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Hey everyone - how good was that Beatles stuff ?

Chris Evans | 09:45 UK time, Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Have acquired a load of it on CD to listen to in the car over the next few weeks.

Audio book recording all this week. We are doing it in my garage. Quiet and calm and surrounded by my babies. Although we were supposed to start at nine and they still haven't turned up yet - M25 no doubt.

Tash out tonight with her Mum for a mini-hen do. Mrs Tash Snr. getting married this week - Thursday - hurrah for Sarah and Peter.

Also on the agenda this week R2 at Blackpool - gonna travel up through the night on Thursday ready for the show on Friday, then straight back that night for golf match Saturday.

Life - full - love it.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Beatles don't really do it for me.....but each to their own! Spent most of yesterday listening to Radio 4 instead.

    Welcome back Chris!!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning CLP & everyone!

    I loved the Beatles things over the weekend, didn't really listen to loads of it but tuned in and out and enjoyed the bits I heard. Suprisingly I knew loads of songs that I hadn't heard for years!

    Booboo & El Bumpo

  • Comment number 3.

    Wow...CLP...you don't come up for air dooo ya??????

    Good Luck for Mrs T snr......

    So tonight Christoffosen.....while the cats away.....what will you be doing....Noah stuff I guess.....but if he asleep??????


    PS...totally had enuff of the fab4.....couldn't escape it could you??? I mean...I like caviar and champagne..but not 24-7.....

  • Comment number 4.

    Oh Lyndy.....thanks for the heads up new blog....x

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris,

    Have only managed to Listen Again to a wee bit of Friday's show - I will catch up during this week. My sister tells me the show was utterly brilliant, and she just could not leave the radio for one minute!

    I did wonder if you would be doing an Audio Book - I'll definitely be getting that (as well as the written word) so just hang in there during the recording and remember - audio books are essential for so many people!

    Tash: hope you have a great time tonight with your mum and all the other girls - relax and enjoy!

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning CLP!

    Audiobook! That's 'citin' innit!?!? How long will it take to record? I often wonder about these things .....

    Stephen Fry does so many VO's he must spend half his life in a stoooodio reading pages of script. My fave of his are the instruction sections on Little Big Planet (a game on the PS3). He is so funny - I would have loved to have seen him recording them - they crack me up!)

    Glad to have you back!


  • Comment number 7.

    Hello CLP and bloggers!!

    Chris, Friday's show was FAB, thank you!!!

    I love listening to Stephen Fry - think he should do sat nav directions, would keep everyone much calmer!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning Christoph, welcome back!

    Agree enjoyed the Beatles stuff but like Baz now had enough, for the time being anyway!

    Yep, mega problems on the M25...........what's new eh?

    BTW, attempted, without success, to get to the M yesterday, gave up, absolutely blimmin heaving!!

    Congrats to Sarah and Peter.

    Hello to everyone else. Off for an elongated (love that word) pub lunch with girlfriend today, lot's of ears burning no doubt!! Just hope the weather holds, just like yesterday flippin brilliant!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 9.

    By the way Chris, loving the piccie on the front of the book - you look very cool indeed!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning All. Busy again this week then CLP. Loved all the Beatles stuff over the week-end - had R2 on constantly. Brilliant.
    Good luck to Tash's mum and her man.

    Woke up late - ooops!!! to skip arriving - blue sky (nearly fainted) but you've guessed it - it is now raining again! Going to get wet today afraid but stuff to be cleared.

    Off to catch up on posts. Back later

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Pen.......noooooooo pub lunch.....take me.....pleeeeezzzz!!!! Cheddar Ploughmans and a pint o' Harvey's please.....

    MIL comes back to stay tonight.......2 more nights......can I make it thru?????


  • Comment number 12.

    Errr: just read your blog again Chris, and it would seem it's just Tash and her mum out tonight, so I was talking rubbish! Tash: have a lovely evening with your mum!!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Tango: I am dreading being a MiL! Even though I will try my best to be a good one, I just know he will think I am an interfering old "so and so". Which, to be fair, I probably will be!

