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A New Day and a New Boss

Chris Evans | 10:35 UK time, Tuesday, 27 January 2009

We have a new boss...

... his name is Bob.

Bob Shennan is more of his name, Robert Shennan more still.

There were over twenty original candidates for the most sought after job in U.K. radio. That number was cut down to three or four during last week. The final few all having stellar c.v.'s including the outstanding Lewis Carnie, our acting controller and The Dame's old number 2. I think we all very much hope Lewis sticks around. From what I have heard he and Bob see very much eye to eye as far as our future is concerned.

An excellent man by all accounts Mr. Shennan, solid as well as creative with a proven track record of running networks and launching new platforms. He was boss of 5 Live for eight years and launched 5 Live Extra, during which time many awards were bagged.

He starts next week so it's onward and upwards from here.

Come on everybody, clunk-click, buckle up and let's go, we are clear for take off.

I wonder where we're going this time ?





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  • Comment number 1.


    The only way is up my friend!

    Chezza of Divaville

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning CLP
    I second Chezza's comment!

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Christophe,

    Onwards and upwards it is then.

    As long as they don't mess about with the schedules too much. I'm not sure if I could cope without you and Tezza to start and finish my day.


  • Comment number 4.

    The e-mail was an entry to choose the line up of a land mark TOTP, my choices of great songs were converted into an 'episode' of TOTP2!

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Tally-Ho Mr Evans,

    I'm sure he'll do you all proud, and you for him also.

    Just steer clear of answer machines unless your message is written down, well studied, and had a dry run through his holyness the Pope to stop any moral misunderstanding.

    I was awake at 3am this morning with an idea for Radio 2 for a certain event happening next year, 2010. I'm going to work on it.........


  • Comment number 6.

    Morning Chris - excellent news and I look forward to hearing what he comes up with.

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning Mr E - here's hoping Rob/Bob will be of the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" school of thought!!!

    Can I make a little request? Could you please play that John Travolta track again, the one that that was on Jury last week? It's so good!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 8.


    Do you think the new controller can swipe any Aleesha Dixon songs off the playlist?

    Please ??

    Tobes - you are obsessed with 2010!!!

    Chezza xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi CLP!

    New boss indeed... good luck for the 2 of you working together to make even more great shows! Though I fail to see how you can improve on your already wonderful show.

    I'd like to see the touring show back again this year... and office news or similar... Whatever you decide I'm sure you'll put your all into it! (which is more than can be said for me this morning!)

    & Booboo

  • Comment number 10.

    diva - i like aleesha dixon - however (and I open myself up for being shot down) I have never got while Bruce spingsteen is so good - he does nothing for me!

    All together - does he wash up - no he never wash up

    super bp x

  • Comment number 11.

    You've done it now Super bp, everyone has now got that song in their head! HaHa


  • Comment number 12.

    Hi Chris,

    He sounds like he knows his stuff, so good luck to him. He has inherited a brilliant job, and I'm sure he knows that.

    I have to say, I think R2 is such a great station. Dermott's show on a Saturday is great, and Michael Ball on a Sunday morning is a joy. You can tell he is having a terrific time!

    But, Chris, you are the main man, that's for sure!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    super_bagpuss - I'd have dumped him ages ago! men should pull their weight around the house, I say!!


  • Comment number 14.

    Tiggs: TOP2:

    That must have been such a thrill for you! I have never even managed to get a request played on the radio, so that really was something!

    I hope Steve Wright did you proud!

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Changes all round then....Mr. Evans becoming a dad, Radio 2 having a new controller, and Tiggs facing a Brave New World - What an eventfull February!!!

    Re weather & allotments (well polytunnel in my case!) It really pees me off living up here sometimes - One pressie for crimbo was a subscription to a magazine dedicated to folk who grow veggies and stuff (cheers bro! :-}) So in January I get the February edition - great however the way winter goes up here we are about a month behind so in January I'm reading about things I need to do in March - am i going to remember what it is I'm supposed to be doing when in March I'm reading what to do in May?????????


