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In the midst of it all...

Chris Evans | 14:29 UK time, Tuesday, 6 January 2009

In the midst of all the ...

... cold and the frost and the decorations coming down and all the salt over all those roads I have something new for 2009.

I'm using the toaster to time my boiled eggs...

Boil the water in the kettle so it's already up to speed before transferring to the pan and popping in the egg.

Whilst simultaneously now submerging the toast, two slices of brown for me, via the lever contraption in the toaster and then when the toast is done, so are the eggs!

Why has it taken me 42 years to realise this?

Currently in search of a one egg pan, so's to save on water on the washing up. I believe they make really small pans especially for single sauces, one of those should do the trick.

Tomorrow: how my tea-making method has changed in this the last year of the noughties ...

Bet you can't wait.

Lots of love.




P.S. Blog was late yesterday, nothing to do with me, a dodgy valve in cyber space.


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  • Comment number 1.

    insightful as ever CLP, why did none of us discover that?
    Delia tends to use little pans like that, that plastics firm used to sell them, not sure if they still do?

    Tiggs xx

    Chrissie, that's exactly how I felt about that post, hence sharing

  • Comment number 2.


    Is that not what we laydeeez call Multi-Tasking? And you - a fella, doing it too!!

    Tash is a lucky lass to have a multi-tasking man in her life!

    On the subject of the decs coming down, I must confess that the Diva Towers decs are to be insitu until the weekend. Yes, I know today is 12th Night and we should have done it at the weekend but due to various degrees of lurginess in the Diva household, and not getting in from work til gone 6, the tree is staying put until the weekend.

    Well, at least I'll get my monie's worth before it goes off to be composted.

    Back to the shredding ......

    Chezza la Diva
    x x x x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hello Chris,

    I'm sure I saw a little one-egg gadget for boiling eggs on Dragon's Den a while back, - no water or pan-washing involved at all....are they in the shops yet?

    The young mind tries to understand new things- the old mind just compares new things with what it already understands.


  • Comment number 4.


    I have been trying to teach my man this for years - as well as the fact that you can cook and wash-up at the same time - they are activities that work well together - he tends to cook and therefore stands in the kitchen watching the food?!?

    super bp x

    PS - whiplash feels particulary bad today - while I wait for the doctors to call - have been waiting since 10am this morning - any suggestions anyone - bearing in mind I'm sat at my computer at work!

  • Comment number 5.


    Mine does that too!! And them wonders where all the mess came from after the meal has been consumed!!

    Dontchya just love men!?!?!?

    Men - your right to reply starts here .....

    Chezza x x x

  • Comment number 6.

    Mr df cooked one day at the weekend and washed up as he went along - I didn't realise he was such a rare flower

    Mind you, a lot of his washing up fails to pass muster and gets sent back for another go - but you can't have everything!

    Child no 3 never ever does more than a teaspoon but if she did I fear it would all get broken anyway


  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris,

    A really fabulous tip, and one that I am sure 99.999999% of the bloggers here would use. But, as I have said before, I can't stand "squidgy" food, so my boiled eggs take ten minutes. I can iron a shirt, then make the toast and only then will the eggs be ready! And even then I might leave them for another minute, just to be sure!

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Keep the decoration up....... the season is so short and winter so long (well it is here anyway). I normally keep trees up until the middle of January....... Everything looks so bare when they all come down......

  • Comment number 9.

    And when you've boiled your egg, CLP, can I suggest you pop it into one of the marvellous inflatable egg-cups I ordered only yesterday from Omelet.com for Butterfingers Everard after the tragic demise of 'is Big Ears egg cup on New Years' Day.

    There aren't enough inflatable things in the world today. My good friend Janet, aka. Sybil Fawlty, still has her 6" high inflatable Christmas tree I sent her over 20 years ago, oh yes. Out it comes and gets blown up every year, despite having survived a nasty altercation with a cigar on New Years' Eve 1995. Therefore instead of sending her another card that following Christmas, she received a puncture kit.

    Waste not want not that's what I say.


  • Comment number 10.

    Bare is good! I for one am glad to pack it away and have tidy surfaces again. Mrs!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Gosh! I wondered where that statement was going there for a minute needinspiration .....

    bit cold to be bare at the mo ...!!!

  • Comment number 12.