    C x

  • Comment number 14.

    Baz you're very welcome if you can get yourself up to Surrey in about half hour. No? oh well never mind, your loss, HaHaHa!

    Pen aka PPP xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Chris. Enjoyed the Beatles weekend,good to hear their music again.
    Your a busy boy this week.Looking forward to Blackpool.
    Good luck to Tash s mum.Is Noah page boy?
    love to all.x

  • Comment number 16.


    I'm back - did you miss me??? I tried to catch up on all your ramblings (LOL) but gave up on Wednesday!! Did read Chris's blogs though.

    I hope you are all fine and well, congratulations where they are due and hugs {{{}}} if needed xx

    Had a great week camping with the "yoof", it wasn't without drama, but nothing major. Although if I told you the things I had to deal with and do on Thursday, you probably wouldn't believe me! Weather was kind and when it did rain it didn't matter. Spent most of the weekend trying to catch up on sleep and of course all the washing!

    Chris, Look forward to the audio book and do you know I've never been to Blackpool.

    It's good to be back, although it was pretty exhausting.


  • Comment number 17.


    haven't had chance to listen to beatles stuff yet - forgot my headphones today - doh!

    I really like my MIL - we get on erally well and go on theatre trips together - sans the men - jealous anyone ;-)

    Super bp

    PS - CLP - still waiting to hear about the book tour - I'll be there!

  • Comment number 18.

    Beatles dont do it for me anymore - bit dull now but certainly great in their day.

    Weird and wonderful weather

    Liz x

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi Liz.....you can join my gang.....the anti FAB4 gang that is!!!!


  • Comment number 20.

    TB - thats fighting talk

    my wedding band played i saw her standing there and it was a floor filler - with people of my generation (the under 30's) - thier stuff is timeless

    Super bpx - fighting the corner for the FAB4

  • Comment number 21.

    Indeed what a fandabbydozy Beatles weekend; not that I could participate, what with bein' extradited to Dublin an' all; thank the lordy for Listen Again. Am ragin' I couldn't ring in actually, top show CLP; but then again I've had my turn and I did get 2 of me favourites played first by default.

    Of course, I'm bound to have an extremely soft spot for the Fab Four, born in the depths of Liverpool in the 50s and growin' up with an older sister mad for them. One of my fondest memories is of going along to the Liverpool Empire with said sister and various friends to see them, and screamin' blue murder all the way through. Not that I knew why I was roarin'; I was just followin' suit, as you do. And not that I could see much either. In those days I was even more of a shorta**e than I am now. Anyway, I well remember the split factions on the way home over who worshipped John and who liked Paul. Me, I was disturbingly attracted to Ringo as even at that formative age I'd identified him as a bit deranged. Later on, though, my alliegiance changed to John and it has remained so ever since. I always think of John as the artist, Paul as the designer. George as the general Top Bloke and Ringo the nutter.

    One of John Lennon's best quotes, for me, was when asked if he thought Ringo was the best drummer in the world, he replied, "Ringo? He's not even the best drummer in the Beatles."

    Excellent. Ere. I wonder what his take on the world would be today. He wouldn't half be stirrin' it, I'd say.


  • Comment number 22.

    And even I never realised that the above quote was in the context of Ringo throwin' 'is dummy out the pram, resulting in the marvellous revelation that it was Lennon on the drums in Back In The USSR.

    Probably everyone else in the world knows that, but it passed me right by.


  • Comment number 23.

    Clodagh - I might be really wrong here - and feel free to shoot me down - but i thought it was Paul who made the comment about Ringo's drumming - either that or I've been making a right tit out of myself over the last few years?

  • Comment number 24.

    I loved all the Beatles stuff, particularly the Duke on Sunday, even switched the football off to listen to it in its entirety.
    A fantastic show and his interview was Macca was just superb radio, especially for a Beatles nut like me anyway.

    Still missing Parky on sunday,s though christoff, there are some broadcasters that can never be replaced.


  • Comment number 25.

    Hiya Tip-top! I'm so with you on the Parky front... I really miss him too:(
    I end up watching Lovejoy on TV instead (and that's not the antiques dealer)....

