HTML 5 and timed media
HTML 5 work
HTML 5 is the next version of HTML, the markup language used on the web. Not all the details of have been agreed, but many of the proposed changes and new features have already been implemented in existing browsers.
As part of our work on the , we built that works in current versions of Firefox, Safari and Chrome: a sample of RAD's R&D TV with subtitles and chapter navigation. This will not work in current versions of Internet Explorer, nor earlier versions of Firefox etc.
What we built
This prototype plays video and audio without plugins, and allows jumping to chapters and 'scrubbing' within the content. It uses simple JavaScript framework to enable web page elements to be changed via individual HTML or CSS 'events', and for loosely-coupled control of page components such as carousels. In particular, our JavaScript enables synchronised changes to HTML and CSS relative to a 'time parent', such as an audio or video clip, or even clock time. In addition, our solution needs to work with live events, whereby pages would be propagated in real-time.
Read more and comment at the RAD blog.