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It's Like Wrapping Your Presents But There's More Of Them And Less Time.

Chris Evans | 15:04 UK time, Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Time is backing up but of course there's nothing like...

... a dead line to help get things sorted.

Still in full organistational flow for the big CHILDREN IN NEED weekend.

More car stuff to sort out this morning, the last of the fuelling had to be sorted plus some last minute number plate changes and two brake light adjustments - the cars will never have been in better shape... also trying to cool the cockpits down, they are like ovens in there, good for the waistline but not so good for remaining fully conscious - pipes being played with as I speak.

London still happy in Berkshire, Tash planting up a herb garden this morning and Noah generally being very cool even in this heat.

Late blog today - this really is the busiest week of the year for me, please forgive me as I need to depart in urgent need of continuing to chase my tail.

Tomorrow I will have piccies of all the cars starring in The Cross Country Children In Need Car Caper, hopefully in the order they will be convoying in.

Come on Andy but try to get the job done before our show hits the air - that way we might still get some listeners.





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  • Comment number 1.

    1st yep.....TBxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 2.

    afternoon all, hope you're well?

    Phew! It's hard trying to sleep in this heat. Night shifts are tough enough without not kippin' in between. Sofa + Tennis next methinks, hope to doze off to be fair though before I go back.

    Looking forward to the car photos tomorrow.

    Hope you're all fine & dandy out there in blogland

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 3.

    Hope you and the cars have a great time, could probably do with it being a bit cooler.
    Think Noah will always be cool in any weather.
    Dozie J

  • Comment number 4.

    Bonnet de douche indeed...

    CLP busy week for sure.....cant wait for the car pics......you will have fun...sweaty fun that is.

    Christ...aint it hot tho'?

  • Comment number 5.

    nice one Bazzles, obviously got nuffin better to do than stalk CLP!
    Sorry about the lack of sleep KW, bad enough sleeping at night at the mo, been doing plenty of dozing on sofas this week but not real restful sleep.
    Deev, Murray match still going with serve, no excitement yet

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Christoph, us wimmin can multi-task y'know, watch tennis with sound off and listen to you at the same time, so no worries there! In fact I often hit the mute button, depends on whose in the commentary box!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 7.

    No problemo Tiggmyster!

    Today obviously is my day.....

    Pen did you catch my previous post re curry/murray...twas excellente???


  • Comment number 8.

    If you say so Baz!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon Chris,

    Amongst all this rushing around, don't forget to breath! Sounds like a mad but fun week and in the hottest week of the year as well :)

    PF - I often mute when the girls are grunting, as it gets right on my wick!

    Come on Murry and to think a couple of years ago I wouldn't have been cheering for him, but he's grown up and is a much nicer chap.


  • Comment number 10.

    My sentiments too, AliB, on both counts. I am beginning to warm to him. Prefer mens tennis any day.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Me too Pen, loved women's tennis in the days of Graf and NavRat. But can't warm to any of the modern day players. xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon bloggers,

    May I start by saying a very big thank you once again for all of the kind words I received yesterday and of course the donation to my just-giving page! My efforts in competing are always out weighed by the good the money can do for such a good cause so thank you. xx

    Hazel I loved (not for the first time) your words for Noah it really made me smile.

    Bingo, good luck to your mum.

    Rips I do hope you enjoyed the Emerald Island. My good lady is from Dublin (South side) and we are hoping to get across there someday soon for a short break. Last time we did the Temple bar area took most of my Euros as the price of the black stuff was quite considerable. Waterford is on our list of places to visit also as she has a long lost aunt down that way.

    Anyone else think that Wimbledon would be a disappointment this year if the final is not between Murray and Federer?

    CLP, I am pleased (but not surprised) that London is looking to have settled in Berkshire. It is always nice to fond a nice home, even for a rodent. ;-)

    I am looking forward to the photos of the cars however I may have to put a cover over my keyboard to protect it from drool. Oh to have the money to be able to did for next yearnow to check the lottery tickets!

    Keep smiling

    The NotSoBigUn

  • Comment number 13.

    Opps.... meant bid* not did ;-(


    P.S. Weather in Devon is, hot, hot, hot so waiting for the sun to go over the yard arm before I go for a cycle as I forgot my sun cream..