  • Comment number 26.

    All the Beatles stuff was fab, but like most people, I feel like it's like being in a hotel; after a few days of scrumptious meals, sometimes you just need something a little bland. Lighthouse Family, anyone?

  • Comment number 27.

    Baggy I would not DREAM of shootin' yous down, babe. Even wit me catapult. No, you're probably right; I was never one to let facts get in the way of a good story and it kinda sounds like a Lennonism. But yes, it may well have been Macca, bless 'im.

    Now that's enough a yous bein' right. One more strike, anybody, and I'm takin' me ball 'ome. How many times do I have to tell you. I'm a mum. Ergo I know EVERYthing. Ha.


  • Comment number 28.

    Parky, now. Renee goes all googly-eyed at the mention of Parky. Lovely Boy. I put it down to him looking remarkably like the DDF Eric, and has the same wit and Yorkshire xenophobia as the DDF's Lancastrian affliction. He'd have rather eaten Lancashire manure than Yorkshire vegetables, bless his little truculent soul.


  • Comment number 29.

    Is it wrong of me to say "Parky - I so would"


  • Comment number 30.

    AliB: just to say - I was thinking of you only yesterday - I thought it was just about time for you to appear! Welcome back, glad to hear you survived the fun and games!

    Clodagh: wow, your dad must have been gorgeous!

    I have always thought Michael Parkinson was a babe. When you see old clips from Parkinson in the 70's, he was delish! And then just got better and better. He's still lovely - so AliB, it is quite appropriate of you to feel the way you do!

    Baggy: nice to see you back. How lovely that your wedding was wonderful, and that the honeymoon was great. I did leave a message for you, but I think I just missed you before your wedding day.

    Just for the record, I am on your team with it comes to the Beatles. I never tire of them, never will. When you think of how young those guys were when they were writing this stuff - it is mind blowing!

    C xx

  • Comment number 31.

    OMG!!! Storm from nowhere or what????

  • Comment number 32.



  • Comment number 33.

    Now heatwave!

    MTF.xx Confused!

  • Comment number 34.

    It might as well rain until September.

    Ahem, it did! LOL.xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Sunny 'ere. For now anyhooooo.

    Lyndy - I know you're not referring to the tv show, but Lovejoy was filmed all around where I live - antiques central!!! Our little local branch railway line was even called "The Lovejoy Line" until they realised that Thomas Gainsborough was more worthy, and re-named it The Gainsborough Line!

    I just had a smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel for me lunch - delish!

    AND .... the postman delivered the 3 Beatles CDs I ordered last week from "that" site! That's me sorted musically from 2 til 5 then ...


  • Comment number 36.

    Its coimng your way Deevs, but blink and you'll miss it.


  • Comment number 37.

    OMG...Have just googled the menu for saturday night.

    Wheres Debs, do you want my order now???


  • Comment number 38.

    Blimey MTF - looks good, dunnit!!!!??!?!!

    Where to start .....???


  • Comment number 39.

    Crab wotnot takes my fancy!


  • Comment number 40.

    Enufff Beatles already.....enuff I said.....

    I love Parky too...but not in THAT way......(he likes cricket see)

    Re Lovejoy.......anyone remember the episode with Brian Blessed???? And Lynda Evans????

    If so....I gotta story....


  • Comment number 41.

    Oh well, will go and knock up a crab paste sarnie, really must eat breakfast before now!

    Off to face the big wide world.

    Have a good afetrnoon all.


  • Comment number 42.

    Love BB!


  • Comment number 43.

    BB scares me - that episode of Have I Got News For You he was on earlier this year made me cringe.

  • Comment number 44.

    Hello Everyone

    Not raining here yet. Hope going to stay away, gotta walk to shops.

    I saw Brian Blessed in panto couple of years ago. He was playing Captain Hook

    Altogether now "Peter Pan is ALIVE?!"

    Deffo scary

    Deevs, shall I send you Nutella Cake Recipe?

