouring out of my eyes, the cuts, the bangles and the tight black jeans. they had no idea that one of m best friends had commited suicide becaus of some stupid preppy jocks, did they? but they still sneered fag and cutter at me anyway!

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  345. At 05:17 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Lisa wrote:

    i supose you are perseved as what you set out to be (if that makes sense) and from interviews, and the music itself i'd say they aren't emo at all, and i thinks it's quite harsh 'labelling' musicans, for expressing themselves, i'd say they were different, i've heard nothing like them before, and i flipping love it! hehe, hmm yeah x

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  346. At 05:18 PM on 22 Oct 2006, E wrote:

    So, the Daily Mail reckon bands like My Chemical Romance and Panic! At the Disco 鈥渆ncourage鈥 their listeners to self-harm? How ignorant is that? It shows more ignorance around self-harm than anything else. How insulting to people who do self-harm because they have a genuine problem? Self-harm isn鈥檛 a fashion trend, something you do because your mates all do it, it鈥檚 an illness.

    I listen to loads of supposed 鈥渆mo鈥 bands, it鈥檚 not done me any harm. I also listen to metal, punk rock, and other genres and don鈥檛 particularly want to be pigeonholed. I鈥檓 a fan of My Chemical Romance, and I have never once heard them encourage anyone to self-harm. I have heard them encourage their fans to talk to someone if they鈥檙e depressed. Maybe the people who bottled them at Reading are the ones who deserve to be criticised, for inciting violence at music festivals??

    I think people, like 鈥渏ournalists鈥 from the Daily Mail, should get their facts straight before they write such rubbish, and I hope that not everyone believes what they read in newspapers.

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  347. At 05:19 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Matt wrote:

    I'm not an emo but I disagree with the stereotyping going on at the moment. Just because you where certain clothes or listen to certain music doesn't mean you hate the world and want to kill yourself.

    I hate the way anyone who doesn't like or understand rock music quickly uses words such as goth, greb and emo to describe those who do. Ok, there are some people who are emo and open about it but if people took a moment to look closer at the young people they are branding, they would find a wide variety of different tastes and beliefs.

    Nowadays there is such a diversity of youth culture that to label so many different people under one stereotype shows the distinct lack of understanding and negativity towards young people in our society.

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  348. At 05:22 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I think emo musics really good, im not emo but i have nothing against them, i know people who are emos and theyre really nice, they make really great music that isnt chavvy and horrible and its just good, im going to see lost prophets in novemeber and my chemical romance in march and i cant wait!

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  349. At 05:25 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Lauren wrote:

    My Chemical Romance, has nothing to do, with the slitting wrists, and 'emo cult' which the Daily Mail has written about, as a My Chemical Romance fan I know they are not promoting Self Harm, and I do believe that 'Emo' kids are having a hard time, and I will defend their rights as many people who are classified as Emo do not self harm. These labels e.g. Chav, emo, Greebo, Goth are not needed as everyone is their own person. What really gets me is how people persecute bands like My Chemical Romance for 'Brainwashing' kids into the 'emo cult', when they don't know anything about the subject at hand. Get some evidence before you prosecute innocent teenagers.
    Maybe if you listened to some My Chemical Romance you would understand, that they ARE NOT promoting self-harm. For example, Helena is a Tribute, to Gerard, and Mikeys (lead singer and Bassist) Grandmother, saying goodbye, does that sound like it is promoting self harm.

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  350. At 05:27 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Carly wrote:

    If you want "emo" come round to my house. Bills up to my eyes screaming kids and a stressful job. How much more "emo" do you want it to get?

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  351. At 05:31 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Emma wrote:

    i think that the article written in the daily mail was appalling. what, just because someone dyes their hair dark and wears band tees it means they are suicidal? although i am not as much as some, i dress "emo" the majority of the time and i listen to my chem and the other steriotyped bands, and i have never contemplated self-harm of any kind. and that article also places some blame ON my chemical romance for causing their fan's "depression", when actually, if the writer had done any research would realise that that band have saved many of their fans with , a friend of mine included.

    I hate that people segregate people just beacuse they are "emo" and people don't like that. When I found out that Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco got a bottle thrown at him at reading festival, my blood boiled. Ok, so you don't like their music or don't like them cos theyre "emo" but why not just not go and watch them?????? Go to a different stage, there were plenty of them! At the end of the day, no matter what your opinion, nobody deserves that just for being who they are and playing their own music. And i would also like to point out that none of the dj's at the dance stages of the Carling festivals got bottled by emos who saw them as chavs.

    People should just leave off and let others do what they wanna do and be who they wanna be and not have a go at them because of it.

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  352. At 05:32 PM on 22 Oct 2006, s wrote:

    oh. my. gosh. why do we live in this culture where we feel we have to interfere with everything! seriously, i know a good many emos and none of them are suicidal or self-harmimg!
    its just the media being alarmist about things they dont understand!
    how a person lives their life is absolutely their concern, and should not be held open to scrutiny by others!
    its a phase, and its "cool" to be emo at the moment, i mean please, if emos were seriously a problem, why would radio one play fall out boy?

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  353. At 05:44 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Louise wrote:

    Who cares really. All you're doing is giving emo's what they want. Making them feel like they're all misunderstood and victimised. They want to be 'different' from society so give it another year or so and most of them will have stopped dressing the way they do cos it's getting too popular with little teeny 12 year olds. They'll move onto the next 'alternative' craze soon enough.

    A couple of years ago it was 'punk' when Green Day released american idiot. I love Green Day but they're not punk, they're mainstream rock. True punk was over barely 2 years after it started in London cos as soon as the masses cottoned on and started dressing like punks and listening to the music, the whole basis that punk had been founded on was being contradicted. And all those teenagers who were 'punk' a couple of years ago have slowly morphed into 'emos'.

    It's just a trend, yes it's annoying as hell being forced to listen to shit like My Chemical Romance and Panic at the Disco, but it'll pass soon enough, and at least it's better than that crap RnB craze we had to deal with before rock came back in.

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  354. At 05:46 PM on 22 Oct 2006, zoe wrote:

    i am total in love with my chemical romnace and i have been scince 2003 when they brought out their first album I am on the emo side emos rock but only tru emos not chavmos who are chavs who want to follow the crowd. XXzoeXX

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  355. At 05:49 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    i like my chemical romance and im not an emo and i don't want to be an emo im also not a chav as labels are stupid i just like the music my friends also like it and there also not emo's so this music should not be represented with emo's its not only emo's that like the music

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  356. At 05:50 PM on 22 Oct 2006, LOUISE IN CORNWALL wrote:

    why do we all need a tag/lable?

    i was called emo when i was at school 2 years ago for wearing my school uniform! yet the personal shouting emo at was wearing the same!

    any1 i know that is emo would just smile and laugh at the daily mail not cry and cut their arms!

    people need to wise up and just live in peace!

    we are all flesh and bone! its time to stop fighting!

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  357. At 05:58 PM on 22 Oct 2006, kish wrote:

    im a teenager. if someone is depressed people automatically call them emo.

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  358. At 05:58 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Laura wrote:

    Me and most of my friends dress emo but we aren't going round saying "ooo look at us we're emo and cut our wrists and wear black all the time" Because we dont!! We are just ordinary teenagers that like that style and that kind of music. There is nothing wrong with it. And emos dont wear black anyway!! Ok they do sometimes but not just black. They wear ripped jeans and converse or vans or something simular. They dont wear capes or anything like that! They are goths. Emos are nothing like goths!!!

    And adults should be more bothered about chavs! Chavs go round threatening everyone and think they are hard cos they go down town on a friday night and have abit of cider!! Old people are more scared of tennagers in trackys tucked in socks than teenagers walking round wearing ripped jeans and vans!

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  359. At 06:05 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Becky wrote:

    As a lot of people seem to think on here, I agree that the article in the Daily Mail was a whole load of crap to be honest.
    All they did it for was to fill up a couple of pages and try to start a panic with parents who had "emo" sons and daughters.
    But they haven't got the faintest idea of what "emo" really is.
    It isn't just these kids [who i like to think of as sheep for following the "trend"] who wear skinny black pants, dye their hair black, wear converse and too much eyeliner and listen to bands like Fall out Boy.
    Emo - in my opinion - is a type of music that expresses a persons emotions and feelings to their listeners. But it has stupidly become a term to call people like who I mentioned before.
    I don't agree with stereotypes of people so therefore I don't believe in putting people into certain categories - I don't even believe they properly exist.
    I wish everyone would stop with "The Emo Debate" and just let people listen to their own style of music that THEY like and not follow what "everyone else" likes. If you have a problem with that type of music then fine, just don't listen to it.
    For the record - I'm a big fan of MCR and get called emo a lot - you know what I do? Just laugh and think how sad they must be =].
    End of rant. Have a nice life.

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  360. At 06:14 PM on 22 Oct 2006, one wrote:

    Emo is another middle class teenage excuse for rebellion. Sorry to generalise, but its true for 3/4 of the "emo kids" who are out there. Emo just seems to have evolved from the "argh, teen angst" generation of the 90ies, and the grunge scene, except that nirvana were actually quite original... well, ish. Its another example of the past repeating itself. And sorry to the "oh noes, dont ridicule the emos, they are people too!!!" brigade, what is the problem with disliking people for their attitude? We cant all love everyone...

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  361. At 06:18 PM on 22 Oct 2006, liggy wrote:

    whats the matter with them well i am a grebs so i dont mund them.
    why dont we just leave them alone well think about the chavs

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  362. At 06:22 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Emma wrote:

    What are the daily mail on about - there is a clear difference betwwen goth's and emo's. Don't write about something you know nothing about !!!! MCR Rock & there NOT emo !!!!! I don't really think posh middle aged people from the daily mail can give there opinion on this coz there a million miles away from it !!

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  363. At 06:24 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Alice wrote:

    I am an a emo and i don't think people should a have a problem with us.
    Lil Chris is an emo but no one cares, so no i think that wes hould get on with there lives and stop picking on little petty things like that ok!!!!!!!!!!!

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  364. At 06:29 PM on 22 Oct 2006, sarz wrote:

    Okay this isnt reeli about that posting put did anyone see the recent nme article with Panic! at the Disco claiming that they dont even know what "emo" is?

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  365. At 06:31 PM on 22 Oct 2006, kelly pavier wrote:

    i like the music but wouldnt class myself as an emo i dont get the image or the attitude that goes with it. i think chavs were the new skaters and now emos are the new chavs

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  366. At 06:32 PM on 22 Oct 2006, courtney wrote:

    I Think You Are Just Steroyping Teenagers as 'WannaBes'
    Which We arent.
    And Whoever Said MCR Are a POP Band Is An Absolute Idiot!
    Maybe Listen to the Lyrics sometime.
    V. Annoyed

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  367. At 06:45 PM on 22 Oct 2006, gem wrote:

    Emo kids in my town get an extreme amount of greif off people. Having been friends with people of that crowd, i found that it was mainly down to how depressed "Emo"s made themselves out to be. Most were self harmers and attention seekers for all the wrong reasons. If this is how they want to get noticed, then no wonder most people are choosing to see them as scum.

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  368. At 06:53 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Kaytee. wrote:

    Well, I think that all these groups/labels are pathetic.

    So, people that like MyChemicalRomance get called Emo? Why does that happen?

    I mean, their number one for goodness sake, I highly doubt all the people that bought that single are emo, or would like to be called it.

    It's like, so people that like rock music are all labelled emo? And people that are depressed are emo? So say someone in my family had just died, does that make me emo?

    And like, so if someones smoking, does that make them a chav? UGGGHHH.

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  369. At 07:07 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Liz wrote:

    Everyone has a right to be what ever they want to be. An 'emo' is just a person who shouldn't be judged on what they look like but what sort of person they are, but most kids that dress like 'emo' only dress like it because that is the look now, and as soon as a new look comes into fashion emos will be out of the window. Emo music can be a bit depressing but MCR only look like emos there music i dont think is.

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  370. At 07:13 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Anon wrote:

    Quite Frankly I'm sick of all this sterotyping!
    I'm a girl, I've got blonde hair and blue eyes I love shopping and talking to my friends but the think is i love mcr and Panic@the disco and all bands like that but i also love the feeling razorlight and high school musical! Before the music i told you i would listen to you'd mostly likely had me down as a "plastic" but now i bet it's "emo" just stop with the sterotyping and that article in the daily mail is complete rubbish why do people have to make up so much rubbish! Get lives seriously!

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  371. At 07:23 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Charley wrote:

    Is anyone else as bored of emos as I am? Whatever happened to individualism?

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  372. At 07:29 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Alex wrote:

    it's only music...

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  373. At 07:30 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Matboyslim wrote:

    Emo !?! who cares. It doesn't have a well defined sound. It all sounds like that over produced post-punk american trash that we've been force fed for the past decade. The folk that i know are into the movement are sensible folk with very ecclectic tastes which stretch further than what the stereotype suggest should be their taste.

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  374. At 07:35 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Talie wrote:

    Im stereotyped as EMO and really couldnt careless... i think that people that class other people are just sad individuals who want to make themselves feel better by 'demeaning' other people.

    MCR, totally Rule, and this is Proven by there 2 weeks at number 1


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  375. At 07:42 PM on 22 Oct 2006, emma scott wrote:

    MEGA COMPLAINT i wuz just reading through the comments and found this and i quote from "chris" " emos r tryin 2 take over our school but there is no way us normal people wil let them" OMG! duz thiz dude realy have a clue???????? wel u knw wut "chris" i think they should take over oh and what do u mean by" Normal " eh? BOARING or NO STYLE or NOT INDIVIDUAL AT ALL ! who r u to define wut normal is anyway and why the hell wud u want 2 b normal AND if ur going to insult someone DO IT PROPERLY >>>>>EMO IS A TYPE OF MUSIC NOT A PERSON!!!!! xxx

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  376. At 07:52 PM on 22 Oct 2006, *busy* wrote:

    My Chemical Romance are not emo, perhaps some songs on Revenge had emo tendencies, and yes they have been seen in a lot of black eye make up, but their new album The Black Parade, including the first single from it, is really just rock in the old pop sense, not emo not punk and not metal, just pop/arean rock. Now if you want an example of emo may I direct you to Hawthorne Heights, and their quintessentially emo song 'Ohio is for lovers', now google that and tell me My Chemical Romance are emo!

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  377. At 07:53 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Jim wrote:

    EMO is just a fad.
    it will die when Chinese Democracy finally lands in november. GN'R to reprise their rock crown!
    MCR are more classic rock now anyway, and that makes them alright in my book.

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  378. At 08:05 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Jen wrote:

    I wouldn't class My Chemical Romance as emo.

    Dashboard Confessional, Bright Eyes, Brand New - they are emo bands.

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  379. At 08:05 PM on 22 Oct 2006, lexi wrote:

    i listen to emo music, everyday when i go to school i get people yelling "emo" and "grom" and stuff like that at me.
    it doesnt make me feel differently towards the music i like to listen to though, when people listen to pop music they dont get names shouted at them so why should it happen to people who listen to one type of music?
    people shuddnt get labeled for what they wear, what music they listen to or what they like to do....
    my chemical romance are a great band what ever type of music they are, leave them alone!!!

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  380. At 08:07 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Hannah wrote:

    It is a known fact in some places that chavs are in a constant war with emos. Emo is a very stereotypical name. I like the style of so caled "emos" and their music. S o apparently i am an emo according to most of my school. I dont care to be honest. Its my style, and its what i choose to do. Why does everyone have to be classed as an emo or chav anyway???

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  381. At 08:12 PM on 22 Oct 2006, eirinn doherty wrote:

    i think some emo music is ok, and yes i think that kids who like emo have been stereotyped way to quickly, its up to them how they dress and what music they listen to, no one else gets a hard time, leave emo kids alone!

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  382. At 08:16 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Danielle Allen wrote:

    hi my names danielle and i live in linslade/ leightion buzzard i listen to a lot of emo music coz i am a emo myself yes i am given a very hard time coz people are always sayin that we r realy depressing and that we always slit our wrists wtis is not true i hardly ever slit mine and i am also quite a happy person most of the time. so wot black is a very cool colour dont dis black i were it all the time. yh i think emo ppl r closer together emo and grebs r very close together ITS CHAVES THAT SHOULD BE BANED FOR EVER HAHAHAHAH

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  383. At 08:18 PM on 22 Oct 2006, TJ wrote:

    Emo has become a ridculous stereotype or kids with fringes and tight jeans and if a musician dresses like this its the music thats emo apparently. Thats rubbish! Music is about someone expressing how they feel and fashion is completly different to that.
    I forgot that music should or can be done to get across how you feel about something and that if you happen to be depressed its wrong to write it in a song according to some bands ie Kasabian. Im a fan of there music but what gives them the right to say that so called "emo" bands arent allowed to express that kind of feeling in music.
    Music would be boring if it was all happy anyway

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  384. At 08:29 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

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  385. At 08:32 PM on 22 Oct 2006, lauren wrote:

    Honestly I don't see what the fuss is about, EMO is just another fashion, a phase, a young obsession. It's like any time, there will fashion crazes which take over for example in the 60s there were the mods and the rockers. In time the phase will die down and another craze will take over. But honestly i really don't see what all the fuss is about.

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  386. At 08:32 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Kirsty wrote:

    i tink emos rock!! im emo and proud!!!


    kirsty xx

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  387. At 08:34 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Hayyley Wilkinson wrote:

    Whats the big deal with people listing to EMO music , Its like geting on peoples back for listing to 50 Cent or whatever. What does that do for people, tell everyone to go shooting each other and to get laid everyother night. I love emo music , It talks about actual experienceses in life and not gangsta paridise you only witness in certan countries. Stop making a big thing of it and let people dress how they want and listen to what they want without been labeled as an emo!!

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  388. At 08:35 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Connor wrote:

    Im classed as an emo in school because i like the fashion and the music but i will never ever cut myself or think death is a good thing! When everyone thinks of emo they just see it as a kid dressed in black, sad and who cuts themself for no reason but thats not what it is!! I know emos who like poaty an dress in black with black hair but there such fun people! They dont cut there wrists or moan all the time! I just wish people would wake up and stop judging!

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  389. At 08:39 PM on 22 Oct 2006, robert taylor wrote:

    the problem is that emo's are all the same! they where black ! they think they are unique when infact they are bunch of idiots who think slitting wrists is the way of making themsleves known. Like the serg said from kasabian this emo rubbish will be out of fashion very soon!

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  390. At 09:00 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Vicky wrote:

    What is "emo" anyway? People say it refers to the term "emotional music". Cant any type of music be emotional whether it be rock, pop, dance, classical or any other type! Who cant say that they have ever been to a gig, concert, club, bar etc and not heard a peice of music that you love or it makes your hairs on your arms stand up or it sends shivers down your spine! I just think the word emo is a crap term to explain what the kids are into at the moment! Throughout the years my music tastes have varied like you wouldnt believe, I used to like boybands for gods sake! Now I listen to "emo" classed bands like MCR & Fall Out Boy and yeah I have got black hair (gene orientated by the way), wear eyeliner (doesnt most girls) and buy band t-shirts and why shouldnt I, you should be proud of what bands you like.

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  391. At 09:10 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Becca wrote:

    That article was awful. The emo song is a jokey song not to be taken seriously. Green Day and My Chemical Romance are NOT emo. Guh. Let people do what they want and wear what they want.

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  392. At 09:20 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Jess wrote:

    All this hatred towards emos i think is pointless.Why do they get such a hard time.
    I have been labelled since the new label was found. I get alot of grief for it by poeple who i think should be sticking together.
    Metallers, scene kids, emos, goths, we all seem to hate each other,..but i dont understand why., Surely we should all stick together as all of us as a groupd are hated by so many.
    Its not about the clothes you wear, the hair you have, your fringe, or what state ur wrists are in....its the reason why we are different.Its about the music. We should stick together to keep what ever genre of rock/goth/emo/screamo we like. If we dont the world would just be rap/ganster music.
    I understand that people may not like "emo" music but no need to hate the person or the band..just because their music isnt what your into.
    I am a crazy MCR fan and iwas there when they were bottled at reading..i just thought to myself.Why are they doing this..i didnt like all the bands that day but i didnt throw bottles adn ruin it for everyone who wanted to watch them.

    The stereottpical emo is actualy a very small amount...all the other emos just dress like it and listen to the music.

    It does my head in that we cant just all accept each other..why do we have to use labels in the first place.
    Everytime people name a person or a band emo..they are rarely right, and emo stands for emotional..but surely all music is emo then as music is people expressing their emotions about something.

    i dont understand why everyone hates emos so much..and they are all apparently self harmers and depressed..and i dnt really blame them for feeling a bit depressed wiht the amount of grief we go through everyday.
    Just leave us alone..let us be who we are, let us listen to our music and be what we want to be. We dont grief metal heads, or punks any grief do we. NO
    SO why should we get it

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  393. At 09:22 PM on 22 Oct 2006, sian wrote:

    Right to get one thing straight 'EMO' is what peopel lable people for listening to a certain band or wearing ceratin types of clothes or even havin a certain hair style/colour!

    to be honest it is totally pathetic and my chemical romance DO NOT promote self harming the women who wrote that article needs to be shot!

    My chemical romance are a great band, and they love their fans urgh it annoys me somuch


    GROW UP!

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  394. At 09:23 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Alex wrote:

    why dont they just lighten up have fun and be happy instead of looking all dreary and dark. i must say the bands are rubbish. my chemical romance have no rythm and sound like everyother american band from that genre.

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  395. At 09:25 PM on 22 Oct 2006, stephanie wrote:

    emo is boys singing songs about girls and love and their parents' divorce and being miserable and sensitive and misunderstood, or even just letting an emo wail slip out when they get over-excited.

    minor threat weren't emo; if anything they were straight-edge, with ian mackaye being credited with 'inventing' the movement.

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  396. At 09:28 PM on 22 Oct 2006, ... wrote:

    How is that a problem?

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  397. At 09:29 PM on 22 Oct 2006, louise wrote:

    how come MCR were always refered to as punk, but now all of a sudden they're emo? People think emo is a new term but it was entered into the Oxford English Dictionary about three years ago. I can't say i'm a fan - I'm more of a metal girl myself - but i wish people would be more consistant in their stereotyping, if they really have to stereotype at all.

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  398. At 09:30 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Rache wrote:

    I am okay with 'emo' style because i got some close mates who are going for the whole 'emo' style but i am totaly opposite!You could say dat i am da 'chav' type but i dont mind being told that i am a chav!I dont see the point in saying that they self harm etc because my mates dont!Some people dont like being stereo-typed so i wish people wouldnt do it!Even if they are emo or chav or goth or anything else!People who stereo-type...i reckon arnt please with there own life so they try to upset others!

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  399. At 09:30 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    im sorry to get involved being a greebo, but most emos find this a fasion, i self harm, im suicidal but im not a friging emo, please stop with this emo stuff, its simple i could piss more depressive stuff than the new age of "emo"

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  400. At 09:31 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Pete wrote:

    hey.. i'm not one for steriotypes but I AM EMOtional, i only know of three others in my area like me.. so its not like i'm following a fad. Its who i am.

    I do wear black, because i like the colour, if you can call it a colour, i've loved black since i was a little kid. Basically i wear my black metallica hoodie out everywhere and go skate xD

    As of the debate for MCR, there is no doubting that their music applys to the emo generation. I think that while not being emo themselves. yelling I'M NOT OKAY! is seen to be emo in some ways.

    People who believe in the steriotypes like "All emos cut themselves" are just plain dumb...

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  401. At 09:31 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Emily Portch wrote:

    Hi RADIO 1 Crew! I Love You all so much i listen to your show everyday.!!!!

    I'm 14 and i'm from Hornchurch in Essex... I dont understand this debate. Why do we have to label people with a stereotypical word all the time. kids in my school get bullied for being apparently 'emo'. ! also i dont like this whole 'emo cutting themselves buisness' .. i have 'emo' friends and they don't n do that so i dont have a clue where that came from. Just be individual people, dont follow fashions or music trends! wear what you like, listen to what you like and be who you want to be!!!

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  402. At 09:35 PM on 22 Oct 2006, TheOzzy wrote:

    Emo so what!! Ever heard of the saying doesnt matter whats on the outside its what on the inside. Self harm happens all the time in the younge youth not all EMO. I think Emo Lassies are hottt : )
    I love Emo Music!! Just hate the tight jean thing.

    Peace Ozzy

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  403. At 09:35 PM on 22 Oct 2006, sammy boi wrote:

    every 1 thinks my friend is a emo because she lyks 2 dress in black her favourite colours are black and red and she likes green day, my chemical romance and bands like that she doesnt self harm nut even if she was emo i still be friends with her coz i got nothing against them even tho thers no such thing as emo ts short for emotional thats all tra hope you read this out

    sammy boi

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  404. At 09:36 PM on 22 Oct 2006, sonam wrote:

    i hate the stereotype of emos

    yeh we luka certain way but we're human

    and i hate people who immediately think of self harm when they hear the word emo

    the world needs to be more open minded about people who dont wana follow a certain trend

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  405. At 09:38 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Annie wrote:

    Can I just say that people call My chemical romance an emo band, but emos don't actually like them, they think that they are for wannabe emos (wemos). Chavs hate emos and emos hate chavs, I think its all very stereotypical. Not all emos slit their wrists, some do, but some chavs do....

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  406. At 09:38 PM on 22 Oct 2006, sonam wrote:

    i hate the stereotype of emos

    yeh we luka certain way but we're human

    and i hate people who immediately think of self harm when they hear the word emo

    the world needs to be more open minded about people who dont wana follow a certain trend

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  407. At 09:39 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Natalie wrote:

    Say NO to emo!

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  408. At 09:40 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Lex wrote:

    ok i am absolutly sick of people being attacked for the way they dress and the music that they listen to. it is absolutly pointless. lables are stupid and just another eason for people to be prejudiced towards other people. i believe that all labels are wrong because in the area that i live in it is used to create fights between different 'labels'. to quote simle plan lyrics "is everybody going crazy?". the way that the media generalises people into one bracket. i might not be an emo myslef but lots of my friends are and i can safely say none of them have ever self harmed and actualy have a genuine interest in 'emo' bands. (also the person who wrote this article and said that my chemical romance are emo should be shot.... end of)

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  409. At 09:41 PM on 22 Oct 2006, simon wrote:

    I dont understand y ppl are moanin abt emos and sayin it scaryin ppl at skool ?
    wt abt kids that wnt 2 be wannbe ganstar,
    listen 2 music abt sex,drugs,drink n how kl it is doin it and shootin ppl.
    with emo its hw the world is like abt wt the bad things goin on n hw love cn hurt.
    i no loads of emos and they dnt self harm
    so the hell did ppl get if ur emo u self harm???