  • Comment number 14.

    Whoop Whoop Come on Andy

  • Comment number 15.

    first set to Murray, 7-5

  • Comment number 16.

    C'mon ANDYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 17.

    AliB - don't know many of 'em!

  • Comment number 18.

    Afternoon CLP & Blogpeeps!

    Have had a busy few days so not caugt up on what's been going off. Had a poorly Boo with kennel cough (not that she's got a kennel) and my Sisiter-in-law's 50th, an outing to a very exciting T20 match between Warks Bears & Zumerzet (Bears won on the last ball!) and then in and out of Leicester/Tamworth and avoiding the A5 (big accident). Down to London tomorrow for the day and then..... breathe!!!!

    Lovely sunny weather, baskets & pots in full bloom. What could be nicer?

    Hope you're all well!

    & the bump

    ps... have now got summer bump wardrobe sorted ready for Andorra trip in a couple of weeks hoorah!

  • Comment number 19.

    Good morrow Christophe, dunno if you saw the previous page, but I was a tad concerned you may have been et by a Giant Guinea Pig...or at the very least padlocked (by said Giant Guinea Pig) to the bars of the Biggest Guinea Pig House in the World, and were unable to type.

    Anyhoo, I reiterate the handy hint for car cooling that I passed on to Toffy (MTF) also on the previous page:

    Wrap some frozen ps in a tea towel and leave it on the seat that you are going to be driving from, carefully removing said item before sitting down.

    Ps is cheap, this is why I recommend them, but any bag of frozen goods will probably do the trick.

    I'm not keen on Sport (and AM will be British if he wins and Scottish if he loses, but I'm sure everyone already knows that) so (without wishing to sound gushy or creepy as is SO not in my nature...is it darlings..?) I'll be listeninining...

    Push My Kangaroo

    (not a yoofamisam)

  • Comment number 20.

    Allooooo everyone, just got back from my babes sports day, phew, how hot is it out there!

    Good luck CLP for this weekend, hope loads raised for CHildren in Need.

    Good luck Andy xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Haze...down sport!

  • Comment number 22.

    You are still keeping very busy by the sound of it and off to Andorra (again!).
    Sorry to hear Boo hasnt been well.

    Glad to hear all is well with you and the bump and if the baby turns out anything like my granddaughter who is now 8 months (and gorgeous), you will be blessed.


  • Comment number 23.

    KEEEEEF!!! Always a pleasure. I've got proper gremlins this end though which appear to not be lettin me put money on. If I still have your email I'll pledge you five of your earth pounds (Badger, of course, still being short of work, and a fiver is a weeks worth of shopping in don't change your lifestyle for 49p after all) or if you can send me a link on FB or a message or anything...it'll at least pay for a plug for a heart monitor or similar...or I'm supposing I could just phone.

    Also, Christophe. I've just re-read your blog (as has become a habit...just to check I've not mis-read anything) and am now wondering what sort of pipes.

    Copper or Peruvian Pan?

    Or indeed copper pan?

    Ps The Badger has Kennel Coff too. But then, he does have a kennel.


  • Comment number 24.

    Lyndyloo...Andorra....been there loads...but skiing, not sunnin'.

    Good to know bump is OK...take care in the heat tho'.

  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon Chris,Sounds as if your busy busy.but itll be great, looking forward to the pics.Tash busy planting herbs,all go in the Evans houshold, good to know Noah
    ok in this heat,its worse at night, you dont sleepas well.
    Love to All.xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Noooo Andy's serve broken in the 2nd!!!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Lyndyloo, sorry to here about Booboo. One of my dogs had kennel cough a couple of years ago (he had been in a kennel) and it was not pleasant. My Lab Charlie is at the vets as we speak with a poorly hip. Hoping for the best as he is 10 and Labs are subject to hip problems. Still other than that he is fit as a fiddle so lets see what the vet says! Blooming pets eh! Xx

    Ms Love, much love to you xx if you do not still have my email (tut, tut) I can always contact you via FB. Xx I am always willing to send food parcels to the south coast if they are required. ;-)

    I am off home now so that I can listen to the tennis whilst driving. Come on Andy (I will be shouting at the radio so anyone on the A30 in Devon beware! ;-))

    Keep smiling

    the NotSoBigUn

    P.S Steve Wright just said that Murray has won the 2nd set!!!!

