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Hey look at the little fella

Chris Evans | 15:27 UK time, Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Most babies we know....

...look like Winston Churchill but Noah has now moved on to the William Hague stage.

What's all that about ?

And as for peeps like William Hague who look older when they are younger, well then they never seem to age after that.

I have a friend who looked nineteen at nineteen and then all of a sudden fifty when he was twenty but now he looks amazing.

Then there are those people who age gradually and all of a sudden the handbrake goes on and time stands still - Angela Rippon has looked like she does for the last half a century, Michael Palin - always looked exactly the same and I swear Hugh Scully is going backwards. Good for him.

Other observations are welcome.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Am I first, am I???

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Yaaaaaaay, that's cheered me up!!


  • Comment number 3.

    You are Pen, Well done xx

    Afternoon Chris, How goes the world with you?

    It is funny how people look the same now as they did 25+ years ago. Dawn French, springs to mind as one who is ageless.


  • Comment number 4.

    I love William Hague.

    SrAlan is fairly ageless I think, as is Andrew the Lord Lloyd Webber - altho he may be helped by Grecian 2000!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    And of course Cliff Richard!

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris,

    I know exactly what you mean.

    I have always looked about 5-10 years older than I am (well not always obviously!).......Sadly, the age shows no sign of slowing down to let my appearance overtake!



  • Comment number 7.


    Your'e as old as you feel Christoph, and I do like a good f**l!!!!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Arfternoon CLP!

    I was one of those people that looked 20 by the time I was 16 and then didn't change much till I was suddenly 30 and then apart from the extra weight I haven't changed a whole heap since then. There are people that I see from school though who look really old! I look at them and can't beleive we were in the same classes...

    Anyway... I love House too


  • Comment number 9.

    CLP, I was always the one who got sent into the offy for the bottles of lager and cider, and the fags, when we were all still very underage! Don't think I've ever been asked for ID *sigh*.

    On the upside, however, I've never been refused a drink!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 10.

    No! Wrong way round. It's my appearance which needs to slam on the brakes!

    Double Doh!!


  • Comment number 11.

    Aha - just for once have checked to see if new blog - can't keep on ranting although I have put it on previous blog!!!! (my rant that is).

    HRH is one who amazes me - her skin is like porcelain (sp) and at 80 what? And Cliff of course Sparkly although that's with a bit of help.

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    We knew what you meant Rips lovey. That'll be the brain overtaking the age eh hehe.

    AF xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Cliff Richard has been replaced by aliens back in 1976 and has since been living in my spare room.

    However, a young one (see whaddidid there??) could be Dustin Hoffman. Same in Tootsie as he is in that new Harvey thing. Come to that, only just last eve, the Badger said 'Ooo, Emma Thompson, still looks persackerly the same' to which I replied 'yeah'...

    or is it Grecian2000

    pess Baz, Choosdee would be the best day if ok for you? Don't wanna do too much forward planning!

  • Comment number 14.

    Tins, it's just taken me 4eva to write my missive...and we've both said Grecian2000.

    Are you me?

  • Comment number 15.

    Cheers AF,

    My brain doesn't do much overtaking - spends most of it's time in the slow lane - with frequent stops on the hard shoulder for overheating!

    Reminds me of something my dad used to say.
    When God was handing out brains, you thought he said trains, and asked for a slow one!

    Love him......



  • Comment number 16.

    I luv Cliff, there I've said it.

    I know he's not everyone's cuppa. Mebbie one day I'll admit a few things on here!!

    Pen and Cliff up a tree
    K- I- S- S- I- N -G

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Rolf Harris amazes me...isn't he 80 something.

    Wonderful sense of humour too!

  • Comment number 18.

    There's a possibility one day I might grow up. But not today.


  • Comment number 19.

    Pen, You crack me up. If we are into confessing. I have a thing for Michael Parkinson and I'm only 40!! There I've said it too.

    I also had a thing for Sir Cliff when I was younger, but grew out of that!