    I'm going to feel compelled to try out the boiling egg and toast job when I get home... and home I shall be on Thursday. In the meantime my wonderful Mummy has moved into my house for a couple of days with Booboo to take my dec's down for me... bless!!!


  • Comment number 13.

    Either very well done toast or half cooked egg Chris ; either way I'll carry on timing mine with an egg timer from placing egg into boiling water. And to stop the shell cracking there's a handy little device available that makes a little hole in the shell .... but now this is seriously boring ... off to get a life .

  • Comment number 14.

    I've just caught on, as Crowded House would put it " 2 Blogs in One day . . . "

    BtW, best way to serve toast . . . .

    ... butter both sides !!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 15.

    I like the sound of that Dan .

    If Mr B walks in and out the office door one more time I'm going to deck him!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 16.

    iI use the same method for poaching eggs, works a treat.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 17.

    I always find that the way to make anything taste better is to add more butter.... or cream.... now where's my DVD of the two fat ladies lol!


  • Comment number 18.

    But Lin - poached eggs take 10 minutes or the white is still all runny and yukky!! Think I'm veering towards Chrissie on this one.


  • Comment number 19.

    But Christophe! You're supposed to bring the water to the boil in the pan with the egg in it. Aren't you? That's what I always do as I find if I drop un oeuf into the eau chaud, it breaks and I end up with icky goo malarkey in the pan...

    May I suggest the £ store for a small sosspan too. The local ones round these parts do those tin camping ones...fab for your one stop pot...

    Anyhoo, busy is as busy does...Chezza, I've just taken delivery of a brand new shredder too...the old one just couldn't cut it...

    un oeuf's unoeuf

    SBeep, don't turn your head too quickly if someone calls you would be my suggestion...hope you're feeling better soon!

  • Comment number 20.

    Away with your ? you machine!

    That is the L for Pound!

  • Comment number 21.


    I've only ever done hard boiled eggs, and then I'm like Chrissie, boil them for ages.

    So how long do soft ones take, is it 3 minutes?

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 22.

    You've got to have something to dip your soldiers into..... (careful CtD) and you have to have a runny yoke for that......

  • Comment number 23.

    Sorry forgot...hi Missy, great to see you back.

    x x x

  • Comment number 24.

    i am currently reserving my right to remain silent. apart from the shredding as that makes a bloomin' awful racket!

  • Comment number 25.

    CTD - what did the nice boss man say bout your new role?

  • Comment number 26.

    It's not him being shredded is it?? LOL


  • Comment number 27.


  • Comment number 28.

    I can't remember the last time I had a boiled egg! In fact I don't posses an egg cup, so it's been at least 8 years - that's how long I've been in my flat.

    Next time I go shopping I shall purchase an egg cup and give it a go. How exciting, I was planning to introduce a new recipe each month, so a boiled egg can be one of them.... hahah.


    CtD - you mind all that shredding, I did a lot at home over Christmas and the paper dust gave me a nasty cough for a day!

  • Comment number 29.

    He's going to talk to me when Old Lady is not in the office - Friday or Monday I think.

    So far this year tho, all going well.

    I'm more likely to shred her than him. He reminds me of Daniel Craig to be honest.

    WIthout the blue trunks. Thankfully!

  • Comment number 30.


    Funny you should say that - I've started coughing and am currently driving everyone bonkers. Hopefully they'll bog off home soon and I can put my feet up for the last half hour or so and listen to CLP at 5 !!

  • Comment number 31.

    "bog off" hee hee!

  • Comment number 32.

    Let's play "What's for tea?" I'm doing Cottage Pie. Might put some cabbage in with the mash... What's everyone else having?

  • Comment number 33.

    hubby making fajitas for me, can't wait!

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Beef stew and mashed lovespuds.

    Made a gallon of the stuff on Sunday and its kept us going ever since! Hopefully tonight is the last night tho as I'm getting a bit fed up of beef stew now!

    Afters will be even more choclitty loveliness from the left-over christmas choclit stash.

    Maybe I'll just cut straight to afters .......

  • Comment number 35.

    CtD - what? Your boss walks around the office with no trunks on?? No wonder you get distracted and start coughing! :)


  • Comment number 36.