  • Comment number 28.

    second set Murray, 6-3
    Roddick up 5-2 vs Hewitt

  • Comment number 29.

    Calm Down Tango, all is still well with the Murray xx

  • Comment number 30.

    C'mon Roddick, or Riddick as my daughter likes to call him...

    Go Murray! don't let us down now.

    Fanks Keefy!

  • Comment number 31.

    V quiet this arvo....you girls....tennis mad!!!

    Soon off to watch at home, if not finished that is..

  • Comment number 32.

    Helloooooooooooo to youuuuuuuuuuuu all

    Thought I'd just pop in during a spare moment!

    Had a great time in tuscany and have now been back at work for three days. Holiday what holiday!

    Good to see a lot of long term bloggers around and about Haze, Notsobigun, and too many others to mention.

    At least I'll be able to get an early one tonight as Andy is already 2 up! C'mon wee laddie.

    Catch up later

    DD out

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Chris,

    Great News that London still has a home!! Glad to hear you are keeping very busy!! Look forward to seeing all the cars - very excited!!

    Truly, Madly, Deeply Deevski - Thanks for your good wishes.

    Love You Loads,

  • Comment number 34.

    Straight sets???? 5-2 up in the third and serving

  • Comment number 35.

    looks like CLP might get his wish for Andy to finish it off before Drivetime!

  • Comment number 36.

    Adios once again amigos....


  • Comment number 37.


  • Comment number 38.

    Hi Thunder! Yep still a busy gal and enjoying every minute!

    HL- Poor little badger... you really should let him out of his kennel you know ;))

    Keef!- I know all about lab's hips as both Roo & Boo are both of the lab persuasion!

    Tango- I have a second home which is Andorra and it's gawjus in the summertime too!

    Well done Andy!!!


  • Comment number 39.

    Afternoon chris. Sounds a very busy time for you take care it's mad out there

    so looking forward to seeing the car photos
    the weather is looking good for the convoy love to b their 4 a cup of tea. Anyway waiting for the big man sounds like London has found the nicest residents love to rash Noah & love to all bloggers have a pleasent eveing

    Kind regards Stewart & cathy

  • Comment number 40.

    Sorry my mistake tash the son getting to me xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Anyone know how Bondy got on?
    Didnt he have an interview?

  • Comment number 42.

    Afternoon and evening everyone. Another cloudy day in upstate NY with temps only in the 70s and more rain in the forecast.

    Thanks for asking Thunder. My interview went as well as I could tell anyway, I should hear next week if they want me back for a second interview.

    Happy hump day everyone.

  • Comment number 43.

    Only temeratures in the 70's Bondy.
    You should be here.
    Everything is melting!

    Glad the first hurdle went well.

  • Comment number 44.

    Thanks Thunder. Weather is weird here. It's supposed to be in the upper 80s and 90s but we're stuck in the rainy 70s..... oh well...

  • Comment number 45.

    Was going to write a missive, but to be honest, am melting now I'm home! Missed the tennis dammit, but hey-ho!

    We've no sun, just dull clouds sending light sprinkles of rain down, and a bit of rumbling thunder, which is all just adding to the humidity. The house feels like the humid one at the eden project at the moment!

    CLP, I'm glad you've kept London, where did the name come from I wonder? Doesn't do the little critters any good to keep changing homes :)

    Looking forward to the pics of the cars, it of a Ferrari nut if I'm honest, but never been in one....one day p'raps.

    Lyndy, hope Booboo is better soon, ours cam back from the kennels with gastro-enteritis once, 2 nights in doggie hospital on a drip! They told us he'd hurt his paw! Luckily, he's insured, and we've found another really nice kennels!

    So, it was a bit long after all...doh

    JG x

    PS Rips, sorted out the air-con, just me being a muppet!! (Need to open the vents lol)

  • Comment number 46.

    wow, really quiet on here tonight. Has everyone melted? We've just had another thunderstorm blast through.......

  • Comment number 47.

    Awww thanks JG - Boo is loads better after 3 days of antibiotics -x-x-x-

  • Comment number 48.

    ooooo lindy, Boo was sick, must have missed that sorry. Glad boo is better.... how's the bump?

