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Down Shep. Down Jonny - Well, Hopefully One More Down After Today

Chris Evans | 10:57 UK time, Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Dog Agility is this week's Sporting Challenge.

Jonny says I should have the edge as I've had at least one dog all my life. I agree I suppose, but then again Jonny has often been compared to an excited puppy - which in a way makes him one of their own - so all of a sudden I'm not so sure.

What if him and his pooch look into each others eyes, and the sparkle of empathy and some sort of doggie sixth sense occurs? I could be in for trouncing.

Off to make a quick call to Beth - our own 2 year old German Shepherd - for a any last minute tips she might be able to dish my way.

"Come on throw me a bone Beth, I'm dying here. . ."





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  • Comment number 1.

    morning CLP and good luck

    hope everyone else is ok today
    Tiggs xxxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris

    Given that JS is just like a big puppy just give a toilet roll to play with and he'll be so distracted you're bound to win ;)


  • Comment number 3.

    Lol CLP - Jonny is most definitely like an excitable puppy - always eager to please - bless him - he's a real sweetie pie - you be kind to him - lots of treats for good behaviour. Have fun with your four legged friends.


  • Comment number 4.

    That's very cunning Mr Toverson.


  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris and everyone,
    Thought I'd better come on here and say hi as I had a little look at yesterday's blog and saw I'd been mentioned.
    I used to come on here a lot (not sure if any of you will remember me)but things became a bit hectic, with studying, work and family life all vying for my attention so something had to give, but I'm on a summer break from my OU studies so thought I'd come back and see how you are all doing.
    I was so sad to read about Jane, I never met her but I spoke to her on the phone and we had lots of contact on here over the years - she was a lovely lady and your tributes to her have been really moving. Also sorry to hear some of you have lost people close to you recently - thinking of you xx
    Well it's good to be back! Love to you all,

    Em xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris: yes, I think you will have the edge on this one, hope Beth has helped you out! However, do love Jonny and I hope the dogs like him!

    Steffi: (from the previous blog) nice to see you, just join in when you can.

    Gailyb (from previous blog) very cute about your son!

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Good luck clp - if the dog you get is anything like my old one, it will only do what he/she wants to do anyway....

    Chrissie (from the last blog) Scoobs posted something on FB but y*hoo wouldn't let me post hugs there so I thought I would post them on here.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Ooops - very remiss of me - forgot to say a hearty welcome Steffi - the bloggers are a lovely bunch of people and, as Chrissie says, just pop in when you can.

    Emma - I hope you're enjoying the break from your studies - we haven't met before but welcome back anyway.


  • Comment number 9.

    Oh at last, something I know about, however I don't have any tips, as you will obviously be working someone else's dog, so just go with the flow and enjoy yourself, and try not to trip over the dogs and land on your backside.



  • Comment number 10.

    Thanks folks, good to be back. Now, if only I can get my real blog name to appear....any ideas? Have tried the settings thingy, but no joy. Could re register maybe with another aka.

    So, hands up all you stressed out m's and d's with A2's and other exams for our beloved children? Glad I'm not doing the wretched exams is all I can say. Good luck to us all and our respective off spring!


  • Comment number 11.

    Morning all

    Chris, have fun and enjoy yourself. Good luck.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Sorry Steffi, not sure about how to get your real blog name back up - I thought when you entered your e-mail address and password it would automatically use your previous name.

    I'm at the tail-end of GCSEs (Chemistry this morning and Geography tomorrow) with a son who is just tooo laid back about the whole thing. All I can say is, these blasted predicted grades give them a false sense of security. I think he realised too late, despite my constant reminders, that he should have started studying earlier. Hey ho, hopefully it's the wake up call he needs for his 'A' levels. He has promised to work harder for his 'A' levels but I don't think he realises just what a huge step up it's going to be. He's always been one of these kids to do the bare minimum - very frustrating.

    Good luck with your exam season - not wanting to wish my life away but I'll be glad when it's all over - roll on August.


  • Comment number 13.

    Hello Steph

    If you go to settings you can change your display name, which then shows up when you post. Although all the blogs are having a bit of a melt down at the mo, so if you do it I would then sign out and sign back in and it should then display what you want.



  • Comment number 14.

    Morning CSN - how are those beautiful babes? Are your daughters both well?


  • Comment number 15.

    Hello Chris.

    Mad dogs and Englishmen, or should that be the other way around!

    By all means have a little chat to Beth CLP and take her good advice.

    But the answer to your dilemma is to be found in your last paragraph. Keep a meaty bone in your pocket and the doggie will do whatever you ask.

    Good luck

    MM x

  • Comment number 16.

    Em: nice to see you back - you are most welcome!

    mtd: re: Scoobs ... sorry to have been so nosy!

    Gail: good advice to Mr Evans!

    C xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Thanks A will give it a try.