    Lyndyloo - My Mum always comments that "old" school friends look old, and I say to her that they are probably saying the same thing about her to their daughters. You are going to look a bit old if you are nearing 80, apart from the Queen that is...you've got to love my Mum! Bless her.


  • Comment number 20.

    I've never been asked for ID either Flower. Went to see X rated films offy for cigs/booze when I was 11 but I was 5ft 6in .

    Thankfully the old look slowed up and I have now been told I don't look my age. That would be those who don't look too close or through very tinted glasses!!!

    Lyndy - I saw an old friend of mine the other week who is 5 years younger than me and I almost didn't recognise her - wrinkly or what!
    That reminds me Boleyn - is the cream working and if it is - send me an fb message with the name!!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Talking of crushes on 'older' men - what is with Sean Connery???? I just don't get it.

    Right, off to tai chi. Hope someone can come up with an explanation by the time I'm back.

    AF xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Agh I dunno about the whole ageing process, still baffles me although bits of me are newer than others so will be interesting to see what the overall effect of that is lol.

    One time before goin into hospital I wrote this wee poem called The Scars of Age which I haven't read again for years but it was inspired by this very subject. By the ways I won't be applyin to be the Laureat (sp?) at Oxford any time soon, not exactly a prolific writer like.

    Being the eternal optimist (mmmm) Im in my late 20s so Im a little bit scared there's plenty of time to go downhill lol

    Mentals :)

  • Comment number 23.

    I luv Cliff too. I have a card from him (from many, many years ago) that reads 'Dear Hazel, thank you for the lovely picture. I like the bows on my shoes. Love Cliff'

    ...and like I said, he's living in my spare room. Tickets available £39.50.

    Anyhoo, someone who looks older...and I love him too...Tim McInerney.

    And someone who I just would.

    Jason Statham

  • Comment number 24.

    re previous blog: Mentals, they think the same here about Eddie Izzard...LOL

  • Comment number 25.

    Mr B had a senior moment today!!! (he is younger than me).
    Just went to see a client - drove off the motorway - obviously with brain dis-engaged - went round the island - and went back on the motorway he had just exited!!!! OMG !

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Beez - lol, best you lend him your car with sat-nav!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 27.

    LOL Beez, that IS funny.... I would have kept that to myself if that had happened to me...LOL

  • Comment number 28.

    I am cursed with looking and sounding younger then I am - so much so that i was ID'd for alcohol last year in a supermarket - what made it worse is that I was with my Dad and my first response was I'm 27 - and this is my dad who can prove it!

    Not into older looking men - Johnny Depp - theres a man who is hard to age - hasnt changed much in 20 years!

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 29.

    Oi, Bondy, you ignoring me? I said 'ello earlier. Unlike you not to acknowledge. Wos going on? Have I upset you? lol

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 30.

    James - must admit - so would I !!!!!! Not a word!!!

    Pen - No way - he hasn't driven it even yet and after today - no way Joseph - I may never see it again - or him - - - come to think - just off to get my keys...................

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Look guys, Cliff ain't that much older than me!!

    Pen xx

    pees I'm a hogin this blog a bit ain't I, best I take a step back.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 32.

    HI Chris

    But then there is the time when you look in the mirror and see your parent. That's when you realise that you have got older *lol*

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Chris,

    I have a friend who says he is 40, he looks 40 and everyone believes he is 40, but I secretly believe he is older, don't know how much older but definitely not 59! He says he is a Gemini, but I don't believe that either!

    I feel so happy today, I just can't stop smiling.

    Lots of love,

  • Comment number 34.

    Beez!!! You look nowhere near your age! You have a very youthful look about you and I concur with Baggie, she defo looks a young spring chickn


  • Comment number 35.

    Sorry Penny, I must have missed you. My humble apologies......... grovel, grovel..... Hope you are well? Having a good day? I was supposed to have a review with my boss at 11AM and so far he hasn't shown up and it's now 11:45....... typical!!!

  • Comment number 36.

    On another note Booboo has just brought me her "Chewy Vuitton" handbag toy for me to throw for her then waited till I was just about to take it and shook her head and walzed off with it prancing around the room with a real ha ha look at me look!
    And what's more... for a young bear she's got a very old and serious little face!