    Oh continuing haggis - stuffing stuff with it is easy! I also made a creamy sauce with bits of Haggis and a big slug of grouse - fairly cleared the sinuses when I de-glazed the pan with aforementioned grouse! Woo Hoo!

    Today is Cold and overcast - 2 heaters on in the office today and "hot" tablets taken. Now to put kettle on - choccie hobnobs in the tin need liberating!


  • Comment number 16.

    Morning all
    New boss A? - hope he doesn't sweep too much !!

    Good luck Tiggs - health comes first !

    Work calls .........

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Hey Christoff,

    Bob Shennan has a wealth of experience and is a good choice.
    He must be highly regarded to have edged out Matthew Bannister and Lewis Carnie.


  • Comment number 18.

    Hey Dook, any hobnobs going spare? I'm starving!!

    Hobnobs - Peter Kay calls them the marine of the biscuit world, because you can keep dunking them and they won't drop in your tea!

    T xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Thank you - thank you - the person who invented the UPS - just had a major power cut - managed to save all my mornings work !! Phew!

    Just a matter of a thousand timers/clocks/phones etc to put right now. Oh Joy.

    Beesmum xxx

    Hi hubby xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Ok I've done 2 of the zillions of jobs I need to sort but still don't feel in the mood so I'm off to tidy my Dad's grave up... that'll make me feel like I've acomplished something!


  • Comment number 21.

    Hi All,

    Here Here! to all of the above.

    Not wishing to be controversial...again...Yawn!
    And not wanting to lose the Brucester between 9:30 and 12:00 or any one else, for the record.
    But, I'm quite excited about the Simon Mayo rumour, I love the Mayo and have to admit to wandering off at 13:00 to Five Live every now and again and always have him and Mark Kermode on my iPod on a Monday morning.

    Where would he fit though....Tough ain't it?

    Tiggs, Blimey, good luck.
    Is there any reason you couldn't go back to the dream job as and when?

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 22.

    Dookie #15,

    I had a Haggis in my hand on saturday but did not buy it as it looked like a giant rabbit dropping and about as savoury.

    I have handled many a haggis with a view to purchase , but never actually done so.

    Am I missing out .


  • Comment number 23.


    Ditch JV 12-2 and replace with lashings and oodles of Mayo!!

    You ok hun?

    Chezza xx

  • Comment number 24.

    I don't wish to depress everyone , but I reckon the new boss may wield the broom and have a bit of a clear out.

    The current line-up has been in place for quite a while and is, in my opinion, getting a bit stale.

    My vote is Mark Radcliffe for the afternoon show.

    Pommes de terre de l'amour.

  • Comment number 25.

    What and get shot of Wrighty?

    You must be mad. Steve Wright is the business, and Radcliffe and Maconie is superb 8pm-10pm, that slot works for them.

    Steve Wright should have been put in the honour's list by now for services to broadcasting.

    I like Jeremy Vine. I wonder how long it will take before Terry retires and Chris takes over on breakfast?


  • Comment number 26.

    JTT - A good haggis is rarely beaten. A taste unique to itself with a hint of pepper. Texture is course.

    Trying to describe the taste is like trying to describe the taste of an apple - it just tastes of what it is!!!!

    Vegetarian options are available but I'm not in a position to comment on them as i've not eaten one!!

    The son of Sween is regarded as one of the top manufacturers and is available in most supermarkets but alot of butchers (up here at least) have their own recipies - so taste & texture can vary.


  • Comment number 27.


    Lose the Vinester? Have you gone stark staring Bonkers?

    He is like a kind of therapy to me...

    Very good otherwise thanks, not being published anywhere mind! Well done clever clogs or should that be DM's?!

    I'm gonna come out and say this..........Wait for it.........I could live without Wrighty every day, don't dislike him but could live wthout him......
    While I'm at it Aled Jones warming up for Tel suits me better too.

    Chrissie, could not agree with you more re: Dermot and Ball....Brilliant!

    Ripples x
    Used to play basketball against him when I lived in Anglesey...What a life I've lived.

  • Comment number 28.


    Radcliffe and Maconie...Best Music show on R2.