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Baz - Watched way too much Lovejoy. Like Deevs, is all local so used to watch for places we know. Pub they used for a couple of series is in next village to us. Used to do fab food but changed hands now so not sure. Was original home of the Essex Huffer!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Seza - yes please!! Email addy on FB.

    Hmmm, now to which pub are you referring Seza? Finchingfield? Wethersfield?

    non Stanglia peeps - everywhere here ends in "field" coz we got bloomin' undreds of 'em!!!


  • Comment number 47.

    To go against the trend, The White Hart in Great Saling!!

    Village shop he used to stash stuff at & workshop, gallery he used are in Great Bardfield tho.

    Again for non Stanglia peeps, anything starting with Great only means there is an even tinier hamlet somewhere called "Little".

    In breeding tho has given us Bardfield Saling - we aim to confuse!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 48.

    LOL Seza. Well summarised!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 49.

    Doncha love ole English village names? I live near to places called Sheepy Parva and Sheepy Magna though I used to have a bit of a snigger at a place in the phone book called Upton Snodsbury... sounded awfully posh :))

  • Comment number 50.

    Seza and Deevs you kill me.....obviously living quite close to one another you know the same 'neck of the woods' with ya Greats and Littles and Fields...You know it aint all Sea down here in Sussex...we got fields too.......wiv cows 'n' everyfin........

  • Comment number 51.

    Cows??? By the seaside??? Shirley not!?!?!


  • Comment number 52.


    Gotta be near the sea cos that's where they have the posh boat races!!!

    Boom Boom

    Seza xxxx

    "sneaking off to hide now!"

  • Comment number 53.


    Ooop, excuse the caps. Haven't listened to the Beatles stuff as it doesn't float my boat, never has. Appreciate the greatness and all that just not my bag baby. Been off work for few days now, Colchester zoo, various parks, picnics, shops etc already done. Car service booked, scooter having a gentle bit of tlc in garage as I type, lots of earphone wearing in gym done/still to do.
    Stuff to do before school starts - legoland and taking #1 son to his first ever footie game.

    Hope you're all tickerteeboo out there?

    bonnet de douche


    ps, Chris I wonder if the Ant n Dec story from today's Sun is the lead from your book??
    Nah, didn't think so x

  • Comment number 54.

    pps Chris, lovin' the book cover too

  • Comment number 55.

    Gingembre - I was at Cooooolchester Zoo on Friday! Them mandrills are a rampant lot, aren't they ....!?!?!



  • Comment number 56.

    twas there on Sat, they were calmer however those Rhino's take some stopping once they start!!!!!


  • Comment number 57.

    lol!! glad we missed that .....

    I have just silenced the office by dishing out slabs of courgette cake. only the sound of slurping and chomping fills the air!!



  • Comment number 58.

    Colchester Zoo.......is this a must go and see place then????

    Pass the cake Deevs.....x

  • Comment number 59.

    Colchester Zoo ROCKS!!!!!

    Cakey all gawn!!



  • Comment number 60.

    Colchester Zoo ROCKS.......that sounds soooo lame.....!!!!

    KW.....glad I have another anti Beatle fan to join my clan....what footie game you takin #1 to????


  • Comment number 61.

    I agree.

    Colchester Zoo Zoo Zoo is cool.

    Didya go see the orangatango? He's my favourite. Think he's got a neww buddy too.

    Knew I should have gone see Deev today. Could have had cake.

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Seza like it.......the tango bit....

    On Sat' bought some Couscous.....one of Ainsley's...called......Tomato TANGO......made me larf anyways...


  • Comment number 63.

    Spooky! I have cous cous for dinner today! But is tango orangy or salsa type tango dance?


  • Comment number 64.

    Well we survived the boat trip, no-one fell in and the dog was really quite good. Had an issue mooring at one point when me and dog got out and Mr JG drove away pulling the rope out of my hand and then got it wrapped around the prop and got stranded! Anyway, he was rescued, sadly! But he had my cigs, so that's ok!

  • Comment number 65.

    ps Sorry about the spacing, can't text any into the phone!

  • Comment number 66.

    Greertings CLP And ALL Bloggie Ddudes.....