    Oy! Come back with that toy you!!!


  • Comment number 37.

    Aw Lyndy - thank you chuck. You certainly don't look yours and sorry Baggy but you look about 17 !!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    and yet I am 10 years older - I'm guessing that in 20 years or so the youthful looks will work in my favour!

  • Comment number 39.

    Bondy - apology accepted, not enuff grovelling but don't let it happen again or I'll have to seriously chastise you! lol

    Bosses - huh, don't they just like to think they are in charge!!

    Hels - My mother definitely lives on in me!

    Penny xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Chris, well, I've said it before - I have a photograph of myself aged about three - and I look exactly the same today. My mother must have freaked out, having a 52 year old toddler!

    I have never been ID'd - it must be great!

    Penny: I love Cliff too, so don't feel embarrassed. Have you ever seen him "live"? What a performer (oo-er), what a showman - he is absolutely terrific. And you are not hogging the blog at all - you are having a good time, nowt wrong with that!

    AF: Sean Connery is a ruddy idiot. Imagine any man saying it's ok to "slap" your wife every now and then! I have never seen anything attractive about him, not even in the golden days of Bond. Nutter.

    Now, if we are talking Philip Glenister ....

    Hazel: It is hilarious to think you have had Cliff as a lodger since 1976!

    C xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Chrissie - Have I seen Cliff live errrrrrrm, is the Pope Catholic? Just a few, ok many, times! Along with one of my daughters and she's 37!

    And I'm proud of it.

    I know he's dead, but in my yoof I just loved Dirk Bogarde.

    Penny xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi y'all, and Tinsel, loved your song, and you can tiddly pom whenever you feel the urge, in the manner of Winnie the Pooh.

    Age. Hmmm. Am 44, and sometimes, just sometimes , people say "I can't believe you're 44", or such like (meaning surely you're 55?), or, "No. you can't have a 16 yearold daughter" (meaning surely you mean grandaughter?). So if they accept that I'm that age with no qualms I feel insulted! Bizarre. Definitely have some real "fine lines", though they will have gone in 3 weeks according to my current super-serum. So I will look 33 by July, or that's the plan.

    Older bloke for me - Larry Lamb. Fancied him rotten in "Triangle" - still do in Gavin and Stacey! Don't watch Eastenders, I believe he's a murderer or somesuch - NO! - not my Larry.

    Oh. and I've just remembered, I was wearing a summer top on Monday and a Y5 boy told me I have "good muscles for my age". Not at all sure how to take that.

    Off to shift some weights (yes really) and do a few planks, hurrah.

    Love Anne "Call me Pop-Eye" Boleyn.

  • Comment number 43.

    Penny, yes I did rather suspect that! I've seen him in London, Birmingham (twice), Newcastle, Edinburgh and of course Glasgow, several times. I have never fancied him (that'll keep him awake at night) but I just think he is a fabulous entertainer.

    BG: agree entirely about Larry Lamb. Have you seen the "extras" on the G&S CD's? It would seem our Larry has been a bit of a boy in his day!

    C xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Just been asked to resign by my boss..... oh dear!!!!!!

  • Comment number 45.

    Evening all

    Struggles to keep up with all the post recently.

    Just thought I'd say Love House. Those blue eyes of Hugh's are just gorjusssss. Saw it from beginning when it was on Hallmark channel of all places.

    Love it when he wins awards and the look of shock on the faces when this luvly english accent comes out of his mouth.

    That's all for now, off for my touch rugby


  • Comment number 46.

    Oh James that's awful! I'm really sorry to hear that xx

    Why should you have to resign though? Make sure you don't lose out on anything your entitled to!

    Take care
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Bondy sorry to hear your news.


  • Comment number 48.

    Hi all

    Bondy, that's terrible! Mary's right though, make sure you don't lose out - I know it's different over there though. I'm so sorry!

    Need to make some calls, back later

    JG x

  • Comment number 49.