    I did say Music CLP!


  • Comment number 29.

    Bingo Star ere - Only mean't te rwreet a short blog but ave, as usual, gone off inter one about whatta think of the Beeb's situation at present..... 'ill just finish it and bang it on the blog soon!!!!!!!

    PS 'ope all bloggers are ok terdee!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 30.

    Back soon all!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 31.

    #27 Used to play basketball against Aled, don't know why that shifted down to the bottom?

    Chezza, I'm keeping my powder dry on the Dermot connection.

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 32.

    I couldn't cope with Chris in the morning, far too madcap (and I think he would blow Moyles out of the water), and think he and his stylee are best suited to a drive time show. If not Terry in the morning, I would go for Richard Allinson as I feel he has the right mixture of laid back and up beat for the morning rush hour!

    I think Maconie and Tarbuck work well when they replace Wrighty, so if the mighty Steve was to depart then a vote for them!

    but sorry chief I don't like Mayo!

    DD out

  • Comment number 33.

    The balance across the board at Radio 2 is very good, Sir Tel and Christoff are the jewels in the the crown, with Wrighty a close third.

    Losing Parky on Sunday morning was a big blow, a broadcaster of his calibre really is irreplaceable, though I must admit Michael Ball is doing a very good job all things considered.

    Simon Mayo is a nailed on certainty to get a prime time slot, cannot say whose as don,t want to get moderated.


  • Comment number 34.

    Tobes: I know I have to face reality some day, but for now I cannot bear the possibility of Tel retiring. He has said himself they will have to pull him out of Broadcasting House kicking and screaming, so I hope we have him for a while yet!!

    Would Chris want to go back to breakfast? Been there, done that, sort of thing?

    I don't get to hear anyone during the day -no radio at work - and then of course over the Christmas break, when I COULD have listened, they were all on holiday!

    Ripples, JV was the first to say get rid of J Ross, so that put me in a huff with him. However, you agree with me re: Dermott and Michael, so you are forgiven!

    C xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Ripples - am i the only one who knows your deep dark Dermot secret?? Am I??


    I am honoured


  • Comment number 36.

    PA: for the record, I've been bonkers for years babe! xx

  • Comment number 37.

    PA? PS!

  • Comment number 38.

    played basketball against who Ripples - wrighty, aled, dermot, ball or Vine?

    Must admit Jeremy Vine does "do my head in" and I find myself muting the pooter for a few hours until wrighty comes on - as is the case just now (i know its not jezza on today but .... nah!)

    Never about to listen to Terry, Ken bruce is my companion on my way to work, Chris is my hometime chum.

    Saturdays are fleeting snippets while I make deliveries but enjoy most of the comedy progs at lunchtime (ish). Sundays are just a blur interspursed with TV treats of Mist A Sheepdog Tale, Jane and the Dragon and Something for the weekend.


  • Comment number 39.

    Ah, Christophe, I read the title, and thought 'NEW BABY!!!' and had to temporarily stop knitting, in order to check if it was going to be a pink or blue border on his/her slip mats.

    And it's not a new babe at all, but a real new boss...

    I believe there is a special offer on the book 'How To Manage Your Manager' but somehow I think you'll cope!

    good luck with your first supervision meeting

    peas I can't stand Bruce Springsteen OR Alesha Calesha either.

    That feels better.

  • Comment number 40.

    That put's a different persepctive on old JV, although to be fair, I do remember him calling up Brand on the Saturday night show as a fan, and Ol' Russ making some very near the knuckle jokes about JV and Mrs JV...He didn't complain then and even mentioned that he had been trying to get RB round for dinner. I'll have to trawl through the podcasts and have another listen...It was as ever..very funny!

    He has also said some very positive things about JR come to think of it.....Glad to see that the latest attempt to whip up a storm about JR has fallen flat on its A**e


  • Comment number 41.

    I remember that Ripples! He was going on about "sheet action" if my memory serves me .....

    God, I miss him!

  • Comment number 42.


    I did correct later but it was Aled, around the time of the Snowman as well!