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  410. At 09:47 PM on 22 Oct 2006, joe from london wrote:

    at my school i get called an emo (but my school is totally chav) just coz i like and wear tight black skinny jeans and tight t shirts but i like death metal music and have never ever cut myself its not fair i get put in to this group even though i have nothing againsted emos. people just need to stop judgin people by what they wear its not fair that artical is a load of bull crap

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  411. At 09:50 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Why do people get labbelled for the way they dress?
    there are so many labels- chavs grungers emos towines skaters indies
    so9 what if people dress eccentrically its that eccentricity that makes up who we are and makes up bnritain i'm think people shouldn't be afraid that they'd get labbelled if they did or wore somthing or dyed their hair a different colour or listened to different music because its those little stand outs that make you you!

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  412. At 09:51 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Ollie wrote:

    i dont see what every ones problem is with Emo's they are nicer people than Chav's, and most of their music is better.

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  413. At 09:53 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Why is everyone making a big fuss about 'emo' kids, it's not like it's effecting us is it?
    It's there choice it's like them making a fashoin statment don't you think.
    I used to be an emo, i used to get horrid stares of people but at the end of the day, it's your decision, who cares what orther people think?
    its your dicision.

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  414. At 09:54 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Ok...im 15 and live in Herts...and in hitchin there is a HUGE music scene...especially "emos"

    now if you ask me you get 2 types the "young ones" who really are doing it for all the right reasons...the fashion...and the "fitting in" thing...

    but then you get the older emos of 16+ who dont like panic! dont like mcr and are "rebels" they get drunk on cheap wine run around their town pissed out of their faces and get with peopl eof the same sex regardless of their sexuality...the only thing i dont like about the emo scence is the BEHAVIOUR! the music isnt "my thing" and i quite like the fashion but this going out and getting paralytic is stupid!!! in hitchin they have "emo hill" and "emo lake" which are notorious with the riot police and have become famous "date rape" spots...

    they also do hardcore dancing which is violent and oathetic as someone who regualrly goes to gigs in hitchin i ALWAYS see people getting kikced out of venues for being too violent while doing it...its stupid and not needed!!!!!!!!!!!

    so forget the fahsion and music the problem now is the bahaviour which comes with!

    Emma in Stevenage...

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  415. At 09:55 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Voice of Reason wrote:

    Whatever happened to just being an individual? Jeez people, dress how you like, listen to whatever you like and but get on with it.

    The media are most to blame here by making up these juvenile terms and then fuelling these completely worthless and pointless debates.

    Remember - its all just music and only music...

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  416. At 09:57 PM on 22 Oct 2006, ellie-may wrote:

    i think they are emo n i luv emos i especialy luv mcr they are the best !!!

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  417. At 09:58 PM on 22 Oct 2006, del wrote:

    hiya im 13 and i class myself as a emo kid , i dont silt my wrists and i dont write suicide notes i have much better things to do with my life. i dont know why somone have made up this thing that emo kinds slit there wrists because all of my emo friends havnt attempted to even do that. its all rubbish

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  418. At 10:05 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Rebecca wrote:

    i am an emo i love the music and the cloths. most emos are depressed because no one loves them and in the songs most of the lyrics say that. i think being emo isnt wrong, but every body is differnt and it up to people if they self harm or not its there body. i used to self harm and i have scars but i dont no more and i did it because of reasons and it your own body so if you want to self harm you can

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  419. At 10:15 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Michey Nee wrote:

    i've been branded emo by lots of people and the way i see it is that they have all been steryotyped into groups aswel so why am i different? in my town emo is quite a new thing and i have a feeling that the hard time i get will die down once they get used to the idea. people often criticize what they dont know and judge before knowing all the facts or bothering to find out what they are! alot of the time they follow the crowd which is a shame because there is someone unique in everyone! im comfortable with who i am and i try not rise to all the name calling... if i am going to be catagorised then i want it to be emo because i know what that means, even if others dont and think they're insulting me... i'd rather be an emo than someone who calls people names because they are different, i dont see why we have to be steryotyped and shoved into groups to fit in with society, i have friends who are all different and i'm friends with them for who they are not because of how they decide to dress or what type of music they listen to. i find all those negative comments i get help me express who i am more. you're individual, just like the rest of us!

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  420. At 10:17 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Geri ^^ wrote:

    Okay so I'm not emo but lots of my mates are! There's nothing wrong with it & people who stereotype the label of 'emo' are just scared of change & of something they don't understand the meaning of! I really like the emo music & the fashion & what's it got to do with anyone else how someone wants to be?

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  421. At 10:25 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Leanne Davies wrote:

    I think this war on "emo" is pathetic and probably quite "racist"!!! The name "emo" is derived from the emotive style of the lyrics and music which are often about the singer's feelings, especially melancholy remembrances of past relationships/mistakes in life. Some may agree that many boy/girl bands songs are emotional; lyrics often based on love and break ups, the only difference between their music and emo is the use of language. 鈥淓mo鈥 is much more creative; they make use of imagery-which is the point I aim to make clear; the 鈥渄ark鈥 lyrics are metaphorical and that鈥檚 what people need to understand. I think it鈥檚 great to see there are some artists out there with a bit of talent, so why do people feel the need to knock them down?! Claims of people self harming due to lyrics in a song is ludicrous. If anyone is able to self harm, they鈥檇 do it regardless of the metaphorical lyrics in a song or not and if anyone took the time to ask them, they鈥檇 probably discover they cut themselves due to depression rather than the music!!! The problem with society today is everyone is far too sensitive, and everyone is so quick to blame someone else!

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  422. At 10:27 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I think That Kids that like emo Get Picked on for no reason People at my school Constantly taunt me because I like emo The daily mail need to get there facts right before they start making poorly researched acusations.

    From liam In congleton

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  423. At 10:31 PM on 22 Oct 2006, loz wrote:

    emo? ...emo's are just self obsessed scene kids who just want 2 b different but really now there all the same. I dont mean 2 sound harsh but its true... they just want attention and if the dont get it they go depressed (not saying all emo's cut there wrists but most do) I hate depressed people, they have wicked lives n a shelter over their heads but they go around mopin, they should be happy there not like those kids in south africa that starve to death.

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  424. At 10:38 PM on 22 Oct 2006, alex lee wrote:

    first of all im not emo im a mosher

    there is nothing wrong with emos many of my friends are emos doesn,t bother me and the whole thing with cutting themselfs aint true emos and moshers are a bit alike anyway all it is , is emos are themselfs they dont care what other people hink about them same with me its just that were not shallow were not scared to be ourselfs

    alex lee age 13

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  425. At 10:45 PM on 22 Oct 2006, jodie moyes wrote:

    hey i am a emo and i love my chemical romance. not all emo's are te same some do comit suicide but chavs punks goths and townies do that aswell. stop blaiming us for doing nothing wrong. chavs are more harm to ppl that emo's are!

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  426. At 10:48 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Amy Dunham wrote:

    right, what a load of nonsense. the whole basis of emo music is that its emotional!
    when stores on the high street start selling the skinny jeans and star/skull tops in a bid to make emo appeal to the masses surely its not an alternative outsider genre, its little scene kids wanting to be cool.
    the daily mails article was completely ridiculous, but true emo is being in touch with your emotions and true emo music, not how much eyeliner you wear or how tight your jeans are. i think it was irresponsible for the daily mail to suggest to parents that if they are "following the trend" then they should be worried about their children cutting themselves, as it is, as others have pointed out just a minority.
    remember people westlife are emo without the haircut!!

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  427. At 10:48 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Ryan wrote:

    Emos aren't a problem in modern society or the music world - The Smiths would always quote that they wanted to die but they weren't emo. Emo is just an unnecessary tag given to people who die their hair black and listen to supposedly heavy metal bands. I hate to admit it but emo may be here for a while so we've just gotta ride it out

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  428. At 10:55 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Morgan R wrote:

    i haaaaate the way steriotypes accuse emos of cuttin wrists and stuff like dat ther is no need for it. the funniest thing is its a style of how you dress not on what u do. EVERYONE who is like"omg ther emo" are jus tryin to seperate themselves from everybody else when really we are all the same!! im not emo but it does really get to me how they get all this stick becus of the way they dress. personaly i think it makes them stand out and it says im not afraid to be me! if you ever get called emo dont take it as an offence like most people do... take it as a compliment that u can stand out and just be u!!

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  429. At 10:59 PM on 22 Oct 2006, cam bull wrote:

    im emo and i dont slit my wrists you dont have to self harm and i dont understand why most people take the mick out of emos people who take the mick about emos are just making them slit their wrists because they are being threatanded

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  430. At 11:08 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Alan wrote:

    Emo is just another tag forced on people by others who fear what is different. I try to not belong to any so-called sub culture. I like a wide variety of music and don't care what genre it is in. Maybe it is time that we stopped this intolerance due to insuficcient information. Deal with the person and not with the group they supposedly belong to. I am an outcast by choice as I try not to play to mainstream society's rules. As for MCR. I like their music, but I respect the opinion of anyone who deosn't. Music is all a matter of taste anyway

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  431. At 11:15 PM on 22 Oct 2006, wrote:

    seriously it is jst a genre of music, people should stop being so petty and stop judging people..

    ok i like different music to some people but i dont judge them on their clothes or the music they listen too..

    we are individuals and that what makes the world and even life go round. life would be boring if we were all listening to the same things and dressing the same..

    im proud to be me, and if that means i listen to Panic! or MCR or any other band tht comes into that "EMO" category then im proud as that is my choice and no one elses... i like they music i listen too...

    our society is are bulling everyone to conform to their wishes and i feel its wrong.

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  432. At 11:24 PM on 22 Oct 2006, Melissa wrote:

    I'm so angry.
    What a pile of crap.
    MCR being pop, then metal, then emo.
    It's far from pop! Just because it's in the charts doesn't make it pop!!!!!!!! And don't give me "Pop means popular, charts music is popular music" shove OFF the charts doesn't form one big genre!

    I don't know where that guy from the dailymail got his information from because Russell Brand; 90 percent goth. I don't think so some how.

    Not all emo's cut themselves. I've known a chav that cut themselves because of personal issues. People cut themselves because they need or want attention, feel depressed and feel the need to hurt themselves to express their pain because they find it easier than talking to someone about it.
    It's certainly not a fashion statement, you don't see them walking around town dileratly showing their scars.

    There's all this jibberish about scene kids and emo's and to tell you the truth, I don't know the difference because everyone says different things, I'm at college and have been called an emo, I don't cut myself and I don't have black hair.
    Stereotypes are the worst thing that ever happened to this world. It causes pety arguements and debates just like this one! And these poor kids just starting high school have to go through this "finding themselves" period to figure out which group of friends they'll hang out with for the rest of their lives.

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  433. At 12:07 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Dave wrote:

    Just like to use this oppertunity to say to everyone go buy Clarity by Jimmy Eat World (best album ever, blister is best song ever!). This was once classifed as Emo and does not sound to much like all this new emo to me(am i wrong?) EMO is just a word stop taking it so seriously chill out listen to music because you like it. Dress how you dress because you feel comfortable in that clothing not to make a statement. Everyone is there own person be yourself don't try and conform to what you think you should be. Just because you like MCR does not mean you need to wear eyeliner, I do think some people go EMO Look just to get a reaction from 'chavs' but look around its not being different anymore. Just be yourselves and buy jimmy eat world albums its the only way forward

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  434. At 12:29 AM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I like Emo but I dont 'look' like I belong to the 'scene. I dont know why it is hated so much because I dont really see what sets it apart from mainstream indie music. Its just heavy punk rock music with a bit of screaming in. Yes, most of the songs are about love/emotion etc but most songs normally are!!! Its only hated so much right now because it has become so big.

    I bought My Chemical Romances first album on import before it was even released in the UK - I didnt think that a few years later, they would cling on to 2 weeks at number one in the UK singles chart!!!

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  435. At 12:47 AM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Right, I'm tired of all this. 9 out of 10 people don't even know what one is. Nowadays if you go out in public wearing something a tiny bit different from everyone else you get criticized, or "labelled"

    I got accused for being an "Emo" because I had a fringe and I wore a ROLLING STONES sweatband.. Now what really bugs me is that people label each other for something as miniscule as that. We're all human, we all have feelings and emotions. And we shouldn't have to be put through all the labelling, I love Rock music, and to be fair, that's MY choice and all these "chavs" these days constantly go on about respecting and disrespecting each other. If you like respect so much, then why the heck don't you give it to anyone apart from yourself?!

    Hypocritical I'd call it. And slightly ironic at the same time. The point I'm making is simply RESPECT for other peoples styles, the music their into and how they look. Everyone should just GROW UP and realise that there's more to people than how they look. I, myself have a few friends who are "chavs" but most of the people I hang around with choose to not be anything, They just choose to be themselves, which is what I've done aswell. But another thing is that people get criticised to much that they think they HAVE to be "goth" or HAVE to be "emo" or some category, which personally, I think is really really sad =[ Most kids call themselves emo or stuff for attention, and to be "scene"

    They just follow the trend. Stupid if you ask me. BE YOU. Don't let other people's opinions change you! =]

    End of rant =] x

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  436. At 01:29 AM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Theres been sterotypes for so long now, one down here was being called a "greebo" if you listened to nirvana .. slipknot n korn & all that so i dont see why this is a big deal! Emo's or whatever you call them aint getting a hard time its just part of there scene they get ideas off the tv or there frends n just people who they see around there town etc! Scene kids arnt just kids who wear tight jeans & have hair extentions (thats how most of you sterotype them) a scene kid is somebodi who is top of ther scene .. who people look up to like the ordinary boys there like the my chemical romance of indie!

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  437. At 01:44 AM on 23 Oct 2006, DarrenIndeed wrote:

    i love emo music and have done for many years now. the backlash is not sudden at all, and its just the way things have always been. whatever is the current "cool" alternative music sub-genre gets picked on by people who are into the other areas. it happened with nu-metal. it happened with grunge.

    hell, it even happened with goth. and lets look at goths shall we? what are the main characteristics of a goth?
    1. wears black
    2. males wear make-up, especially eyeliner
    3. self-harm
    4. write bad poetry
    5. boys look like girls

    these are some of the main reasons people attack emos. am i the only one who can see the similarity here?

    hopefully eventually people will just learn to live with the fact that emo's exist, and hopefully soon. emo isn't the "cool thing" any more, its indie. man indie sucks.

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  438. At 02:29 AM on 23 Oct 2006, jessica wrote:

    if im honest, all this emo and scene stuff is a load of rubbish. and this isnt coming from an out of touch 40 something year old (no offence) but from a 15 year old girl.

    i also think it's stupid how people can say that my chemical romance are emo. the one rock band (or whatever label you give them) that don't promote self harm and they're called emo!

    i wish people would take the time to listen to the music, understand it and look past the eye liner and hair styles.
    sort it out please!


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  439. At 08:39 AM on 23 Oct 2006, claire wrote:

    Im disgusted by this article, although i like alternatve music types, i dont class myself as anything but people feel they have to put a tag on you if you dont follow suit!
    It may as well be said that if all suposed emo people self harm then all people into dance music take drugs! and this isn't even looked upon!
    If the media stopped been so bothered about the people who are happy to get on with there lives without conforming to the 'norm' they may be able to concentrate on more important things in life like war and poverty

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  440. At 08:43 AM on 23 Oct 2006, sofie wrote:

    when i first heard that MCR were being described as "emo" i laughed. They are just a normal band, theres nothing "emo" about them. Hardly any understands the meaning of "emo", there is nothing wrong with someone who is "emo". i think the media should just leave that group of people alone. there just the same as topshop girls and people like that.

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  441. At 09:18 AM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    EMO is just another trend that has come along with time, there has been skaters, Goths, Metal-heads, Punkers and so on and so forth. And the only reason MCR are in the charts is because there are so many "EMO'S" today. Give it time and it will soon become just another trend that died! they will soon realise how lame emo really is.

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  442. At 09:25 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Andy King wrote:

    Well, everything always gets labelled, so this kind of stuff has been labelled emo, although it actually may not be.

    I mean, the people who actually listen to the stuff dont class themselves as or like to be labelled emo, and neither do the bands that make the songs.

    It's just a generalisation created by... someone? that includes bands that, in my opinion have terrible whiney lyrical delivery and a constant, and perhaps needless metal over tone instrumentally.

    You could say that, when bands emerged under the emo label, they were glad to be included because there is a hell of a lot of kids that have and will continue to buy into it. Then, when the respectable music community shunned emo these bands have attempted to distance themselves from it once established.

    To support this claim, I quote the front page of a recent edition of NME featuring Panic At The Disco which is as follows:

    "Emo is bulls***, we want to be the new radiohead"

    That comment mildly amused me, as this band do not resemble Radiohead in the slightest and never will do. The sheer audacity of believing that you can be the next Radiohead is a typical example of American arrogance.

    To be honest, I think that these bands are doing nothing out of the ordinary with their music. It is very similar to what used to labelled 'nu-metal'. Some people may disagree but it is evident to me that whenever a group of new American bands come over here, they are always grouped together and slapped with a label.

    This is somewhat inevitable, as, each of these bands always has something in common. The fact that they are all commercially viable at that point in time, where as a band with a different sound is not, and is therefore not marketted due to the fact that it does not sit in the genre created.

    At the end of the day, I think that people need to be a little less influenced by their peers, and by the mass media. Take a look around, see what makes your ears really happy and listen to that. Try not to tie yourself down to one genre and let it control your musical life.

    Never forget that the best music is not widely accesable, or thrust into your face by the radio or the TV by money hungry record labels. It may take more effort to uncover excellent bands who are not corporate wh***s but it is worth the work and is definitely rewarding.

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  443. At 09:37 AM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    At Least There Not Chavs.

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  444. At 09:40 AM on 23 Oct 2006, emma wrote:

    so all people who listen to emo cut their wrists?
    fine! all people who listen to babyshambles do crack. all people who listen to r and b wear burberry and all people who like punk music wear tartan skin tight trousers with holes and chains all over them!

    how can a newspaper stereotype people just because of music they like? i don't like categories of music -i just hear a song, if i like it, then i like it!

    does that mean because i listen to hawthorne heights, the sex pistols, 50 cent and babyshambles i'm a wrist slitting, crack smoking young girl who wears burberry and tartan trousers. oh and by the way, i must also have a dyed black mohawk which flops over as a fringe to cover my eyes.

    this is ridiculous! 'chavs' aren't the only people who commit crime - 'emo's' aren't the only people who slit their wrists and 'hippies' aren't the only people who smoke weed!


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  445. At 09:43 AM on 23 Oct 2006, hardassbunny wrote:

    where did all these stereotypes come from anyway? the meaning of emo is deep thought, not being depressed and slitting your wrists! surely we should be praising and encouraging deep thought in a society of looks obsessed wannabe models.

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  446. At 09:49 AM on 23 Oct 2006, WyS wrote:

    i wish my lawn was emo.. then it would cut itself.

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  447. At 10:36 AM on 23 Oct 2006, suzie wrote:

    How meany emos dose it take to change a light bulb?

    None...they like sitting in the dark crying!

    Hahaha well emos ay, I love alternative music but god damb them emos. Dont get me wrong i love Thursday,Taking Back Sunday,The Used ect but the attitued that comes with it is RUBBISH! Im not argumentative at all. I hate skiny jeans. Dont liks floppy frindges and whats all this straight edge stuff about. Give me a vodka any day! long live Rock and Roll.

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  448. At 10:52 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Jo wrote:

    i am an emo and so r most ov ma pals and ppl look at us strangely but we always just turn round and say "have yooh got a problem" and they dont say nefin bak so i am on the EMO syd and the best syt for EMO ppl is myspace.com it is da best .

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  449. At 11:25 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Jo Ramsay wrote:

    EMO's are the greatest and so r panic at the disco so whoeva doesnt liyk them should shut up and get on wiv their life... and neway ppl shouldn't judge ppl on the way they dress. ppl should be judged on their personality , ppl should be able to dress the way they wanna dress and no-one should be able to say anything about it and neway if parents wanna let their kids wear EMO clothes den they should... i am an Emo and no-one says nefin about the way that i dress and i dont care if they do coz it should be wat yooh wanna wear... and if ppl dont lyk it they should keep their trap shut and get on wiv life shouldn't they and that is wat i think

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  450. At 11:27 AM on 23 Oct 2006, RC wrote:

    If emo is an abbreviation for an emotional style of music, is it not possible that bands like MCR and others are both emo and pop? Because pop only means popular and labelling doesn't do any good. Once upon a time indie meant independant record labels but now it just refers to anything with a guitar in it.

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  451. At 11:29 AM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Being a big fan of Emo bands, and basically being Emo myself, I was really offended by the articles in the Daily Mail & NME.
    I don't think it's right to attack a genre of music for whatever stupid reasons.
    Emo's don't cry 24/7 and slit their wrists. We go out to gigs and just hang-out listening to our favourite bands. We really can't be arsed if you want to yell abuse at us for the way we dress or the music we listen to. We're just really into the bands we like. p.s. love the show!

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  452. At 11:29 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Josie wrote:

    If Panic! at the disco or MCR aren't emo, or at least don't class themselves as emo, why try and change that? Why compromise their own artistic vision because doing so fits with what you see as music or what you don't? and allows you to complain or congratulate them in some stupid form of protest.

    This is what is wrong with music, the industry, at the moment. People remain so 'loyal' to their genre of music, their sub-culture, their clothes, their idiosyncrasies, that they lose sight of themselves.

    What I hate about different sub-cultures is that people branch off of what is assumed 'mainstream' and become "non-conformists"- the emos, the goths, the chavs...etc- yet by doing this you decide to conform to what is nothing more than a new set of rules, a new dress code, a new music taste and then you dismiss and treat what doesn't conform to it as inferior.

    As you can see, all of the above comments fit to every sub-category and not just the topical one at the moment- emo.

    What you complain society does to each group (and by group I mean, the sub-categories of people) (victimising them in order to gain a story or a new scape-goat and treating themselves (the general public) as superiors for not being what society or the general population look upon as weird or extreme), each group does to the rest of society (by treating everyone else as inferiors because they don't agree with their fashion, their music, their general outlook...) everyone seems hypocritical and no one is true to themselves...

    ...so what is gained?

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  453. At 11:30 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Amy wrote:

    i think "emos" are just like sheep. following every 1 else. in a month or so there will be a new phase of something thats cool to look like or do.

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  454. At 11:36 AM on 23 Oct 2006, carolanne wrote:

    I am so happy that finaly good, taestful music is being heard and liked. Though i am NOT an emo i am so bleeping pleased that eno music is in charts and also getting no1 hits. I can't wait to see what else will change about music. I persnly think this the year for change for example lordi winiing eruro vison,EMO's are being accected i am so hoping this doesnt stop. Which really raelly annoys me is that top of the pops stop typical good,talented in charts and they stop. I hope this isn't a face and peole keep buing records like the black parade

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  455. At 11:40 AM on 23 Oct 2006, tess connor wrote:

    i think this whole 'EMO' thing has gone too far...i mean i get branded as an 'EMO' as i have a side fringe and occasionally listen to the used and dashboard confessional. i mean yeah you get your skinny kids with skinny black jeans and eyeliner...that listen to MCR and FFAF ... and they get called 'EMO's but they are infact not...they are scene kids! i live in bradford and spend lots of my days in leeds...if you go to outside the corn exchange there is always a gang of what people call 'EMO's but infact they are just doing it for their image!! i mean what does 'EMO' stand for...Emotional!! it doesntmean depressed...just that they show their emotions... where as scene kids are happy to show they are deppressed by looking it...and not sharing...i have mates that are scene kids...they walk round tow looking depressed but they get back to your house and they are the jollyest people you have ever met!! i think that stereotypes have gone to far in this instance and this is where the culture clashes appear!!
    id love it if someone got back to me about this...cos its something i feel strongly about as a 15 year old girl who gets labeled as an 'EMO' her self!!
    blue skies

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  456. At 11:44 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Sam wrote:

    When i read about the article on 'emo' and heard people talking about it i just couldnt believe it. Are kids not allowed to be different. there is nothing wrong with emos. There are alot more worse things than emos.

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  457. At 11:44 AM on 23 Oct 2006, anna frost wrote:

    emos rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am emo myself, nd not all emos cut themselves etc! actually most of the emos iv met are scared of pain! we DONT hate every1 hu isnt emo, and yes, we will help old ladies across the road etc. find out more b4 u slate us

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  458. At 11:44 AM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    i think that it is about time the emo look was here as we have been putting up with chavs and there look for ages now its about time there was a new style around!emos do get a hard time but only because of the way the emo bands act-for example they all seem to love themselfs i went to leeds festival 2006 and saw alot of the emo bands as alot of my friends r in the emo craze i found them all to love themselfs and that is were everything is going wrong

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  459. At 11:45 AM on 23 Oct 2006, george ballard wrote:

    EMOS ROCK, me and loads of my m8s are emo, theres nothin wrong wiv bein an emo, every1 slags us off just coz of da way we dress and the music we listen 2

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  460. At 11:45 AM on 23 Oct 2006, sophie wrote:

    what i dont understand is how people can be sterotypical and say they "all slit their wrists" coz they dont n to be honest i dont even know where "emos" came from its a type of music not a person!!.. i listen to mcr and stuff like that and it has never made me want to harm myself... people should stop being so stupid and get a life instead of branding people

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  461. At 11:46 AM on 23 Oct 2006, katy wrote:

    i get called an emo all the time just because. i wear skinny jeans,and metal spike belt,have some sort of fringe and wear converses. it shldnt automatically makes you an emo.what you wear has nothing to do with it. emos are people who listen to emo music just like punks listen to punk music. stop labelling people. people think and emo is someone who slits there wrists but its rubbish.

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  462. At 11:48 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Jay Brown wrote:

    Emos are a group of misguided youths, who need to find a more meaningful way to rebel. Quite frankly, anyone who advocates the slitting of ones wrists should take a look at their reasoning for doing so. Besides those tight jeans can't be comfortable, they must rub.

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  463. At 11:49 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Alan, Wigan wrote:

    From personal experience, i dislike emo. i went to high school and i was a rocker, the emo tended to hang with us because there were more of us. the emo's in high school/college always seem so depressed, now that is annoying they were depressed about very simple things and they exadgerated everything to the extent of killing themselves. i may have only just left high school but it seems i cant keep away from them, im ashamed. i know work in one. i went from one extreme of emo at one end and know the school i work in is chav central, its not too bad.

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  464. At 11:49 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Lyndsay Knowles wrote:

    I hate stereotyping, its just wrong. Emo's Goths Chavs whateva i think every1 deserves an opinion. Personally i like all kinds of music and My Chemical Romance rock.!!! So does Robbie Williams!! luv Lyndsay age 16 (do not have a label)

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  465. At 11:50 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    the EMO stereotype is annoyin me so much.
    Im not an EMO myself, im just a lover of rock music with long hair but all the narrow minded people in my school and on my school bus call me 1 all because they know what they are.
    The fact is that chavs dont really know anything about them and are all calling anyone with long hair or dyed black hair an EMO when they arent at all.
    Im not against EMOs, i know a lot of them and they are all cool and EMO music is good. MCR and Panic! are actually quite good bands if you really listen to them...O
    kay im ranting.