    Bond- Is that expected news/ completely out of the blue/ something you want/ something you hate the thought of/ an opportunity???? I always try to look at all the angles but can understand if you're just shell shocked at the moment. We're all here for you if you want to vent your feelings...


  • Comment number 50.

    Evening each

    Bond, how awful, I'm so sorry.


  • Comment number 51.

    Bondy - that's dreadful news. We are all here, so as to speak.

    Penny xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Bondman, that's such a bummer. Hope you manage to sort yourself out. I tend to think most work-related problems are probably steering you in the direction you know deep down you want to go; but that might just be me, sorry if it sounds a bit crass. Anyway, I'm very very sorry, no-one wants that kind of news. Chin-up mate.

    A xxxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Well, I think Bondy might have left the building, either to drown his sorrows, or to go home home and walk Daphne.....

    I would do the latter first (well obviously walking Finlay, not Daphne, as that would be a long trip)! And the former after, big style too!!

    And Bondy, it is very often a good step in the end, although it won't feel like it right now!!

    Take care

    JG xx

  • Comment number 54.

    James - noooooooo! On fb hon.

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Evening all,

    Bondy, sorry to hear your news x

    Re the aging thing, I don't think I look my age, despite quite a few grey hairs! I have been ID'd and it really did make my day! Looking back at old photos of myself I think I look better now than I did when I was a teenager!

    Finally managed to enjoy the sunshine this afternoon, but didn't start the day off too well as I locked myself out of my flat! Doh! Had to go and find my flatmate at work to retrieve her keys. Fortunately no taps were left running or pots on the stove. Seafood Linguine for tea (yes I call it tea and not dinner!) and am chilling out for the evening...

    Helga/ R x

  • Comment number 56.

    Rumours of my insanity have been greatly exaggerated.

    Well, having said that, a few days ago it was a close run thing.

    I won't bore you with the gruesome details, suffice to say that the highs that I experienced over the bank holiday weekend - regular readers will know what I mean - swiftly turned into deep lows, and I had to think seriously about where I was going, and more importantly, why.

    But, hey, as Diamond Dave sang at the top of today's show, 'life goes on, without me'.

    Feeling a little better now, by the way.

    I haven't caught up with the blog since Chris returned, but I intend to at some point over the next few days. I trust all is well in the camp and I haven't missed anything too exciting.

    In the brighter parts of my world, we are really enjoying Springwatch. I guess it resonates with our semi-rural life here, but I personally find it great escapism TV. With all the nonsense and hassle that everyday life brings - particularly at the moment - it is nice to settle down for an hour of an evening and join in the 'traumas' of not seeing polecats, or the 'drama' surrounding the wren chicks and whether they will leave the nest in the next 24 hours.

    Well, I think so.

    Apologies if you have already done that one.

    Oh, and our live music menu has expanded a touch.

    In summary, this is 2009 in terms of live music;

    The Killers (Berlin, done)

    Chickenfoot (if you don't know what I mean, google it - or 'bing' it if you are brave - and it'll all make sense)

    The Killers (Hyde Park this time)

    Leonard Cohen (one for my mum - although I do have a soft spot for him)

    Green Day (just got these, a bloomin' fortune, but my new favourite band - well, neck and neck with The Killers)

    So there we are.

    Ups and downs, but I continue to indulge my passion of seeing my heroes.

    Happy days, my friends.

    Peace etc


  • Comment number 57.

    Evening Matt. Springwatch on, with the lovely Simon.

    Glad you're feeling better, life is sometimes a very big, black hole, eh?

    Went to a very rough pub in Gateshead at the weekend - live music - local band - absolutely brilliant! I just love the local talent.


  • Comment number 58.

    evening all, hope you're well?

    sorry for absence which was longer than anticipated!
    I tend not to post too much when chris is away and then BANG, on saturday our internet went down until today - arggghhh.
    Quite scary how much we rely on the www in our life isn't it?
    Work's been scary busy, far too much death for my liking recently.
    Love the 3 posts chris, will comment more when have time.
    Did read in the press and hear on talk sport about your boys night out...well, you just gotta do it once in a while haven't you???

    bonnet de douche


    hope all you bloggers are well out there, I haven't had time to read this week's entries but will try to as soon as I can x

  • Comment number 59.