    No idea what is for tea tonight - we like to go home and pull stuff out at random or Mr bp surprises me - last friday we havd veggie toad in the hole - yum yum

  • Comment number 37.

    Ok, forget the eggs, hard boiled for eternity here.

    Just thought I'd mention that scrabulous is back under a new name on facebook. And the old games from before are still there. Wierd huh?

    Ok, off to finish that threesome with CtD and DD ;-)

    x x x

  • Comment number 38.

    I'm defrosting some @sda Extra Special sausages - not sure which flavour as I freeze them in twos and mix them up, adds to the surprise.

    My dilema is whether to fry them or put them in the oven - bearing in mind that I spent hours Saturday morning cleaning my oven and I want it to stay that way for a little bit longer than 3 days!!

    Decisions, Decisions


  • Comment number 39.

    needsinspiration...due to some odd craving from whence I know not...possibly subliminal advertising...I find myself needing a soft boiled egg for my tea...am already drooling at the thought of solljurrs...for dipping obvs! Sorry ChrissieS...gotta be squidgy!

    ...and CtD, it didn't publish earlier, but I did mention that I have just taken delivery of a new shredder today...

    the old one just couldn't cut it

  • Comment number 40.

    Blimey super_bagpuss - all that pulling out stuff at random and Mr BP surprising you - I'm amazed you get time for toad in the hole .....

    ... or was that a euphemism ? ? ?

    Ya minx!!!

    Debbie - Fab news about Scrabs eh!!

  • Comment number 41.

    The question is are the eggs home produced? I rescued 6 brown hens last september and am still awaiting a nice brown egg to boil! not much chance for a while, I presume they have fairly frozen chuffs at present........(ref; terry's penguin remark earlier today)!

  • Comment number 42.

    whiplash -nasty
    get seen as soon as possible
    even a simple massage will help
    If you have someone who does a bit more, like Bowen technique or Shiatsu which Ithink are more effective and gentle then get u to them post haste! and make sure they make good notes as you might be able to claim the treatments back off the insurance.
    I would not use cold on an injury - certainly not the old fashioned packet of peas advice - if it feels swollen then a cloth run and the current v cold water and held for a few moments might do it.
    If it is stiff - heat pad.
    Epsom salts or magnesium sulphate from the chemists (you ask for it) is a muscle relaxant for your bath.v cheap remedy

  • Comment number 43.


    thanks for the advice - i have had it for nearly three days - have been to see doctors and am on tablets but it still hurts so i just wanted some more advice

    super bp x

  • Comment number 44.

    whiplash..... sounds like something CtD would be talking about... er on second thoughts I think that would be whip lashes......LOL

    SuperB, hope your neck feels better. I know folks that have been in similar positions and agree with Frome, heating pad worked well for them as well as sitting in a chair with a back that can support your neck....... Takes a while for the symptoms to ease unfortunately......

  • Comment number 45.

    whiplash can take a while to resolve itself so you do have to take the long term view. the shock of the accident can hang around a long time too, giving sleepless nights, anxiety and so on (making you feel better??).
    A good body worker should be able to deal with that too - the body basically can stay in that shocked place until it realises it is safe to let go - hence a really relaxing body treatment can help turn that alert (sympathetic) state into relaxed (parasympathetic). It is then that the body can get to work healing itself as the muscles relax allowing the blood to get to the damaged muscles

  • Comment number 46.

    Wow Frome, great advice for SB. Hope that you feel better soon SB.

    I could do with a good body worker. My body is quite shocked (shocking?) most of the time.

    x x x

  • Comment number 47.

    FromeCarla - you sound quite an expert

    What's your (or anyone's) view on turning to osteopaths and chiropractors for sporadic severe back pain caused by old injuries and/or sitting too long in one position e.g. when driving?


  • Comment number 48.


    Having given the matter due consideration I'm thinkin' a hen's chuff is a tad warmer than a penguin's by differential of approx. 2".

    Oh yes. 2" makes all the difference. As my Grandma once said to Granddad when he installed a shelf in the pantry 1" higher at one end than the other.

    "I don't know what the fuss is all about." he boomed. "An inch doesn't make that much difference."

    "Oh no," says Grandma, "Well it would on the end of your nose, birdbrain."


  • Comment number 49.

    or anything else Clodagh! LOL


  • Comment number 50.