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  466. At 11:51 AM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    OK... EMO.

    I've been into "Emo" music since Taking Back Sunday and Brand New came to the scene. But what I still don't understand is what the term 'emo' means nowadays. I mean MCR and Panic I would have not thought to be emo. I would say they were more todays "Glam-rock".

    I thought emo was emotional rock music. For example: Funeral for a Friend, Taking Back sunday, Brand New, Fightstar, Story of the Year... etc. They do not have black hair or wear make-up.

    Panic and MCR do wear make-up and have a different sound. Why the term 'emo'? They are more like punk.

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  467. At 11:52 AM on 23 Oct 2006, KP wrote:

    I think Emos can be really annoying sometimes with their drainpipes and long fringes hiding their lovely faces! But most Emos are actually really nice! Theres not just Emos self harming loads of others do it aswell. Mnay of my friends do, that arent Emo and its hard to know they do it to themselves and even harder to make them stop. Its not something to be proud of and those people who post comments and bulletins on MySpace and things like that saying things like 'Ive cut myself and its really bad' Arent really cared about because it justs seems as a cry for attention and people to care about them.
    Anywho... I love the Emo style. Its cute and makes loads of people look really good. And drainpipes make me look taller so thats good! ^_^ xxx xKPx

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  468. At 11:55 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Amy wrote:

    Dudes, come on.

    Why does everyone have to have a lable? Whats wrong with just liking what you like without everyone else calling you a name? I mean, just because I like My chemical romance doesnt mean Im an Emo, (I fully smile and stuff!!) which, by the way, is the stupidest name in the world. I mean, if ya gonna stereotype, at LEAST make it a good word. I myself have founded a NEW label, and we are called the EMUS, because we all wear feathers and listen to limpet grazing music! ANYONE WANNA JOIN?!?! ya never know, next week there might be another debate, titled : "EMUS - FLOCKING TO THE COASTAL ROCKS OF NORFOLK, DROPPING FEATHERS EVERYWHERE! SHOCKHORROR! WHATEVER NEXT? MIGRATION?!?!?!?!?!?" I really think we are onto something here.

    LUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuRV TO YOU ALL!!

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  469. At 11:59 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Rob wrote:

    All the emo's I come across look seriously undernourished. Perhaps overindulging in junk food may bring a smile to their faces as well as addressing some of their weight issues.

    As for the music, it's no better or worse than other genres around apart from being slightly more insipid than usual.

    Most emo kids are likely to grow up and eventually read the Daily Mail coming from middle class backgrounds where real problems are few and far between. Apart from teenage angst, it's just another generation with the same adolescent problems creating its own 'unique' sub-culture.

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  470. At 12:01 PM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    EMO....yet another of the many, varied and hated labels that hang over he heads of teens across the country. Emo can be split in to three catrgories, Emo: the state of mind, emotional,depressed
    Emo: the music genre, lyrics similar to that of the state of mind
    Emo: the style, punky,imaginative,individual and in my opinion downright cool
    Emo kids get alot of stick from people from other labels such as..the "chav", the Fred Perry wearing, soveriegn toting label,that suffocates individuality. However, it is best if both labels are thought of like this, Emo being a phase, and Chav being a lifestyle.
    One of the most popular "emo" bands are panic!at the disco, their synical lyrics loved by myself and my peers, who to my horror called emo "bullsh**t! in this weeks NME!!!Other bands include MCR and Taking Back Sunday...but why are they so quick to shrug off the "Emo" label??

    I personaly find nothing wrong with the Emo style which i personally have taken on and put my own edge to it creating my individual style which i jokingly called "Bohemo" a cross between bohemian and emo. As my friends and i wander the streets of carlisle we come under much abuse from teh ever present "chav", shouts of "freak" and "emo" following us down the street, to which we answer, "get a life". The only thing that bothers me is actually being called EMO just because of the clothes i wear, people expect me, becuase of my emo style to also have the emo state of mind , which i dont,
    i am not depressed, suicidal or neccessarily unhappy with my life which the "emo" label demands. Marcus Hollyer age 14

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  471. At 12:11 PM on 23 Oct 2006, aaron wrote:

    my favorite band is panic at the disco who are so called emo, im not a emo but emo music is better than any other kind of music

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  472. At 12:12 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Hojo wrote:

    This whole emo thing is really hacking me off. All music should be emo; what is music without emotion?

    As for the Daily Mail article:
    1. I go to an all girls seconday school, and self harm is not a huge problem in my school. The few people that do it are not 'emo' anyway.
    2. The 'Dear Diary' song was a joke.
    3. Who in their right mind would call Lily Allen goth?
    4. Gothic music has plenty of energy. It's just whether you enjoy the music that changes your opinion.
    5. I'm a teenager. Am I any less equipped to deal with my major emotions? I think not.

    I think your opinion on emo really depends on whether you like emo or not.
    Lets take 2 stereotypical emo bands; Panic! At The Disco and The Used. These are two of my favourite bands, both chucked into the emo pile. Isn't it normal for bands in the same genre to sound similar? These two sound nothing alike to me.

    (Sorry about all the rhetorical questions. I'm in rant mode.)

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  473. At 12:17 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Claire wrote:

    who said that the emo genre "advocates the slitting of one's wrists"? Bands lke MCR are trying to help people who cut themselves and stuff, and everyone is slating them. Why? Music is something that keeps people hanging on, it doesn't encourage them to take their lives or cut themselves. Self-harm is a serious issue, that should be addressed, instead of being dismissed as a fashion statement. In my friendship group we know people who do it, and it's for deeper reasons that because "it looks cool". As Gerard Way says, it's not a fashion statement, it's a deathwish. It should be taken seriously. "Emo" is just another stereotype, and you're just generalising, and it's really dumb. So what if they want to wear tight jeans? Why can't you just let them? I think you should just leave the youth of today alone and let them be themselves. My friends and I are labelled "emo" by everyone, and in a bad way too, and we're fed up. The people who are saying these tings and writing these articles are the ones that should get over themselves. It just makes them feel better if they have something to slag off, like a culture that is different from theirs. That article was ill-researched and really biased. I have been an MCR fan since their first album, and I don't even think MCR are emo anymore anyway. And what's with all this "Panic! At The Disco is emo" rubbish? They play really upbeat music, how can anyone call them emo? Anyway, i just think we should stop having all these silly stereotypes and let people be their own person, wear what they want, and listen to whatever music they want to.

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  474. At 12:17 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Siz wrote:

    Walking through town with my friends we get EMO yelled at us, just because we dress different to the so called 'trend'. I am in no way an 'emo'. Steryotypes suck. They just give people a reason to be shallow and not give anyone a chance to get to know each other because they are 'emo scum' or 'chav scum'. But its how its always been. People always need somewhere to focus their hate. So now its emo's turn in the lime light. They blame emos for ruining the music world blah blah blah. Music is music. So yes, I think 'emos' are getting an unecessarily hard time.

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  475. At 12:26 PM on 23 Oct 2006, G wrote:

    jesus u guys take urselves so seriously!
    it's just another phase of style like sloanes, gangsters etc but is that a problem? let these kids do what they want (except of course slitting their wrists) and a band can define themselves how they want! who are you (H) to say they're not this or that are you the authority all of a sudden?
    Ok so they all look the same but so do chavs, preps, goths and all those other groups around. I'm not an emo but some of my friends are and i do LOVE the MCR single but that doesnt MAKE me anything.
    As for the Daily Mail its just ridiculous, they're blatantly just trying to be 'with it' by writing about chavs (in the past) and now emos. Who honestly reads that crap anyway?
    Some of my friends have problems with these so-called emos but whatever floats everybodys' boats.

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  476. At 12:32 PM on 23 Oct 2006, mrs g wrote:

    my friend was emoo for a while and she thought it was really cool to be all depressed and she like changed but im starting to get her back to normal as she is beginning to realize you have to be like that. I like emoo style and i think it really individual but the depressed and hurt themselves steriolization has gotta gp!

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  477. At 12:37 PM on 23 Oct 2006, sara long wrote:

    emo has been around for about a decade or more, but in the past couple of years it has changed its appearance. Weezer are emo, but if you look at emo music now it is completely different. if you look at people that still like weezer and original emo music, they arent cutting themselves and wearing all black with black hair over ther eface, because they know it is just a stupid fashion that people think is cool at the moment and soon will realise how stupid they look and how stupid it is to cut yourself.

    no i dont think emo's get an unnecessarily hard time. they deserve it for being so stupid! and it really annoys me that emo is link with goth! its nothing to do with goth and all the goths i know hate emos! in fact, chavs hate emos, skaters hate emos, moshers hate emos, goths hate emos, punks hate emos, cyber goths hate emos, emos must hate emos otherwise why would they cut themselves? so everyone hates emos, whats the point in them???

    i know ive given them a bit of a hard time but i hate people that follow trends just because they think it looks good! there going to regret it when they get older! i am only 18 and if i can have this view, i wish they could just grow up n realise how stupid it is!

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  478. At 12:56 PM on 23 Oct 2006, jim wrote:

    speaking as an old time goth, ex grunge, life long new romantic and erstwhile hippy.....its all human expression. personally i loved goth, it was a licence to show the misery inside to a world that didnt care, the alienation to a culture that had my normalcy as its goal. but then i found out a love of wearing blackwhile wandering around like an extra from the day of the dead, didnt help me get a job, pay a mortgage or bring up my kids. EMO is nothing new, the celebration of difference has music in its heart, because todays music is the poetry of the moment. i may be old but it was all done better by the nephilim and sisters of mercy anyway!
    Now is sit here in my ex-self harming slippers sipping a glass of chardonnay while the jesus and mary chain play in the background. i like so many others wish the EMO's a truly happy unhappiness. god knows i loved mine!

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  479. At 01:05 PM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    ehhh, what's emo?

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  480. At 01:12 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Kelham Slinger wrote:

    I just don't understand EMO music, it makes no sense to me, it's all slitting wrists stuff! Why would anyone want to do that? Im a hardcore hip-hop and R'n'B fan and just understand all the shouting and guitar solos. To be honest, the whole EMO thing started because people wanted to be individual, but now everyone wants to be individual in the same way it's going to run out of steam and I can guarentee you that My Chemical Romance will be one of, if not, the last EMO band at the top of the UK Charts! Thanks God For That! Bring back Eminem and 50 Cent anyday!

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  481. At 01:22 PM on 23 Oct 2006, joe wrote:

    what realy eats me is people who are supposedly hardcore emos who outcast bands like Greenday and MCR for being to comercial. Pop is short for popular incase you had forgoten and such bands as MCR were unpopular once. They would origionaly had a hardcore fan base. there music is evidently good as it has made it into the record charts. does it realy matter who likes it and who dosent. If you like it then good for you and if your into more underground and up and coming bands good for you too. But when the underground bands become more popular people will be ripping them for it too. its a vicious circle and we shouldnt forget that.

    Im not an emo, id like to think im just normal, i listen to what i like, my tracklist is on hardcore dance one song and "poppy" emo the next, anyone who dislikes me for that can go and ****, Im me and you all should be you and stop arguing over it.

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  482. At 01:26 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Alicia wrote:

    I think it's wrong to say Emo's are all depressed. I like Emo music n some Emo style but that doesn't mean I self harm or walk around acting all depressed and sad. The majority of Emo's aren't like this at all and it's not just Emo's that self harm. People of all "labels" e.g chav do that to themsleves.
    It's wrong to judge someone by the way they look or what they listen to.
    People have stopped taking any notice of real yobs that terrorise streets and turned against a group of people that look different. People should be concentrating on issues that actually matter, not just how people appear to be on the surface. People get hurt by comments and it's wrong to say things like self-harmer when for all you know they are perfectly happy people!

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  483. At 01:35 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Adam wrote:

    I don't like the use of this word "EMO" its rubbish to me really, music wise seriously different bands can just be chucked together in this "EMO" rock category. Panic! are a gr8 band, their album is so good, the thing with Panic! is that they don't neatly fit into one single category of muzik. Their music is actually innovative with intelligent gritty lyrics, I like them cos they're different compared to other average bands that produce crap trendy music.
    I also love Fall Out Boy's music which I would call contemporary Punk Rock, but i've got a wide taste in music from the likes of FOB to Oasis and Rooster to Shapeshifters to Stevie Wonder! At the end of the day all people are different individuals, and thats the thing with people who dress like "emos".
    For me its much more about the good music that artists and bands produce rather than how they look or act. Most people that slag off music and people that r apparently "emo" actually don't hav a clue about it.

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  484. At 01:45 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Dylan Savage wrote:

    right... this emo craze [b][i]is[/b][/i] dangerous.

    I know teenagers have a tendency to be depressed but adding to it the idea that suicide and self harm can be [i]sexy[/i] is just ludicras.

    what happend to getting drunk and shaggin, maybe burning a couple of abandond cars while singing and having fun? can the thought of death be so appealing that looking for fun is thought of as unpopular?

    My advice is get some excercise and sunshine, make friends and get a girlfriend/boyfriend that isnt a skank/dick and try for a while to be happy...

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  485. At 01:48 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Vicky wrote:

    My best mate would consider herself a goth and so would I. Being a goth/emo isn't just about being labled as a self harming freak which many sites seem intent to do. It's about looking at life from a different perspective. Look for the beauty in death. Death has a very negative image in many cultures because it is the end of a life. For other people its the ending of their life here, or the ending of suffering.

    The bit about self harming is being cruel and stereotyping again. Are you saying every child who is withdrawn, wears dark colours (goths/emos don't just wear black) and cuts themselves are part of a cult, or should you being saying that person may be depressed and need help and that self harming is a cry for help???!!! I could never see my mate self harming, its me thats contemplated it and I wear bright colours and smile alot. I like the same music as goths/emos does that make me one? or do I now fit in with the rest of the criteria????

    There was actually a post on a website (I will not give details) taht is accessable to all ages (well young teens upwards) advising parents that if they can tick yes to any of the questions asked then their childrne should be considered insane and be taken to a local church to repent their sins! Thsi included stupid things like wanting to spend time alone!!!!! It was a Christian group but I'm sure there are groups like this from every religion. We are no longer living in a country where relgion governs us all, children need freedom and space and we are now going back to an age where childhood is short and quite often not sweet, where kids grow up way to fast and their emotions and thoughts are not being understood. They are not being asked if they understand or need help adapting to the changes around them and they certainly do not in most cases need wrapping up in cotton wool.

    If I was to walk up to someone and say stop playing that classical music because its depressing and I think you may go and hang yourself any person would be offended. Yes there is alot of depressing music out there but 9/10 times children can sort out reality from the fictious songs. Maybe these songs offer something these children can relate to that the audlts don't pick up on. Evenesance has now become a very influential role model for young people with her gothic music. She describes how she can't get over the death of a loved one, some children can relate to that and adults to! So get over using labels and just back off a little bit with some emos.

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  486. At 01:53 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Simon H wrote:

    There's nothing wrong with the upsurge in emo. There's been a burst of new fresh bands coming into the scene, and although it sounds similar - the music's good! ROCK ON EMO!

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  487. At 01:54 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Bob Smith wrote:

    First the EMO's mentioned in the article are not real emo's. The say "make it sound like you are too depressed to eat" these are posers trying to fit in with people who don't fit in. A real EMO doesn't brand themselves EMO they are branded EMO by other Communitys. I think this is a symptom of the kind of society that we have today. At my Secondary school there is a perfectly nice extrovert girl who once meeting some different friends has become silent, introvert and looks strange when smiling. In addition there is other segregation and pressure to be something you're not with being a "been" I for one am not part of this community but the people who are branded beens are also becoming EMO's chav's and everything but uncool.

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  488. At 02:11 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Cat wrote:

    bands like MCR, panic!at the disco and fall out boy are NOT emo. emo bands are like dashboard confessional, and moslty then sing about failing relationships - stuff thats SAD and emotional at the same time. Panic!, in the recent NMW magazine interview, also deny the emo sterotype - they said that their music is mostly about anger, which doesnt fit the waling, weak men stereotype. Personally i like musc like panic!, fall out boy and MCR, and yes, while its EMOTIONAL music, its not stereotypical emo music! and yes, i like wearing skinny jeans, eyliner and converse, and i have dark hair, but i dont cut myself - i have a happy life!

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  489. At 02:14 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Ammi wrote:

    My gosh, whats is this all about. Im am 22 and though my teenage years i went from being a hippy, to a goth to an indie chick and now i suppose im a mixture of all three. I have gone through depression and teenage angst like every other teeneger. When you are young its all about expression and finding your own beliefs. If i was 17 now i'd proberly be classed as an 'emo'. And for the music let people listen to what they like, why stereotype it. I like all sorts of music from bob marley, the rolling stones to Kayne West and Green Day. What am i? Someone catogorise me please? who cares what you are or what you listen to?
    Be an individual and do what you love to do. Who cares what people think?
    If your an 'emo' enjoy it! and if your not enjoy who you are!
    Love life!!!

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  490. At 02:28 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Rob wrote:

    You have to understand that the majority of 'alternative' music is marketed at teenagers. The emotional highs and lows of adolescence are what the kids latch onto in this music, be it punk, goth, grunge, nu-metal or emo, so the record companies take aim. Fashion and music have gone hand in hand for decades, so the 'emo' fashion of today is a simple by-product of the music's popularity.

    At the end of the day, they'll all settle down into their particular tastes, they'll reach their twenties and eveything will be fine. Then something else will come along for the next generation of disenfranchised youth.

    I speak from experience here, I'm 22 now and having gone through all this identity nonsense I can now look back and realise how silly and petty it all is.

    For the record, I'd like to say that Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco are excellent songwriters - the raw, abrasive original 'emo' of American punk/hardcore in the early Nineties never would have received this sort of airplay.

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  491. At 02:29 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Andy Allen wrote:

    im not an emo myself, but i dont see anything wrong with it. its their choice as to what they wear and listen to etc. plus some of their music isnt that bad. as far as the self harming thing. its just an out of control rumour. i have friends that are emos and they would never do something like that.

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  492. At 02:29 PM on 23 Oct 2006, 50_spence wrote:

    Emo is just a genre ofmusic and a generally awful one at that!

    As has said before most of these kids are just out to score scene points with their friends.

    It's just this generations grunge, nu-metal etc give it 5 years or so and they'll soon be regretting the comedy fringes and off centre lip piercings!

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  493. At 02:33 PM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    MCR aren't emo. They aren''t entirly pop either though. THey're pop-punk I'd say. Real emo music is from bands that can quote their influences back to rites of springs, where emo first split from its cousin, punk.

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  494. At 02:38 PM on 23 Oct 2006, flora wrote:

    oh...my...god. This is still going on?!
    For gods sake its a type of music it reall yisn't a matter of life and eath you know. and because of the goddamn NME and The Daily Mail, some of my best friends and me have been subject to arrogance and ignorance from other people picking on us because of our music tastes, not neccisserily because we're emo.

    In my eyes this is just a less serious form of racism. Ignorance and prejudice towards people because of something, lets face it, we can't help. I love My Chemical Romance, they've helped me through a lot of problems, but never once have i found myself have deppressive thoughts or grabbed for the nearest razor blade.

    What gets me is how people who listen to hip hop and r&b, are left alone, when that's music I don't particulary like, when people like me who listen to MCR get picked on non-stop. Its musical tastes. Give it a rest. Its not hurting anyone, we're not harming you in any way, we're just listening to music. Please for the sake of my sanity, shut up and get on with your lives. That is of course if any of you actually have one...

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  495. At 02:45 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Queer Dave wrote:

    Rod Hull Started the Emu craze I believe

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  496. At 03:01 PM on 23 Oct 2006, michael bateman wrote:

    who cares wot everyone things of emo just be urself i get bulliedcuz of it but who cares be urself

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  497. At 03:12 PM on 23 Oct 2006, TD wrote:





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  498. At 03:27 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Tristan wrote:

    My main issue with "EMO" music is that I find the majority of it to be self indulgent lyrics that don't really address any issues that interest me. I don't see the appeal of 20/30 year olds singing about issues that seem to affect to people half there age. I prefer a display of greater emotional maturity in the music I listen to. The delivery of "EMO" music is also a major put off for me - the vocals tend to be over the top and at times whiney. The general attitude of "EMO" kids is also silly and immature - perhaps I generalise a bit, but there are many larger issues in life than cutting yourself about some girl who won't look at you.

    This aside though, it's each to their own in terms of music - if people want to listen to it then that's there choice. I don't believe in musical bullying either, what happened to MCR and P!ATD (whether or not these bands are EMO might be contentious, but the public perception is that they are) at Reading festival should not happen regardless of what genre the band are. It's sad that people pay good money to get into a festival to just bottle a band when there are generally at least 4 other acts on in other tents.

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  499. At 03:28 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Hannah wrote:

    I looked at this article and I appear to be all of the things that an "EMO" is (apart from the self harming), but the strange thing is, I am the most girly girl you would ever meet.I wear black, because it makes me look slimmer and goes with any clothes, my hair is naturally dark, i must admit I'm not a great fan of "EMO" music, and I am naturally thin because I'm a dancer. I am only 14 years old so I will give you this from my point of view, all teenagers will sit in the dark in their bedroom, go through stressful patches e.g exams, love life, bullying etc but that does not make them an "EMO" if some one just suddenly said, "Yes I'm an emo" then fair enough thats what they think they are but at the end of the day every one is different not every one will love each other so we should jsut accept it and get over it! end of! x

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  500. At 03:39 PM on 23 Oct 2006, em wrote:

    I'm an emo and I luv MCR the Killers and normal stuff 2, its not a craze, its just us. I don't do self harm and I h8 it wen people stereotype us like crazy maniacs. I'm not. I don't even use eyeliner and, ok, i wanna dye my hair black but my mum wud kill me. Ps. I luv Gerard Way and Lil Chris, if u r reading this then I luv u both

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  501. At 03:39 PM on 23 Oct 2006, rhianna wrote:

    people who dress stereotypically 'emo' are wanting to be part of something, they want to make a statement with the way they dress. they are fully aware that 'emo' is for emotional and the stereotypical 'activities' that are associated with the emo image - wrist slitting etc.
    this is just like if you dye your hair blonde and wear nothing but pink, you are also fully aware of the 'blonde', dumb and slow stereotype and unless you want to be treated this way you avoid this image!
    if emos dont want to be 'attacked' or given a hard time they shouldnt dress that way!
    of course not all emos slit their wrists, but, not all blondes are 'blonde', it just comes with the stereotypical image.
    dont create an image of yourself if you cant deal with the other stereotypical things that comes with it!!

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  502. At 03:44 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Tasha wrote:

    I am an 11 year old girl and i 鈾 listening to emo music. I listen to it just to kill time or when school is worse than usual. You can just get lost in it.

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  503. At 03:54 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Briony Bragg wrote:

    I think that everyone's just making a big deal over the fact that My Chemical Romance are number 1,so of course "emo" must now be a big trend. I'm neither mosher nor emo, but that song is absolutely AWESOME and one of the best songs of the year.

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  504. At 04:10 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Tommy wrote:

    MCR aren't really emo anymore, they may have been a few years back but one listen to the new record.

    Theyre also not metal they are rock.

    Anyway, i side with true emo but as people have said there are a lot of scene kids who arent and bring us down.

    I however consider myself me and if people want to clasify me fine but know im me and i like music as varied as Slayer to Gogol Bordello to MCR to The Darkness so let it go and just love the music you love and don't listen to anyone who thinks they're better than you cus they listen to a different sort of music!

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  505. At 04:10 PM on 23 Oct 2006, KtG wrote:

    Bless! When I was a kid (many years ago now), grunge was the coolest way to be un-cool (who'd be seen dead in a floral skirt without their tatty DMs...?!!!).

    The teenage need to belong, without being too mainstream (heaven forbid someone else should be wearing the same cherry-print tights as you), has been going on for years and won't ever stop.

    Who cares what "category" music fits into? We don't all like the same things and life would be boring if we did. Besides, some "pop" is ok, just like some "metal" is ok.

    We need to have a better attitude toward mental health, not a debate about which bands are/aren't emo...

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  506. At 04:23 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Rachel carfoot wrote:

    MyChemicalRomance are the best band ever. how dare anyone call them emo they are far from it.
    welcome to the black parade is awesome! so rock on MCR

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  507. At 04:33 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Spikey wrote:

    I Love Emo its a form of neo-bohemianism, where those who don't fit in to a stereotype can come together and be artistic. Neo- Bohemians and Emos should come together! And as for the Daily Mail article not every Emo is a wrist slasher, just typical misunderstanding by middle class conservatives.

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  508. At 04:39 PM on 23 Oct 2006, ROCK RULES!! wrote:

    i bn readin sum comments about my chemical romance and can i say MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE AINT POP!!! (H was wrong "they are a POP band").
    They may be slightly emo but they rock ...i'm 15 and i can tell i aint an emo child so dont think i am. theres no point goin through this with adults that dont completely understand this world. I am a huge MCR fan so stop slaughtering em they rock!!
    There are many emos i no and they cool pple then there are emo wonna bes who dress like them but aint them. It the so called fashion of wearin 'skinny jeans'.
    Why are so many pple against emo? and by the way the rumours bout emo "cults" are the reason of self harm is the most s*** i've heard...back to mcr.
    I now loadsa of pple who are fans of My Chemical Romance because listenin to there music has helped them but to me i just think their music / sound is awesome, there new stuff is ace n cant wait to get their new album!!

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  509. At 04:39 PM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    the music greats

    the kids are teh best kids you'll ever met

    i've nevr met and emo kid who slits there wrists

    my friends regard me as an "emo kid"
    so dont give us a hard time

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  510. At 04:56 PM on 23 Oct 2006, lozzy17 wrote:

    excuse me jon u can b an emo if u want cus its up 2 u nd u must b 2 old 2 realse tat! emoz rox they shuld emos hav bin round 4 ages and tey just a cross between a rocka nd goth tat is 4 u can u understand me now der

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  511. At 04:57 PM on 23 Oct 2006, emozrox wrote:

    im sorry but mcr its not a pop band theyr noun more for goth music than pop theyve never sang pop so peeps get ur facts rite k.k and they rox anywaY so good for them .HA!

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  512. At 05:00 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Ioan wrote:

    I think I'm against Emo, but not without sympathy for these troubled individuals because quite frankly we've probably all struggled at some point during adoloscence with the loss of childhood.

    Emo music by my definition is pretty dire bar My Chemical Romance who serve a purpose, even if it is only to scare the media stupid. Panic at the Disco despite some funny titles are pretty annoying. If by others definition, you include more acoustic sounding artists like Bright Eyes and Get Cape though I suppose my estimation of emo increases a good deal.