    Nice to see you back gingembre.


  • Comment number 60.

    Hang in there Matt was lovely to read your posts.

    Gingembre don't like the sound of your work recently so big hug just in case you need it.

    Been in touch with Bond on fb. Unexpected - but told him I/we are there for him.

    Hi Annie xx

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Hi Matt and Gingembre nice to see you back on here... Matt I am very jealous of all your concert going shenanigans, it all sounds awesome! Hope you continue to feel better....


  • Comment number 62.

    Beez, hallooooo you. How are you?


  • Comment number 63.

    Evening all,

    Bondy - oh, i am so sorry, have been thinking about you today and wondering how you were. Take care xx

    MFR - hiya matey , enjoyed your posts at the BH weekend, and have been looking out for you. Keep your chin up -am on Fb if you want to find me- Killers - they rock - am jealous !!! xx

    Chrissie, how about Donny Osmond for not ageing hey ????

    I also think some one who has aged rather scrummily is Martin Shaw .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Bondy mate,

    Really sorry to hear that, you seem to have been unsettled recently, reading between the lines of your posts.

    For what it's worth you sound like a top bloke, and the sort who will take the right decision and stroll on a bit stronger for it.

    Good luck, whether you do resign or don't!


    No kiss.....but.......
    Firm hand shake and gentle but manly shoulder charge (see Elbow's last album).

  • Comment number 65.

    Rips, that's nice. James was a true friend to me when I was having trouble sleeping. He went out of his way to help. A really nice person and I hope everything turns out well for him.


  • Comment number 66.

    He should be here in a mo - I've been monopolizing his time I'm afraid!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Hiya beez, hope you are ok, Mr Beez home safe and sound i hope !! ;-)

    Mc x

  • Comment number 68.

    Hi everyone, thanks for all your support it's really greatly appreciated..... So many kind words. Rejection is always hard to take, but Rips is right, I have been unhappy there for quite some time. Thanks for the handshake..LOL

  • Comment number 69.

    Annie, it was my please to help. Let me know when you need more supplies.....

  • Comment number 70.

    Will do Bond, but everying fine on the sleeping front at the mo.

    You look after yourself. xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Bondy, sending you a big kiss,(i will leave the handshakin' to rips ) You will be snapped up in no time .

    MC x ;-)

  • Comment number 72.

    Rips xx mwah

    James ((( big one )))))))

    MC - Mr B home just about! Got him a hands free gizmo for phone since he decided to get a newer phone and not the brick he normally used. Tried to phone on way back from old gits - got through fine but end of call - nah - had to pull over and hit half a dozen things to cut off! Sigh!

    Best he sticks to computers and not mobile phones.

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 73.


    Glad he's back safe and sound - technology hey can't live with it, can't live without it !!

    MC x

  • Comment number 74.

    Thanks again for all the support. Little Daphne keeps jumping up on to the sofa and licking my hand.... (she my little puppy in case you were wondering). Her little ears are back and everything.

  • Comment number 75.

    James - dogs can sense things - give her a big cuddle. Do you both good.
    I've just been biffed by mine cos it's treat time and I'm typing!
    He has been known to whack the mouse out of my hand for attention!!!

    Beez xxx

    Love Lyndys story today about boo and designer handbag toy!!!!

  • Comment number 76.

    Aw James, seems like she knows you're feeling down.

    My bed is calling me, have to be up at daft o'clock to meet up with gorgeous daughter in the morning. And need to buy trainers to walk round Loch an Eilian on Saturday.

    Won't be around at the weekend but will be thinking of you James. xxxxxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Bondy,Not known you long but I really am feeling for you right now

    Chin up, dust yourself off ,and onward and upward

    As one door closes another door will open.

    Bridge. xxxxxxxx


  • Comment number 78.

    Evening each..