    Not that I've done much research. I'll be down Chester Zoo wit me tape measure and the meat thermometer without delay.


  • Comment number 51.


  • Comment number 52.

    Oh Clodagh..........I can see the newspaper headlines already............



  • Comment number 53.

    Headline: Cloadagh Runs the Rule......


    Cloadagh Counts Claim

  • Comment number 54.

    Greetings Ter CLP Boy And ALL In This Particular Area Of.... The Net.....

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP Man - A thought a DJ of your authority/ stature would ave a butler ter boil yer eggs - know what am sayin'!!!!!?????
    And as a owner of some restaurants too!!!!!!

    NewTiggy67 - #48 on the previous blog - Very interesting blog commentation - shame more people couldn't take a step back in life and chill abit, like in yer blog story!!!!!!
    PS A thought my blogs were long... but obviously noot!!!!

    Okay all.... Am bringing out a fitness video as all are at this time of year.
    But mine's gonna be one with a large difference ter shift any excess 'eaviness yer might ave blocking yer progress in life.... Called 'Move Yer HGV'.... nnyyyyaaaa..... Based on the life in the dee, sorry dee in the life, of a demented HGV driver surrounded by the insanely awkward!!!!

    It goes like this....>>> A did a delivery to a petrol station in me truck. The first time a went there, the bloke came out and said "yer can't park there. Yer need ter park over there." So a goot back in and moved me truck ter... over there!
    Then when a parked.... 'e said "yer need ter move back a little"... so a goot back in me truck and moved... it a little, then goot out again ter unload.
    The second time a went ter the same petrol station, a remembered noot ter park it where a parked it in the first place and second place, the first time a went there...
    So a parked it where a 'ad parked it... the third time the first time a visited.
    Only problem a goot out of me truck.... and the bloke said "yer facing the wrong way.... terdee we need yer ter turn it aroound!!!"
    So a goot back in me rig and.... turned it arooound... then goot out again!!!!
    The third time a went ter the store a remembered the place a parked the third time on me first visit there. And the way arrround a parked the second time.... on me second visit!!!!
    So a parked it there. A goot outta me truck.... and the bloke said... "sorry yer can't park there terdee.... yer need ter park in the front of the store.... door!!!"
    A said "why" 'e said "'cos we need ter take it straight inter the shop, noot inter the ware'ouse at the back."
    So a goot back inter me truck and moved it from the spot where i'd been asked ter park the second time on me second visit there... and moved it ter the spot where a parked firstly on me first visit!!!
    A goot outta me truck and then waz asked ter move me truck back as a waz blocking someone who need ter exit the car wash.
    So a goot back inter me truck and moved me truck back ter where a waz parked the first time on me third visit.
    The car came outta the car wash. Then a moved back ter the spot where i'd parked the second time on me third visit ter the petrol station store.
    A then got outta me truck.... started ter unload.... me load.... only ter find they didn't ave enough room for all of the load. So a reloaded.... some of me load back onter me truck.... and toook... it back ter the depot where i'd picked it up from!!!!!!!!

    But yer don't need a truck all.... yer could just run up the stairs and sit down, get up, back down the stairs, back up the stairs, sit down, get up again, down the stairs, up, sit down, up, down, up ,down, up, down, down, up and pretend yer a demented trucker trying ter do deliveries in a mad world!!!!
    Keeps yer VERY fit though - am tellin' yer..... So am easy on the above NEW Bingo Star fitness regime video/ dvd!!!!

    PS all above 100% true all..... and yer thought truckers sat on their butt all dee!!!!!!


  • Comment number 55.

    Bingo - you are a star!!!!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Hello everyone, I am new here and have just had such a laugh reading all your comments it has brightened my day. Wow I'm interested in the egg thing Chris started and can't wait to give it a go. Does it depend on which setting you have your toaster set at? I think my toaster has a mind of it's own so it will be a bit 'pot luck' on whether I get soft or had boiled!..only one way to find out.........

  • Comment number 57.

    hello flipflop - welcome aboard planet gaga!

    When Harry Hill says there's only one way to find out, a bizarre fight ensues. So - toaster versus egg timer ....

    Fight Fight Fight!

  • Comment number 58.

    Ah flipflop. Good luck with the truculent toaster. And do what floats your boat with the egg. Just don't microwave it or yous'll end up feedin' the riot squad when the next-door neighbour reports a sniper.