    I think that emos are getting a hard time from pretty much all angles and this is where my empathy kicks in as a member of the second 'Nu Metal' generation' i.e. Linkin Park and later KoRn material. I remember how much hassle I got from my parents and my classmates just for listening to it, I didn't even conform to the fashion of it. Areas of the rest of the music spectrum, even older metal fans hated us. As for the elements of Emo culture there is hardly anything original about it, like I need to tell anybody about Bowie's glam or even Simon Le Bon for that matter. Poetry, see Morrissey. Death see Cobain and Korn. Atheism and Satanism see M. Manson. All of these go to show that Emo is a continuation of the alternative and mostly gothic culture of the ever present youth who an quite simply not cope with maturity.

    The best thing is that it probably won't last much longer and before the emo's start arguing, I thought I'd listen to Limp Bizkit for the rest of my life at your age, I listened back to my once favourite album Chocolate Starfish with a nervous smile on my face and the thought of what the hell was I thinking. As for encouraging suicide, although totally conflicting ends of the spectrum KoRn and Christ kept me alive at some points.

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  513. At 05:05 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Bronwen Price wrote:

    emo's are cool. their music are cool, their clothes are cool, and most of their enemy's are cool(which are usually chavs). Did i include that i am one? at least seven people callede me an eemo today at school. i am in form 2 and someone called me a "goth wannabe" when i was walking from art last week. but fortunatly i do not care what on earth people say abut me because i will be who i want, when i want.

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  514. At 05:24 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Holly wrote:

    MCR isn't emo.
    But who cares.
    You can't control what other people listen to or do.
    You can like wht u like but tell other people what to do.
    It's there life.
    I have a side fringe, i wear drain pipes and i listen to emo music.
    But it does make me an emo.

    Most people don't acuatally no what an emo is.

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  515. At 05:25 PM on 23 Oct 2006, mmichelle hawkins wrote:

    I'm 25 and love EMO music at the moment i can't get enough of my chemical romance and if you walked past me on the street you would probably think chav.
    Everyones tate in music and lifestyle is individual, teenagers tend to grow out of there wildness when they mature and realise how stupid it is, but untill then all you can do is be there and advise and guide them, don't tell them not to do something it only make them worse and even more stubborn (it did me and still does) if your a parent love them and be there when they need you.

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  516. At 05:43 PM on 23 Oct 2006, liz wrote:

    tht is such a boring adult point of view. most teenagers thick the whole emo thing is a load of sh*t anyway. those ppl tht call themselves emo basically want 2 belong in some kind of group and hav thought black and boring is the way 4 them. most of em dont self harm they may claim they hav just 2 make themselves 'cooler' amoungst there other dull friends, who hav nothign else 2 discuss. but some of the "emos" if they must b classed, r actualli rele nice they just hav a different taste in clothes and music 2 others. i say leave em b. sooner or later there will b a new phase tht they will change 2. and 4 goodness sake duz the guy who wrote tht article no nothing!!???... my chem r not an emo band 8-) honestly get wiv the times grandpa!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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  517. At 06:38 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Vicki wrote:

    Quite frankly I am appalled that the media would give self harm so much coverage! If the media claim it as a fashion thing there are some kids out there who will conform.
    Its something that people do as a way coping, a cry for help and by no means is it something that they wish to advertise. Why anybody would want to do it because they think its 'cool' is beyond me and disrespects people who have genuine problems.

    As for the Emo thing, what a load of rubbish! its the Media who create such big 'trends' not so long ago i recall a big article in the paper about 'chavs' and before that it was hype about goths! Kids are always gonna experiment with different styles of fashion and music its something we all do in order to find ourselves, just let it be! Make a fuss and people are bound to jump on the band wagon after all society is obsessed with 'fitting in'.

    As long as they arent causing harm to others people should dress how every they want. We all feel intimidated by things in life and its usually because we fear what we don't know. (i say usually, in some cases the fear is genuine) just because some one wears black doesn't mean they suffer from depression and cut themselves and not all people who wear caps and track suits are criminals. It is outrageous for people to make such stereotypes. I agree that people who listen to a certain style of music may have a particular look that portrays this but to go to such extremes and to make such a fuss about it is ridiculous! Dont people have their own lives to live? Do certain people in society view themselves that perfect that they feel they have the right to judge others on looks?!!!! Whatever happened to the phrase "never judge a book by its cover"???
    Oh, I know the media discarded it when they set out creating such categories!

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  518. At 06:50 PM on 23 Oct 2006, wrote:

    As one of the makers of Emo Rangers I feel I should be able to add a unique perspective, but unfortunately I can't cos im to lazy to pay enough attention to what's going on in general.

    I would imagine however that those who dislike the genre of music/clothes style/vauge, amorphous social termanology that is Emo are probably taking it all a bit to seriously.

    Unless you're not taking it seriously enough... In which case you should set up a website or hand out pamphlets about it or something.

    You are handing out pamphlets arn't you?

    Well in any case, you should all probably get very worked up about it!

    Best thing I could recommend is to watch MTV2 at 8.30 every week night (except fridays)... I can't say why, except to say EmoRangers is on.


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  519. At 07:49 PM on 23 Oct 2006, bridge wrote:

    k well just to start it off im not emo or chav im not a sheep basically that follows the croud im my own person.
    the thing is that some people overeacted on emos they say " omg all emos cut their wrists and want to die" but all the "emos" i no dont do that or say that and they are actually well some of them are a good laff to be around some can be boring and stupidly sarcastic for NO reason but they are the ones that are pointless. but in the news i have never heard once about "EMOS STABBED SOMEONE FOR MONEY or EMO KID STEALING THINGS" etc but CHAvS omg they are TERRIBLE for for this sort of thing seriuosly what is the point in them they have the worse sense of humour and have to all stay together to make them feel hard i was with my mates the other day and these silly little chavs thought it would be sooo hard and so cool to shout emo at me i just looked at them and laffed at them they thought that i would react badly to it but i just thought if u r that bothered about the way i dress or my life then they must be the SADDEST AND MOST LOW LIFED REJECTS OVER and i dont understand why people are scared of them to me they are just something to stand and laff at try it next time u see a chav and they are say sumin sad like emo then just laff most of them are all mouth and no action theyr dum lol and just a reminder that i am not an emo but think about it there is nothin good about chavs apart from people that sell chav brands then thts it really

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  520. At 08:45 PM on 23 Oct 2006, ben g wrote:

    emo bands like my chemical romance and panic are good bands cause the music is meaningful n powerful but they dont tel people to self harm themselves it jus people but the 2 together cause they like that music. x

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  521. At 01:21 AM on 24 Oct 2006, Sarah wrote:

    The Daily Mail article was a ridiculous generalisation, and complete scare-mongering with exaggerated assumptions by an uninformed, judgemental individual. But who gives a toss if kids wear black eye-liner or trackie bottoms? It's their behaviour to others that affects society, and it's this that people should be judged on, regardless of what stereotype they appear to fit in.

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  522. At 01:22 AM on 24 Oct 2006, rebelious_child wrote:

    i don't understand why people are making such a big fuss over it, EMO's have been around for ages and i think that just because more and more people are becoming Emo has nothing to do with anyone else and that maye some are doing it to be in with the crowd but so what! it's their lives! i mean i'm from Leeds and yes th cornexchange is a big emo/goth place to hang out but i don't see why it has anything to do with anyone else, the victoria quatre is also a big place for people to hang out (usually "the normal" people) i have never seen anyone point a finger at them but people decide to point a finger at emo kids jus beacuse there has become more over the past decade. MCR, FOB and P!ATD are all pop-punk bands and will always be...
    like Christopher Rhodes said they listen to music that can help them through things, i have friends who are emo's and goths and there some of the nicest people i know so stop pointing the finger at them!

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  523. At 07:11 AM on 24 Oct 2006, wrote:

    As others have said, the modern-day conception of 'emo' has absolutely nothing to do with actual emo music.

    Brief history:
    Emo (short for 'emotional hardcore') was a brief movement that started out of the hardcore punk scene, specifically in Washington DC USA. A few bands broke out of the typical tough-guy we-hate-everyone hardcore punk, and started to write more emotional songs. A lot of it was still political, but what changed was the vocal delivery - it was very passionate, but generally less angry. The guitar work gradually became more intricate, and the bands were not afraid to play around with slower tempos, softer passages, etc. - but overall they were still hardcore bands, without a doubt.

    Something interesting happened in the late 90s and early 2000s. A guy called Chris Carrabba started getting pretty well-known, as the Dashboard Confessional. His acoustic pop-ballads were accompanied by extremely honest and emotional lyrics, almost as though he had just added melodies to his diary. So people started calling his stuff 'emo' - the word had been floating around him anyway; he had previously been in Further Seems Forever (a very emo-influenced band) and was definitely rooted in the emo scene.
    On top of that, a band named Jimmy Eat World started climbing the charts. They used to play a very Fugazi-like emo-ish sound, but when they got signed to a major label they started writing catchier rock songs, and ended up being a pop-punk band except with more introspective lyrics than the typical party/comedy lyrics of their peers. The 'emo' tag followed them, however, and so everybody started thinking that the Jimmy style (pop punk with lyrics about girlfriends) was 'emo'.

    Just think about it: what makes modern-day 'emo' bands 'emo'? There is nothing that holds these bands together.
    Bright Eyes - indie-rock = emo?
    Fall Out Boy - pop-punk = emo?
    Dashboard Confessional - pop-rock = emo?
    Bullet For My Valentine - rock/metalcore = emo?

    I think, over the past couple of years, the term 'emo' (due to the popular misconception of 'emo' meaning 'overly emotional') has merged with the stereotypical 'goth', along with a lot of trendy genres of music, resulting in some strange hybrid of self-harmers who wear black and listen to Panic At The Disco.

    Sorry for the long post, but it needed to be said.

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  524. At 08:54 AM on 24 Oct 2006, Steve wrote:

    The problem is not 'Emo' or 'scene' or anything else along those lines. The problem itself is the unnessecary 'labeling' of bands and people as 'emo'. You wouldn't say every Nirvana fan wanted to kill themself like Kurt Cobain so why should it be right to do the same to 'emos'??? Is sum1 wants to be called 'emo' then you've gotta accept it, not just label them with the small minority of 'emos' who self-harm. And self-harm is a serious issue, do you think its right to take the mick out of people who DO self-harm for a reason?? Its a serious problem that needs serious help, not a bunch of people stereotyping and laughing.

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  525. At 08:55 AM on 24 Oct 2006, Steve wrote:

    And MCR are emo.....

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  526. At 09:38 AM on 24 Oct 2006, Lamisa wrote:

    Hey. Its amazing how being called emo can have such an effect on others. My brother called me emo the other day because i wore a black hoodie (oh wow!!!) but still, it hurt a lil bit.

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  527. At 12:24 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Trinidad wrote:

    I only came across EMO recently, even though I'm 20. The article from the Daily Mail is actually deeply dusturbing in its attack of self-harm as exhibitionism and a sign of self-indulgence. As earlier posters have said, self-harm is by no means a phenomenon exclusive to the EMO scene, and to proffer such an idea implies that young people who harm themselves cannot be accepted in general society. This can only result in steps backwards, not forwards.

    The issue of self-harm and suicide amongst young poeple is a pressing issue which needs better discussion and to attach it to a aprticular youth culture is miopic. I attend Cambridge University, and the level of self-harm here is truly staggering. Walking through the streets of Cambridge you will find students from comprehensives, grammar schools and the best publis schools in Britain, and I know both my compehensive-schooled friends and Old Etonians can be seen with scars on their arms. None of these poeple could be called EMO, unless to feel emotion makes one human.

    Self harm is not the preserve of those who listen to a particular genre of music. This whole discussion is just the old 'Radiohead make you kill yourself' argument dressed up in new clothes. For every generation, the adult population will try to run away from the pressure they are putting on their children by saying it is self-indulgence or a sense of the dramatic. It's time everyone was honest: self harm is a form of mental illness and to treat it as flippantly as the Daily Mail has is disgusting.

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  528. At 01:56 PM on 24 Oct 2006, wrote:

    if all this talk of emostealing our teens and hurting them is getting you down, try this

    read the most depressing posts again (including that deliberately fear-inducing Daily Fail-to-provide news article)

    but instead of reading EMO, tell yourself it says ELMO instead, it might mae you laugh


    If people are worried about "elmo kids" why waste time and effort moaning about it.

    Elmo has been around for a long time and no one knew what it was and now suddenly eveyone uses the term elmo, mostly as an insult


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  529. At 02:14 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Ben wrote:

    Having just read the Daily Mail article said to have sparked such a ridiculous debate, I find myself pondering why anybody actually cares. If you don't like the music, don't listen to it. If you don't want to sit in the dark and recite poetry, open your curtains. I am not an emo but at the same time I don't find myself offended by somebody who just wants to listen to a different style of music to what my ipod currently holds. Anybody who actually has a strong negative opinion on this subject clearly needs to get out a bt more.

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  530. At 02:22 PM on 24 Oct 2006, ash wrote:

    Pointless depressing music. I agree with what Kasabian have been saying about these Emo kids, they should listen to some real music and as some other guy said, half of the kids are 'emo' because its seen as cool, its a fad - a trend - and it'll pass.

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  531. At 02:42 PM on 24 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Where's Rod Hull in all of this?!?!?!

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  532. At 03:29 PM on 24 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Firstly, the name of the 'genre' is completely ill-advised.

    Emo = Emotional Hardcore. Well, one things for certain, about 99% of music is emotional, and another things for sure, whatever is being called 'Emo' these days, is certainly not hardcore.

    Yeah, theres a whole trend happening around the word and the music that surrounds that, but just like most phases of music, its not for everyone.

    What I hate is the attacking, and saying all emo kids are depressed and whiney. To be honest, all of the kids who fit into the emo catagory are usually smiley, happy, normal teenagers. The music? Yeah, quite a lot of it is on the darker side of emotion, but what are they really supposed to do 'Oh, heres something that doesnt affect me in any way whatsoever, im going to sing about it'? No. They're gonna sing about experiences they've went throuh... or... how they shot people with love pistols (that bit i dont get).

    Anyway, I lost my track... Ah yes, I think there is too much attacking on a trend that only affects teenagers, who usually, just act like kids. What there is, is not enough attacking on the real problem on our streets, which is kids who destroy property, instill fear, attack people, and basically just act like they own the world, and everyone else in it. Yes, that's right. Whatever you want to call them, they are a problem. Chavs, Neds, Bams etc.

    Lets not focus on something as trivial as 'Emo' and start attacking some real problems.

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  533. At 03:52 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Jay wrote:

    There is no such thing as EMO!!!!!

    Its just another word to stereo type things, to be honest, its so popular its more like pop music than any kind of rock music!
    I grew up in the 90's as a grunge and metal kid, which are actually music genres, rather than this emo pop rubbish!
    Come on all theyve done is taken a not so popular genre of music (rock) and put it in this boyband formular to make it commmercial and crap!
    Give it 2 years and emo will be non existant!

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  534. At 04:00 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Jonathan wrote:

    I think Emo's great. And so are my Chemical Romance. They rock.

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  535. At 04:19 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Paul Maiden wrote:

    Parent: So, dear, why have you become an emo?

    Child: Well its like, I'm so like fed up with the way that like society and stuff keeps lie trying to make me like conform and like be like everyone elsee like. Society like it likes to dress a certain way and act a certain way and like listen to a certain type of music. So me and like my friends, my soulmates who properly like understand me, even thought I only like met them in the cemetery last week, have decided to rebel.

    Parent: How?

    Child: Well, we're all gonna like dress a certain way and like act a certain way and like listen to a certain type of music..... So, you see, we're like showing how mature and individual we are. It's a lifestyle choice so it's like the way I want to live my life.... until there's a new craze for me to follow.

    Maybe this is an unfair stereotype (please dont take it seriously!) but atleast with chavs we can all say "Well, they're too stupid to know any better" Emos are generally intelligent people, who are just not mature yet. What irritates me is their desire to prove that they ARE so mature. Why can't they just be happy to be young?

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  536. At 04:19 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Glen wrote:

    EMO's r da scum of the earth y do the even exsist dey stupid all they do is cry n gt drunk n slef hamr what the point in that????? answer me that please???

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  537. At 04:24 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Steven George wrote:


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  538. At 04:49 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Emily Scott wrote:

    ok, there is a lot of stereotype about this whole thing, and many people seem to think that being "emo" involves cutting your wrists and living in, basically, a life of angst and dark stuff.

    but i know MANY so called "emos", and for most of them, its just a way to dress and the music that they like, not self-harming or anything like that.

    at my school, i wore skinny jeans and t-shirts and was refered to as "emo", even though i didnt listen to the music and i was happy all the time, and i wasnt even emo. these days, teenagers just want to fit in, and so wearing the same things as everybody else may be the way to do it for some people, but the majority say that they "want to be different", yet still end up looking the same as everyone else.

    sites like myspace show exactly what "emo" is. i think what it is exactly depends on where your from. but myspace emos are all about taking posing pictures of themselves, in the mirror or wherever, and basically being just themselves.

    its really a genre, and, as someone else has pointed out, a lot of these kids are just "scene", and will indeed change as soon as the trend ends, but, for the moment, will copy everyone else that they see on myspace.

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  539. At 04:49 PM on 24 Oct 2006, wrote:

    It worries me that theres an increase in teenage suicides and self-harm but I think thats mostly down to pressure and broken families. So it could happen to anyone at any age, its just how some people deal with their problems.

    Teens will be teens. There have always been certain fashions and teens will follow this regardless of older opinions.

    At the end of the day, this phase will pass and we'll all be disgusted about some other fashion! Let them get on with it and in the mean time, we should be supporting our teens and helping them rather than worrying about there leather jackets and eye liner.

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  540. At 05:52 PM on 24 Oct 2006, *star* wrote:

    haha surely there are more important things for some adults to disscus than teenage fashion!... adults really have no idea about how teenagers dress or why!!.. its just a way of expressing ourselves.. ok granted some kids will be hurting themselves but saying that the way people dress is responsible or how to recongnise children who are hurting them selves is actually the stupidest thing i ever heard.
    theres all these magazine pages about not steryotyping etc. and not judging people by what they wear.

    as for emo kids.. why not dress emo its hot and its better than being a chav!..
    emo music is awsome.. does it really matter what people say is emo or not.. bothered!

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  541. At 06:02 PM on 24 Oct 2006, ryan Mchardy wrote:

    This point on Emo war has bn takin way out of proportion, right fare enough some kid cuts them self has anybody stop to ask why or get them some help thats that taken care of. Well next to M.C.R they've brought out a new album and changed their look and shock horror the media has went nuts about it because aparently its a EMO album prsonally to me its their no album, do i care wat type of music or album it is no i just like the way it sounds.
    what i've noticed say over the last 9 years is if something is brought to light and we dont like or understand it, it becomes a Zoo even a witch hunt for god sake people EMO has bn around for years so has bands tryin something differnt, but come next week it will be about which boyband member is gay and we can get on with our lives again thank god for that ....

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  542. At 06:04 PM on 24 Oct 2006, chris wrote:

    With reagrds to the Daily Mail Article ...

    For a National News Paper this article is awfully biased, innacurate, and based on false details. As other people have mentioned, you have highlighted the problems of a small minority and your applying them to everyone.
    Also this article is ageist in the way it continually insults teenagers, and tries to make sport of them in a comical fashion. Teenagers just want to get on with being teenagers.
    I think there's too much emphasis on the whole 'Emo' thing at the momment. You either like the music or not, and it should be left at that.

    P.S The Daily Mail Article mentioned that Greenday were 'Emo' - So to save on pages of ranting, all i am going to say is that Greenday are not emo and SARAH SANDS needs her ears cleaning

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  543. At 06:09 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Jason Hardy wrote:

    EMO....pfft cant be doing with all thses little emo kids!! wandering around city centres in there skin tight jeans and hair in there faces...there all just sheep following a fashion!! they all need to realise this, and i guarentee as soon as the fashion changes so will they!! cant be doing with emo bands either..panic at the disco, my chemical romace...do me a favour!! i bet most of these "emo" kids have never heard of the orginal proper emo bands such as the ataris, the get up kids and the starting line!

    i could rant on about this all day but id upset too many people!

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  544. At 06:23 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Naomi wrote:

    I would like to explain my disgust for the big pandemonium over "Emo".

    The stereotype that has been portrayed is actually very inaccurate, showing only a minority for what they are.

    Its being advertised that kids wearing tight tee shirts and dying their hair black are practically endless pits of sorrow and all slit there wrists for fun.

    people hurt themselves due to real reasons,
    real depression, not 'cos some guy in a song told them to!

    I'm not particularly a "fan" of emo.
    It seems to me the more kids backcomb their hair and more eyeliner they wear the more blind they are to reality, the more arrogant they are.

    However, cut them some slack...sheeesh!

    I dont intend to sound stereotypical however...
    council house.

    that says it all.
    why does it seem fair that some teen wears a black t shirt and his parents are influenced to burn their CD collection rip up their clothes and turn them into some cathcolic school boy...
    when theres kids...sometimes 13/14 going out:
    getting stoned.
    being violent.

    and they aren't under speculation?
    doesn't that seem a little strange?

    Now, my biggest enragement is everything going on around My Chemical Romance.

    I'm bound to stick up for them...
    I have been a fan since the "I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love" era...
    Not once have I lost faith in them.

    If they set such a terrible example to kids that they should take drugs and drink and they should slit their wrists for a rush...
    Why are they number 1?

    It also baffles me where they got their title of emo from.
    They were brought up admiring punk and metal, even elements of britpop.
    the Misfits.
    Iron Maiden.
    Black Flag...
    All legends in their scene...
    Why would someone wanting to combine those sounds come out as "emo".
    They play punk rock post hardcore metal.
    Their lyrics aren't of those influencing kids to have a depressing life...
    They are those of people who struggled through life, taunted and abused...
    And finally, they have the authority to say (mind my language) "FUCK YOU!"
    And they have done it, in absolute style...

    How anyone can drag them down for the message they are giving out is unbelievable.
    These guys tell kids they can make their way through life, that there is always a silver lining.
    They TELL teens to seek help if they need it.
    They are perfect role models.
    They are who millions aspire to be.

    All in all, if people are going to slate teenagers who arent perceived as "normal", they really need to get a life...


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  545. At 06:26 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Jake Mudie wrote:

    All emo`s are emo.

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  546. At 06:32 PM on 24 Oct 2006, jo wrote:

    WHY does everry one classify mcr and other similler bands emo !?...emo bands are bands such as - death cab for cutie - sunndy day real estate - rights of spring - fugazi- ect.
    and me personally have had enough of being called a "emo" when i dont even listen to emo music (even what people call emo i dont listen to), & its other ppl who call them selfs emo when there not ,is making life harder for the rest of us NON EMOS. just because i wear colourfull things and have differant hair does not make me emo. if anything that makes me scene, so ppl DONT get scene and emo mixed up, we are to completly differnt types of ppl!

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  547. At 06:38 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Anon wrote:

    I am apparently an "Emo-lover". But "Emo" is a genre not a person.
    People call people emos because of their style. My chemical romance is no longer emo, it has gone more into rock or Pop. Most emo music is ok.
    There is a sudden backlash of emos, but thats because the majority of emos hate chavs, and the majority of chavs hate emos
    . People who are called emos are usually cool, and there are just a few people who are idiots and get the piss taken out of them. Like the girl in the video. But whoever they are (emo, chav, gangsta) people like that are just sad.
    And loads of people are becoming "Emos" because that is the latest craze, in a few months there will be less emos. Most wanna be emos haven't heard of bands like motion city soundtrack and they are copying the latest craze instead of being them and going "Yes i like motion city soundtrack, and my chemical romance, and mcfly"

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  548. At 06:53 PM on 24 Oct 2006, kerry wrote:

    i get called emo all the time i do listen to some emo music but wouldnt call myself emo i m just me. i get comments about cutting your self even tho i never had in if these lowlifes got to no me then they would know i m alway happy n up 4 a laugh. kez

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  549. At 07:26 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Harry wrote:

    You can like emo music without dressing all black and stuff.
    Im not emo and i still like some of my chemacal romance songs

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  550. At 07:36 PM on 24 Oct 2006, kerri wrote:

    emo is just another ridiculous label. the reason NME is against it is because no one wants to be labbelled. eveyone has such a need to be their own person and individual, being given a label stops it. the way kids dress is just the fashion at the moment, when it changes so will they. it annoys me when i dress how i want but people who dont dress the same think im an 'emo' because its not familiar to them, also just because someone likes rock music or even 'indie' music does NOT makes them an 'emo'. people are so ignorant these days. by the way, ive just heard a mcr song from their album and they are turning pop.

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  551. At 07:42 PM on 24 Oct 2006, wrote:

    i really don't think most people understand what emo is do they.....


    now im gonna carry on listening to my great music, looking fantastic, and being a happy guy who LOVES emo


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  552. At 07:45 PM on 24 Oct 2006, k wrote:

    i would also just like to say, people think that emo kids jus talk about depression and cut themselves, they dont. they are just like everyone else they jus have long fringes and wear eyeliner and skinny jeans [generally] its so frustrating how chavs are always about and think because they act like 'gangsters' they have the right to start on emos. id rather have a bunch ov emos walk past my car out on the street than a gang of chavs. emos arnt intimidating and they dont start trouble. its annoying how all ov a sudden everyone keeps talkin bout emo. all the magazines are suddenly using it likes its part ov the dictionary, doing quizs like 'how emo are you?' its awful, no1 wants to recognised as an emo its just embarrasing i think, not to be an emo, but for people to shout down the street at you calling you one.

    personally i woudnt say i am an emo and from the beggining of secondary school i made friends with people who arnt, they're not chavs and tbh they're not anything, everyone is different, but ive always loved rock music and the older we've got the more ov a problem its become as no-one else does. now just because 'emo' has come about everyone who are supposed to be my friends call me an emo because im different to them. again, people are ignorant.

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  553. At 07:48 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Troy wrote:

    This debate is absurd. Why should I care if anyone else wants to dress as a courpse? Why not make every day Holloween? Go ahead. Slice off your big toe. I couldn't care less? Just leave my toes alone please and give this topic a rest.

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  554. At 07:48 PM on 24 Oct 2006, wrote:

    All of the "emo's" I know are very nice people - but they DO all chat to one another about death almost constantly, they DO all listen to music which talks about death almost constantly, they ARE all poets and they HAVE all performed some act of self harm at least once...
    Is it healthy for a 15 year old, with their entire life ahead of them, to be looking forward to and "dreaming" about death?