    Chezza, You are on here, but to be fair if any makes the slightest mention, I will blurt it out...without a struggle!

    I've just realised that this is making it sound a lot more interesting than it is!

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 43.

    Intrigueing Ripples darling.

  • Comment number 44.

    CTD LOL.

    It is such a dissapointing reveal though....Mmmm, Me, ladies, dissapointing.....something sadly familiar about those words.

    Ho hum!

    Rips x

  • Comment number 45.

    Don't like Mayo or JV afraid and would miss Tel if he went which I hope he wont.

    As I've just spent 40 minutes talking to the department of work and pensions am now off to lie down in a dark room to recover!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    For anyone that needs a laugh......

    Cheer up you old buggers!!!

    Ripples, Radders and Maconie rock the discoteque, music wise, and are on the right time slot. Dermot's show is also great.

    Drivetime, since Chris took over, is fantastic, but breakfast is still looked at as the flagship programme in many people's eyes.

    I actually would like to see Chris stay where he is, but I could see the sense in a move for the obvious reasons.

    Anyways, all speculation.


  • Comment number 47.


    That is interesting re: JV. When the whole RB/JB thing kicked off, JV was very grumpy indeed!

    And, yes, the attempt to start more trouble for JR is just ridiculous. (I did suspect he was going to have a difficult time on his return).

    I heard what Andy Davies and JR were saying on Saturday - no way could anyone have been offended - it's just a witch-hunt now!

    C xx

  • Comment number 48.

    changing tack for a minute

    did anyone see being human on sunday night - different actors to the pilot but a great show - well done beeb!

    I aslo see that there are going to be new red drawfs with all cast members shown on Dave at Easter - sounds good to me

    super bp x

  • Comment number 49.


    #46 ...... (no, not Vale's number, your post above hun)

    "old" ?????

    Mrs Robinson maybe, but old .... Noooooo!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 50.

    Dookie egg #26

    Thanks for that,

    I will definitely try the haggis, with the tatties and neeps of course.

    The breakfast show will forever remain the property of the Togmeister Sir Terrence Wogan.


  • Comment number 51.

    Did you see this?

    Blimey, that had to hurt, surely?

    Bet that made Chris' eyes water too :-)


  • Comment number 52.

    No problem with Tel staying where he is....Like it matters what I think...Haha.
    I was suggesting Aled as a replacement for Sarah (if we're spared) Kennedy!
    Not my cuppa T, I'm afraid, I need cheering up that early in the morning.

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 53.

    Wrighty should have been put in the tower by now for crimes against humanity.

    And as for the old woman, Tim Smith et al, dont get me started on that.

  • Comment number 54.


    I saw in the Mirror (have to buy something to wrap The Times in) that they were accusing JR of looking Smug in the four page preview of his comeback!

    Yep....JR looks smug, he has no other look....If I was as blessed in as many ways as he apparently is, I'd look bloomin smug too.

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 55.

    Greetings Ter CLP And ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - Remember when a said Leslie Douglas resigning, that she 'ad nothing ter worry about and a waz sure she'd getta new job easily. Well a recently read she 'as. Forgotten wher enow but a read she's in a 'igh postion.... somewher elike Sky!!!!! Can't remember exactly where... anyway a waz right..... knew someone of 'er standing/ quality would be ok!!!!!

    As for the new contoller.... Bob...... ello ter Bob..... ello!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PS Am glad Lewis iz sticking..... what with new slick, ungrooved, tyres this year in F1 am sure Lewsi will be sticking around az 'e goes around.... very well indeed!!!!!!!!!

    PS - All the crazy shenanigans over Wossey, Russell and SAchs with some nearly getting the sacks... sack.... a really 'ope Naught Nick iz ok. A remember 'e waz Russell brands producer. When a met Nick and all that a 'eard from you CLP about 'im a thought for a young bloke 'e iz going places - know what am sayin'!!!!!!
    I 'ope 'e didn't get caught up in all this madness, being close ter the centre of the Sachs fire, and lose 'is job????
    Just wondering CLP.... what's the news ere???
    Yer 'ear with the ear about all the famous people and Leslie but what about the 'ard working behind the scenes production staff????
    I 'ope Nick iz ok and noot got caught up too badly in this!!!!!!