    Ah yes. That was another life-threatenin' gadget Renee bought from the Sunday Supplement or Tupperware or some other company run by psychopaths. It was called a Boil-O-Matic or an Egg-O or something worrying like that, and you could Simply Pop It In The Microwave whilst you happily ironed your socks or hoovered Grandma's hat. Trouble is, Renee always chooses to tackle these feats of scientific wonder without the glasses on and therefore misses at least one vital instruction. Such as 1) Prick The Egg. Ergo one cracked microwave door, an egg-spattered fridge and a small dog with tinnitus and a nervous tic.

    Mind you, the Egg-O still survives intact and blows raspberries at me when I open the cupboard door.

    So watch yourselves. It's a jungle out there. And never, ever buy anything that has -O on the end.


  • Comment number 59.

    A lesson for life there Clodagh! Why do Americans call Jelly 'Jello'? I've always wondered that................

    Hi flip flop. I'm quite new too but have been made to feel welcome by the longer-standing inmates of the CLP blog sanitarium for the terminally bewildered.

    Time I wasn't here though so goodnight all. Hope to catch you tomorrow or Thursday.


  • Comment number 60.


    Because the Americans are nuts. Bless 'em.

    Hark at me.

    Anyway, hurrah I shall be enjoyin' mine easy over with jelly on the side in the Sunshine Diner near Union Square next week, I'm so excited the rigor-mortis has set in.


  • Comment number 61.

    Is it my imagination or does the picture of Ivan Brackenbury, the spoof radio DJ, on the Radio2 homepage bear an uncanny resemblence to the drivetime DJ of this parish?

  • Comment number 62.

    jello is a brand name.....

    hi flipflop, welcome to the insanity......

  • Comment number 63.

    ref #53, headline should read Clodagh rules the roost!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 64.

    "Hello- rhymes with jello" but doesn't taste as nice on toast with peanut butter.... Yes I know I'm as strange as the next yankee doodle dandy... did I tell you my next hubby is from the USA?


  • Comment number 65.

    Morning each

    Misty, damp and cold up here this morning.

    Chris, am definitely going to try that tip, I never get boiled eggs right - either rock hard or yukky slimy.

    Welcome Missy and new people.

    Lyndyloo: Did I miss something? Next hubby?

    Back later, I have to do some work today. Bums.


  • Comment number 66.

    morning all. hope you're well?

    **welcome back missy**
    and hellooooo flipflop, welcome aboard

    I prefer my eggs poached (with a lot of salt on???) but next time I do the soldier ones for the ankle-biters I'll do it a la Evans and see what happens!!!

    Lost an old friend yesterday, I have had an old banger of a car which I only ever use to drive to work and back, it was dirt cheap and a real hunk of junk but she never let me down in any weather, never bothered to heat me up in the cold (didn't work) and allowed me to still play cassettes!!!! But yesterday she failed her MOT and also needed extra work doing which would've cost 4x what she was worth so reluctantly I let the ol' girl go to scrap. Man the driveway looks bare without her.
    On the plus side though I was going to buy myself a scooter this summer so I might just bring that forward a few months.....now where did I put that Quadrophenia dvd???

    bonnet de douche


    ps, my poor postie yesterday didn't know what had hit him, I saw him walking up the drive with a parcel and nearly ripped the dor off the hinges to greet him......it was a parcel for MrsW, he thinks I'm mad now!!!!!

  • Comment number 67.

    Gingerbere - we have the same issue on Friday - Mr Bps car - a trusty L reg MR2 - is having its MOT and it might be the final one - but he has loved that car and we will be sorry to see it go. He might also have to buy something sensible next! Its hatefult o say goodbye to a car.

    On the good news I should get my little blue bomshell back tomorrow all fixed - woohoo.

    I like eggs cooked all ways but hate when they are bolied and underdown and a little snotty - we have a four toast toaster with seperate settings for both sides so we have an me side and a him side - is that a little sad?

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 68.

    surely the eggs / toaster timer thing depends on the setting on your toaster.

    our toaster has little blue LED lights on. i like my toast on 5 lights, but mr diva prefers 3 lights.

    so, if your toaster is set on 2 or 3 lights your egg may well be very very runny indeed. if on the other hand it's set at 6 lights (charcoal toast - why?) then your egg will be a tad on the hard side, but not hard-boiled.

    man, life's complicated at times.