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  555. At 07:50 PM on 24 Oct 2006, jOdy rOads wrote:

    ok, well first off its not like this has just sprung outta the ground ppl have been listening 2 "emo" music for a long time one of the first bands who played an emo style of music were weezer, and were talkin years ago and this created the faction of ppl known as emo kids. the thing is that if the daily mail had dug a little deeper they would find that A there are two types of emo kids one is known as the emo kids who listen 2 a more chilled form of music the emo music and the other side is the scene kids who focus on alot louder music with screaming and heavy guitar parts as for the cutting thing you can look at every divide of the population and somone in everyone of them is gonna have been or is a cutter or self harmer. we live in a county were were supposed to have choices if someone wants to dress in black and grow a fringe how is that hurting somone or some fatty editor at the daily mail, and as for the cutters or self harmers again half the people who take this route go through things in life that you an average person couldnt even comprehend and as much as parents like to think they are there for their kids it is a lonely world we live in with pressure to work longer and harder parents have no time for their kids and especially with divorce on the rise maybe just maybe people are blaming emo as its a convineient way of masking the real truth that family life is to blame for self harm, tears, and above all suicide so why not think about ways to keep familys together create a happier way of life in the uk and above all help instead of point with lies
    thanx xoxox

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  556. At 07:50 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Bella wrote:

    oh dear. how old was the writer of the article? like 70? most of EMOs are just wannabes anyway.why can't people just get over it and accept that everyone is different and if they want to be EMO then why should they be stopped? And btw not everyone who cuts themselves is EMO. Loads of people i know try to be all emo but they just like the look and dont cut themselves or anything like that.

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  557. At 07:50 PM on 24 Oct 2006, tom wrote:

    i havn't got a problem with people who are emos, its just the music. I'm into heavy metaland it annoys me when bands like trivium who play stuff much more technical and difficult only get to the high 30's or 40th in the chart, when bands like Panic (no exclamation mark) at the disco get much higher from just stricking a few chords and singing about doors (I write sins, not Trigedies).

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  558. At 07:51 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Bettie wrote:

    In my opinion the emo fad has got too big, ever since all the pseudo punk rock bands started to appear(like fall out boy, avenged sevenfold, bullet for my valentine, as i lay dying, from first to last, hence the names!) and the kids just started copying at first them and then one another. maybe in the beginning of it all it was original to have this haircut and bring converse back in fashion, there weren't many of them around, but later it just became the next trend. remember how everybody was dying to look like madonna and wear leggins and tutu skirts?
    yet these emo kids used to be gothic social lepers a year or two ago, trying to find themselves and writing morbid 'poetry'. then they changed pretty much overnight, became very sensitive and vulnerable kids who like whiny lyrics and write about how they are being misunderstood and want to kill themselves. well, if they want it so much, why there are so many of them out there? the number is growing!
    among them they are trying to prove each other how they are the real emo to the core and how others are just posers who don't understand the true sense of being emo.(emo for emotional, so if i cry because of something, does it make me an emo?). this style is probably the least imaginative and the most annoying. they all look the same, boys and girls. when goths try different ways and styles of clothing, these are pretty limited. and they're taking over gothic accessories. goths can't wear skulls anymore(especially on clothes) because they'd be considered emo. can't dye their hair with highlights some other colour coz it's emo again!
    i really hope this fashion will be over soon and these kids will finally understand that they can be emotional without being identical. this style is just pointless.

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  559. At 07:51 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Amy wrote:

    I am considered a "emo" i listen to Mcr, fallout boy, billy talent and other rock and metal bands. According to the article along with liking rock and metal music i am meant to like my life dark and airless which is not true as i am very out going as i enjoy horse riding and sport. i am also meant to have slit my wrist causing self harm but that yet again is not true as i wouldnt even think about cutting myself so a could "brag about it and show it off to people".

    Also from what my friends say that are also considered "emos" you do not fully understand the meaning of being a "emo".

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  560. At 08:03 PM on 24 Oct 2006, priya wrote:

    i think its kwl that MCR r number 1. its about time a rockish band were number1. no one ever mentions panic! at the disco or green day or fall out boy anymore. so wot if 'emos' r takin over. its way better than chavs (no offence). this song is my fave @ da mo. im luvin it!

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  561. At 08:05 PM on 24 Oct 2006, steve wrote:

    Regarding the whole Emo thing, I'm a 29yr old professional engineer, the bands described as "Emo" are my main choice of music alopng with smatterings of hip-hop and dance music.

    The look doesn't really apeal to me and probably wouldn't go down too well in my line of work, but the music is another thing.

    Alot of people are way too quick to judge the youth of today, granted there are some exceptionally bad elements, but lets be honest when was the last time you saw a group of "emo kids" harrasing people, and causing general problems in the street.

    On another note, I've got an 11yr old brother who's into the exact same music as me, and to be honest it's far better than being into the likes of UK garage, rap etc which seems to breed a culture of violence and drugs and instill it upon youngsters that is fine to be like that.

    How many makeup wearing, fancy hair styled New romantics have grown up to become leading members of society and well respected professionals, I'll let you figure that one out ;-)

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  562. At 08:13 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Faye wrote:

    I didn't know that i liked emo until i just started to love the music, dashboard confessional,MCR,Panic @ the disco etc. It is and always has been just the songs that make you like these bands not the teen crap that goes around with it. I'm 38 married with a mortgage, i bought Welcome to the black parade 1st thing monday because it was an album Zane Lowe had been playing for a while and i just needed it because i loved the music on the live session they did last week. I have never and will never be emo- just a good music lover.

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  563. At 08:18 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Cara wrote:

    MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE IS THE MOST OPPOSITE TO POP AS YOU CAN EVER GET!!! And (jon) emo's aren't being emo because it's "cool",are you an emo?Then how do you know this? And I think Christopher Rhodes is the most sensible person who's actually commented here! ALL EMOS DO NOT CUT THEM SELVES!! HOW DARE NEWSPAPERS CRITICISE THIS! EVERYONE SHOULD BE A LOT MORE CONCERNED ABOUT IDIOTIC CHAVS! And the person(mazzie magwai) had a good point until she said that MCR and PANIC!AT THE DISCO are rubbish because she has just criticised herself!
    I get called emo all the time!WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THAT?
    Why isn't there anything in the papers about chavs?Or their music such as 50 cent whilst he's always seen with GUNS!
    I am extremely mad about everyone criticising emos!
    LEAVE THEM (or if you call me that,whichever i don't care) ALONE! HAVEN'T YOU GOT ANYTHING BETTER TO DO THAN CRITICISE EMOS? And chavs think it's "cool" to do crap in their school work and end up keeping chip shops going! Whilst emos usually try their best and get a good job! And MCR is much more metal than pop! WHO THINKS MCR IS POP IS EITHER A CHAV OR HAS A BRAIN THE SIZE OF A PEA!
    Let MCR have their fame! They deserve it a hell of a lot more than most bands today! LEAVE THAM ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I think MCR is the best band ever! And if you think otherwise then that's your choice but leave them alone!Just because you don't like something it doesn't mean that it's bad! I listen to MCR,PANIC!AT THE DISCO,FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND and so on and I have NEVER thought about injuring,cutting or self harming myself whilst listening to them! Gerard Way and the other guys in MCR tell their fans everytime to not care about what other people think and to be whoever you chose to be! And how dare people criticise that!
    What Alex wrote before says that people over the age of 16 should grow up about getting attached to labels but that is their choice not hers/his.
    And if she/he wants to ignore them then go ahead but it won't make any difference.

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  564. At 08:22 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Cara wrote:

    If you don't like emos leave them alone. Chavs also self harm them selves such as chicken scratches. If you do like them fair enough don't let people criticise that. People think emos are all the same but they're not,they don't all cut themselves! If they like to dress that way and listen to the music then so what? I love MCR and so on. But I don't care what people think.

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  565. At 08:40 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Max wrote:

    I like My Chemical Romance. Hell I'm listenig to Cemetry Drive off their 3 Cheers For Sweet Revenge album as i write this. Some people would think that just because of this Im an emo but Im not. I like some other emo music as well but I just read the article in the Mail and its crap. Linking being an emo to Kurt cobain because he shot himself its just not right. i have never cut myself or any sick stuff like that and I've been listeneing to this since I was 10 and Im 12 know. It's not right to link it to music. It's like linking violence to rap and grand Theft Auto games it's wrong it is their choice to do this not music forcing them to.

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  566. At 08:51 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Jamie. C wrote:

    Although i am not an EMO(not sure what i am!), i love My chemical romance & other bands like them.
    I think People who are EMO are being treated unfairly, just recently my friend was beaten up for Dressing like an EMO.
    I also dont like the fact that everone thinks they are deprssed & that they cut their rsts, i mean, come on, All diiferent sorts of people cut their rists; doesent mean your EMO does it?

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  567. At 08:52 PM on 24 Oct 2006, wrote:

    To be honest, "emo" has been taken so far out of context it doesn't even relate any more.

    It doesn't matter what kind of music you're into.
    That's the problem.

    There are HUGE differences between emo, alternative, metal, rock etc, but somehow they've been typecast into the same thing.
    That's why you've got the NME and Kerrang kicking off.

    It's all about appearance. Big hair, a bit of eyeliner, some form of fringe, any item of black clothing, converse, polka dots, chequered shoes - wear this (like a lot of the MySpace generation do) and you'll always be labelled as emo, even if you're into country. I'm not even joking.

    Speaking to Blaine (of the Mystery Jets) the other day, I had to say "I AM NOT AN EMO KID!" and explain my love for Tom Vek & the Arcade Fire etc. for him to talk to me.
    His attitude completely changed into one of admiration, and we talked for ages.

    It's not that big an insult though, in fact i have nothing against emo kids - they've always been nice enough.

    But i would say that the Daily Mail need to get a clue.
    They may as well have chav, they'd have been just as wrong.

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  568. At 09:00 PM on 24 Oct 2006, fran wrote:

    im not realy an emo myself but i dont c y every1s makin such a fuss over it. For 1 thing mcr r an amazin band n all this fuss about them is stupid n for emos wots wrong wiv beein 1 its just a part or sum peoples lives n u should let em get on wiv it.

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  569. At 09:17 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Laura Barker-Brown wrote:

    I hate the way that all emos are portrayed to slit thier wrists and are depressed. I am classed as an emo because i am i love with my chemical romance and i listen to all the music and i wear drainpipes and other clothes that emos wear but i do not self harm and am not depressed. Yes, their are emos out there that are depressed and self-harm but there are also chavs out there that will do it aswell. And for the daily mail they can go fuck themselves. What they out about my chemical romance promoting self-harm is rubbish they rock if they promoted self harm i wouldnt lidten to their music. And they out the same about green day. This made me laugh so much as greenday are not an emo band they have nothing to do with the genre whatsoever.

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  570. At 09:34 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Del wrote:

    Having read some of the post on here it has got me to post something for the first time on a forum like this. Well I like things from good old fashioned sea shanties to the darker side of "death metal" (Sorry about the label) with a good helping of everything inbetween so go on piegon hole me because thats what its all about putting people in nice like section just like you local HMV.

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  571. At 09:48 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Steve wrote:

    I'm Canadian, we have a radio show over here called "The Ongoing History of New Music" that delves into the history of Alt rock, back in 2002 they did a show on Emo. It's very informative and interisting look at Emo. The show can be streamed from the link below.

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  572. At 10:04 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Paul wrote:

    How can you even relate this band to an Emo band!

    Grow up.

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  573. At 10:14 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Anna_Emo_Child wrote:

    Right firstly whoever thinks there is something wrong with emo's are wrong. People who think they are rubbush or 'wrong' are just being a form of racist! I mean we are only different because we like different music and dress different. But so do chavs and goths! I mean do you see big articles about them? I think people should just leave emos alone...AND STOP BEING STEREOTYPICAL! WE DON'T SLIT OUR WRISTS! GRR!

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  574. At 11:00 PM on 24 Oct 2006, colby from seattle wrote:

    this is the same phenomenon that happened with punk back in the 90's. it was underground and then all the kids thought it was cool and now it is mainstream and a bunch of pop schlock. point no.2 mentions that MCR should not be considered as emo, just like Green Day should not be considered punk, it's all a bunck of thinly veiled pop music.

    The antithesis eventually becomes the thesis (norm) in society.

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  575. At 11:01 PM on 24 Oct 2006, lauren wrote:

    my chemical romance are a really good band and most people think that scenestrers are emo's but emo's are the kids who self harm and want to die, scenesters would probably be the appropriate term and my chemical romance isn't really emo, it's kidn of post punk, emo is really a style and brings kids together, it's harmless enougha and will soon go with the changing fashions.

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  576. At 11:16 PM on 24 Oct 2006, beth wrote:

    to be honest, everyone has a right to be an individual and just because someone is different and doesnt dress or look or act the way you do, doesnt really give you a reason to hate them or abuse them!
    i am by no means an emo but i do have my moments, i love a lot of the music and the style!
    to be honest if people dont like it that is their own problem, stop trying to change people and let them live their own lives!

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  577. At 11:22 PM on 24 Oct 2006, J wrote:

    i am a 15 year old at skool, i absouluty hate it when people get labeled for what type of music you listen to or what clothes you wear to b truthful if people want to dress how suposed 'emos' dress then let them be its suposed to be a free country and to be truthful ithink it should be i am friends with alot of 'emos'. people dont get slated for wearing nice clothes and nice hair or even being in fashion so why should people who like to dress different get slated for that i think it is all a load of rubbish, everybody would get board of the world if everthing and everyone was the same. People dont call people because they have different cars so why should it be like that in music and dress sense. Also not all 'emos' cut themselves in fact if you look at people who arent 'emos' some of them will have cut themselves so what is it going 2 b next everyone cuts themselves ? i think they need to stop being so pathetic and find out the facts ! !

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  578. At 11:26 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Samantha wrote:

    Umm ... to be perfectly honest I found that article amusing ... it's so ... silly. Self harm isn't on the increase because of "emo" music ... it's onthe rise because people get bullied and they feel that bad that they end up hating themselves.

    What I dislike about the whole "emo" stereotype is that people actually want to be labelled and will totally try and fit that stereotype even if it means self harming to fit into the catergory ... I tend to find that these type of people advertise self harm and think it's something to be proud of ... when people ddo it to be cool it's stupid ... but it's not music that grabs them by the hand and makes them do it ...

    In my personal experience music helps those who self harm ... the feeling of knowing that someone else appriciates how you feel ... comforts you, makes you feel less alone ... at least thats how it was for me ...

    I listen to my chem ... and I'm not emo ... I don't even look like a stereotypical emo at all ...

    I don't get why people make a big deal out of "emos" ... shouldn't we concern ourselves with helping everyone who is depressed or self harms? And what about people who harm others though verbal and physical bullying ...

    perhaps if you concentrated on the person rather than the steroetype ... meh I'm making no sense

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  579. At 11:27 PM on 24 Oct 2006, Douglas Herd wrote:

    Emos are pathetic, Chaves are pathetic. Following a trend is pathetic, why would anyone want to dress and act like other people to "Be cool." Emos just want to be the center of attention by acting like freaks.

    The fad has to die.
    No doubt the emo movement will slit its own wrists and finally leave us (us being the people who do not follow these cultures, conventional people.) alone.

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  580. At 12:25 AM on 25 Oct 2006, A. Emmerson wrote:

    Please, tell me, is Emo short for Emotional? Are you telling me that there is only one genre consisting of emotion and it features the likes of My Chemical Romance and say, Funeral For A Friend? No, if you're saying that "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division deserves to be called 'emo', then i'd suggest you ask a lot of the older generation how 'emo' they are. Green Day, now there's a subject. Hands up, i have International Superhits sitting near my Hi-Fi and i love it. However, i refuse to believe that because of one particular president, that Green Day would completely change their image and tell us the media are 'warping our minds' and such. What sort of media are they talking about? The media that review and sell their albums for them? One thing seems to be quite apparent with these kids that call themselves 'emo' - attention. It's what they crave and they will exploit themselves in many ways to get it. I have no time for these people and i just think that, they link so many bad things in the world together, and place it upon themselves. However, if you can actually act like a reasonable human being, then you would understand it's actually these bad things in the world that mean you have to pick yourself up and not let yourself be affect by it.

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  581. At 12:49 AM on 25 Oct 2006, aa4amy wrote:

    EMO is cool and im not even emo...yet....but i can change!! i what the hair!
    hey if u wanna be like it so god-dam what. i love emo music like MCR, the get up kids and britney spears. its gr8 to carm down n listen to themafter a long day but bugger what i think this is just words be what u wanna be n do what u want.....

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  582. At 01:01 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Pete wrote:

    People have the right to listen to what they want to listen to, but looking like a mess and making sure that other people have to see them looking like this is pathetic, it shouldnt be allowed. Make yourself look presentable, how anyone female can be attracted to someone who dresses all glum, feels sorry for themselves 24/7 its stupid, youve got one chance in life why on earth should you feel down!?! get out there and be happy!

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  583. At 01:41 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Martha wrote:

    Emo is another word for goth/grunger wannabe. They say about how emo they are, but, emo means emotional, isn't everyone emotional at some point?!
    I have been classed as emo before, which is stupid. I listen to rock music, I wear black, I wear black make up and nail varnish, it doesn't make me emo.
    What really bugs me is the fact people class all teenagers these days as either chavs or emo's. I'm neither. I'm more grunge, but, saying that, I don't like being labelled or labelling other people. I think anyone who ACTUALLY self harms aren't emo, they are depressed and should seek help.
    Emo is just a fashion trend at the moment. ANy true grungers or goth or indie's, will not want to be labelled as the whole point to being like that is to be DIFFERENT and to STAND OUT!!

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  584. At 03:43 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Marc Langworthy wrote:

    Why are teenagers so introspective in todays world? I think if I had sat around in my early teen years pondering the meaning of my life and the injustice of the world then I would be rather emotional and unbalanced. Instead I found other, healthy pursuits to occupy my time, but still managed to enjoy rock, punk, goth, thrash, speed metal, death metal and many more labels for the music I listen to that mags like !kerrang and NME like to dream up, just to classify a new band or 'scene'.
    Maybe its time to move past the cult of the celebrity, read some decent material (instead of glossy, poster infested music mags), stop sighing at the injustice of a world sliding in to insanity (try doing something about it instead) and enjoy life while it lasts, while still 'relating' to and finding 'comfort' in the lyrics and chords of YOUR favourite musicians.

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  585. At 09:02 AM on 25 Oct 2006, phil r wrote:

    I dont understand how this 'Emo' music is so popular? Its Emotional to the point of making any sane person want to cut their wrists, let alone the people who actually follow this 'movement'
    I hear bands like 'The Killers' who's first album was amazing, even bordering on the inspirational, but who have now seemed to jump on the 'lets depress the hell out of everyone...with a whining voice' bandwagon. And dont get me started on Razorlight.
    Thank god for bands like Kasabian, Oasis, and the Fratellis who deliver ballsy, up-beat anthemic songs, rather than 20- something - still - teen - angst - ridden drivvle.
    To be honest, if these (mostly american) bands /people are so damn depressed, go and talk to someone about it, dont whine about it to me and the rest of the public over the radio, which, for some part, I pay a licence fee.
    Thank you for the chance to vent my 'Emo'.

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  586. At 09:06 AM on 25 Oct 2006, tom wrote:

    'old' emo bands such as at the drive in, fireside and samiam are pretty good. the reason emo has been bashed so much is the closeminded fans of the music who (even though it is their opinion) believe so much in a genre of music, which is seemingly without substance or intellect. The other reason is emo has turned more into the fashion than the music, which people who pride themselves on their music taste despise and people who dont care about music find intimidating. and im sure everyone had friends out there that at the time of the emo invasion suddenly started changing and becoming a shallow, self pitying emo

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  587. At 09:31 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Louise wrote:

    Hi, I would just like to add a comment about the ignorance that is surrounding the situation. Specifically I would like to point towards a comment I read in the Sun newspaper, made by their showbiz columnist Victoria Newton (I loathe to use the word journalist to describe her). She commented that My Chemical Romance's music is aimed at 'disaffected and disillusioned teens' and encourages them to harm themselves. Myself and my partner are in our twenties, work for a publishing company and an architectural firm respectively, and feel we are fairly successful in life. However, we highly rate the new MCR song, 'Welcome to the Black Parade', and are also enjoying the new album. Now whether this is classed as emo or not, I don't know. Nevertheless, I do know that we are not disaffected or disillusioned, and nor are we teenagers! I have also heard Chris Moyles, Scott Mills and Jo Whiley singing the merits of 'Welcome to the Black Parade' on radio one, and I do not believe that in listening to the song, they have taken to harming themselves. I believe that this so-called journalism is at best ignorant, and at worse dangerous.

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  588. At 09:54 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Wolf wrote:

    I remember years ago when emo was a style of post hardcore and not something you called yourself. It was also not the utter shite it is now. Do people call themselves metalcore, noisecore, grindcore so on and so forth, i think not. Get over it and hijack something else.
    You know something is dead when the media and mainsteam get hold, thank god...

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  589. At 10:14 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Joe Alderman wrote:

    It winds me up when people call each other "emo", because it only refers to their favourite style of music, and nothing else. Largely, the connotations are unfounded.

    Take me, for example. I can be classed as a greebo, rocker, emo, punk, goth and sometimes a chav, merely because I listen to more than 1 genre of music.

    The modern emo listens to bands such as Fallout Boy, Hawethorn Heights and Bullet For My Vallentine, not because they encourage self harm, but because they have emotional lyrics.

    And I don't care what anyone else says: MCR rock, especially the new single...

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  590. At 10:46 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Paul wrote:

    I don't think the genre of the music matters. If the song sounds good then to me its fine. I might be missing the point here but surely it doesn't matter if you're 'emo' or not. A good song is a good song.

    I actually prefer house and trance music but I like the my chemical romance song simply because it sounds good to me. If you disagree fair enough but I just don't get all the fuss.

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  591. At 10:55 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Jay Fullard wrote:

    What a load of bull! Emo is a load of rubbish, its just the latest craze that will fade away.
    And while im on the subject of genre's, since when was hardcore rock music??? Hardcore has been around since the 90's... its dance music u idiots! u know happy hardcore, digital hardcore etc, and this new rave crap??? since when did rave have guitars drums n singing in? sorry but as a techno DJ and someone who has been into the rave scene for a long time i find this bloody stupid! hardcore and rave is dance music, always has been and always will be!

    I wud be classed as a skater at first look even though i dont skate, i cud be classed as hippy as i hav dreadlocks but im not, im me, myself, i hav no labels, i like all sorts of music from rock to dance and i dont listen to commercial crap! when i was younger i was labelled a "greebo" as it were which was the general stereotype for someone who liked any type of rock music. but i was more of a grunge kid who opened his mind to alot of types of music. I dont label myself as anything but an individual who doesnt follow a trend wears what i want listens to what i want and does what i want!

    So all these emo kids who say theyre emo cuz its different, PAH, ur as bad as chavs! u all wear the same clothes, look the same and listen to the same music, so how r u different when theres 1000's of people who look exactly the same as u?

    Also, cutting urself cuz its cool? There are actually people out there who self harm cuz theyre depressed and hav serious issues, not just cuz ur mate called u somethin nasty or ur girl friend dumped u, get a life!

    If u wana be different be urself, wear what the hell u like, listen to what ever music u want, hav watever haircut u want, do what u want and not give a dam wat anyone else says,oppose to copying the person sitting next to you!

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  592. At 11:01 AM on 25 Oct 2006, gemma wrote:

    i don't have a clue what and EMO is but i love MCR album so much i want to know, and i want to be one!!!!!!

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  593. At 11:02 AM on 25 Oct 2006, OD wrote:

    I have a real problem with this article. Those uber conservatives @ that rag are just after someone they're afraid of and don't understand. There is a big difference between being emo and self harm. The reason why people self harm is nothing to do with the bands they listen to and these bands are often a way of escaping the real reason behind their depression. If parents started paying attention to their kids and took an interest in them they could help them rather than blaming outside factors. They should take a long hard look at themselves before looking for someone else to blame.

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  594. At 11:11 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Jay wrote:

    I think the older ones of us, like the music for what it is, not the associated lifestyle stereotype. Being an individual isn't about conforming to the "Emo" or "Goth" sterotype, it's about being yourself through everything. Take a look at My Chemical Romance's song off their new album "Teenagers", explains it well i think.

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  595. At 11:13 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Miles wrote:

    Theres no point insulting emo kids they cry enough as it is without people having a go even more. its not their fault they have no musical taste!

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  596. At 11:22 AM on 25 Oct 2006, wrote:

    emo's make me LOL


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  597. At 11:27 AM on 25 Oct 2006, matt wrote:

    Im nether emo or chav, i dont find myself to be trendy i shop at highstreet shops so maybe im a townie? oh well. Anyway i dont mind emo's, aslong as they ARE emos, ive seen so many fakes who one year ago were walkin around in nike's, all that kinda stuff, a year on you say nike and they literally vomit, they are the insecure people who find it neccasery to follow the latest media frenzy. I feel sorry for true emos who before this big wave of pretentious **** came along were once considered ok, but as usual the kids with no identitiys have to come along and ruin it, whats next??

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  598. At 11:28 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Christina wrote:

    Why can't people stop being so stereotypical
    Grr it drives me madddd. >__
    People like...what they like! Not matter if its 'EMO' or what. Its their style and its what we like.
    No the songs dont make us depressed and wanna commit suicide, they mean a lot to many people out there. MCR are an amazing band, so what if their number one, They deserve it!

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  599. At 11:30 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Kayleia Russell wrote:

    This is quite possibly the biggest waste of Journalism known to man.

    I have been a fan of 'this type of music' for nearly 7 years now, starting with fugazi, minor threat, quiksand & gorilla biscuits. I find it so upsetting its been labelled as a stereotype for depressed kids, and people with fringes & poorly dyed black hair.

    Emo is FANTASTIC, gloryfilled, amazing hooks & heart felt lyrics. The best way to describe it is like a murky pond, all the scum floats around on the top & is noticed right away (bring me the horizion, MCR, Taking back sunday) and the great colourful stuff lies down at the moment, where no one can be bothered to reach it.

    Emo is not affecting kids of today, modern day society is.

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  600. At 11:34 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Jeni wrote:

    What you don't understand, emo is a term used to describe people who are emotional. Every song has emotion behind it.

    MCR are definatly not an emo band. They do not promote self harm and just because a kid listens to so called "emo" music doesnt mean that they self harm.

    The Daily Mail need to get correct facts on what the term means and what bands are "emo". They blow all things out of proportion and make parents worried about something that doesn't mean anything. The daily mail use anything they can for a story even when they have no facts at all

    for the past two weeks of MCR being number one they are always intorduced as the "emo" band from new jersey. this is the most stupid thing i have ever heard, if you call them "emo" then every singer or band should also be called emo as every song comes from emotion

    just because a few kids who happen to listen to this kind of music are depressed doesn't mean that the rest of us are.

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  601. At 11:45 AM on 25 Oct 2006, beth wrote:

    Emos are just like normal people and there is nothing wrong with them they just need more help in life than others

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  602. At 11:46 AM on 25 Oct 2006, jade wrote:

    i love the fact that we have to label everything in society, and that we have to belong to a group...
    many people like all kinds of music. generally it is pop music - the mainstream if you like - but just because you like pop, doesn't automatically make you a chav or Miss popular.
    I, for example, like music from

    Il Divo, opera

    Queen, rock

    Eva Cassidy, acoustic

    Genesis, pop

    Aretha Franklin, soul

    Oasis, indie

    My Chemical Romance, EMO? er no! POP!