    GD doing A2's for Geography & Politics having completed 20 hours of applied ICT already. Laid back, yep, wake up call after GCSE's - No! I though she would have studied harder after having to re-take some two year's ago, but you know kids, think it will all happen in a jiffy without too much hard work involved.
    However, I must report a huge amount of spider diagrams on flip-chart paper are littering the lounge, bedroom and kitchen table this morning in preparation for next week!
    Agree, roll on August and the results day. BUT of course another roller coaster starts with the future i.e. Uni's etc.


  • Comment number 18.

    Chrissie - you're not nosy, just caring as always.

    so good to see more returners to the blog.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    to join the exams question - mr bp has a uni exam next week - i see small prepartaion being made but he is such a last minute man that it will be done the night befoerhand, leaving him phyically and mentally tired for the exam itself - and seeing as hes 34 - I'm sorry - some people never change!

  • Comment number 20.

    Steffi: Good luck with the uni roller coaster - more scary than the scariest ride at Alt*n T*wers. EldestGB knows what he wants to do which is half the battle. We're popping to the RAF Careers office whilst he's off. He wants to do an aeronautical engineering degree with the thought of joining the RAF so we're just going to find out a bit more about what he should be doing. YoungestGB (only just turned 10) wants to play footie for Celtic and Scotland - got to admire his optimism.


  • Comment number 21.

    Oh Baggy, I'll be a nervous wreck then 'til eldestGB gets himself a job. Good luck to Mr Baggy. Let us know when he's taking the exam and we'll send him the blog good luck vibes.


  • Comment number 22.

    its next Tuesday - and the more good luck vibes the better please - this is the last one to finish year one of his part time masters - next year we have the disertation to look forward too!

  • Comment number 23.

    okay - Tuesday's good luck vibes will be given over, in their entirety, to Mr Baggy. Looks like you have even more fun in store next year - good luck vibes to you too my lovely.

  • Comment number 24.

    mtd: thanks, I do appreciate that. xx

  • Comment number 25.

    GB - thanks - very much apprecaited

  • Comment number 26.

    Good luck vibes wafting from down here in the softie South to everyone taking exams or living with someone who is. Fortunately it's a long time since I needed to do any of that stuff, but I have to admit I was a 'last minute' reviser as well.

    I'm impressed by any youngsters who already have a career in mind though, I'm 43 now and still not entirely sure what I want to be when I grow up!

  • Comment number 27.


    Mr SBP sounds like me, I know I should start earlier but always end up cramming it in to the last few days. Sometimes works but ...!

    Hopefully it will be ok for him and good luck for the next year.

    Did you say earlier you might need some help on P11d's, if you do feel free to message me on here or t'other side.


  • Comment number 28.

    Echo all the above - Good Luck vibes to all, including adult students!

    Thankfully, GD also knows what she wants to do at Uni (ICT Management for Business), and god knows we've visited enough! BUT she defo wants to stay at home and commute! Fingers crossed that she gets into the nearest one to home. I feel and appeal process looming already......

    Lunch time me thinks, tummy rumbles getting louder.


  • Comment number 29.

    My tummy is rumbling too - off to rescue my salad, fruit and yog from the fridge :( what I really want is chips and curry sauce, a bag of cheese and onion and a large bar of G*l*xy (other chocolate is available, thankfully).


  • Comment number 30.

    Afternoon folks,

    T'is a warm and sunny one here in Cheshire.

    JG , good luck with the patio furniture. We seem to have had a reasonable summer so far, despite me buying a bbq, and Seza some outdooor stuff too ( I think it was you Seza , sorry if i am mistaken).

    Lady Chards, Good to know you will be in Leeds.

    My stepson is leaving Uni for ever this weekend, and is soooo down about it.

    Chrissie, boil an egg ???? how do you do that ? LOL

    Tina, me too, i have been working forever, and i still dont know what i would like to be when i grow up, expect retired .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hi All,

    Yes, Steffi I can sympathise. My daughter has her A2's at the moment. She has been working very hard (unlike her brother two years earlier!) but came home today quite upset after her Biology exam. She had revised so much and I was quite impressed with her knowledge, yet they asked the most obscure questions that were barely touched upon in class! She has Chemistry tomorrow :( ..... it brings the horror of A levels back to me when I see her poor little face before she sets off for yet another exam!

    On a lighter note, I am so looking forward to the Sporting Challenge Video tomorrow. I wonder if it will be as hilarious as the Ice Hockey?!
    Mcw x

  • Comment number 32.

    MC - sounds like your stepson has had too good a time at uni. bless him. i hope he soons settles in to his new life.

    Chickster - your poor GD after all that hard work - poor wee soul.

    Mmm - tucking in with gusto to the salad. I had forgotten that I had used the last of the tikka sandwich filler I had bought for eldestGB - (it was past it's sell by date, granted only by 1 day but it is chicken and I didn't want to take any chances ;))


  • Comment number 33.


    just had some bad news - the girl i just emplyed and who started yesterday has decided the roles not for her - granted I would rather find out now then later but still

    hey ho - am taking it personally even though she said it was the role and not me. The first person I have ever employed has lasted a day and a half. Just shows how little I know about people and about doing my job.