  • Comment number 49.

    Hi Bond! Boo had a bit of kennel cough but after a visit to the vets she's recovering and happily asleep on my foot. The bump is just fine and dandy thanks -x-x-x-

  • Comment number 50.

    Lyndy, do you not have Booboo innoculated against kennel cough along with all the others...we always do with Finlay, cos you never know when he has to go into kennels! It lasts 12 months now as well.

    JG x

  • Comment number 51.

    I didn't realise I could to be honest. She has all her innoculations once a year but I've never heard of that. I might ask next time round. Thanks for the advice JG -x-x-x-

  • Comment number 52.

    Lyndy, be warned, they squirt it up their
    noses, Finlay hates it, but better done!!

    JG (done for a while, needs to sit in the garden...hayfever permitting)!

  • Comment number 53.

    Evening each

    Lyndy, glad the babe bump is doing well and the doggy is getting better.

    V.v. hot up here. Spent yet another Wed afternoon in the local Heritage Centre with little'un. They now don't bother asking me if I've been here before and know my way round. Hunners of kids running around daft - in this heat!!!!

    Back later. xxxxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Evening each

    Hot and melting but am not complaining.. altho a little bit of breeze would be nice!

    Day off today and HAD to tackle the ironing... ended up jumping straight in the shower again straight after to cool down.

    Tennis devoured today..good match for Murray again!

    Hope Boo is feeling better Lyndy.. and we need bump pics!

    Hope you hear positive from the interview Bondy..

    and hi to the rest of ya..now..who`s at TT tonight?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 55.

    Evening Scooby.

    I've got to iron something for tomorrow. Where's Beez when you need her - the Queen of Ironing.


  • Comment number 56.

    Hey Annie -hows life in the new place?and has that grandaughter arrived yet?!

    mSc x

    PS - HAD to to the ironing - had run out of things to wear!

  • Comment number 57.

    Got same problem Scoobs. Only iron when absolutely necessary.

    New place is great. Granddaughter not due till September but am really looking forward to pink things, after 3 boys.


  • Comment number 58.

    Looking at my typing you`d think id been drinking all day...have only had one cider - honest guv!

    and September is a cracking month to be born in..be here soon!

    and re the Heritage centre..we have a place called the Pink Pig not far from us which is my nephews fave place in the whole wide world...he`s on first name terms with all the staff!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 59.

    Just like us Scoob, we know the Tractor driver, the Community Service guys, the cafe staff, etc........


  • Comment number 60.


    CLP - don't forget the joys of delegation, although if you're like me, then no-one else can do it as well as me!!!!

    How's everyone else?

    I was watching the Hewitt / Roddick match, how can they play in this heat? I felt like I was melting after a 20 min dog walk.........and the poor dog was cream crackered!

    Oh tennis related question, who's Hewitt's wife - she looked familiar??

    Lyndy, good to hear Booboo is getting better x

    Really should be folding washing, but..........


  • Comment number 61.

    Just realised I didn't comment on your blog Chris.

    Am so impressed at your dedication to Children in Need. I used to work for someone who was on the Scottish Committee so had access to all the applications. The CiN money did so much good and changed the lives of many Scottish children. Well done you, hope the weekend goes well.


  • Comment number 62.

    Annie - ive just thought that too..

    amazing job CLP - and we look forward to the pics..i hope everyone involved has a fabulous time..and for such a good cause.. brilliant!

    Right -off to bed now so night night all...sweet dreams!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 63.

    Night Scoobs. Ironing board at the ready......


  • Comment number 64.

    Sentimentations Of Sentimentations Of Sentimentations Ter CLP And Every Blog Person.......

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - A applaude you for doing the CIN 'appenings and with your own cars!!!!!
    Wish a waz driving one and INDEED it would be VERY safe in my 'ands.... 100% safe pal!!!!!!!
    Am a member of the IAM, so the CLP CIN car that a would be driving that's goot it's MOT would very much be safe in my 'ands and INDEED safe az it's goot it's MOT!!!!!!!
    (IAM = Institute Of Advanced Motorists!!!!!) Noot that am boasting or being egotistical... just saying in case yer wanter lend me one of yer cars or if ever a manage ter be able ter bid ter drive one it will be safe with me... wink, wink ;) - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - Very interesting ter 'ear you yesterdee talkin' about the scoring system for golf and 'ow 'andicaps are made up!!!!!
    My 'andicap iz 14 at present - noot that am boasting or being egotistical... just saying in case yer wanted ter now, sorry know!!!!!!!
    Anyway... 14 rubbish compared ter were i'd like ter be!!!!!!!
    I'd like a scratch 'andicap..... aka zero aka nil aka that's were the term scratch comes from.... on yer scorecard yer just putta scratch!!!!!!!!