    As for all this madness surrounding the Beeb at present... call me cynical but a still think all this controvesy iz partly stems from the goverment who wanter privatise the Beeb!!!!!
    What a disaster this would be!
    Imagine CLP's show with ad's every 8 minutes!!!!!!
    And believe me if the Beeb did get privatised

  • Comment number 56.

    Crimes against humanity?


  • Comment number 57.

    Yes - Ask Elvis and giving air time to Janey Lee Grace, to name just two.

  • Comment number 58.

    Ah.... that really annoys me..... a don't know what 'appened there.....

    Ave just written out me blog and only 'alf showed..... and ave lost the rest... GONE!

    DAMN IT..... i'll re-write the second 'alf and bang it on the blog later.....

    STRESS...... of technology!!!!!!

  • Comment number 59.

    Blimey Karen,

    Did someone do a whoopsy in your handbag this morning?


  • Comment number 60.

    I don't like Mr Wright but I think Ask Elvis is really funny!!

    Please don't put CLP on in the mornings - I laugh all the way to work with Moyles on R1 and then all the way home with our Christophe on R2!!

    I too love Dermot - and Lord Bob of Harris of course!

    I'd quite like Liza Tarbuck on of an afternoon, if anyone's taking notes!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Nothing like endearing yourself to the new boss Chris - by saying you wish someone else had got the job!!!

    That job in the diplomatic core awaits!


  • Comment number 62.

    I don't think Chris said he wished someone else had got the job.

    DD out

  • Comment number 63.

    Clunk click every trip and and good luck to Mr Bob.

    What's happened to Shorty? I thought they didn't blog because of me.

    I just wanted to say that I am now aware of the feelings on this blog.

    Aunty Karen, Steve Wright was the reason for me listening to Radio2. You see I like his sense of humour.
    Infact most of the shows on Radio2 have very talented broadcasters.
    I think the only show that drove me slighty mad was the Organist Entertains.

    Guten Haben.

  • Comment number 64.

    My eyes are going as i am sure that I read something different!


  • Comment number 65.

    I'm getting a bit tired of the personal insults now.

    I've tried being upbeat, I've tried puerile smut and I even got myself a cod French signoff line.

    Yet when I give my point of view I am insulted.

    PP - SW was funny, in 1985, but has had the same schtick for too many years now.

  • Comment number 66.

    Nev 64#

    DD is correct Nev, Chris did,nt say that, he might be daft but he,s not stupid . LoL.


  • Comment number 67.


    Personal insults?


    I'd say that saying Steve Wright and team are making crimes against Humanity is far more insulting than asking you if you were in a bad mood, which is what I was asking above, but trying make it a bit more palatable.

    Point of view is fine, but a radio DJ commiting crimes against the human race because of a co-presenter and a feature on the show?



  • Comment number 68.

    I think that power cut this morning did something to our phones - not a single bleep - shouldn't say that should I - they will go mad just as I am due to hurtle out of here to barnet fixer.

    Could have been my phone call to the DW&P which broke it!

    Hi Hubby

    Diva - are your phones broken too? Any calls??????????

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Awww Beezer, d'ya know what - I have completely lost it.

    Bottle gone.


    Picked it up a few times but just can't do the dially thing.

    I never thought that would happen!

    And I spent a bit of my lunch hour paying a flaming HUGE tax bill so if anyone wants to cheer me up this arvo, please feel free.

    Heaven knows I'm miserable now ....

  • Comment number 70.

    Greetings Ter CLP And ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.....

    OKAY 2nd attempt ter post this.... with the missing PART 2 below (alf way)

    CLP - Remember when a said Leslie Douglas resigning, that she 'ad nothing ter worry about and a waz sure she'd getta new job easily. Well a recently read she 'as. Forgotten wher enow but a read she's in a 'igh postion.... somewher elike Sky!!!!! Can't remember exactly where... anyway a waz right..... knew someone of 'er standing/ quality would be ok!!!!!