    Bondy...big bottoms as Annie would usually say..but maybe it IS the way forward? Have you got other things in the pipeline? I`m sure someone will snap u up in no time... oh,another thought..does that mean you may be coming back to the UK?sorry..so many questions and not the place but just wanted to add my hug and positive thoughts... and Daphne seems to be doing a good job of passing them on.. x

    As for looking younger than your age..never for me! Although Crumpy was very kind on Sat when she guessed at 7yrs less than i am...personally i blame the champagne!

    My mum always looked younger than her age until the last 2 yrs when she has got very wrinkled (she admits it herself so wont mind me saying!). She`s only a tiny wee thing so i keep telling her she needs to eat more to fill out and the wrinkles will disappear..well it works for me anyway!

    Hope everyone else is doing ok this cloudy night..watched the back story App bit and am recording interviews for when GM graces me with his presence shortly..

    Hugs to all..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 79.

    James - did you call her Daphne after Daphne in Frazier on account of her being a Brit in the States? Just wondering. Naturally nosy nature. Hope you're keeping your pecker up!

    Springwatchers - is it my imagination or is there a certain "frisson" twixt Kate and Chris? And I love that bloke with the long hair, he's so natural and funny.

    Evenin' Beez (got loads of blueberries on my bush!), Annie and MC

    A x

  • Comment number 80.

    Hi MTF,here.

    Firstly Bondy,heartfelt wishes for which ever path you are now to follow.

    Look at all your support on here and go out there and give it to them.xxx

    Hello everyone else.

    Its getting cooler a bit.We have the first clouds appearing too.

    Anyone done anything really exciting today?

    Still no Ads and Debs2 then?


  • Comment number 81.


    Yes I remember how happy you were over bank hols . Sorry youv'e been down of late again.

    It's nice to be able to have an escape mecanism ,and Im sure that there are many people on this blog that have one ,including me .

    Mfr ,your not alone you have all of us here wishing you well.

    Bridge .xxxxx

  • Comment number 82.

    Evening A,

    just been watching the apprentice , good decision Sralan.

    Havent watched Springwatch as yet , usually glued to it.

    Been for another run tonight - 3 in three days . have a nasty feeling the DOMS will set in soon (delayed onset muscle stifness ) self diagnosed on't t'int !!! roughly translates into unfit and too old for shakin my stuff in the streets ;-)

    MC xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Scoobs - you are a child!!!!

    Boleyn - send me an fb message on your cream stuff - need it badly since I was in sun on Saturday - where did these wrinkles appear from overnight!!!!!

    Agree with Chris and Kate on springwatch. Did you see the other night when he called her "baby" - she was so shocked she went to another shot. I will say however - the last time someone called me "baby" .... (censored) !!!!!

    Blueberries - yay - need to search out those net curtains before the birdies feed them to the zillion chicks in my garden! Loaded for the first time in how many years????

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Hello ManC - don't run yourself down - you're doing great, and culling the flies to boot! I would love to be running to keep fit instead of torturing myself on the excercise bike and hideous "floor"exercises, but my knees don't agree. keep going, but give yourself the odd day off to recover.

    A x

  • Comment number 85.

    Hi A,

    Thanks for your advice , will deffo have a night off tomorrow. I'm an all or nothing at all type. All running and no chocolate right now, need a role reversal tomorrow .

    Knees a bit creeky :-) am only 22 in my head but double that in real life !!!
    In the morning will feel like quadruple that !!

    Mc xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Beez - I found a new wrinkle when I had my eyebrows waxed for the first time ever last week! Don't know how long it had been lurking! Which is bater - wrinkle - eyebrow hair - there's only one way to find out..... FIGHT! (apologies to anyone who doesn't watch Harry Hill).

    Will give it another week and let you know progress.

    Ooops, time to tell everyone to go to bed. Am such a bad mother when left to my own devices.

    A x

  • Comment number 87.

    Agree with Boleyn - steady on there MC!!!

    MTF - good query - Ads and Debs 2 !! ooooeeer!!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    ManC - 44 is the age to be! Moi aussi.


