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Chris Evans | 16:47 UK time, Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Twelve o'clock and here he comes for the last time, it's...


Prime Minister Blair doing the thing that he's feraed most for the last ten years for the final time.

Saw the whole thing, very moving.

Cameron unusually quiet, almost universal respect, Ian Paisley, the father figure, speaking to a deftly silent and packed house. Tingles down your spine. And then the big goodbye.

How do these guys do it ?

His last words...

"That's it, that's the end."

They say it was an unprecedented farewell. A standing 'O' and thunderous applause from almost everyone.

And now he is no more.

I couldn't tell whether those who watched him walk out humbly, quickly, modestly with his head bowed were wearing expressions of excitement at the birth of a new dawn, or those of abject fear and "oh dear, what do we do now. "

What a strange old thing.

CLP 2007



  1. At 04:57 PM on 27 Jun 2007, wrote:

    I agree totally. It's been a funny old day with all the comings and goings - very historical.

    He's not been THAT bad, has he?

    Let's embrace the new dawn and see what Mr Brown has in store for our nation.

    CtD x x

  2. At 05:27 PM on 27 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Agreed Chris.

    I also watched the PMQ's it was very interesting and touching how they all rose to their feet at the end.

    Did you see the pictures as he got onto his train at Kings Cross to go to Sedgefield. As PM he was never allowed to carry his own bags, today he walked onto the train carrying his bags as if he was an ordinary citizen much to the bewilderment of the passers by.

  3. At 05:35 PM on 27 Jun 2007, Plum wrote:

    Do the shake and vac ... now I heard the woman in the ad was committed.. or maybe thats just a rumour.

    Very Sorry to see the PM go he was a real Statesman.Look what we have now, a sort of nobody person and the opposition is even worse.

    Have fun all Later............

  4. At 06:38 PM on 27 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Whoo hoo he's gone! that all I'll say on the subject!

  5. At 07:21 PM on 27 Jun 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Blimey. Where is everybody?

    Managed to haul my lardy, post-Road Trip body down to the gym this morning and feel much better for it. By the way Chris, now it is officially on the market, do you fancy adding it to the collection?

    Then, we enjoyed the final fling of the holiday - Centre Court tickets.

    We were lucky enough to see the whole of Mr Roddick's match and blinked only to find we'd missed most of Ms Henin's. Then, two minutes into Timbo's next epic the heavens opened. We hung around for a while, but with jet lag kicking in and knowing what it is like when play is suspended for the day (I drove the players around for three years many moons ago - one night it took two hours to get from Wimbledon to Putney) we decided to bail out. Looks like we made the right decision. Shame, but there you go.

    I can't help thinking that TB's departure will signify the beginning of the Cameron era. GB, for all his political nous just doesn't have the charisma or prescence to carry it off.

    Oh well, back to the office tomorrow. I hope I can remember where it is.....

    Peace & love


    PS I can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin

    PPS I'm looking for ol Sukie Jones

    PPS Ou est la Maison de Fromage?

  6. At 08:23 PM on 27 Jun 2007, Paul Hills wrote:

    Agree with all you said about ELO
    The greatest music in the world
    Brilliant band

  7. At 08:37 PM on 27 Jun 2007, Em M wrote:

    Thought it was very sad, he seemed really choked up and it was nice to see the MPs behaving like grownups for once. Loved Cherie's remark to the press, it was like she had to have the last word. Hope Gordon sorts things out, but i think part of the problem with this country is that we have been left with Thatcher's legacy ie encouraging people to only look after number one. I think she has a lot to answer for.

  8. At 11:26 PM on 27 Jun 2007, Debbie wrote:

    I have mixed feelings on the whole thing to be honest.

    I am glad that it was his decision to leave, whether he wanted to or not. He leaves Office knowing that it was his decision and that the people didn't vote him out. I quite like him as a person, think that I must be a bit of a softie. I believe that he has always thought that he was doing the right thing and that counts for something. Doesn't it?

    I do, however, believe that it is time for change, whether Mr Brown is 'the one' I'm not sure. I personally would like to see someone running the country that has been voted in by the people.