    Bingo Star ere.......

    CLP - Terdee's show.... yer say give up the 'Mirror'.... ave never read it.... A a Daily Mail reader!!!!!! But noot on a daily basis!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Also notice yer gave the most nice Elbow tune a drum roll!!!!!!!!
    Only drum roll ave ever 'ad waz when a leaned on a drum set with me.... elbow.... in me local music store and the whole damn looot collapsed!!!!!!!!
    Drums rolling everywhere.... am tell yer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok..... onter FISICHELLA in the Belguim GP...................


    PS A told yer on Saturdee it waz gonna be 'THEE' weekend!!!!!

    See blog #260 & 262 on the previous blog!!!
    Done it again.... predicted the outcome before the qualifying or race 'as started!!!!
    Don't know if am tuned inter the other side.... but ave just been able ter do this with Fisi for years.... MAD or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Only recently decide ter put it on the blog... even though a feel mad when a write it... but strangely.... any reading the blog can see me predictions are MEGA accurate!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Maybe Mystic Meg iz me long lost auntie without me even realising it!!!!!

    As for Fisi.... the BIG rumour iz that Ferrari want 'im ter join them as a stand in for injured Massa!!!!!
    This iz Fisi's all time biggerst dream ter drive for Ferrari!!!
    But as much as it's BRILLIANT news.... it's a terrible dilemna!!!!! TERRIBLE!!!!
    Why leave ForceIndia just az all their 'ard work iz coming ter fruition?????
    And under the wing of the eccentric billionaire Vijay Mallya!!!
    A like Vijay.... getta good feeling that 'e seems like a nice bloke!!!!
    Just where Fisi needs ter be... now that 'e's proved 'imslef az 'is #1 golden racing driver ter take the team forward!!!!!
    Mind you a think Vijay knew this anyway.... as 'e chose Fisi ter be the driver ter 'elp develop 'is new team!!!!!
    And lets face it.... alotta money invested in the project!!!!!
    Remind sme of when Fisi drove for Eddie Jorden so much.... they way Eddie liked Fisi alot and supported 'is talent!!!!!!!!!!

    But then ter go ter Ferrari and at the Italian GP.... A MEGA , MEGA, MEGA, MEGGGGAAAAAAA DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But then is the Ferrari such a dog ter drive???????
    My feeling iz that Schuy test drove the Ferrari ter come back and thought oh dear... whatta dog ter drive.... call me cynical but a feel maybe partly why 'e backed out with the neck injury as the excuse!!!!
    Mind you the Ferrari did beat Fisi though at Belguim... only by a whisker and 'cos of the KERS system that Fisi didn't 'ave!!!!!
    Also if Fisi goes ter Ferrari what 'appens when Massa comes back????????
    Fisi treated like crap as always and without a drive... just used as a stand in!!!!!!!!!
    Ferrari always knew Fisi wanted ter drive for them but a closed shop when Schuey waz there az a feel Schuey always wanted a team mate who wasn't gonna upset 'is party aka noot be too fast and give Schuey a run for 'is money!!!!!
    (noot that Fisi would ever be better than Schuey but a rate Fisi az the third fastest/ best driver on the F1 grid!!!!!!)
    And if Massa doesn't come back.... then next year Fisi as Alonso's team mate!!!!!!!!!! It's deja vue!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh no nooot again a top drive for Fisi but Alonso dominating the whole team!!!!!!!!!!
    My advice ter Fisi 'as 'ard as it iz.... stay at ForceIndia and use yer position now ter negogiate a new 3 year drive deal with Vijay at ForceIndia!!!!!!!!!!!! Take yer up ter 40 and with loads of clauses all on your terms Fisi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The only way i'd go ter Ferrari iz if it's a proper drive for next year and no Alonso in the team!!!!
    Only sign with Ferrari if it's taking Alonso's place!!!!!!
    If Alonso iz so great.... let 'im do the stand in now!!!!!
    Sure they could afford the release fee ter Renault and the Falvo dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As for the GP on Sundee a saw Fisi getting a top 10 in qualifying but thought it too ambitious so predicted 11th or 12th... but pole!!!!!!!!! WHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!@@!!!!!!!@!
    Then the race on Sundee.... MEGA perfect start from Fisi.... pulled away the second the lights went out.... so good that 'e could take a nice perfect wide sweeping line inter turn 1 and more so able ter pull out the gap needed through Eau Rouge and up the 'ill ter stop anyone getting 'im!!!!!
    When Kimi messed up on lap one a so 'oped 'e waz gonna be taken out at the top of the 'ill but the behind avoided 'im.... then it caused mayhem behind!!!!!!!
    A knew Kimi with the powerful Ferrari and KERS waz trouble!!!!
    Then the safety car came out and Fisi messed up the restart!!!! E just gave it ter Kimi!!!!
    If a waz Fisi I would ave nearly half a lap before the restart backed the field right up..... then tricked Kimi with a brake then blast off.... if a didn't trick Kimi and 'e managed ter stay on me tale... then i'd brake again then blast off ter catch 'im out a second time and getta good gap.... but Fisi just let Kimi stay wreet behind 'im!!!
    Easy overtake up the 'ill.... and Fisi knew 'e messed up there!!!!!
    But the only bit in the whole weekend!!!!!!!!
    Shame too Fisi and Kimi on EXACTLY the same pit stops... me prediction of a lap 12 stop for Fisi waz close... lap 14 e cam ein but so did Kimi!!!!!!
    The ForceIndia team should ave changed the strategy ter try and jump Kimi through pit stops!!!!
    But a suppose easier said than done.... 'ow did they know Kimi waz on EXACTLY the same fuel load!!!!!!
    But for Fisi ter 'ang on ter Kimi less than a second behind for the whole race and finish in second.... AWESOME faultless performance!!!!!!!!