  • Comment number 89.

    #86 - I meant better

  • Comment number 90.

    Right folks, am going up the stairs whilst me ickle leggies are still working.

    Night night and take care all,

    MTF - hi and bye , hope you are ok, will hand the night shift over to you .


    MC xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Greetings Ter The CLP And ALL Blog Operatatives Operating On The Blog.......

    Bingo Star ere........

    CLP - A most interesting discussion on the blog terdee and you invite further analysis/ discussions/ observations of the above mentioned........ discussion!!!!!!!

    Ok ere's my mention ter the mentioned situation in 'and........

    Funny yer should talk about ageing.... and who loooks like who....... Ave always loooked younger than me age and INDEED often now, sorry now, at 36 still get called...... 'lad' by some!!!!!!!!
    A could easily get offended at such remarks..... take it a being patronised..... but then a realise...... a would/ can only be getting called..... 'lad' if a looook younger than 36..... thus being called..... 'lad'...... ain't...... bad - know the points am trying ter 'it ere!!!!!?????!!!!!@?!
    Also without sounding egotistical..... A waz always an ugly child....... but az am getting older....... ave suddenly sort of realised (partly through all the nice commentations, particularly of the female bloggers) realised (without sounding egotistical or vain, sorry vein.... or iz it vain.... at least am noot being vain/ vein or INDEED egotistical about me spelling skills) am turning inter a silver 'aired ladies man and INDEED..... might soon be unable ter fight them off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    In fact am becoming..... frightened CLP...... yes frightened!!!!!!! Know a now, sorry now a know, what Wrightie 'as ter put up with!!!!!!!! (no wonder 'e's grown 'is sideys long ter try and 'ide!!!!!!!!)
    In fact ter be 'onest a am struggling ter fight some off..... and am noot complaining!!!!!!! Noot at all!!!!!!!

    Whereas some people are goodlookin' kids turn inter Notredame 'unchbacks looookalikes before/ aroound 26 - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!
    Like/ loooks..... a confusing issue!!!!!!!!

    Do yer now, sorry know, who CLP reminds me of....................... Micheal Caine!!!!!!!!!!

    Am tellin' yer and mean't az a compliment..... maybe it's partly the glasses but ter me CLP looooksabit like The Caine dude when 'e waz younger!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA 09!!!!!!!!

    PS Me share tip thingy 'ill try ter do termozza...... just so busy!!!!!!
    Only looook at the blog know, sorry now!!!!!!!
    PS Me share tip 'Autonomy' gone down alooot the past couple of dee's..... know, sorry now a great time ter buy while it's cheaper if yer ask me!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 92.

    # 91 - Soz can't think of anything ter wreet about 91!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 93.

    I too have just found a new wrinkle, he is just walking through the door now.
    'Hello Dear, had a nice day at work!!!!!!'

    Just been out to peg washing out and am now icing a 6 egg 2ft high choccy cake for the piggies in the house.

    Good job I dont like cake, Museli my weekday delight!!!

    Like Bond said Are you sure its not friday tomorrow??

    Stranger and stranger Beez?


  • Comment number 94.

    Soz.... a mean't 'Life/ loooks' a confusing issue noot 'Like/ loooks'!!!!!!

  • Comment number 95.

    Bingo HOW long does it take you to type that much never mind compose it?


  • Comment number 96.

    Hi all
    Not been here for a while but have enjoyed reading! (Been a bit scared to join in!)
    Boleyn G #79 OH has picked up same frisson but don't get it myself! (missing Bill Oddie and his un PC ways!)

  • Comment number 97.

    See you MC, piece of cake?


  • Comment number 98.

    MTF - About ten minutes!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 99.

    One for the girlies, do you actually remember the transition, from being addressed in the shops or out and about ,as MISS, then suddenly notice that you have become MADAM?

    Madam tooth fairy :(

  • Comment number 100.

    Miss Tooth Fairy

    worked for many years for a bank where you had to address people as Sir or madam.

    i never minded saying sir but Madam

    But Madam who likes that name



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