    Del Paxton, jazz

    What does that make me??

    the list is endless...

    i don't understand the segregation of it all... maybe it's just me, but the idea of EMO being cool nowadays is laughable...Emo is just another word we've incorporated into our language, and its another way for kids to feel different in society...if you want to feel different, wear a different colour - or stop dying your hair black... you want to be different but you all look the same.....why do you have to be different in the first place?...
    stop the segregation and stop labelling each other!!

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  603. At 11:53 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Leave Emo alone! wrote:

    What the heck has Emo ever done to you?

    Leave it alone. It's bad enough that it lost its owner a few years ago, but now you debate whether its very existence is causing problems in today's world.

    Sheesh. Get a grip.

    Post edited at 11.57

    Oh. I may have got the wrong end of the stick. I thought you were talking about Emu.

    Is Emo his cousin or something?

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  604. At 12:00 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Adi wrote:

    Does it really matter if you like a song, you like a song, weather it's EMO, pop, metal, dance, hip hop or even bloody classical, you can't help what you like whatever the genre.
    Too mainy lables on things these day's.

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  605. At 12:04 PM on 25 Oct 2006, loudscenebean wrote:

    Firstly emo is not a name its short for emotional which is the genre of a song or music- NOT THE DEFINITION OF A PERSON. it should also not be linked in with all this 'scene' hype about 'crying' or slitting wrists/ self harm . that kind of thing is a serious disorder, found in a large majority of teenagers...of all sub-cultures. I was a audience member of the infamous My chemical Romance gig at reading, which i throughly enjoyed and thought Gerrard Way and the crew were so strong to play to his dedicated fans amoungst the small minded idiots who had nothing better to do than shout abuse and throw the nearest object towards the stage, often missing it completley.

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  606. At 12:08 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Jay wrote:

    Has anyone else noticed that MCR's new single "The Black Parade" sounds exactly like there last one "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)"? u can even sing the lyrics over the top? SERIOUSLY!!!

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  607. At 12:16 PM on 25 Oct 2006, steff wrote:

    when i was about 14 me and my mates were 'emo', but that pigeon-hole hadn't really been invented then so we were all just 'moshers'.

    the truth is, todays 'emo' scene, or whatever you would like to call it, seems WAY better than the one i used to dabble in. while i was crying and kicking stuff about in my room to finch (angry as) and saves the day (just purely awful) todays kids get stuff like my chemical romance and panic! at the disco. i don't really like panic! at the disco, but i think their lyrics and style have elements of intelligence and fun, rather than the stereotype of depressing lyrics and bad poetry.

    my chemical romance, however, i think are marvellous. there is obviously a lot of time and effort put into their music and videos and they really seem to care about their fans. rather than being depressing and all about death (as kasabian said) they appear to me to be about a unity and hope that surely is GOOD for kids to enjoy?

    basically, if you think about it, the world IS actually pretty rubbish. there is discrimination everywhere, we are fighting a horrid unfair war, we are reminded everyday of the threat of terrorism, capitalists own pretty much everything... i could go on. then add to the that the fact you are a teenager and have the additional worries of school, boys/girls/whatever, crazy hormones and impending adulthood.

    so if you are surrounded by this, of course you're going to be angry and upset. if you're not angry and upset, surely you are not thinking about it properly. the fact that these kids feel disaffected, i think, is near impossible to avoid, and the fact that they are finding creative outputs (whether it is to your taste or not) is, in my opinion, the best thing for them to do.

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  608. At 12:27 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Haroon wrote:

    i dont have a problem with emo's. there actualy fairly nice people. but they should frankly cheer up. maybe do something they enjoy and smile

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  609. At 12:52 PM on 25 Oct 2006, lewis wrote:

    MCR are taking advantage of this new grow in the trend of bieng 'emo' as are evanescence and it's competely ridiculous that these bands are doing this and still attempting to maitain the genre of metal! black parade has a guitar solo that sounds more like a chritmas carol than an emo song! mcr are making money whilst stepping on all their true fans...they are no better than greenday!

    The times are just a bunch of middle aged men/women who look down their noses at the 'youth!!'

    don't h8 emos! hate all the scene kids that boast about self harming and will turn back into chavs the second that emo is out of fashion! don't buy anything done by MCR! DONT ENCOURAGE THEM!!

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  610. At 12:54 PM on 25 Oct 2006, owen wrote:

    why do people have to dress and act differently in order to appreciate or think about different things in life?

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  611. At 01:01 PM on 25 Oct 2006, hems wrote:

    i think emos shud be left alone, just coz they r different they shudnt be bothered, iv got a lot of emo friends and eventhough im not 1 they accept me for who i am and, i in return respect them for what they are. they r ppl 2!!!!!!!!!

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  612. At 01:05 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Mairead wrote:

    Emo? Punk? Goth? Metal head?
    They're just stereotypes with no real meanings, music used to be somthing great, somthing making you feel emotions sad/happy... it didnt matter. The article in the daily mirror outraged me, basically it deemed that if your daughter/son dresses in black and listened to MCR, They're more or less thinking about suicide and automatically showing signs of self abuse/harm. Firstly this is not true, many readers from popular magazines such as Kerrang and NME pointed this out, The wole emo craze has been blown out of proportion and nothing what so ever to do with them getting to number 1, i think its said that they've been put in the firing line, as all they work for is to give people hope and at their shows they encourage people to get help 'IF' they need it. Gerard Way commented on this in the magazine kerrang. I think it was wrong of the daily mail and now most of the country, to persume that 'emos' are a threat to themselves because of an influence to the music they like, take hip hop for instance, its got a drug/gun culture surrounding it yet...when artists get to number 1 in the chart its just a great song, not a bad influence on your children who maybe be influenced to become 'pimps' and take part in street crime. Its scandolous to even think like that, so an alternative group, That deviate from the norm in our society are automatically singled out and blamed for disturbing our children and influencing black wardrobes and self harm, its ridiculous.

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  613. At 01:16 PM on 25 Oct 2006, le wrote:

    I've read quite a lot of the comments, and many people have interesting and perfectly acceptable comments, and quite a few I agree with. But just to clarify, what's a 'scene kid,'? Don't want to be classified as one, when I don't even know what one is!

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  614. At 01:35 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Jill wrote:

    I am just wondering why everyone seems dead-set on laying into these kids? Would you write an article about kids who listen to pop music and wear pink all the time? Or are there articles about the people who live their lives to the bass beat of drum and bass? No.

    What if these kids think they are Emo? What if they are? Who are we to slag them off just because we're not like them?

    Every person is different-dont we always get told that? We are all 'unique'. So why is it that this one group of kids are all being tarred with the same brush-oh you like My Chemical Romance-you must cut yourself and live in total darkness drawing pictures of dead people.
    If you like commerical dance music, are you automatically dressed in mini-skirts showing your rear, a boob tube and silver stilletos - NO!

    Apparently everyone has the freedom to do whatever they want - this article doesnt seem to think so.

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  615. At 01:59 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Martin wrote:

    Why can't it just be good music? why does it have to be slated just because people don't like the band or the culture!?

    I like rock, r&b, dance, indie. pretty much anything as long as it has a good tune!

    My Chemical Romance write some very good songs

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  616. At 02:10 PM on 25 Oct 2006, cate wrote:

    i actually like emo music but i dnt like some of the people who are emo because they all act all sad and anti social towards others..

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  617. At 02:34 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Sam Andrews wrote:

    Leave the music out of it. Its all rock music, its mostly all good music (in my opinion). If some of the fans want to dress 'emo' or whatever let them, but the term emo is an insult to bands like MCR. Good rock music shouldn't get dragged down by the emo label.

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  618. At 02:44 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Rachel wrote:

    I'm not an emo myself, but I love the music associated with being an emo. Ive just bought the My Chemical Romance Album and Its wicked, there are loads of emo's on my course at Uni in Leeds and theyre also wicked!! Anything goes so let em get on wif it! x

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  619. At 02:48 PM on 25 Oct 2006, robyn taylor wrote:

    i think it is up to the person if they want dress in the way that they do its not up to one person to tell everyone to dress in one fassinonstyle. i thought people were individuals? not sheep!!!!

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  620. At 02:56 PM on 25 Oct 2006, wrote:


    "emo" is just a word that chav's throw about to insult people who are into diffrent music than what they are in!
    People who are diffrent and don't wear what chav's wear are considerd in chavs eyes "emo's".
    It's because chav's need to feel hard and put down other people and there style down to make them feel good.

    I'm not an "emo" myself but i get considerd one at school because i don't listen to the music that the chav's listen too.

    Matt xx

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  621. At 02:57 PM on 25 Oct 2006, morad wrote:

    i am Emo thru and thru...but i have never harmned myself..except ding stupid stuff like playing football..yeah playing football..we dont only hang round playgrounds llooking bored..we can have fun...ok we do also hang around doing nothing but my point is..let people be themselves

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  622. At 03:14 PM on 25 Oct 2006, kirsty wrote:

    i on the emo side. i love my chemical romance, fall out boy etc and i think their music is much better than stuff like dance, rap (chav music!!) im an emo and i proud of it!! its better than being a thug or criminal

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  623. At 03:36 PM on 25 Oct 2006, helen wrote:

    This is so stupid!
    Why do we feel the need to have a war against emos? What have they ever done to anybody?
    I have friends who could be considered "emo" who have been shouted and sworn at in the street just because of the clothes they wear.
    As for the daily mail's article, well that was clearly written by someone who knows absolutely nothing about so called "emo culture" - i believe they referred to Russel Brand as emo and Nigella Lawson as "goth". WTF?!
    Who gives a damn what other people decide to wear or what music they listen to? People should leave emos alone and stop being so narrow minded.

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  624. At 03:42 PM on 25 Oct 2006, emma wrote:

    emo= crappo

    i hate the hair, the make up, the myspace poses and the fact they all look exactly the same but claim they are so "different"

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  625. At 03:47 PM on 25 Oct 2006, rowena wrote:


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  626. At 03:50 PM on 25 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I totally side with the 'emo' kids. I'm not an emo myself, but I have friends who are, and they laugh at the stereotypes portrayed in the media.
    Emo is just another teen group like goth, indie or chav. The author of the Daily Mail article obviously doesn't know what they're on about. Many of the items about emos on the web, (such as the cartoon about razor blades) are created by emos and are poking fun at the stereotypes.

    Not all emos cut themselves, just as not everyone who cuts themselves are emos. The lyrics in the songs may be a little dark sometimes, but they are not all about suicide and self harm.I admit that if someone is self harming then they need to be helped, but clumping emos and self harmers together is not the right way to go about it.

    Before you start turning against emos because of self harm, why don't you look at similar connections between other music and other dangerous activities e.g. (and I know this is a stereotype), black rap and gun wars in the USA.

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  627. At 04:02 PM on 25 Oct 2006, georgina wrote:

    emo's are emotional people and would come under emotional maniacs! the 'emos' i know are brilliant so not everyone is bad but for those who are a true emo, get a grip!

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  628. At 04:16 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Morgan wrote:

    I鈥檓 fed up of every one having to fit under a label, be it chav, EMO, goth etc, it's typical of today鈥檚 society where every one has to categorised. A few years every one was a mosher, it seems to me as if its a passing trend and in two or three years there'll be yet another label for us to stick on people.
    What I鈥檝e heard is that EMO's try and move away from the mainstream and categorisation, but it seems to me as if they鈥檙e the ones who are mainstream and the group categorising every one else.....how鈥檚 about we call them hypocrites rather than EMO?

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  629. At 04:20 PM on 25 Oct 2006, JB wrote:

    Live and let live? Its not a question of how someone looks but how they act...

    I disagree with the Mail's article. Poorly researched and designed to create reactions.

    It's not just Emo's that self-harm; shouldnt we be worried why today's youth are self-harming rather than what they look lor dress like?


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  630. At 04:22 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Martin wrote:

    I Wish my grass was Emo so it would cut itself:D:D:D

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  631. At 04:28 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Martin wrote:

    hmmm allways posing on myspace, dressing up like wirdos and then complain about being singled oot hmm part and parcel if that is what ur in2 im afraid they claim 2 b an individual aye u and millions more alike

    down with emo

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  632. At 05:09 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Dan wrote:

    As has been said here many times, most of the 'emo' kids dont actually know what emo is. They want to be different... but then when they are treated different... they moan! Grow up there is more important things in life. On the flip side of that the Daily Mail needs to realise self-harmers come from all backgrounds, and need medical attention NOT media attention. Also if this is all the Daily Mail, or any other paper can find to fill their pages then its sick. There is world poverty, starvation and death going on "but to forget that lets waste our time writting a pointless artical".
    I am not an 'emo' person, nor a self harmer, and actually think both are cries for attention, but that is me, and what I think, I dont then judge everyone and shout me mouth off about it, just keep it to myself.

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  633. At 05:42 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Cara wrote:

    MCR is the most oppossite band to be called POP! All emos DO NOT self-harm them selves and it is stupid for other people to give self harming as an explanation of emo. Self harming is being done by loads of other so called "labels" for instance chavs do it!(a lot). I Love MCR and I like bands such as PANIC!AT THE DISCO,LOSTPROPHETS and FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND, but I have never thought of cutting,sliting,killing or self harming myself whilst listening to these bands.I hate that papers are saying stupid things about MCR but most of it isn't true. Gerard Way(lead singer of MCR) tells their fans to not care what other people think or say about you and be whoever you want to be and tells us to always have hope and never give up. People should be more worried about chavs and their "vandelising". MCR is METAL not POP if you think they're POP then what is METAL?
    And If people like (mazzie magwai) think MCR got bottled and booed for being rubbish then why are they so famous?and how do you know about them if they're so rubbish?
    MCR deserve they're fame much more than some other singers/bands do today, Because they can actually sing they're talented and sound fantastic together and actually care about they're fans, by saying thanks and giving them all a special message(inside their cd's). I wish people would stop criticising MCR in the papers and sending false and stupid stories around about them. They are humans like us and need to be treated with respect. They are not to be blamed for the kids that CHOOSE to self harm themselves for any reason.
    The kids choose them selves about whether or not to self harm them selves it is nothing to do whatsoever to do with the bands or their music.
    Some people that have commented have said that they should grow up, how can they tell people how to dress or what music to listen to? It's not anyone else's choice what someone else wants to be. NO ONE can tell you what you can and cannot wear or what you can and cannot listen to or what you can and cannot like!! It's their choice! So if you have a problem with it TOUGH because it's not your choice! AT ALL! If you don't like to listen to MCR then just don't listen to them! If you don't like what emos wear then just don't buy clothes like that! It's as simple as that! STOP MOANING BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOUR CHOICE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE WANT TO BE!
    If you don't like emos then just ignore them,because it's got nothing to do with you.
    People that complain,moan and criticise emos are either got nothing better to do,chavs or just want to moan about anything! It's not anyone's choice what other people like,dress like or listen to,get that in your heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    People like 50 cent are always seen with guns in their photos!Why aren't people complainig as much about this?
    Chavs usually think it's "cool" not to do well in school and think it's "cool" to get suspended and get into trouble and start fights that's why fish and chip shops are still open today! Whilst emos work hard,listen and are usually quiet in classes.
    Stop criticising MCR and all the other so called "emo" bands. It's their choice how they want to sing,dress or play like! And MCR is now the most popular band there is!

    By the way people that are moaning,complainig and criticising MCR and emos have just been told to grow up by a 12 year old girl,telling older/younger people to grow up! There is no need to moan and critisice emos.or MCR. Emos aren't the only ones that selfharm themselves and most emos don't!! LEAVE THEM (OR IF YOU WANT TO CALL ME ONE,EITHER WAY I DON'T CARE) ALONE! Just because they're quite new doesn't mean they're bad!So leave MCR alone they have only good influences on their fans and giving them hope.

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  634. At 06:14 PM on 25 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Ive been classed as an emo myself more than once! I wouldent even call myself one, though. I think its just the music i sometimes listen to , and sometimes the things i like to wear..
    However, i think this whole 'Slitting your wrists thing' Is a little weird! i know people who are emos, and they dont do that! people who would do it just to fit the fashion are seriously Loco...
    However, there are some extremists, who do stuff like cry all day, and slit their wrists, and to be honest i think they need help!
    I think its very wrong to sterotype these people, because, like i said, i know a few, and their really nice people =]
    Like ive seen in a few posts before, Its the Chavs you should be worried about!! Do you know what it stands for? 'Council House Adolescent Vermin'!! And your worrying about emos! honestly, i think you should be worried about the people who go around bullying and happy slapping people, then stealing all their stuff.. Scum! hehe...
    As a last comment, ive seen a few joke emo stuff on youtube, and i found it quite scary how many vulgar posts have been posted to that! people are so serious about it, i think they should just not watch that if theyre gonna go and abuse a little joke..

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  635. At 06:19 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Brew wrote:

    I'm quite eclectic, I've got a big selection of 'emo' music.

    I have a problem with emo's because like chav's they insist on hanging around in groups on corners, dressing exactly the same as each other, and cutting their hair the same.... don't even get me started on scene kids.

    People can appreciate music without conforming to stereotypes

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  636. At 11:15 AM on 26 Oct 2006, stephanie wrote:

    I find emo so funny, i'm going to a halloween fancy dress party on saturday dressed as on :P

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  637. At 12:14 PM on 26 Oct 2006, Dan wrote:

    well, i dont think there is anything wrong with being emo, even though i hate the fashion and the music. they are kids growing up, let them carry on, i doubt they are harming themselves.

    the whole MCR thing: most rock sub genres start as more of an undeground thing, then as they get more popular, more appealing watered down bands like MCR come along that appeal to more audiences, and influence more emos! so i think most people (who are not emo) would consider MCR as emo

    what i dont like is the 'scenesters' or whatever they are called. all these tight jeans, leg stockings, small cut tops, and these random hair styles, the dresses with the trainers, the shoes, the things they wear around their necks, the waiste coats... ill stop now. i think its like emo + indie or something, ohwell, its horrible.

    make love, not war.

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  638. At 12:58 PM on 26 Oct 2006, Vivian Drougal wrote:

    Once again, it's just another group of people, wanting to copy each other and all look the same, with no view of being different. I find this so boring - why does everyone want to look the same?

    Apart from that, 'Emo's' or whatever they would prefer to be called (because you are all one big cult, so yes there will always be a name for big groups of people who all have something in common - including 'Sloanies') are so unapproachable it's unbelievable, if I wanted to approach them I would be looked at in disgust of how dare I do such a thing!

    And, if they want to cut themselves, and be proud of their cuts - let them - it will be their own fault if something goes wrong, and it will be their own problem when in 20 years time, their children say 'Mummy, whats that scar from?' or 'Mummy, why do you have so many scars?' - and then they will look back and think - I was such a fool....how embarassing.


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  639. At 01:49 PM on 26 Oct 2006, James wrote:

    I remember when my sister got into emo and i really hated what came with it. I thought the music although quite good in places carried very poor messages. I remember one song which screamed out 'Die young and save yourself'. Although to most of us this is purely harmless, some people it does affect in a negative manner. i feel that some people whilst they are low seek a release in some way or another. like self harming some people listen to this kind of music. For someone who is low and vulnerable this kind of music can become negative reinforcement where as it is simply a release for others. Same as angry hip hop like Eminem is a release for some but drives others to aggressive or self destructive behaviour.

    Theres no way you can stop this from happening, it's not necessarily a bad thing either as for most it is just part of growing up. I think after a while you see how ridiculous some of the lyrics are and just kind of grow out of it. For some people though they remain emotionally damaged but this is not a product of the music. The fact that they listen to the music is in fact a product of their own state of mind. so i personally think there is nothing wrong with this kind of music. The real problem is people and the even bigger problem is the things that happen to these people to make them fragile. That's never going to stop though but in the mean time at least there are mediums in which people can have their release such as emo music. Just make an educated decision people!! and don't listen to something just because it is emo, a good song no matter what genre it is is still a good song!

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  640. At 02:10 PM on 26 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Emo doesn't stand for emotional, it stands for emotional hardcore a type of music which was born from hardcore bands such as Minor Threat which made the music with more harmonies and softer vocals. Yes, many types of music is emotional, but Emo got the name first, sorry.
    You can't believe how annoying it is to read in newspapers and magazines about how emo is evil, kids cut their wrists becuase of MCR blah blah blah. The uk has seriously seem to got this genre all wrong and they just don't seem to have a clue. For example, emo isn't new, it's been around for as long as I've been here. The first emo cd I ever got was 'Bleed American' by Jimmy Eat World and that was 2001! I've had an on/off fringe since then, i've worn tight jeans in those 5 years, thick framed glasses, tight jumpers, messenger bags, the lot! The emo kids these days aren't emo, they're just angry goths hoping that listening to MCR will piss off their parents. The media has got it all mixed up about this and just because My Chemical Romance have songs like 'Dead' and 'Cancer' it doesn't make them bad, doesn't make them sinners, and doesn't promote violence and most certainly, doesn't make emo a genre of music which parents should be warned about because as far as I remember, me being emo meant i was a wimp, a pussy etc so how do you explain that?
    MCR are the ones who have suceeded the most in the mainstream, that's why this topic has gone like it has because they are a dark band. There's no doubt about but look at all other bands in this genre and they're not like this at all. Take Angels and Airwaves for example, a band which are about looking forward to the future, hope, love and enjoying life.
    The media should have really investigated this a bit more deeper (to be honest, I don't think the media have even looked into it) and checked out bands like -
    Angels and Airwaves
    Taking Back Sunday
    Death Cab For Cutie
    Nightmare of You
    who make far better music and are very respectable artists on the other side of the Atlantic.
    I will be back with more to say in the near future, thankyou once again for reading.


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  641. At 03:21 PM on 26 Oct 2006, jon c wrote:

    i wear black and listen to slipknot
    and im not an emo
    do not be so stereotypical
    mcr are not emos!!!

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  642. At 06:48 PM on 26 Oct 2006, Brett wrote:

    Ban Emo

    thats all that needs to be said, the majority of kids that claim they are "emo" arnt, there just seeing how popular this style has become and are following it, and Big record labels are seeing this happening and are encouraging bands on their record labels to go emo, so they can cash in on it.
    i mean look at papa roach, and lost prophets two fairly decent bands when they started out, now they have slowly shifted towards the dark side, ie emo.
    its like a plauge, its everywere!
    i for one am sick of going to gigs and clubs and seeing clones evrywhere.
    come on whats with the makeup, the tight trousers, the stupid "emo" hair (you know what i mean, with the fringe) its horrendous, seeing this children getting their mind warped like this.
    and as for bands like My Chemical Romance, fall out boy etc claiming that they are metal, take a look at yourselfs, you arnt metal, you never will be metal, look at bands like Pantera, Slayer, Down, Lamb of God.
    now they are true metal bands, and will stay metal bands no matter what!
    sought this Emo plauge out, before it goes too far.

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  643. At 09:13 PM on 26 Oct 2006, wrote:

    ok, first off, to the stupid people who posted before me, MCR are NOT A POP BAND, and they have NEVER claimed to be emo. i should know, im a huge fan of their music and of 'emo' music. and because of this, im picked on at school. im not a scene kid, i can make up my own mind and i dont need the media to influence me; i found the daily mail article untrue and hurtful- to accuse a band like MCR of promoting self harm, and to push off depressed teenagers as attention seeking makes me sick. sarah sands has really got her facts wrong, the woman should be put in chains and let the emos throw stereotypical insults at her. misinformed idiot could be one of them. the emo song is just a complete and utter micky take. she used no evidence, and green day have never been asociated with emo. sarah sands, you should be more worried about teenagers who carry gun and are out on the streets mugging people.

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  644. At 01:26 AM on 27 Oct 2006, John wrote:

    I listened to Siouxie & the Banshees, danced to the Cure, had blue-black hair & lived to talk about it. Teenagers will be teenagers, parents will be parents, and generic newspapers will always get it wrong. But my god that Emo Rangers video was funny!

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  645. At 09:51 AM on 27 Oct 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    come on people music is music, lets love it all?

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  646. At 10:54 AM on 27 Oct 2006, alan wrote:

    Omylife, SAY NO TO EMO! Emo wasnt even a style til some kids decided it shld b by dyin their hair stupid colours and cutting them selfs......emos are gay and all should be sacrificed to the grebo king !

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  647. At 12:02 PM on 27 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I don't have a problem with 'Emo's', a hell of a lot of my friends are Emo. Including myself, well I went through a phase, now I wear what I want if I'm honest, kind of vintage with tight jeans and dollie shoes etc. But to me Emo music is veryyy good. [: I don't think we should be worried in the slightest. :) xxo

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  648. At 12:19 PM on 27 Oct 2006, littleemolad wrote:

    love it

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  649. At 09:14 PM on 28 Oct 2006, kelly wrote:

    i dont understand y evryone h8s emos so much.....i no loads of emos nd not 1 of them cuts themselves or self harms in anyway ??? my best m8s an emo and she gets loads of rubbish from ppl at skl who hav a problem with everythin about her and loads of otha emos hav the same problems 2 i dont no y everyone is so against them.

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  650. At 10:42 PM on 28 Oct 2006, bex wrote:

    i dnt get y ppl h8 emos so much its stupid i no emos and they all rock yet all the chavs i no seem 2 be mean and call ppl emos 4 the sake of it. my best m8s an emo and gets rubbish for it all the tym

    i dont look anything lyk your typical emo yet the other day i was bein called an emo 4 the music i listened to

    and to all those ppl hu say mcr r rubbish.... well they cant b that bad can they, they got 2 numba 1 !!!

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  651. At 10:52 AM on 29 Oct 2006, Jimbo wrote:

    I don't like these emo artists like Westlife, Shayne Ward, and MCR.

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  652. At 04:20 PM on 29 Oct 2006, alex wrote:

    I hate labels, everyone needs to get over themselves. If you like a tune, then lke it. If you like a hair style, get it. You like some clothes, buy them. And if you think someone's funny, but you know you wont get on with them purly because they're wearing a pair of classics or because they paint their nails black, sort your life out, grow up and start having a laugh with them. Like your own stuff, thats fair enough, but dont hate others who like something different.

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  653. At 04:22 PM on 29 Oct 2006, alex wrote:

    I hate labels, everyone needs to get over themselves. If you like a tune, then lke it. If you like a hair style, get it. You like some clothes, buy them. And if you think someone's funny, but you know you wont get on with them purly because they're wearing a pair of classics or because they paint their nails black, sort your life out, grow up and start having a laugh with them. Like your own stuff, thats fair enough, but dont hate others who like something different.