    Talkin' of 'andicaps, stroke indexes and scratches.......
    A once metta most attractive female golfer whilst out on playing golf and asked 'er what waz 'er stroke index and INDEED does she need 'er index stroked...... a goot a slap in the face!!!!!!!!!!!
    People are a mystery ter me.... a waz only taking an interest in 'er game.... and trying ter score with 'er!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS ALL - I'll leave me Fisi astro madness for a dee when am feeling a little unbalanced!!!!!!!

    PPS Tangobaz - BIG congrates on the #1 position..... you deserve it pal!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 65.

    #64 - Reminds me of the best score that me golf pro who waz giving me lessons 'ad 'ad on a round of golf.... aka 64!!!!!!!!!!

    Wish a could swing it that well!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 66.

    Hallo Bingo. Was thinking of you today. Heading over the Forth Bridge with a ginormous lorry 2 inches behind me - very scary. Thought about asking you - why do they do that? Do they do it scare me?


  • Comment number 67.

    Mr Chris ,just like to wish you luck for the run down to the New Forest on Friday.
    Hope you have a super time and that the weather is kind for you .

    keep up the good work that you do .
    Glad to see that london is still with you . Two of my grandsons have a ginue pig each ,and one is the exact same colouring asd London .

    Bridge xxxxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Bingo, How are you ? I was just about ask about you. how is your dear mother ? Hope she's getting a little better , like you
    said she is in the right place.

    I couldnt post last night it was too late but I saw your post so I have been thinking of you .

    Allthe very best to you and you mum .

    Bridge xxxxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Annie , been busy againI see , No rest for the wicked so they say .he he .
    bridge xxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Bridget - don't know how I fitted in a full-time job!!!! My 6 hr a week job is a bummer.


  • Comment number 71.

    Hiya Bids.

    Just been commenting on your luvly pics.

    Been a sticky old day.35c when I set off,down to a sultry 27c now.

    Just off out to water the garden and then an early one hopefully.

    Will inhale some sweet pea perfume and send it to you via the airwaves.

    Arent you growing any??

    Hi everyone else on here.

    Hope Marjorie is ok Bings.

    Annie what you want is a sticker I saw on a car the other day.

    It went something like....

    Please accept my apologies for travelling so close in front of you !!!!

    Really hate tail gaters with a passion but doing 50,000 miles plus per year meet them all.


  • Comment number 72.

    MTF: Will look for that sticker.

    I just worry about braking distances, specially when I've got gorgeous little boys in the car.


  • Comment number 73.

    Make one Annie, big enough for people to read without having to touch your bumper to see what it says.


  • Comment number 74.

    Yeah, it could say BOG OFF!!!


  • Comment number 75.

    far too polite..LOL.xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Oh dear, will definitely get moderated now.

    Off to my bed, Night all.


  • Comment number 77.

    Me too, hate them full stop.

  • Comment number 78.

    Mtf hows you doing, been thinkink of you .Don't like the photo's of me, not what you call photogenic. Said you'd have a laugh ,that was taken in France last week .

    Bids xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Ahem Bids when you get over to the other side, you will see only compliments except for the fact that I said that you and I could be sisters...poor you...looking like me .

    I hate having my photo taken but have dropped 20lbs since my profile pics ..so one day when daughter isnt so busy,will add more..gulp!


  • Comment number 80.

    that will be nice , my grandson didn't wat to put any family ones on .It's only because my daughter and son in law are making him aware of the use of the internet so you have to abide by what they say and rightly so , he's a very bright kiddie , love them to bits .

    Bids xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Have only put the one on of my two Bids...and they dont look anything like that now.

    Havent watered garden yet,,shall I leave it to chance that the threatened rain might just materialise??


  • Comment number 82.