    As for the new contoller.... Bob...... ello ter Bob..... ello!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PS Am glad Lewis iz sticking..... what with new slick, ungrooved, tyres this year in F1 am sure Lewsi will be sticking around az 'e goes around.... very well indeed!!!!!!!!!

    PS - All the crazy shenanigans over Wossey, Russell and SAchs with some nearly getting the sacks... sack.... a really 'ope Naught Nick iz ok. A remember 'e waz Russell brands producer. When a met Nick and all that a 'eard from you CLP about 'im a thought for a young bloke 'e iz going places - know what am sayin'!!!!!!
    I 'ope 'e didn't get caught up in all this madness, being close ter the centre of the Sachs fire, and lose 'is job????
    Just wondering CLP.... what's the news ere???
    Yer 'ear with the ear about all the famous people and Leslie but what about the 'ard working behind the scenes production staff????
    I 'ope Nick iz ok and noot got caught up too badly in this!!!!!!

    As for all this madness surrounding the Beeb at present... call me cynical but a still think all this controvesy iz partly stems from the goverment who wanter privatise the Beeb!!!!!
    What a disaster this would be!
    Imagine CLP's show with ad's every 8 minutes!!!!!!

    PART TWO BIT.... written again......

    Sadly I think all the contoversy surrounding the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú in my opinion iz a ploy by the goverment ter privatise the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú.
    All the bad mouthing leads in the eyes of many ter strengthing the case for privatisation. Sadly it seems the general public are very easily led. A mean look at Tony Blair's weapons of mass destruction as a case for the invasion of Iraq. Many believed 'im!!!!! NNYYYYYAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
    All the latest madness over the Gaza Aid Appeal, crazy... it's on the news, on the 'our!!! Why noot just damn broadcast the appeal? All this is so damaging for the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú!!!

    If the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú is privatised then it will go from the best media organisation in the world, to only being a business, only about money!!
    It will cease ter be a pubilc service for the public and will be the 'ands of only the money driven!!!!
    But sadly a lot of people can't see that!
    The licence fee of 12 pound per month iz a.... BARGAIN!!!!!!!!! A BAAAARGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Shhhhhh..... Don't let the Media Secretary read this that people think it's good value for money or they'll think maybe they can double the fee!!!)
    It's a shame the government don't learn, that once GREAT Britain, the once most respected and leading country in the world iz slowly aving it's fabric torn away.
    The Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú iz one of the great things we still 'ave left.... and it's BRITISH!!!!!!
    Yet now these self destructive, money obsessed politicians wanter sell off the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú for a quick buck!!!
    Don't they ever learn?
    The mad thing iz, most things the government do sell off costs us more in the long run!
    Just look at the banks now.... the credit crunch!!!
    It's the same with the railways they sold off..... now a very expensive way of travelling!!!!!
    The same with the car industry...... it seems the government never learns!!!!!!

    If the Beeb iz privstised then there will be far more filth then on tv and radio!!!!
    Look at a lot of the flith on the likes of CH4??? And those late night phone in shows.... just making money out of lonely people.... taking advantage of them!!!!! For goodness sake.... it makes me angry those late night tv stations, our national tv stations... are just being used ter make money!!!! Noot ter broadcast entertainment, interesting, educational and informative content!!!!!
    Also look a the Transmission music show, full of filth and swearing. Yet TOTP a show yer would be 'appy ter let yer kids watch..... but look what's 'appened ter TOTP!!!!!

    I recently 'eard CLP mention that there's rumours Radio 1 and 2 might be privsatised!!!!
    Imagine then radio.... full of adverts for sex chat lines, casinos.... loan companies encouraging people ter get inter debt.... these are the ads I 'ear now on commercial radio!!!!!
    CLP's show with silly jingles for double glazing.... 'olidees.... dating...... evey damn 8 minutes!!!!!
    Why the people of this country, the government noot see.... that we need ter stop destroying everything that iz good about Britain.... the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú must NOT be privatised!!!!!!