    Morning all!!

    Chezza x x x

  • Comment number 69.

    It's official.

    Having spoken last night to my friend Leo, the Canadian Zoologist, he has officially confirmed that, to my surprise, a penguin's chuff is actually warmer than a chickens' chuff. This is due to its natural fluffy thermal pants, evolved over several thousand years and due to the law of Survival, whereby any penguin with a baldy chuff would have bin stuck by said chuff to the ice, (rather like the tragic incident endured by Sally the Yorkshire Terrier, stuck by the tongue to the frozen wheelie-bin until being released by Renee and the kettle), and would have fallen prey to marauding polar bears. Or killer whales, or whatever is above penguins on the food chain.

    Ergo you never see a chicken sat sittin' on the ice, legs crossed, readin' the Chicken Gazette.



  • Comment number 70.

    Ahhh. I love the idea of fluffy thermal pants. Natural or otherwise!

  • Comment number 71.

    A Polar Bear is about 12,000 miles above a Penguin in the food chain!

  • Comment number 72.

    I want thermals. Apparently, Debenenenams are selling ones with sequins on. Just for you Cheryl!!


  • Comment number 73.

    Oh WOW Anne. Now you've done it! Listen to Rebecca at half five this eve for news of Debehams shares rocketing thru the stratasphere thanks to sequinned drawers!!

  • Comment number 74.


    More egg talk is making me hungry. I think I'm going to have to sneak off to the canteen. Egg roll 70p cup of tea 15p, pretty good eh?

    In fact....eggsellent!

    Sorry, someone had to do it ;-)

    Debbie x x x

  • Comment number 75.

    Morning chums.

    I'm eggstatic this morning, got a cashmere sweater from Take That's fave shop for £9!!!!!!

    Thermal sequined longjohns ... my next big purchase me-thinks!!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Just a thought ....

    at future blog meetings we could all recognise each other by our sequinned trolleys ......

    praps not!

  • Comment number 77.

    Now somewhere in there, there's a joke about bloggers and trolleys!!!!!!


  • Comment number 78.

    Thankyou mrsmaryevans. I stand corrected, thankyou for your kind assistance in this matter.

    So that'll be the killer whales then. Nasty blighters them killer whales. I once saw Life On Earth and haven't spoken to one since. Anyway I'm behavin' meself from now on lest I come back in me next life as a baldy-chuffed penguin, I've never liked the cold and don't like the outfit. Mind you the brother-outlaw says I walk like one after a large meal.

    And Cheryl. You wear the sparkly trollies, babe, I'm stickin' with the fluffy pants. Keep your distance with your fag, though.


  • Comment number 79.


    I have many vices. Smoking is not one of them!

    Chezza x x x

  • Comment number 80.


    Who mentioned smoking, har har


  • Comment number 81.

    Hello everyone,

    Mmm-mmm, dippy eggs with Marmite soldiers - my fave. Mr P does crackin' (sorry) eggs; I can only do hard-boiled.

    Funny story: Mr P went for light therapy for his psoriasis this morning (basically, a couple 'a seconds on a sunbed) and the consultant has advised him to purchase a thong / jock strap for future visits.

    Do Agent Provacateur do a male range?

    Or do Debenhams stock the sequinned variety 'for him'?

    Answers on a postcard please.

    Rosie ;)

  • Comment number 82.

    Ooo Achtung Rosie.

    Don't let 'im go on the sun-bed in the sequinned thong, 'e'll be roasted like a pound a chestnuts. Ready-peeled if 'e overdoes it.



  • Comment number 83.

    Drippy eggs and jock straps - that's right put me off me biccie!!

    Morning all - no frost on car but it's snowing a tad - will probably decide to belt it down when I go out later!

    Happy bunny today :)

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Hello! What a busy morning I've almost missed!

    Men in sequinned under things - noooooo.....plain wrong in my book - with or without the sunbed!

    Sorry about the car Gingembre - had the same thing myself last year, when a much loved old friend made by Mr Ford went to the great scrapyard in the sky.

    What shall I make for my lunch today then - eggs maybe???


  • Comment number 85.