    But this iz a terrible decision for Fisi ter make... stay at the 'appy ForceIndia team az the main man..... or go ter the pressurised Ferrari team..... Fisi's dream az an Italian.... but maybe end up very un'appy az it's just tempory or az Alonso's team mate again!!!!!!

    VERY..... VERY DIFFICULT DECISION!!!!!!!!!!! Just Fisi's luck.... always someone ter spoil 'is party.... bit like Kimi on Sundee.... a mean 2nd MEGA..... but the win waz Fisi's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Mind you.... would be nice if ForceIndia would release Fisi just for a few races ter drive at Ferrari!!!!!!
    But why would they wanter do that with their STAR driver?????????

    A think Fisi can win Monza in the Force baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! A long straight fast circuit.... perfect for 'is car and style!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - Goot some Oasis.... Don't Looook Back In Anger!!!!!!!!!! (nowt ter do wit the GP!!!!!) Just fancy abitta Oasis!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 67.

    #66 - 3 times #22..... I LIKE IT BAYBEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!

  • Comment number 68.

    PS A spent Saturdee driving me truck arooound Liverpool whilst listening ter R2's Beatles tunes!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And past John Lennons 'ouse in Manlove Ave, Penny Lane and INDEED past the Matthew St Festival.... WHATTA COINCIDENCE


  • Comment number 69.

    Super - I love the blog Mr Evans. Life - full - love it: It's all about getting on with it and I like it. A lot. Thanks

  • Comment number 70.

    Evening gang

    Now, CLP, this "giving up the mirror for a week" malarkey .... please have some empathy!! I'm a 41 year old laydeeeeee who has the baddest of bad hair days even when I use a mirror in the mornings .... can you imagine what would occur if I was to leave the house of a morn having applied me make up and "done" the barnet sans mirror!?!?!

    Lorks O Lordy!!!! There'd be small children crying in the street and growing up with a constant clown phobia .......

    It doesn't even bare thinking abaht.

    And wooden clothes pegs all the way guv'nor!

    Jamie Oliver at 9 tonight - hurrah!!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 71.

    Christoff Lambie Pie yous look just like Noah on the book cover! Hahahahahaha bless. Mind you. While I'd bite ickle Noah's belly no probs, I'd not be doin' that to yous, no offence, like. Pinch your cheeks, like, but...