  9. At 02:11 AM on 28 Jun 2007, John wrote:

    I feel sure he is nice bloke. Anyone who can marry Alf Garnetts son in laws daughter must havr a sense of humour. The more politicians I see come and go, the more I believe they strut and fret their hour upon the stage and, in the end the achieve little or nothing. For alll their positivity and Blair was nothing if not positive, they are dragged down by the waves of mediocrity created deep in the bowles of the civil service. The sooner the administration is sacked when the governement is voted out the better. We are drowning in the sewage they create and despite Blairs best efforts and I believe he was honest and he tried hard, the mood on the street is ugly.

    JK Nonegreen

  10. At 08:45 AM on 28 Jun 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    What about CtD getting her gobsmackers played???? Congrats Cheryl!

    Politics schmolitics ... to be serious for just a moment, I wouldn't want the PM's job - 8 killings in London in 10 days, where will it end? How do you even begin to deal with that?

    On a lighter note - it's Thirsty Thursday, hurrah!!!

    Oh and Sal - stop saying you're fat - you're anything but!!!!


  11. At 08:45 AM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Good yawning Thirsty Thursday (quick check of calendar here after Tuesdays debacle) every bubble!

    Heard most of the speeches on Jezza & various other bits of news yesterday. All very well written by whoever does the job...hopefully (reasonably) heartfelt by those who had to read them. I just hope that Gordon set his alarm to DEFCON 5 o'clock for this morning because I think he has an awful lot of work to do in a very short time, in order to make sure that the people of Great Britain can trust him as our new leader.

    Heard the Shake and Vac man - what a great bloke! I think I'd have quite liked a rock 'n roll version...do the shake and vac uh huh huh...the only thing was/is, it smelled/smells blimmin' AWFUL! Or maybe it was just my mum's hoover...Pepsi too...me and my school friends used to make up totally different versions of that one...but that's not for here...

    Anyhoo, dear Mildewed Plums, I am moving house. Having given up on Sky recently, I am hoping to take my Virgin Package (oh, that is WAY too easy I'm afraid...) with me, but apparently there is no cable so they are gonna have to do it (and another one) down the BT cable. I think I have probably spoken to all the same people you have, and I have decided to leave it all until I am actually living in my new abode...

    That aside, JK Nonegreen, I DO like a nice bit of Shakespoke first thing in the morning...

    Lead on Macduff

    ps I got the keys

    pps I got the secret

    ppps kiss the Queen's hand. Welcome back MfR

  12. At 09:16 AM on 28 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hear Hear. Order.

    Yes indeed, I too instinctively believe TB to be a fundamentally decent man; whether the War was started illegally, whether the whole of 9/11 was just an American conspiracy and never really happened (????...for goodness' sake..), whether lies have been told, whether TB is George Dubya's Poodle, lurcher or feckin' Yorkshire Terrier or whatever, I don't know, since the only thing you can rely upon in the papers is the date. It's a matter of supreme indifference to me whether the guy fixing my car brakes or removing my appendix is good to his mother, cross-dresses or tortures spiders, I simply want and need him to do his job to the best of his ability.

    So I wish TB the best of luck.

    As for Gordy, I am greatly reassured this morning that he has had the Thumbs Up from those fine experts, Colour Me Beautiful.

    It's good to see that as a Winter person, he'll be wearin' the correct shade of puce tie with the blue shirt, and that he has finally taken that tatty handbag he's bin carryin' for years to Oxfam, where it can be picked up by some other chap who values thrift over style.

    Marvellous. Now then I wonder how he's gettin' on with the Name That Cabinet party game. I hope he's winnin'. I've heard a whisper that he guessed Hazel Bleearghs in 2 syllables.


  13. At 09:19 AM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Hurrah for having the keys Hazel - and now you have a whole urban cookie collective!

    CtD - were they your gobsmackers yesterday?? were they were they were they???

    MfR - May your jet lag be short

    And to one and all, may you be blessed with more competent managers than me!

    Seeing as I'm pregnant and all I found it very moving to see Mr B's last PMQ (edited highlights on the news channels after work)...in fact the bits I saw were quite heart warming and it was nice to seem the MP's behaving like growed up people for once.

    May come back later, depending on worky stuff...Have a great day everyone if I remain away!