    Finally, if Bob, the new R2 controller iz reading this.... then PLEASE keep up all the great work that Leslie Douglas did (ok a did think the Russell Brand Show waz abit too rude. I like Russell Brand alot, but I think 'e would be far more successful if 'e would just tone it done slightly. 'is style iz unique but too OTT) but apart from that... R2 is BRILLIANT!!!!!
    The only thing I would say ter improve R2 iz why do many brilliant Top40 tunes noot get played on R2???
    A know R2 is aimed at the slightly more mature audience, but an example is the most downloaded tune ever by One Republic and 'pologise. A know some tunes are too Clubby for R2 but this isn't!!!!
    Many that are played on R1..... rarely if ever get played on R2!!!!!
    A shame as R2's listeners are missing out on some excellent music!!!! Foo Fighters and 'ero.... another example pops ter mind!!!!!

    So PLEASE Bob...... can you bear this in mind as a way of taking R2 up another gear ter success!!!!!!

    Okay all am outta ere..... maybe this might show this time all!!!!!

    GOURANGA 2009!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - It must be getting very close ter the arrival of yer little domestic enterprise - know what am sayin'!!!!!

  • Comment number 71.

    PS I agree Steve Wright - THEE broadcaster!!!!!! Okay the past fee years 'e 'as goot a little braoder.... but don't we all in old age.... no offence Wrightie!!!!!

    Everyone iz entitled ter their opinion.... but Wrightie Boy..... iz a clean living, clean talkin' dude yer would be 'appy ter let yer granny or baby lsten ter - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 72.

    Good grief Bingo!

    Diva - Pick up the phone - and Dial - just do it !!! Shall I count you down - ready ?

    1 - 2 - 3 GO.

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Ahhhh the stress iz getting ter me now!!!!

  • Comment number 74.

    B's Mum - It'a all too much..... we need ter save the Beeb from the money greedy..... soon CLP And Wrightie will be paid by the amount of ads they can cram inter their shows!!!!!!

    Remember..... 90% Bingo predictions come true all!!!!

  • Comment number 75.

    Bingo I know they do !!! Thats scary !!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Go Bingo
    Go Bingo

    Never a true word spoken. I can't stand adverts at the best of times, but to have my favourite radio programmes littered with them, fills me with dread to be honest.


  • Comment number 77.

    Tobsterr- Yes it was you I was talking to.

    You are now being a little disingenuous by saying that you thought I was seriously comparing Steve Wright to the likes of Pol Pot and Saddam Hussein. And that you were taking the moral highground on behalf of the millions who have suffered at the hands of war criminals.

    It was a bit of joke.

    I don't see you picking up on every post that anyone else makes.

    You wouldn't be jumping on the bandwagon against those posters who dont 'fit in' on here would you ?

  • Comment number 78.


    Can't. Quaking. Scaredy-cat Diva!


  • Comment number 79.


    Eh? I have no idea what you are on about my friend.

    Speaking on behalf of millions? I was talking for myself and myself only.

    Maybe I read you wrong, maybe put a smiley to make things clear.

    Don't fit it? we all fit in. You're being just a tad over sensitive don't you think?


  • Comment number 80.

    Ali - totally agree - normally record anything with adverts in so I can zap through them !!!

    Isn't that just typical - hair appointment and it's just started raining! MWa - what did you do in the end? Feel like doing something crazy today - Blonde - purple - red ? Any suggestions?

    Bees xxx

    + Diva - ?? Progress report please !!!!

  • Comment number 81.

    Not good enough Diva - gwon - do it!!!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Aunty Karen And ALL - In the same words as CLP yesterdee.... "karlm down..... karlm down"......

    Everyone iz entilled ter their own opinion!!!!

    Ave 'ad a few people a know say ter me at work they just don't get Wrightie!!!
    They think 'e bigs 'imself up too much...... but it's noot an ego thing... just the style of 'is show.... aka The BIG Show!!!!!
    All mean't in 'umour noot ego!!!!!

    Wrightie iz noot out ter offend anyone.... just entertain!!!!