    Anyway, Chrissie. Yes of COURSE the DDF was gorgeous but I'm biased. But Ali. you SO wouldn't have. He was a right awful eejit with a twinkle in his eye but he had some hideous problems in a house full a women, 'And even the dog's a bitch'..and I maintain he had his underpants welded on like Ken. Oh yes. I well remember the row that erupted when he was washin' his face in the bathroom, face full a soap, and Renee snuck up behind him and pulled his trolleys down for a laugh. Suffice to say she never did that again, we girls were grounded for a week for snortin' and laffin', and Eric bore a lovely H-shaped scar on his forehead for months from head-buttin' the tap.

    Right. I need a cuppa. Have just returned from Liverpool with the GD so am exhausted and skint.


  • Comment number 72.

    Evenings all!

    Reporting in from darn Essex - down to one night a week from here on in - which makes it kinda fun - no cooking, no washing up and blackout curtains! no 'duf duf duf' moosic from GDs room and watch what I want ont telebox! hoorah - all will remain well as long as I am still in this hotel and not demoted to the faulty towers one again.

    Deevs/MTF - glad you like the restaraunt choice for Saturday - any one else want to join in now????

    right off to catch up ont other side to see what i've been a missing.


  • Comment number 73.

    Beatles show was brilliant! Thanks Chris.

    Played the new Beatles Rockband in Liverpool HMV at the weekend. It was such fun me and my mates couldn't help but shake our heads as we played (badly).

    Just starting on the listen again for the Fab 4 weekend.

  • Comment number 74.

    hiya guys....

    sorry but transfer day "football" so been watching that!!!!!

    hows everyone ??

    love Billie xx

  • Comment number 75.

    "knock knock" is there anyone there ??

  • Comment number 76.

    Just wondering if anybody else likes the Carol Bayer Sager song 'You're Moving Out Today' which Chris played on the show tonight? I've always loved this song as it reminds me of my childhood in the 70's, you know 'It was always sunny!'etc,etc... I've just been looking up Ms Bayer Sager on t'internet and I didn't realise just how prolific a songwriter she is, both as a co-writer and on her own, she's even got an Oscar and Grammy awards, I think she's pretty awesome!
    Long-time lurker,
    p.s. It's strange what causes people to comment after lurking for so long isn't it?

  • Comment number 77.

    Spare a thought for me a week tomorrow.

    In fact, I'll be specific, spare a thought for me at nine minutes past nine and nine seconds in the morning.


    Well, apart from the fact that I will making list number 472 of things that I must remember to pack - or rather put into a big pile in the middle of the living room floor so that Mrs MfR can pack it all (her rules, not mine - I'm just rubbish at packing. Must be a man thing), it will be my birthday. All day of course, not just at that time of the morning, but think about it:

    09-09-09 09-09-09.

    Now that is a cool birthday.

    Although, it you turn it upside down it gets a bit sinister....

    By the way Deev. Many of my distant relatives are buried in the church in Finchingfield. A long story, some of it I have told on here before. One for another day perhaps.

    Peace + love


    PS Bright light city gonna set my soul

    PPS Crazy horse too spent us dry

    PPPS Life springs eternal on a gaudy neon street

  • Comment number 78.

    Have a great birthday Matt! What a cool date! Don't think I'll be awake then though! xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Happy Birthday to you Matt!!!!

    hope you have a lovely day !!!

  • Comment number 80.


    Happy Birthday for tomorrow , hope its a great day for you.
    Yes, packing ,a man thing , deffo !

    MC x

  • Comment number 81.

    is everyone ignoring me????

    hope ive not offended anyone!!!!

  • Comment number 82.

    Hi Billie,

    am still here .............

  • Comment number 83.

    Hiya MC

    hows you??

    im ok just been footie watching all day "transfer day" !!!

    sorry if yous no footie fan!!

    now on hols so plenty chilling time!!!

    Billie xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Hiya Billie, am fine thanks , hope you are too.
    Nope, sorry, football just not my thing .