    :o) Jo

  14. At 09:24 AM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Christophe and Johnny

    Many many thanks for reading out and playing my Gobsmackers on last nights show - AWESOME! I was chopping the salad blushing like a beetroot - it made my nite!

    Just one thing Johnny - and I appreciate you were reading it blind ..... it was 3 DAYS after that I returned to see it again - not 3 years!!

    Yours, very tingly

    CtD x x x x

    PS: these are the days it never rains but it pours
    PPS: HL - good luck with the move hun!

  15. At 09:44 AM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris et al

    I watched PMQ with unusual interest. It reminded me of what I imagine public executions must have been like, back in the day. You know the moment is coming, and the anticipation builds until the moment the blade falls. When he said 'the end', it was of such finality that you knew something truly significant had just happened. The fact that he then walked out of the chamber never to return as an MP added to the melodrama.

    He must have had a brilliant scriptwriter, not to mention an eye to the movie-rights.

    J McC

  16. At 10:52 AM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Hi bloggetes

    I saw the PMQ on the TV last night and yes felt a little apprehensive. I do have huge misgivings regarding the war in Iraq, but his overall achievements are massive. He was almost single handedly responsible for the Northern Ireland agreement and for that he should be lauded.

    Ho hum - happy thirsty thursday all.

    Choux fleur xx

  17. At 12:20 PM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Blimey, heck CtD, I missed your gobsmackers! Having said that, I may have heard them, but not the fact that they were yours! Will have to listen again when I get home this evening as will probably be without a pc (or even an un-pc) with a sound card for the forseeable...

    So. The Cabinet. (talking of which, the previous tenant has left a rather delishus chestadraws...which we shall ensure stays in it's good home...) We have but we have tipped Balls, Browne tipped, Straw tipped, a tipped Chief Whip...I'm SOOOO hoping that the Duchy of Lancaster goes to Lord Felte...

    I am also wondering a, if the Milibands are related to eachother, and b, whether they are related to the Dynabands.

    Sorry, tablet time, have to go...

    One down

    ps McCrumble, there may be room in one of the drawers in our acquired cabinet for No.3, if you need somewhere for him to stay? PS to be continued???

  18. At 12:56 PM on 28 Jun 2007, Julia B wrote:

    I love the show, I always listen to it on my way home, and read the blog too each day.

    I was amused at Chris and the team trying to determine what muppet they might be, and thought they may need some help. My work colleagues and I have all used this personality test which provides more accurate information about what muppet you are.

    I'm Animal by the way!

  19. At 01:13 PM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Julia B - that's fan-flamin'-tastic!

    I'm Kermit!!!

    Ho Hum.

    CtD x x x

  20. At 01:46 PM on 28 Jun 2007, Julia B wrote:

    CtD - (aka Kermit) - so glad you liked it. I enjoyed your gobsmackers last night.


  21. At 02:44 PM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:

    SO I'LL TELL YOU WHAT I WANT, WHAT I REALLY REALLY WANT!Whoo The Spice Girls are going on tour. I've got my red platforms, I'm dying my heir ginger and I will find a union jack dress!

  22. At 02:47 PM on 28 Jun 2007, SuzyD wrote:

    I knew it! I'm Miss Piggy hiiiiiiiiya!

    Just started reading the blog yesterday now I'm hooked

    ooops on reception duty this afternoon people coming in have to go


  23. At 03:05 PM on 28 Jun 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Happy Thirsty Thursday folks.... have just completed the muppet test and it turns out I'm a green pond dweller. Yep, call me Kermit too. Did the profile with my husband's details and he would have been Miss Piggy - so we were a matched pair! Thanks for the link Animal (J).
    Off to the greyhounds tonight with a gang from work..... never been before - been to the gee gees though - might buy a quarter of aniseed balls to chuck at the leaders to slow them down - mine are bound to be at the back!
    Hope all are safe and dry.
    HL Best of luck with your move.

  24. At 03:37 PM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:


    Enjoy your night at the dogs - i've been a couple of times and its a really, really good night out: much better (IMHO) than the geegees!

    As for aniseed balls - don't blink or you'll miss the speedy little hounds!

    CtD x x x

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