Hi - I'm Mat Hampson, the lead developer on a Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú project called Barlesque. (I know, I know: odd name. More about that later.)
This week, we've found the project featured in 's Birtspeak 2.0 column [Shurely shome mishtake - ed] which, in case you're not familiar with it, is the regular column where Private Eye casts its satirical spotlight on a jargon-filled missive or announcement from the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú.
Having read the Eye for years, being on the receiving end has been fun. Aside from impressing our mums by appearing in the national press, it's also demonstrated again how a paragraph that makes perfect sense to those of us making the product can look like gobbledegook to everyone else. Anyway, we thought it might be useful to offer up a translation, and perhaps explain a little bit about Barlesque along the way.
First, the email snippet in question:
As you may be aware from the Barlesque mailing list, on May the 13th we are going to roll out a change to the Barley implementation used by DNA services in order to align it with the new global visual language being used across bbc.co.uk. This change will be carried out by the DNA team and will require no work on your part... See the attached PDF for details of the change ['Barley toolbar update - aligning legacy UK toolbars with the new visual language standard'].
All clear? Well, we think so...
Barlesque is bbc.co.uk's new web page layout system. Without getting too technical and boring everyone to death (I'll save that for a post in our forthcoming developer blog), that means the masthead at the top, the footer at the bottom and some of the underlying setup of every new page appearing on the site, for example on the new Doctor Who site.

Barlesque replaces a system called Barley* (hence is Barley-esque - aha), which was designed and built just after the millennium and is used on hundreds of sites, including this one. Barley was a great product for its time, but it uses some really outdated technology. ( support? layouts? Nowadays that's comparable to using wattle and daub to build a house.)

Another thing Barley does is use technological restriction to enforce consistency of design [Still with us? - Ed]: the page content is nestled inside a big HTML table with a limited set of widths, the navigation has a particular structure to its HTML, and so on. One of the main lessons learned since (as taught to me by , its original lead developer) is that if you try to restrict designs like this, they will find new and unintended ways round your roadblocks - "Nature finds a way" as .
And that's exactly what happened to Barley: In updating it last week (to make it more visually consistent with Barlesque), we've counted literally dozens of variants and half-copies of Barley that sites have been forced to make over the years (including one on our DNA platform** to which the Birtspeak column refers).
This causes a huge maintenance headache for us techies, so when the UXD (User Experience and Design) team devised a new for bbc.co.uk (as discussed when the News and Sport redesign launched), we set out to build Barlesque to be as simple and flexible as possible in its implementation.
We launched the first version two months ago, and, while we're still improving it, it already includes:
- , and - so it contains less code and is more accessible than its predecessor.
- Support for many languages, useful behind the scenes technical tools and visual customisations. (Teal-coloured navigation? No problem. White footer? Sure.) That said, it also has...
- A shallow learning curve for developers, since it works off-the-shelf, with none of the display configuration set up.
- Easy implementation for Indies (the source of many of the Barley variants) since it only requires one line adding to the Apache configuration to get going.
- Finally, the ability to deliver other pan-bbc.co.uk systems, such as user authentication, and surveys, which in turn makes them easier to implement and maintain too.
Bundle this all together, and we think that Barlesque effectively removes the need for sites to make their own copies of the layout system. That means greater technical and visual consistency, quicker updates, and best of all, frees up precious developer time to work on more exciting things!
At least, that's the plan - watch this space.
*And as for Barley, that was named after a character from Charlie Brooker's spoof listings magazine TV Go Home, which gave rise to a Channel 4 sitcom called... .
**DNA is the system we use to power our messageboards and several of the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú's other community-based sites like H2G2; the names DNA and H2G2 are derived from .
Mat Hampson is Senior Client Side Developer, Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú FM&T Intrernet Group.