    Hello all, am coming to you from the wilds of Co Durham today (and it is wild!), wishing I was at home with a coffee and a good book (several of which, thanks to a certain book supplier, are waiting for me at the local post depot - am *dying* to get down there!).

    Sequinned pants sound brilliant, but they'd never be the same after you washed them. Did the same to a sequinned handbag I had, and it came out half melted. Of course, the boil wash I'd accidentally put it in probably didn't help...

    Derbyfi, re your wonndering about osteopaths/chiropracters for recurring back pain. I did my lower back in a few years ago lifting a solid wood bed (still cringe now thinking about it). Was in agony for weeks until a friend suggested I visit her osteopath for a session. Went along and she had a looky-loo and then fixed me!! A bit painful, but flippin' marvelous.

    But still, the pain returns sometimes and is made worse when I'm sitting for a long time, so I tend to go back every 6 months, and in between if I need to, for a top up. I have to say, it does wonders, I feel like a new person afterwards.

    I'd try to find one who's recommended by someone rather than picking a name from the phone book, but it's well worth the money (my initial consultation cost £30 and each session thereafter is £25).

    Just an opinion, I'm no expert, but I hope it helps.

    AF xx

    ps men in thongs - WRONG ON EVERY LEVEL!!

  • Comment number 86.

    AF you are so right on the thong thingy.

    Chris - re small saucepan - the Lakeland store has a 5" small, stain-proof saucepan. Is that small enough? Cost £3.91. Hope this helps.


  • Comment number 87.

    hello all
    Just managed to catch up, now someone's given me a thunk, dippy eggs and marmite soldiers........I am a My mate marmite, hubby is I hate marmite so jar is well hidden in kitchen

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 88.


    Are you gonna thing uth a thong?

    Chezza x x x

  • Comment number 89.

    I'm far too busy to be thinging thongs Chezza!


  • Comment number 90.

    hmmm, now I'm picturing men in sequined undercrackers - who started this???!!!

    Totally agree tho, men in thongs (or even speedos) ... no no no!! Nice pair of boxers or commando, it's the way forward (or perhaps to the left or right???)

    T :-)

  • Comment number 91.

    Just spluttered crackerbread all over my screen!

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Glad to be of assistance Tiggs :-)


  • Comment number 93.


  • Comment number 94.

    Thanks for that AF. It's actually Mr df who has the bad problem but he's a typical man about seeking any kind of medical help! This is all grist to my mill though!

    Agree 100% with you and Annie re thongs - they do nothing for me except bring on hysterics.

    Even thinking of dear Howard in one just makes me laugh - not the reaction most men would want to get, I think! And as for those Borat sling thingys..........no, that's way too much information!


    p.s. eggs were very nice - white firm and yolk very slightly soft.

  • Comment number 95.

    Well now...all this talk of thongs and chickens things is just making me feel dashed chilly! And I have to agree that a man in a thong is not a pretty sight.

    Having said that, I'm still trying to find the one that I put on for my birthday...I just know it's in there somewhere...

    Anyhoo, I had a runny soft boiled egg and a piece of toast for my tea last eve. The egg went into cold water which was brought to the boil then simmered for just about threenarf minutes and I have to say, was pretty much perfick. The toast was lightly done and almost smothered with delishus salty butter.

    In fact, I enjoyed it so much, I may well have the same this evening...

    ...and the new Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú1 Saturday night eggstravaganza?

    Strictly Chuffs On Ice

    ps chezza, check yer e x

  • Comment number 96.

    LOL Tinsel!


  • Comment number 97.


    e duly checked! Spiffing!!!

    Tins / AnnieG / Beezer - brace yourselves!! Put down all drinks and DO NOT have anything in your bouches when you open the e I have sent you!!

    It's all H's fault!

    Thank goodness it's not sozzages for tea in Diva Towers this eve!

    Chezza x x x

  • Comment number 98.

    Morning/Afternoon Everyone, from icy NY.....
    Yolks have to be runny, toast cut into soldiers for dipping (with marmite of bovril) otherwise what's the point of having a boiled egg for breakfast......?

  • Comment number 99.

    my thoughts exactly
    Tiggs xx
    Afternoon BTW!

  • Comment number 100.

    Meant to ask, are you enjoying The Business?

    Tiggs xxx


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