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  654. At 09:57 PM on 29 Oct 2006, Christina wrote:

    This whole 'emo' thing seems really over rated to me.. i mean loads of people i no are 'emo' altho they say they dont want to be lebbelled it seems today that if people are not 'emo' then they are 'chavs' well who really cares what they are?.. this whole 'emo' debate has started because of an article in the Daily Mail.. who really cares what they say? does any one even read that rubbish?.. Has it ever occured to people that these others that call themselves 'emos' just want some attention?.. hence why they cut them selves and say how they want to die.. they just want to be noticed to me its just another type of music and another tympe of clotheing that you can buy i heard once of someone being called an 'emo' just because they had converse?.. is this right?.. personally i have nothing against 'emos' 'chavs' 'indies' or whatever.. be hueva and what eva you want to be!!.. im fed up with it all!!!

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  655. At 09:44 AM on 30 Oct 2006, rebecca && chloe wrote:


    *composes ones self*

    green day.... emo?? haha no thanks, they are clearly punk-pop

    how would you describe normal?

    cant can you?

    teenagers conform its what they do, thy want to belong and they do what they can to belong.

    if being emo is cool they will conform to the emo trend

    chloe says hello


    rebecca & chloe xxx

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  656. At 04:24 PM on 31 Oct 2006, wrote:

    omg!!!! emo's get such a hard time becasue they "cut" maybe it's because people are always telling us , oh your emo, you cut? wtf!! by the way, mcr does NOT!!!!! and i enphasize NOT!!! encourage us to cut ourselves!! if anything they're just telling us what's relaly going on!!! they are like therapy, well at least to me, why are you guys hating on them?!!! hello they're number 12 on ur charts!!!! grr! well anyways, yes i am emo, but i don't like to be labeled, so wutever!!

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  657. At 05:29 PM on 01 Nov 2006, Rosie wrote:

    I don't believe in emos, goths, chavs, punks or any of these labels and anybody who uses them is simply a seen kid i'm neither for emo or against it i just think that you can be what you want without hsving a label.

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  658. At 07:35 PM on 03 Nov 2006, wrote:

    The reason there is backlash is quite simple. The genre got overwashed with bandwagon bands all wanting to be the next big EMO thing... and then the sudden adoption of SCREAMO, where you have this annoying death metal guy yelling over the top of what are usually beautiful melodic melodies... well, that in its self is merit for the loss of creditability, screaming isn鈥檛 a talent.

    There was a time when EMO was a good thing鈥 when it was derived from raw emotion, the few that could tap into their soul and share it. There were a lot of transitions from clean-tone to distortion on the guitars, you could feel the emotion. Bands such as Sunny Day Real Estate, Mineral, Seam, etc鈥 paved a beautiful path. But EMO got popular, and of course the labels ruined it by flooding the market with crap-ass bands, signing anyone who fit the image, good or bad鈥 that is why if you want good EMO you still need to look to smaller labels, and at times resort to your old vinyl collection.

    Look, one thing it comes down to is that people are not as naive as one might think. People can tell what is contrived or fake, and it isn鈥檛 real, or it doesn鈥檛 feel real, well then you鈥檙e more than likely going to get called out. People are dogging EMO because they call it as they see it, a genre over washed with talentless people trying to make a dollar off the latest trends.

    Stay real and don鈥檛 change with the tides, just enjoy music for what it is and don鈥檛 think about鈥 You can lock me in a room with old albums from bands like 鈥淭he Smiths鈥, 鈥淭he Cure鈥 and 鈥淭he Pixies鈥, and I鈥檓 fine. It鈥檚 also subjective鈥 there are times when I would consider someone like 鈥淣ick Drake鈥 to be emo鈥 so it is very subjective.

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  659. At 04:00 PM on 05 Nov 2006, Charley Moyce wrote:

    Hey there.
    Im doing persuasive language to argue at school at the moment and after reading the "emo fights back!" article in Kerrang I descided to pick emo steriotyping as my theme. I totally agree with Gerard Way and what he says about the emo way. I am not an emo but i listen to mostly all emo music and mcr are my favourite band and I am going to their March gig in brighton. I do not cut myself and neither do any of my emo friends. Mcr's lyrics hav helped many people and have stopped them doing stupid things such as cut themselves, let alone promotted it. "The emo song" is, I addmit, funny but not true, it is all based on steriotyping. Most of my friends steriotype chavs and are totally against any one who happens to be wearing nike trainers or a pair of trackies. But if you actually sit down and talk to them the main reason they are the way they are is because of their family life and how they have been treated in the past. And I also know plenty of chavs and townies who have selfharmed which proves that it isn't just emos. Any way I think Sarah Sands should have maybe done some real research before she picked up her pen and offended the hundreds and thousands of emos who have never even thought about picking up a razor blade. Everybody is their own person and it is up to the indervidual wether they self harm, not a group of people who listen to the same bands and style their hair the same way.

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  660. At 04:14 PM on 05 Nov 2006, Charley Moyce wrote:

    P.S Anyway, who's business is it what emos, or anyone else for that matter, do?....NOBODY'S! So just leave people to do what they want to do and be who they want to be. Is that not a fair comment? I think it is.

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  661. At 09:35 PM on 05 Nov 2006, lukey boi wrote:

    this crap i hate all this poo it makes me made like when a fat dosnt have cake arrrr

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  662. At 04:19 PM on 07 Nov 2006, Emma wrote:

    I love M.C.R's song. It's wicked!
    My mate's an Emo and he is cool and funny Emos Rock!

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  663. At 01:29 AM on 10 Nov 2006, the only real emo here wrote:

    the british! Aye, aye, aye!

    Emos are not bad like that.

    Why we rock:

    we don't do drugs (we cry instead)
    we don't hit (we hug)
    we are polite
    we are what we are

    here is what is wrong with adults:

    they are pushy
    assume things
    wear boring clothes

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  664. At 08:00 PM on 13 Nov 2006, mohawk katie wrote:

    i think its stupid how mtv is telling these kids that spreading crap emo music is cool. recently my teaher (from the 80s) asked what they call punk nowdays. some stupid kid replied "emo" then some emo chick said emo is emotional "punk rock" wtf. these stupid emos are poseurs. if you think about it, they werent emo until mtv started promoting it. these stupid kids at my school think im emo, but i have a back patch that clearly states "emo sucks" and they cant get it through their heads. anyone whos not a prep thinks the emos think is an emo. so ill get to the point now, mtv should be banned. especially headbangers ball cuz its turning into an emo fest. since when had from first to last been metal. there are no real metal bands on there. the reason emo is so well spread is because eveyone gets their crap music off mtv.

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  665. At 08:02 PM on 13 Nov 2006, mohawk katie wrote:

    i think its stupid how mtv is telling these kids that spreading crap emo music is cool. recently my teaher (from the 80s) asked what they call punk nowdays. some stupid kid replied "emo" then some emo chick said emo is emotional "punk rock" wtf. these stupid emos are poseurs. if you think about it, they werent emo until mtv started promoting it. these stupid kids at my school think im emo, but i have a back patch that clearly states "emo sucks" and they cant get it through their heads. anyone whos not a prep thinks the emos think is an emo. so ill get to the point now, mtv should be banned. especially headbangers ball cuz its turning into an emo fest. since when had from first to last been metal. there are no real metal bands on there. the reason emo is so well spread is because eveyone gets their crap music off mtv.

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  666. At 01:19 PM on 14 Nov 2006, kay wrote:

    hey. im into all dis emo musik and stuff and i fink itz not on @ all dat ppl r trnin against us! so wot we like different musik GET OVA IT. btw ppl hu fink emos cut demselves r wrong. wer called emo's as we listen to emotional musik dat meens sumfink not musik abwt whores and girls. ppl hu cut demselves r called self harmers and itz a way of releevin stress and anger like ppl hu drink or ppl hu fight.i fought dat goths wud of new betta dan to turn agaisnt us az dey get all stik off chavs aswel as us. my opion is that goths hav turned jus as bad as chavz! we emo's shud stik 2geva

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  667. At 05:33 PM on 14 Nov 2006, Sophi <3 wrote:

    I hate the fact that people have come up with the statement that 'All Emo's Cut Themselves' when in fact they don't. I'm friends who are 'Emo' and have been labelled Emo plenty of times by the clothes i wear and the music i listen to, I feel complimented really.
    Most 'Emo's' are happy bright people who get put down because other people different to them feel it is there duty to call everyone who wears skinny jeans and skinny t-shirt an Emo.
    And now the Daily Mail has contributed to the hatred and put downs to these people.
    The author of the article did not get any information from anyone outside in the population of Britain, but probably used what she thought was good research when in fact was quite out of touch research.
    My Chemical Romance Are Not Even Pop. =] Or Emo.
    Just Plain Screaming Rock.
    And thats why we love them.
    Go Emo's.
    They're Awesome. =] x

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  668. At 09:22 PM on 14 Nov 2006, kirsty wrote:

    My Chemical Romance are an amazing band. and you don't have to be 'emo' too like them. i love this band , and have done for the past 3 years. Also dashboard Confessional are amongst one of my fave bands. just cuz the lyrics actually mean something.
    i get classed as emo alot.
    and it doesn't bother me.
    but it does others.

    my question is , Does the Daily Mail really have nothing more interesting than 'emo' to report about?

    they have made it a whole lot worse for those 'emo' kids.
    cuz now they're being singled out.

    yeah rant over.

    lets move on :]

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  669. At 01:32 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Kathryn wrote:

    Emo music is great, i had a fite wid dis grl n she strtd on mi coz i was a jitter, i hate all these plastic CHAVs they are so gay WOO!!! MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE RULE - but Evanescence does better lol

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  670. At 10:40 AM on 16 Nov 2006, Jess wrote:

    Right can i ask you one question, What the Fuck is with the labels these days, theres emo, goth, scene, chav wtf, erm yeah, why cant people wear what they want and not be called or in some situation get hit because of the way they dress, as for my chemical romance, i love them but that dosent mean im a fucking emo does it, i like alot of emo bands but that dosent mean im an emo, as far as im concerned labels should be on food not people, i mean people get 'jumped on' because of the way they dress, people like different things why cant people just all be happy, people like to be different, no one can be the same, were all different, and yeah, As for people that call them selves emo should be fucking shot =] they take the piss, theres no labels, were justs people that like different things.

    Jess =]

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  671. At 12:12 PM on 16 Nov 2006, Lost-Soul wrote:

    hahahahaha jeez, you lot have got it all wrong....and the daily mail nobheads arnt any better!!!!!!!! Emo=Emotional and greenday have nothin to do with bloody emo's! emos choose to self harm....they are not forced to do it! My chemical romance does not promote self harm, they are an amzin band and everything said about emos is stupid, childish and just plain ucking wrong!!!!

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  672. At 11:57 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Rob wrote:

    Skinny jeans ain't just for young kids. Some of you may say I'm too old to wear them (40) but I'm in decent shape and just love wearing skinny jeans. It's probably going back to my youth but it's a fun fashion and quite simply I feel good about it.

    Have some freedom from labels and don't worry about opinions of people who you don't know.


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  673. At 09:22 PM on 21 Nov 2006, Sarah wrote:

    Im not on anyones 'side' i just think it all really pathetic. Emo for me is a type of music which i really like. Im not 'emo' but i like the style of music and some of the fashion. What i find really silly is that everyone thinks that if your 'emo' then you must self harm. I know and am friends with loads of people that call themselves 'emo' and NONE of them self harm! Its just another stereotype like 'chav' or 'grunger'. Also My Chemical Romance arent 'emo' they hav always been against being called that. They arent pop either and to be honest dow it even matter what genre they fall into? In my personal opinion they are a really good band and if people dont like them then thats their choice. The whole 'emo war' is really stupid, everyone should just get on with their lives, like what they like and if they dont agree with someone then they should deal with it.

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  674. At 01:46 PM on 24 Nov 2006, Rawr wrote:

    MCR are Pop-punk not emo, same with fall out boy, thats not emo

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  675. At 12:07 PM on 25 Nov 2006, Anu wrote:

    MCR is an emo band i don't think you haven't heard their song they are not "pop" phyco i don't think you no wots the difference between popo and emo

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  676. At 02:13 PM on 28 Nov 2006, Kat wrote:

    EMOs rox no doubt lmao CHAVS SUX

    kat and vikki

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  677. At 03:29 PM on 28 Nov 2006, CrAzY-EmO-LoVeR wrote:

    EMOS RULE 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
    By CrAzY-EmO-LoVeR

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  678. At 05:30 PM on 28 Nov 2006, EMOS RULE!!! wrote:

    EMOS RULE!!!! im emo nd mcr rock so do slipnot panic at the disco nd fall out boy !!! so get ova i dnt no y u r complainin bout emos at least they dnt hang around the streets causing trouble nd annoying ppl like CHAVS!!! horrible creatures that should nt have been invented! i do self harm but thats wat i chose to do to get rid of my pain but emos get alot of ppl saying that all emos cut them self well dat isent true !!! EMOS STICK 2 GETHER WE WILL WIN!!!

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  679. At 08:43 AM on 11 Dec 2006, stacey wrote:

    emo`s r kwl i find some emo lads attractive. i go liverpool pier every saturday to mingel with my goth and emo friends the emo faion is very tendy eg.: skinny jeans, flat but, cool hair, and a very nice smile with piercings!!

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  680. At 08:39 PM on 13 Dec 2006, wrote:

    i think that it has definately brort us closer together as most lunch times , were we normally wood have been at different ends of the school we stand together while the (for lack of a better word) chavs thro bottles at us!! they call us emos and once throo a bottle of spit and rain water at us!!! cimon surly we dont deserve this!!! in my opinion the emo bands are like p!atd and fob and mcr altho looking at hte other comments i wood hav to fite for that point. i think its peepl like the ones at my skool that corse so much diversatity between the 'emos' and the chavs. if they call us emos and tell us to go and slit our rists then i say f em all!bcoz we dont all do that. i feel strongly about this as it interups most of my free time at skool, dealing with these bottle throwers!
    dont think im a moaner btw
    luv ya anixx

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  681. At 09:01 PM on 13 Dec 2006, wrote:

    i think that it has definately brort us closer together as most lunch times , were we normally wood have been at different ends of the school we stand together while the (for lack of a better word) chavs thro bottles at us!! they call us emos and once throo a bottle of spit and rain water at us!!! cimon surly we dont deserve this!!! in my opinion the emo bands are like p!atd and fob and mcr altho looking at hte other comments i wood hav to fite for that point. i think its peepl like the ones at my skool that corse so much diversatity between the 'emos' and the chavs. if they call us emos and tell us to go and slit our rists then i say f em all!bcoz we dont all do that. i feel strongly about this as it interups most of my free time at skool, dealing with these bottle throwers!
    dont think im a moaner btw
    luv ya anixx

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  682. At 10:39 PM on 13 Dec 2006, wrote:

    I hate emos. why do they have to wear their sisters make up and sisters cloths and pretend to be really really depressed all the time. i think they are just goths who cant afford the make up really. what is their problem. some people really do have mental issues and are genuinally depressed an there is nothing that they can do about it but emos are just pretending and thats fine but they make every one else around them so unhappy as well!!!!! cheers for the rant

    P.S What the hell is love metal??? i saw that in a magazine the other day for H.I.M and oh my god!!!!! metal is angry music, loud and hard to play stuff not love metal thats just a guy who wants to look hard and stuff and still wants to apeal to the 10 year old girl scene

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  683. At 04:37 AM on 14 Dec 2006, Kevin wrote:

    The backlash just shows that this kind of music is here to stay. Every genre that is derrided or mocked manages to stick around. Hip hop, metal and punk have all been dismissed as fads in the past. I just hate how the uptight right wing idiots are acting so concerend when really all they want is a world where everyone looks the same, acts the same and girls and boys dont look like each other.

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  684. At 11:48 AM on 15 Dec 2006, laura green wrote:

    i'm an emo and evevryone in skool thunks i self harm i don't but they think they know everything i'd wish someone would tell them
    would you like to tell them well visit st peters high school in stoke-trent in penkhull

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  685. At 03:32 PM on 19 Dec 2006, Thomas. wrote:

    The term "Emo" is grossly misused by the media. For those who don't know, it is short for 'emotional hardcore', a style of music originating from the east coast of the USA in the early/mid 90's. Bands like Sunny Day Real Estate, Texas Is The Reason, Dashboard, Further Seems Forever, Bright Eyes, Copeland, Cursive etc are REAL EMO. PATD, MCR etc are pop punk, at best. I don't listen to them, but I don't have a problem with them, and I find it hilarious when people get so serious about them being "EMO". I'm 99.9% sure the kids that this article refers to have never heard and will probaly never listen or hold any interest in listening to any of the above mentioned bands.

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  686. At 09:17 PM on 21 Dec 2006, Kate wrote:

    I hate it when Emo's are put down and laughed at and the word emo is used as an insult. Emo's are people too and they like certain things. No-one goes around saying Chavs can't be Chavs do they?
    My Chemical Romance and Panic! at the disco and other bands like that are completely awesome and everyone should just give them a try instead of just blocking it out like Emo's arent there.
    I'm EMO and PROUD!

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  687. At 02:26 PM on 25 Dec 2006, eilidh b wrote:

    im emo i LOVE emo music its rox. but we do get a really hard time especially at school. we get called names, like mink, rat, or my nickname mona the vampire. When i played my music before class, I nearly got a chair thrown off me instead I got a polo hit off my head. When me and my friends go down the hall we get EMOOOO shouted at and we aren't even wearing that much black. One day in the middle of class with the teacher looking, me and my friends got goo thrown at us and one of my friends got slapped. The bams hate us for doing nothing and the teachers won't do anything so yeah I think we are getting a hard time.

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  688. At 06:58 PM on 29 Dec 2006, ratherlargehair wrote:

    Oh am i am EMO? I didn't realise. Well i do like My Chemical Romance, but then I am 47 and whether or not I am an emo somehow doesn't seem imprortant. (and my skinny jeans don't fit 'cos I've eaten too uch Xmas pud).

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  689. At 08:59 PM on 29 Dec 2006, Corey wrote:

    Im emo and i love the music i dont self harm i dont think any emos do . my brother is a chav and really winds me up he goes round in his baseball cap i mean why do they have to bend the caps it freaks me out. And emo lads are so hot i love there hair and the way they dress yay! TO EMOS!!!!!!!!

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  690. At 01:37 PM on 31 Dec 2006, wrote:

    For god sake Sara go to hell. Nobody cares what you think they're not emo. You dont have the right to label people and they're music, just because they're better than you. THERE NOT EMO. Kthxdie.

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  691. At 02:24 PM on 31 Dec 2006, emma wrote:

    hey emos have done nothin rong emos have there own life so why cant you just get on with yours

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  692. At 05:31 PM on 31 Dec 2006, Edana wrote:

    So what if i choose to be a emo.It doesn't mean every1 else has to!! leave emos alone and MCR rock so if u hav anythin agenst them then get lost!! RAWR!!

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  693. At 07:07 PM on 01 Jan 2007, Lab wrote:

    Apparently, having black hair, black skinny jeans and listening to MCR, you are instantly emo! well, just because people like a type of music or a fashion doesn't mean that people should be concerned about their mental health!

    there are only a few extremes of "emo", which do self harm etc. however, the one thing that they do not need is someone telling them that they are only following a trend and are only doing it for attention! they obviously need serious help from proffesionals.

    you do have to remember with the "emo" trend that it is just a trend! like any other trend! Chav, Goth etc. so why are people really worried about it. we should be more concerned about people who have actual problems.

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  694. At 08:30 PM on 01 Jan 2007, S. wrote:

    I hurt myself today to see if I still feel
    I focus on the pain the only thing that's real

    If I give you the lyrics like this most people will just shrug it off as an "emo" song ...
    A song where "emorexic" teens slit their wrists to and wallow in self hate ...a song where they'll fall asleep crying too ... only to wake up in the morning and quickly put on a long t shirt so people can't see their scars...

    Yet ... this song is anything but a song of 'emo' genre we hate (but some of us love) today. It dates from 1994 ... when Grunge's reign was coming to an end and nu-metal's fame was about to begin ...

    Created by Nine Inch Nails: a, for those of you who want a genre, industrial rock artist. this song mentions herion addiction ...

    the needle tears a hole the old familiar sting

    it also tells the story of someone who regrets things they've done in thier past .. realizing that they've hurt someone ...

    I will let you down I will make you hurt
    .... wanting to give up all they have ...
    you could have it all my empire of dirt

    ...Just to make up for what they've done ...
    ...saying that they'd go back in time just to change what they did ...

    If I could start again a million miles away
    I would keep myself I would find a way

    Furthermore, this song has been covered by Johnny Cash a few months prior to his death..
    as this quote from wikipedia shows ...
    In 2002, "Hurt" was covered by Johnny Cash to great critical acclaim; it was Cash's final hit before his death. Its accompanying video, featuring images from Cash's life up to his final months, was named the best video of the year by the Grammy Awards and Country Music Awards.

    Was this song considered to be emo when Johnny covered it? I highly doubt so ...
    so why when i search for this video on youtube is it now suddenly called emo? Certainly it can't have just changed genre overnight?

    I've even heard pop songs .. that when you really listen to the lyrics it seems all rather emo ..

    In fact ... as music and art are meant to express emotion .... couldn't all music be termed in some means "emo"

    I'm saying it should .. but it could be .. couldn't it

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  695. At 02:40 PM on 02 Jan 2007, April wrote:

    Who in the world thinks MCR are "pop" ????

    MCR are " Alternative " music. so shut up you emo haters just leave the emos alone.

    Most people have on heard Welcome To The Black Parade. But if you would only listen to a few other songs you would find that it is anything but pop!!!

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  696. At 03:24 PM on 04 Jan 2007, frankie way wrote:

    my chemical romance are not pop, they are my favourite band, like, ever but i wouldn't class them as 'popular music' 'cause you really gotta understand........anyway i gotta go home now (enda skool)....................

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  697. At 03:32 PM on 05 Jan 2007, roxy wrote:

    emos r so kwl so dont diss them i love my chemical romance they r so in and we dont slash our wristes like gothes so stic that up ur pipe and smoke it emos r realy nice like us soz about the coment plzzz stop goin on about it ok see u soon luv ya bibi

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  698. At 04:56 PM on 08 Jan 2007, Dave Nolan wrote:

    I was there at the warehouse project it was mentle.thanks for a good night annie.

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  699. At 03:37 PM on 15 Jan 2007, miriana wrote:

    there's no better than pete doherty and babyshambles:D

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  700. At 06:39 PM on 16 Jan 2007, leanna- My chemical romance fan wrote:

    i LOVE my chemical romance... they just rock, they aint emo or punk... they r them.


    leanna xxxx

    ps. CHAVS R SO ANOYIN!!!

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  701. At 09:01 PM on 23 Jan 2007, x-x-x k8 x-x-x wrote:

    I am like a emo/scene Girl, MCR are the best band ever, People should be aloud to listen to what they want, you never hear people complaing about R&B so why should they complain about "emo" music? I am a MCR fan for life.
    x x x

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  702. At 01:51 PM on 24 Jan 2007, Missus Scene wrote:

    Not being funny but i dress in tight jeans and converses and my favourite band are Panic! at the disco. Does that mean I'n "emo". Because I thought that emos were meant to be emotional.. I'm not. I thought they were meant to self harm.. I don't do that either! Yet i still get called emo. I think if people want to sterotype you because of your choices of clothes and music they should learn what "catagory" to put you in. LEARN WHAT EMO MEANS before you call people it. And why is emo nessesarily a bad thing? There are alot more emos out there than people think. So all you emos in denail.. stop being such wanna be gangstas and stand up for who u really are! don't be ashamed of who you are!

    your regards

    "Missus Scene"


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  703. At 01:29 PM on 26 Jan 2007, abigail wrote:

    right mcr are not a pop band there just general rock and yes us emo kinds are getting an unecessarily hard time for been who we wana be if people have a proble they know were to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  704. At 07:43 PM on 30 Jan 2007, abby wrote:

    I think MCR r great but i am not "EMO"!! or anything like it!! People are getting confused about the term 'emo' there emotional punk rockers there just people who want to dress different and like a different type of music to the rest of us!!!!!!!!! And people think they do suicidle stuff but in fact quite a few would never self harm or hurt others

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  705. At 03:51 PM on 31 Jan 2007, chelsey wrote:

    I think that people are really naive when they speak about different groups of people. Especially since most people witht heir big oppinions have never even gone and socialised with these "emo kids"
    Obviously you get an awful lot of fakes, kids who pretend to be emo, and dress up and act all depressed just so that they can fit in because it has suddenly become "cool" but tell me one group where that does not happen!
    I think that people should stop judging these teen cultures and let them be, because all they are doing is haging around with people who have the same interests as them, and are for the most part nice people. Why can't people appreciate difference instead of fearing it?

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  706. At 06:13 PM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    MCR are not an emo band.
    They are rock, not emo.
    True emo music is from bands such as Alesana, Mozart Season not the 'new' emo bands such as Taking Back Sunday, My Chemical Romance, Greenday. These three bands are not 'emo', just like many others are not either.

    Also, 'emo' teenagers are getting a hard time for no reason, I have the 'emo' style of hair & wear drainpipe jeans and band shirts. I get called emo. I get people coming up to me and telling me to 'go sit in a corner and slit my wrists' purely because of the way I dress.

    I personally think this is completely unfair to those who do wear the 'emo' style of clothes because people who follow other trends or the new fashion don't get called names. Yet because of papers like the Daily Mail and the Sun produceing these articals about how the 'emo "cults" ' are full of teenagers who listen to apparent emo bands such as greenday & good charlotte. And all parents have been warned that their children may slit their wrists, and im sorry but it isn't all 'emos' who do slit their wrists; and the parents shouldnt be worrying about them doing it. They should be worrying about WHY their teenage child slits their wrists.

    Thats my rant about the 'emo' stereotype over now.



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  707. At 02:19 PM on 09 Feb 2007, Julie wrote:

    how can you people post things about emos when you dont even know the half of it mcr r emo and so is fallout boy and befor you think of ctising emos r people that are rejected from suscitaty ii hate these people that think emos kool and dress like it with out relising what it is wemos are annying people ive been an emo for 3 years and think its stupid how emos bein publicesed its stupid were emo get over it you carnt change us just like chavs and goths carnt change them u adults should just leave us to grow and be who we want to be

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  708. At 09:11 PM on 09 Mar 2007, wrote:

    well i think todays emo suck
    MCR, Panic at the disco, fall out boy and more shit like that are not emo

    rites of spring, embrace, Jawbox, Sunny day real estate, mineral, texas is the reason, braid and more 1st and 2nd wave emo bands are now indie rock/post hardcore band
    also they're underground emo band

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  709. At 06:07 PM on 19 Mar 2007, samani wrote:

    ive gotta say im branded an 'emo' and yeah i get a hard time for it. Is it really all that important what scene your on as long as you like the music? the emo scene has a helluva lotta hanger ons...ponitless peaple...in the end were all peaple and it dosent matter how we dress as long as were happy with who we are.