    Enjoy your chill time


  • Comment number 85.

    i am going to enjoy !! cept for the rain!!

    hope your day been good!!

  • Comment number 86.

    yes, i have had a good day thanks, except it has been busy.
    This rain is driving me nuts.

  • Comment number 87.

    it was nice up untill fourish then it tipped it down!!!!


  • Comment number 88.

    Ha ha Matt - wouldn't dream of turning your birthday upside down!! I too am a nine minutes past nine babe and the year ends in 9 too!! No not 1809!! Praps that's why I make lists too!!!

    - Welcome from lurking Mari - stay with us. Yes carol bowl of sago wrote loads and loads!

    Hi Billie knock knock yes I'm here but I don't do footie!!!

    Not been about much today but I reiterate earlier post - loved the Beatles week-end. Heard most of it (as it was chucking it down here) and the bits I missed travelling to bolt hole, almost finished listening again. (thanks virtual for the text - made me smile).

    Ali - still think you were very brave taking on the yoof
    Chrissie MIL stuff? no problem - I would be rubbish - short fuse!!
    Clodagh - wine - screen - until tomorrow - then working from here ! Yuk - as I do. then it will be tea - screen.
    Mrs Baggy - you looked sensational
    Well done Mrs Gingembre

    Still catching up as you can tell! MTF/Deev/Debs - Just off to check me n u for Saturday - sounds like we may all be a bit smelly on Sunday! Bring on the garlic!

    Beezer xx

    ps how can I ignore - Rips - don't do sheds!!! Moi ? in a shed? bit puzzled about 15 mins away tho ???

  • Comment number 89.

    MC - Matts Birthday is the 9th of the 9th !!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Hiya B-sMum

    hows you .... i know footie,s not for everyone!!!!

    hope you well

    im ok just on hols

    Billie xx

  • Comment number 91.

    hehehehe ... watching Jamie Oliver, Mr Deev gawn upstairs as he can't stand Mr Oliver. I can't see what his problem is man! Basically, he just described him using the same word to describe the brass thing wot opens a door!!! And we ain't talking handles .....


  • Comment number 92.

    Beez, shhhh , was hoping no one had noticed (including me !)

    LOL was a blonde moment.......

    MFR , have a lovely day on the 9th !!

    Am slinking away to go and plug brain in

    MC x

  • Comment number 93.

    Hi guys.......you all OK....trying to quick read latest posts....must try harder....

    MC...still hate u.....weather here turning rubbisho

    Hi JG and Matt, Beeza, and....Billie...

    Just here for 20 mins or so...then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Comment number 94.

    Tango , LOL , keeping everything crossed for 30 degrees .

    Will want my money back if it rains !!


  • Comment number 95.

    Hiya Deevs Tango ...

    hows you two?

    Billie xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Wotcha Billie - seems footie follows me most of my life - I try to ignore the prima don's these days but as it's in the family and some of my closest friends - guess I have to take notice!
    Prefer the oval ball meself and growling F1 cars!!

    Blimey - that reminds me - Bingo!! Fisi should stay where he is I think! ForceIndia could be the second Brawn and surprise the socks off everyone. Agree with your comments about the red team and shooey - don't rain on my parade and all that - as for alonso - see above - should have been a footballer!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Billie....we two r just dandy.....aren't we Deevsta????

    Never A-S-S-U-M-E...hahahaha

  • Comment number 98.

    Get pestered by dog - treat time and am suddenly inundated !! Deev Tango (20 mins ? not bad for a bloke!!)

    MC you are blonde!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 99.

    too true about Alonso!!!

    he acts just like Cristiano Ronaldo a baby or "nappy boy" as we call him!!!

    yous love Rugger !!! too brutal for me!!!!

    Billie xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi Billie - I:m fine thank you. Been a taxing day to say the least - culminting in my boss exploding in our afternoon meeting, thankfully not at me though!!!

    Beez - Jamie just extolled the virtues of chilli and chocolate - see!!! I'm not bonkers!

    AND ..... going to a chilli festival in Essex the day after Barry Manilow and ballgown night!


    Hot Stuff Deevs


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