    Was the beginning of your last post missing Bids??


  • Comment number 83.

    Wrote , well It's been really nice to have seen you here tonight MTF.
    IF your not around much I will understand, It's not the same without your banter , But here for you any time .
    You just take care of youself and yours .

    Your mate Bids .xxx

    PS , my daughters are at the
    Take that concert tonight .

    I do hope the've enjoyed It a,d have behaved themselves.xx

  • Comment number 84.

    They'll have behaved themselves Bids.

    Not so sure we would have done tho..LOL.


  • Comment number 85.

    no MTF ,me just messing again . Sorry .
    Well the weather forcast is rain tomorrow for your area .
    Bids xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Yeah, i heard that too.

    might just have to go out of area to avoid it.


  • Comment number 87.

    Time for Beez to make an entry and spill the beans on her day out??


  • Comment number 88.

    Wrote ,
    The thing is ,I just wish I'd have known a long time ago ,what I know now . Would things have been different. Don't really know , but Im happy here now and thats all that counts eh!
    BIds xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Wrote .
    She goes on these secret missions doesn't she , lucky lady .
    Bids xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Very philosophical tonight Bids.

    Glad you are a happy bun now.


  • Comment number 91.

    Annie G - Soz a waz just practising me guitar!!!!!

    On the loory 2 inches behind yer bumper jobbie.....

    Sadly there's just alotta idiots out there on the roads!!!!!!
    Ave 'ad trucks nearly run me off the road when ave been in my car and just a few dees ago.... a 'ad an idiot in another truck nearly chop me front corner of me truck off when cutting in too soon after passing me on the M6!!!!!!!

    This iz one reason why a 'ate driving and a wanter be a train driver.... no idiots 2 inches behind yer or cutting yer up!!!!!

    Train drivers are trained (get it trained - soz bad joke) ter a 'igh standard!!!!!
    'ence no madness on the move and VERY few accidents/ deaths on the railways!!!!!!!! (Only when yer cross a level crossing where yer meet the impatient idiots who can't wait for 60 seconds for a trian ter pass!!!!!!!)

    When a say 'ate driving... a love it but all the idiots out there ruin it!!!!!!

    If ever a meet an idiot... a never get irate.... the reason.... a always tell mesen.... remember yer sharing the road with everybody and INDEED everybody..... That includes people going through a bad divorce, paedophiles and murderers.... so remember the next time someone iz two inches behind yer bumper..... just say ter yersen.... the're either a paedophile or a murderer...... or could just be going through an awkward divorce and that's why they're driving like physcos!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bridget & Mobile T F.... errrr BIG thanks.... i'll bang an update on Marjorie Star termozza....... (noot real surname Star) (but real first name Marjorie az in Simpson) The good news...... ave been told she's being let free termozza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok...... am off ter me Glastonbury tape!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA...... TER EVERBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 92.

    Bids...where is "wrote" appearing from?


  • Comment number 93.

    #91 at 11 and 22pm.... all those #s mean alot ter me.... but a will keep it ter mesen for know, sorry now!!!!!

    Nite all!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 94.

    THat me done for tonight .

    take care , good night and sweet dreams .

    see you laters .

    Bids xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Liking Marjorie Star...and I'm sure she is one.


  • Comment number 96.

    Oh...ok night Bids :(

    Sweet pea dreams to you.


  • Comment number 97.

    Bids - hope your daughters enjoyed the TT concert and behaved themselves!!

    MTF - Did you water your garden in the end?? You can always do it in the morning if it doesn't rain.

  • Comment number 98.

    PS Mobile T F and ALL - Can a just say.... a know sometimes a tell naughtys on the blog.... get upter abitta mayhem all in the aid of comedy/ 'umour/ entertainment..... but 100% TRUE..... me mum iz really in 'ospital and 'er name iz Marjorie!!!!!!!

    A wouldn't joke about such serious matters.... although me mother 'as gotta mad sense of 'umour.... a think a get mine abit from 'er!!!!!!!

    Chow again!!!!!

  • Comment number 99.

    Hiya Mads...no lazy me kicked in.

    Plus dont want to be eaten alive by all the beastie bugs out there at the mo.


  • Comment number 100.

    #99 - Yes please with a flake and rasberry sauce!!!!!!!


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