    A should now.... ave met 'im and although 'ighly authoritve and abit frightening..... 'e 'iz a very, very nice man!!!!!!

  • Comment number 83.

    CAN'T !!
    Quivering in corner .........

  • Comment number 84.

    Well said Bingo darling. Well said! xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Bingo, I hope you're wearing your curly wig and moustache while youre saying that!!

    T x

  • Comment number 86.

    Diva I am going to get in my car and do for you in a minute !!!
    1 pick up phone
    2 dial number
    3 probably melt in a heap?

    DO IT !!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    LostAliBaba And B's - Some adverts on the commercial radio are so chessy or irritating and repeaated ter yer wanter scream..... ave actually goot ter turn the volume off for 30 seconds ter stop me going mad!!!!!!!

    A recent one waz one about a dating website.... god must ave 'eard it 400 times..... and so annoying..... AND when yer single too!!!!!!

  • Comment number 88.

    I'm sorry, but I'm just too nosy! Cheryl - who are you supposed to be calling? And why are you bottling it?

    I hate it when I lose the thread!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 89.


    I've got to dash, but I'll leave a bag of jelly babies for you in the corner, just don't take the black ones, they're mine!!

    Note to self: Switch off phone in children's singing show, unlike the last time when you made everyone look round and small children cry :)

    Have a nice afternoon all.


  • Comment number 90.

    'igh Chezza And Sparkly Tinsel.... it'a all too much stress for me!!!!!!

    Ave just sent Wrightie an e-mail telling 'im of our blog discussionings.....

    So if yer 'ear 'im on air soon go abit..... off the rails.... the blog could be the reason!!!!!

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi Beez Baby,

    I wish my phones were broken x


  • Comment number 92.

    And Bingo: I agree - if the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú ends up privatised, we can just give up there and then.

    No wonder I can't bear to read the news!

    C xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Chrissie - glad you asked that #88. I'm dead nosey too and would hate to think that I've missed something important :)


    Whatever it is you are supposed to be doing CtD, just do it ;) xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Poor JTT - cauliflower ear? On my way to help (not) !!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Morning/Afternoon everyone, we have a major snow storm supposedly heading this (my) way. Forecasts expect up to a foot of snow....... Bright and sunny this morning, the calm before the storm.

    CtD, congrats on the press release.

  • Comment number 96.

    Chrissie and Ali - I'm with you re Diva's phone call!!! Thought I'd missed something and haven't got time to go back over all the posts!!!

    Tobes, hope you have a lovely concert. If there are any black jelly babies left they're mine, do you hear??? All mine mwah ha ha ha ha

    T x

  • Comment number 97.

    Hi James - just watched our lunch time news to see what is going to happen on my day off ! Joy of Joys - rain forecast and possible flooding. !! Better get my boat out instead of the car !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 98.



  • Comment number 99.

    Arfternoooon boys and girls,

    Tried to read through the shenanigans from FNWC onwards but gave up - far too much to retain!


    3 things:

    1 - Hazel - #15 yesterday - my jaw dropped with the pig joke. norty!! btw I DIDN'T hit a badger the other night. Despite the fact that it probably would have come off worse if I had hit it (ie being dead most likely) I suspect the car might not have come out of the collision lightly either. Phew.

    2 - does he wash up, no he never wash up.... hehehe

    3 - HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA loving the laughter chain, just woke ben up by laughing - ooops!!! Groan, the laughter on the laughter chain actually made him cry :(

    Hehe. Now then - who you avoiding phoning, Cheryl?! That doesn't sound like you!

    Off on an adventure in a bit, to find a toy shop. Hurrah. Then I need to find a house shop..... well.... actually I need to find our rent agreement for this cottage, I am DESPERATE to move house and can't remember how much notice we need to give :(

    Maybe I'll look for it later.


    and the jumpy bean

    PS there were several moments of proper laughter reading through.

    Honestly. Has anyone ever asked what the other one's called........... :)

  • Comment number 100.

    Chrissie Ali Tins - she's bottled it !!! put it in your diary !!

    Diva - Ooops indeed. dipstick !

    Beez xxx


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