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  710. At 08:49 PM on 21 Mar 2007, Kaleb wrote:

    I dont think emos are all suicidal and the like. Some just like the chaotic, dark look, and the heavy music. It helps them let out anger. though sometimes some will go over the top, do drugs, cut themselves etc. But the Stereotype of emos is ridiculous. They are people too.

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  711. At 03:18 PM on 23 Mar 2007, ky wrote:

    just to clarify to the person who said pop music=popular music.

    that is an old definition , that no longer applies,
    popular music is whatever music is popular however,
    POP music is not always popular and has a different meaning these days, pop is a genre all in its self
    many 'artists' fall into this genre, and many are not at all that popular.

    imo pop is music designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator or largest possible audience to generate the most money, it does not always acheive this and so is not always popular, but is still 'pop'

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  712. At 09:57 AM on 24 Mar 2007, Sandie wrote:

    I have just been to see MCR in concert and they were fab! Probably the best concert i have ever been to. I had never heard of MCR until I heard 'Welcome to the Black Parade', loved it and got all 3 albums and loved them! I never once thought about killing myself, I just loved their music. MCR have never labelled their music as 'emo', it is a label that has been put on for them, just like some people say they're pop, and some say they're metal. I personally see them as punk-rock, but that is my own interpretation. I don't define their music by what other people say, just how I hear them. I am slightly confused about this 'emo' label. Isn't virtually every song written 'emotional'?

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  713. At 03:47 PM on 25 Mar 2007, Becky wrote:

    I'm 13 years old, my favourite band is my chemical romance, i wear black most of the time.
    Emos aren't all suicidal. In fact, of all the emos i know i don't know any who harm themselves or anything. Its just the new group of people who nobody likes.

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  714. At 11:12 AM on 26 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Emo was a Genre of music! It built from thier! It was proabally about being sad, but I think it had evolved! It is about the way you look and the thing you wear. It is not about the music so much! My Chemical Romance may of been Emo due to thier first two albums but they are not now! I think thier is a lot of confusion on what Emo is! The backlash is that the Media has always sensationalised especially when it comes to children. It is because the papers know that thier are a lot of parents out thier which want to know how a child thinks!

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  715. At 07:44 PM on 28 Mar 2007, saskia wrote:

    hardly anyone is actually an emo.
    like me they just like the style that they dress and what music they listen to.it doesn't mean that me and my friends are "emos".
    emos are people who slit their wrist and are most of the time depressed. i hate it when people get called emos for no reason.-just because they like the style and the music.

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  716. At 02:55 PM on 03 Apr 2007, Nicole wrote:

    I really like the way scene kids and emo's dress and i like some of the music. But it's totally unfair that people judge them. I mean ANYONE can be emotional. For instance take a 15 year old girl. She does well in school, is girlie and listens to r'n'b...but she cuts herself. Does that mean she's emo? ANYONE could slit themselves.ANYONE could be sensitive and emotional.Wake up people.This is steryotyping and it should Stop! If someone dress differently and they get picked on of course they are going to self harm. If someone else dresses normally and is being bullied they might self harm aswell.
    I think chavs are worse. Do emo's go to the park at night and get drunk, mug passers by, scare people with bull dogs, nick stuff from shops, get pregnant younger,shout abuse at people that are different. No They Don't. Just lay off emo's, scene kids, goths , indies. etc....

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  717. At 08:55 PM on 06 Apr 2007, Aimee wrote:

    I personaly believe that 'emo' isn't a way of life... its a fashion statement and a type of music... but most people think that 'emo' is being emotionaly depressed and cuts... any one can cut its not just 'emos'... i have many friends that are emo and they dont cut themselfs... but one day they might because of all the people out there that call 'emos' and take the mic out of the way they dress ect....

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  718. At 08:55 AM on 09 Apr 2007, chloe wrote:

    Oh, My God!

    Emo is basically what chavs call anyone that is not like them. But, i guess chavs are what 'emos' call anyone who is not like them. It's just two different styles going against each other. Why would you want to label yourself?? I am proof you can be neither. I get called an emo by chavs and a chav by emos. I listen to rock and r n b. Calm down people. Get over yourselves.




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  719. At 12:51 AM on 13 Apr 2007, Sophie wrote:

    This whole issue with 'emo' is getting pethetic now! An 'emo' is not necessarily a person who cut there self and are emotional, 'emo' is just a trend or a type of music, anyone could cut them self or be emotional, even 'chavs'. But these days people do use the term 'emo' for pethetic reasons, like, some one listening to rock, then people who dont listen to rock call you 'emo'. How is listening to rock 'emo'. My favourite band is My Chemical Romance and people say im emo because of that but im not, and MCR aint even emo. Why is people stereotyping eachother. Were all people, it's just some dress differently and listen to different music. Whats the big deal anyway, this issue with 'emo' and 'chav' and all other trends is like world war 3. It's not that big of a deal! *

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  720. At 03:43 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Aaron wrote:

    It really doesn't matter what the bands original genre is, as it is the fan base that superiorly chooses that. Emo used to be a music genre that changes, as all things do. This is just a natural cause that happens to all genres, and i personally like it :)

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  721. At 10:50 AM on 17 Apr 2007, wrote:

    emos rock we are just kids who dont like crappy dance music and wannado our own thing dont dis us join us,just cause we seem lyke we are scary we are just peolple who like to rock dont make such a big thing out of nothing

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  722. At 09:40 PM on 18 Apr 2007, Clinton wrote:

    I was consedring to slit mw wrists but now i know the dangers i think but if u r an emo u do not follow fasion of other labels like chavs and gangsters its all different i thats what people need to remeber these days from clinton (and im only 12 u no)o yh and i luv mcr they are sooo much better than like pop bands like take that

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  723. At 01:24 PM on 19 Apr 2007, Jodie wrote:

    Why are 'emos' stereotyped into a bunch of kids who were drainpipes, wear vans and converse, have black hair and wear band tee shirts? I wear drainpipes because they suit me, I wear converse because they are comfy, I have black hair because I want too and I wear band tees to express my taste in music.
    I always get called an emo when I'm at school but I would never put myself in that group.
    MCR aren't an emo band anyway its just alot of people now think that they are because of reports like this one.
    I don't see why people bother to label other people because of what music they listen too. Music is music, you should listen to what you like, not just listen to it because it is 'emo' or 'metal'.
    Why are people bothered because people dress differently and listen to alternative music? It doesn't mean that they are emo.
    Emo actually stands for emotion or emotional hardcore. This can be to do with emo band lyrics or to do with when people stereotype that emos slit thier wrists.
    Just because you self harm does it make you emo? Some people have problems at home and self harm, it doesnt mean they listen to emo music. Others self harm for attention or to try to look 'cool'.
    Why don't 'chavs' get loads of articles wrote about them as they are more harm to people than a group of 'emos' or 'goths'.
    Anyway. The whole thing is stupid and people should do what they want and listen to what they want without getting grief!

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  724. At 07:23 PM on 20 Apr 2007, deila wrote:

    this is the way i live

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  725. At 12:52 AM on 21 Apr 2007, mary-lou wrote:

    it is particully in schools. people who are different are usally discrimanated upon. emo is just anouther pathetic reason for the people who go with the flow to hate those who dont. i persianally dont see what the problem is and think that this whole situation has got out of control. i am apparently an emo and i have had nothing but greif sice this whole emo thing came out i have metal thrown at me at school because of it and it is just stuid. we are all the same and for the record if emo's are all depressed peole who slit their rists then they are branching off from their own steryotype as i am hyperactive and allways happy ^^.

    b.t.w my chemical romance are not "emo"
    but they are amazing

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  726. At 05:44 AM on 22 Apr 2007, HYBRID_HEX wrote:

    why do we have to put people into stereotypical groups just because of the music we listen to, can we not just enjoy it and leave it at that?? why argue about who is worse/better of more likely to cause problems, just enjoy the music. I like to listen to all sorts of music, does it mean that when i listen to MCR im sat ready to kill myself?? i dont think so.

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  727. At 05:38 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    I dont see any problem with Emos or Moshers or Goths etc.. I get called an emo sometimes for liking My Chemical Romance & expressing my emotions. But emo music is expressing emotions in the song and singing about what people go through which makes them emotional.
    MCR are classed as different things and i dont really care, the most often used are: Emo, Alternative, Punk. Now why dont the papers and news complain about CHAVS, theyre the ones who are causing trouble theyre absoloutly ugh annoying. There's nothing wrong with emos, okay!

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  728. At 05:53 AM on 26 Apr 2007, wrote:

    emos are emos. just leave them alone okay? if they go for the whole black skinny leg jeans thing then so be it.

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  729. At 05:54 AM on 26 Apr 2007, Amelia wrote:

    HI. I teach a popular culture class in Australia and my students have been discussing the emo culture. Your varied comments and ideas are an inspiration to a teacher who wants her students to think for themselves!

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  730. At 09:19 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Jimzilla wrote:

    Music is music. Listen to it. It's what it's there for. If you like a song, a band, an album, whatever, just listen to them. Who cares if it's not 'real emo' or whatever. Does it matter? I don't listen to bands because they're meant to be emo. I listen to them because they sound like other bands I like.

    Clothes are clothes. Wear them. It's what they're there for. I saw kids in skinny jeans, asymetrical fringes and band tshirts, and I liked it. I didn't think 'I'm going to be an emo, so I have to buy these clothes'. And if someone makes fun of you for wearing what you want to wear, then they probably weren't worth talking to anyway

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  731. At 10:57 AM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    All band like Fall Out Boy are just scene bands but, MCR are just wanna be scene. If you go to Camden or Glasgow you will find emos there go ask them what they think your just all judging them before you talk to them, get some sense about you.

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  732. At 10:20 PM on 29 Apr 2007, kate wrote:

    i get called emo but i wouldnt say i am.
    i have always liked bands like aiden, from first to last, taking back sunday, mcr and fall out boy. the thing is all of these bands are very diffrent but all are given the tag "emo". slowly more and more bands are being labled as emo and i really dont see how panic! at the disco and aiden can be placed under the same label other than the fact that the are boath "alternitave". i also really dont think its fair that people can assume they know everything about me or other "emos" because of the way i look or the music i listen to. people have to stop branding them selfs.
    much love

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  733. At 10:22 PM on 29 Apr 2007, kate wrote:

    also my chemical romance have never called them selfs metal or emo for that matter. i've bn a huge fan since there first album and the discribe them selfs just as a rock band or vilont pop

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  734. At 10:19 AM on 02 May 2007, becki wrote:

    they'e soooo depressing

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  735. At 12:06 AM on 05 May 2007, Alan Brown wrote:

    Annie !

    I'm trying to place your accent and my best guess is you're a Dublin girl ? Dunno though really -- Tricky...


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  736. At 12:50 PM on 07 May 2007, wrote:

    Hi Annie

    Just saying helo.

    ; o ) >

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  737. At 02:11 PM on 07 May 2007, cluelessboutemos wrote:

    umm yea like i no all bout the stereotypes, but its drivin me nuts, cos i got me assignment 2 do bout young subculture groups n i'm doin em on chavs n emos, which seemed 2 b hated and their definiton is relied upon by stereotypes, but what is the tru meaning of emo?

    p.s annie mac is amazin

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  738. At 04:50 AM on 21 May 2007, jordi wrote:

    first off MCR are NOT emo/metal or even punk. get it right idiots

    stop stereotyping emos as people who hate themselves and everything around them. its just as easy for someone considered 'preppy' to grab a sharp object and cut themselves.

    all music has sad depressing lyrics. emo music is just another way of expressing it.

    screaming doesnt make it angry music. it gets the same message across just in a way that appeals to a different audience.

    dont like it? then why worry about talking about it so much and obsessing about how shit it is.

    dont like it. dont listen. simple as that.

    we dont go around telling everyone how you are all depressed because you liked kelly clarksons 'behind these hazel' eyes.

    the same lyrics with any other music behind it would mean the same thing dont you think?

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  739. At 11:50 AM on 22 May 2007, Paige Simpson wrote:

    i think that emo music is awsome and it shoube stopped because it is a good tipe of music and my chemical romance is a very good band and it shouldent be discrimanted by because its just music and it would be like stopping dance music and lots of people love dance music so it should not be discrimanated by!!!

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  740. At 10:14 PM on 26 May 2007, e m o t i o n a l v a m p y r e o f d o o m x<3 wrote:

    at my school emo is one of the worst things yhu could possibly bee called,,i get called it daily..i listen tooh what i want,i wear what i want..so waht if i look lyke im wearing a 10yr olds pear of jeans..i cant help who i am..as for the self harming stuff..i understand that most peopel are worried that its became a fashion..but i selfharmed for 3 years,does that sound like fashion..3 years of crying ahnd blood,its not something i enjoyed..i couldnt help it,i know many of them peopel are scene ahnd couldnt give a dahm what they put the true rawkers through..i cant wait till it changes ahnd they go back to whatever they were,,then yhu;; see the truth.. xx then yhull know it was all them,they put us up to everything..you shouldnt bee on here commenting on us..yhu should bee commenting on chavs xx

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  741. At 10:02 PM on 28 May 2007, wrote:

    emoz are freaks lik !!!

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  742. At 12:01 PM on 30 May 2007, Lucy Hudson wrote:

    Hi im emo and im proud 2 b emo. I dont cut myself, I dont judge people 4 who they r and i dont dont judge people 4 th way they luk. I luv emo music like my chemical romance, fallout boy etc...

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  743. At 07:50 PM on 30 May 2007, ashleigh m wrote:

    MCR are not emo and emos aren't tht differt from any1 else i get called an emo mosher everything but i don't care i like the music i like such as mcr trivium and dragonforce

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  744. At 02:33 PM on 31 May 2007, Eimear wrote:

    can any one clear for me if they agree that people who commit sucide are they always mentally ill or would it be blamed on anything else i.e. aolchol, falling out with friends? this would clear alot up for me so if someone could blog back it would be great

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  745. At 10:36 AM on 05 Jun 2007, Christie wrote:

    It wouldn't be so bad if people could just get the nomenclature right...

    I'll make it easy.

    There is no such thing as AN EMO.

    Emo is an adjective, not a noun. It can't be used as a name for a group of people. Use it as an adjective by all means, for example, 'emo hair', 'emo music', but to say 'an emo' makes about as much sense as saying 'a bhangra' or 'a hardcore'.

    The only people that got it wrong in the first place were 15-year-olds, the Daily Mail, and Americans. Unfortunately now it's spreading. If Emo has to exist, can we at least sound vaguely literate when we discuss it?

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  746. At 02:41 PM on 06 Jun 2007, Angus wrote:

    Green Day are an emo band? news to me...

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  747. At 09:59 AM on 07 Jun 2007, Jasz C wrote:

    Emo is a lifestyle choice, It stands for sum one who is not afraid to show their emotions and wants too dress in the style they like..

    they are alot deeper than crying and self harm.

    We cry because we care or because we hurt, a normal human reaction/emotion.

    so does this mean that we are not normal? no it doesn't, we are the people who dont believe tht tomorrow will be a bright happy future everyone faulsely belives it is going to be. we face the facts and accept them.

    we show true emotion, not just sad. people should not hide their emotions.

    Express them through poetry, songs, drawings and other art forms.

    we are just as normal as everyone else...maybe ever more normal becasue we are not living under faulse pretences and are embracing human nature to be individual and to show emotion.

    if thats not normal then what is becomeing of the human race?

    *cuffs and kisses*


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  748. At 06:20 PM on 12 Jun 2007, Dave wrote:

    The unfortunate thing about wearing a uniform such as goth clothing, emo or gangster rap attire ect, is that you will be judged by the few bad apples who wear the same uniform. That being said, you need to bear in mind what the perception is of others to your uniform, such as fear or contempt and be prepared to be cast in the same light. Kind of like wearing a klu klux clan outfit cause you like the style.

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  749. At 11:06 AM on 13 Jun 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Emo is pretty much dead. Its all about Scene Kids now.

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  750. At 11:00 AM on 17 Jun 2007, Unknown wrote:

    Okay well.
    a) "emo" is a musical genre. unless you are, in fact, a music genre, do not call yourself emo.
    b) my chemical romance are NOT emo, and nor do they claim to be.
    c) go pick on another music genre, please, this one's getting old.

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  751. At 08:35 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Lucy Hudson wrote:











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  752. At 08:30 PM on 26 Jun 2007, Mr Pseudonym wrote:

    i would call myself emo. i dont think mcr are emo and you journalist types really annoy me when you try and give bands genres to make people think you know what you are talking about. i personally am waiting for the emo trend to burn out, so i can prove i am not a trend follower, and am what i am.

    I believe that people should leave us alone. we don't do anything to you. stop being close-minded idiots and accept people for their differences.

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  753. At 07:21 AM on 04 Jul 2007, Eleanor wrote:

    Hiya x I Just Wanna Say That I Enjoy Emo Music But That Doesnt Automatically Mean That I Have To Go Round Slitting My Wrists Because I know Many Chavs That Slit Their Wrists Because They Want The Attention Or Arent Happy With Their Selves And So I Dont Think We Can Stereotype One Music Genre And Style As About Wanting To Die And Slitting Wrists!

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  754. At 01:04 PM on 16 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Ok, i suppose im not emo but i have the 'hair' and dress the same and listen to the kind of music that 'emos do'. But i cant help but think, why are MCR classed as emo? They are my favourite band and have been for about 2 years now so i sort of understand why but then the only reason people judge MCR is because of the fans. I meen, look at most of them, Black hair, Black clothes, TBPararde jackets etc. Emo. So for some of them who 'cut' it gives every1 the image that MCR are making them do it. But seriously, if you are gona judge them listen to their music first. If you are a fan then you understand, its hard because the people that acuse MCR are just dragging them down along with the fans.

    So anyway, i wear skinny jeans, black suff, eyeliner,vans, converse, hoodies Stud Belts the emo kinda stuff and yet i dont get called emo, to be honst im the only person in my year at school who is emo and listens to that kind of music, and all my mates call me a poser and one of my friends who i go to concerts with is called emo all the time because she has bangs, dark brown hair(natural) and blond highlights...if your not emo or a scene kid, dont judge!

    Emo kids rock.......and have better hair than everyone //_^

    ( chavs suck...init) sorry bad joke...simply for my own ammuzment =]

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  755. At 06:29 PM on 14 Jan 2008, kyle wrote:

    Okay, so this is probably a bit late but I figure I have time to say a few words.

    I've been reading a whole lot of blogs and comments, all of which are monitored by "emo haters". And as I read all the harsh comments they have to post I realize they just bash on the same things over and over again. They're all also incorrect for the most part on what they're complaining about.

    Slipknot, murderdolls, cradle of filth, Korn ICP, and many more mentioned just like these bands are NOT emo. These are all classified as metal, heavy metal, death metal. Although I can agree that the genre on any band just depends on the song that you're listening to at that moment. It can change even throughout the song.

    You could call me an emo according to the haters. I'm a guy. I wear skinny jeans, band shirts, eyeliner, ect. Here is a small list of my favorite bands I listen to on a daily basis.

    Underoath, Emanuel, Taking back sunday, Alesana, Story of the Year, Medic Duid, Daft Punk, Lacuna Coil, Alexisonfire, Anberlin, Boys like girls, bullet for my valentine, Enya, Evanescence, Chiodos, From First to Late, and many many more. Now go and explore the many possibilities of the genre's that you'll get for those bands. Eac site has something different, but they're all right. The genre of a band is in the different songs they play, maybe one song is screamo, maybe one is more metal. It just depends.

    Emo haters are just haters all around. They're probably the same people that bash on gansters wearing pants below there asses while using a basketball jersey five times too big to cover it up. Who cares? No one whines about how those same haters secretely wish they didn't care about what everyone thinks so they could dress how they want instead of how rich mommy and daddy dress them. The truth is, emo kids really don't any more or less about other people than anyone else.

    As far as scene kids go, oh well. I've explored many many different life styles. I've been neat and tidy, cleaned my room daily, left it a mess for a year until my mom would ground me until it was clean. I've played sports for school including basketball, football, track, all for more than one year. But no one ever called me a jock. I wore prep clothes for the longest time and kept my hair short as sin. No one ever called me preppy. I was a skateboarder for a few years, I skated where I wasn't supposed to, wore the slightly baggy pants, shirts with funny sayings on them like how to out run a cop, and then let my hair grow out curly. No one ever called me a skater bum. But at this point in my life it was when people noticed my unusally longish curly hair and started to think I might be weird. What next? I dyed my hair black, started wearing hot topic pants and became "goth", I wore eyeliner. People freaked and the school even suggested to my parents that I might be troubled even though I had no complaints on behavior and I still managed to hold my GPA of AT THE LEAST 3.5 at all times. This was when it all started, people ignored me, called me a freak. A few years went on and the only people that ever seemed to notice me where the others that had the same problem. I will make note that even some elderly women would make conversation to me when I would start one and seem to have no problem at all of how I looked, they rather seemed to have liked me. I am now wearing skinny girl jeans, eyeliner, straight black hair in my face, band shirts, ect. I'm what people call "emo". And I still have the same problem but not nearly to the same degree as I had before with the "goth scene". What I say is that my look changed with my ability to become more open minded and my creativity started to spur after I decided to change from being uniform with everyone else. The more I became a "freak" to everyone else, the more I was happy inside and the more I concetrated on my work habits.

    If a person loves listening to a certain band they tend to flaunt it for everyone to know..just like many other people when it comes to sports and clothing stores like American Eagle and Hollister.

    I really can't say that people are being treated as human beings. So what if they want to wear a band shirt, skinny jeans, and eyeliner? What difference does it make to the life of the guy making fun of them? "Emos" are starting a trend and old fashioned is starting to become new again. Once one "emo" gets ahold of something and everyone finds out they want it. Hello kitty, carebears, hearts, polka dots, they all make great sellers and soon not only the "emo" kids are wearing and buying them, but so are the "preppy" kids.

    Emo kids are no different than the people who decide to stay the same. Just because a hater doesn't like a certain look does not mean everyone else must conform. Let kids change, express themselves, be different, make a statement, stand up for what they believe in.

    I think the united states has so much more to consider fighting before ever ever telling a kid he/she can not wear skinny jeans. Let gay people be together legally. It's important for two people that love each other to get married, as is tradition. Even back during the Trojan wars were famous heroes such as Achilles were intimate with other males. Besides, with more and more people turning gay it aids in the fight to keep the human population down to an okay level for both humans and the planet. And lets not forget our little war on terrorism, give it up.

    Who commits more acts of crime, an emo kid, or some gangster running the streets with a glock in his baggy shorts?

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  756. At 11:56 PM on 10 Feb 2008, Charlene =] wrote:

    Gosh...what is the big deal they are who they are why cant people just accept that!!!!
    I'm not an emo but i do self-harm! But thats coz i have alot of stuff going on..guys i would just leave them alone and let them get on with their lives!!


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  757. At 01:19 PM on 21 Feb 2008, wrote:

    I am emo and I find it perfectly great. Its just another stereo type, its a cheap preppy imataion of goth that is always fab. When I go out places like shopping in bluewater, ''chavs'' come up to me and shout emo in my face, but they are chavs, anyone with skinny jeans, dark hoodies and eyeliner is emo to them. Still, we can be anyone we want and not be given a hard time about it because emo is like rock bottom, when your hating life, things are going bad, you resort to emo. Its just being emotional, writing poetry and listening to emo music. We are just making a statement because we are outcasts.

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  758. At 02:15 AM on 29 Feb 2008, wrote:

    hello. i AM an 'emo'. i think its blood ridiculous that people are stereotypinng us. i agree that there are certain things that make an emo today but sometimes people make up shit to make emos look bad. for instance peeps say emos selfharm all the time coz there emotional but that so untrue...emo doesnt stand for emotional! it stands for EMOtive hardcore!!! and the sooner peeps realise this the better it will be for us! we have to stick together coz we have no one else. also...i love mcr to bits and gerard way is the emo sex god x] i have god knows how many pics of him on my bedroom wall and i know he hates emo but if he likes it or not were here to stay and sooner or later hes gonna have to realise that the modern emo will never be like the emos from his childhood. gerard i love ya darlin but us emos are some of your biggest fans and lets face it without us you wouldnt be who you are. oh and on behalf of all the emos and rockers and just generally the dark side peeps pweeeeez devorce that bitch lyn-z and marry the person ya truly love and belong with!!! (cof cof frankie cof cof) *dies*
    p.s lOnG LiVe ThE bLaCk PaRaDe!!!!

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  759. At 08:59 AM on 10 Mar 2008, Thomas kenny wrote:

    Everytime I Listen to new music been played on 麻豆官网首页入口 Radio 1 on my internet it Really sounds too rubbishy to me so I think pop music these days are very loathing it doesn't interest me so the only Music I Listen to is classical,easy listening & some pop music of the 1960's so the radio station I Listen to is 麻豆官网首页入口 Radio 2 & classic FM So I Think that genre sounds too civillised to me & it's not because I'm a yet an older listener it's because I'm currently 42 years old. So I've Been listening to 麻豆官网首页入口 Radio 2 since 1986 when I was listening to radio shows including "Nightride" Each weekend nights when I lie on my bed awake at night til 3am & I Used to listen to 麻豆官网首页入口 Radio 1 when I was a kid throughout the 1970's.

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  760. At 05:49 PM on 27 Mar 2008, Aria wrote:

    Everyone says that emo's are really weird and that they cut them selves and are hell-bent on inflicting self-harm and ruining everyones lives.


    People are only afraid of what emo's represent, afraid of their perfect little world being ruined by something new and different.

    Oh, yeah, and MCR are NOT pop!!! They are either rock, metal, or emo!!!

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  761. At 05:50 PM on 27 Mar 2008, Aria wrote:

    Everyone says that emo's are really weird and that they cut them selves and are hell-bent on inflicting self-harm and ruining everyones lives.


    People are only afraid of what emo's represent, afraid of their perfect little world being ruined by something new and different.

    Oh, yeah, and MCR are NOT pop!!! They are either rock, metal, or emo!!!

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  762. At 01:11 PM on 01 Apr 2008, Jake wrote:

    Although I don't like so called 'emo' music, I have good friends who would be classed as emo, and none of them are hell bent on suicide. at least these kids have a view on life, whereas (as far as I have seen) no chav has once displayed a particular philosophy on life. I suggest that we all agree to like or dislike emo music, but leave the kids alone and take up chav-bashing instead...

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  763. At 04:47 PM on 01 Apr 2008, marie wrote:

    When i was a teenager i got classed as a 'grunger' because of the way i dressed n the music i listened to, i also used 2 get loadsa stick from 'chavs' cos of it and was beaten up twice. These kids who are 'emo' aren't harming or offending anyone, i doubt they contribute in anyway 2 gang violence n carry knifes which IS a major issue, so i dont understand what the problem is.
    as i did they will probably grow out of the fashion side cos that really isnt relavant to the type of music you're into, people are normally suprised when i say im into metal n rock cos i look like a 'trendy', all this labellin is bulls*&t.

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