  • Comment number 34.

    Mcw - Ghosh Chemistry and Biology, that's impressive indeed. Poor loves, all of them.

    Gailyb - Choccie needed here too after a similar lunch to your's. Might have to pop out and get some..... yep, defo in 5. Anybody want anything OTHER than choccie?


  • Comment number 35.


    Thanks for that , sad to see him so down . He has had a great time, and has worked very hard. We just need him to get going with the job applications , so he can afford a place of his own.

    We have been talking about roast dinners all morning in the office , and I could do with some nice roasties. However Cheese and Branston is on the menu and a few grapes . Hey ho .

    MC x

  • Comment number 36.

    Baggy , dont take it to heart. I had a lady start one morning, and she nipped to the loo and never came back.

    MC x

  • Comment number 37.

    MC - thanks - that made me laugh

  • Comment number 38.

    Oh Baggy that's a shame. Back to the drawing board? Good luck my lovely and you mustn't take it personally - it's all good experience and I'm sure you'll do well with the next one.

    MC - poor wee man - he's perhaps just needing to gather his thoughts before he sets off on the next stage. Cold roast tatties - mmmm another of my favourites ;)

  • Comment number 39.

    Baggy, sure it's not reflection on you. Look forward not back.


  • Comment number 40.

    MC - I almost choked on a mouthful of salad - sorry for larffing.


  • Comment number 41.

    Nope - choccie's fine for me Steffi (better hide it though MC's around...)

    Baggy - there is definitely nothing to take personally, there is no way that you could be responsible for a fickle mind (how she knew after a day and a half that the role was no good either is beyond belief - mind you that is coming from somebody who was in her first job for 13 years and her second (this one) for 18 years...)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    How do you all get your responses typed so quickly, I type fairly fast but then I have to re-read it and make a few adjustments here and there until finally it's ready to post and by then the reply makes no sense whatsoever - my previous reply was in response to Steffi's question in #34.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Baggy, Honestly, i could write a book about interview candidates and temps & staff .

    Everyday is a challenge, currently we have a mobile phone ban in the office, However, i can see the staff creating all sorts of ingenious ways to read their texts and make secret calls.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Sorry Steffi - forgot to say, I don't need anything from the shop, I have a square of C*db*ry's to have when I get in, before I go on the school run. I know you think I'm spoiling myself but I just think 'What the heck' ;)


  • Comment number 45.

    See then I miss question marks out etc...

  • Comment number 46.

    Baggy - Some you win and some you lose. Chalk it down to experience and try again.


  • Comment number 47.


    Just had a K**K*t to finish off my lunch even though I know I shouldn't have - straight out of the fridge soooo delish, sorry.

    Huggs to those that need them and good luck to all taking exams

    Susan x

  • Comment number 48.

    MTD - I'm the same. I check and re-check, cut and paste, add bits, take bits out before I'm ready to post.


  • Comment number 49.

    Gaily, yes, dangerous things toilets, can eat a whole temp alive.

    MTD, I'm still not back on the chocolate, i seem to be developing a liqorice addiction .

    MC x

  • Comment number 50.

    MC at least the liquorice will keep you running!!

  • Comment number 51.

    I was just about to make a similar comment Susan. Licquorice - another of my favourites.


  • Comment number 52.

    Lol MC - had she been on the liquorice too? whoopeee - I got the spelling right this time. See what happens when you don't check and re-check MTD.


  • Comment number 53.


    hi there, have you started your new job yet ???

    MC x

  • Comment number 54.

    sun is shining, birdies are singing and Adrian Chiles is getting on my nerves so off out for a little walk.
    Catcha later peeps

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 55.


    There are some strange people out there, but why do i have an office full of them ! me excluded of course .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Enjoy your walk Tiggs.


  • Comment number 57.

    Tiggs, can i come please ?

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi MC no don't start for nearly 5 weeks so should be making the most of this wonderful weather. Are you coming to Leeds?

    Everyone is weird except yourself!!

    S x

  • Comment number 59.

    course ya can MC!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    MC - I know the feeling. I'm just a very small cog in a very large wheel but I do look around the office and think 'is it me?'. How do some of these people land such responsible and well paid jobs?


  • Comment number 61.


    Oh, how nice to know you have a start date, but a little time to enjoy summer too. Wimbledon starts next week if you are interested.

    Yes, i will be in Leeds , will be nice to meet you at last.

    Right, I have to go, way too much to do, and dont forget folks, there is always the shredder.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Right, hope you all like it very dark and smooth - choccie that is! Now just have to wait until it's hard - from being in the fridge!

    Licorice, yep like that too speshly those spiral thingies, yummy.

    Right, back to stuffing more envelopes. Thank goodness for self-seal.


  • Comment number 63.

    Steffi, I'm at a loose end, do you need any help stuffing those envelopes?


  • Comment number 64.

    Please Gaily. Only another 1,000 to go, we could get them stuffed, franked and posted in no time between us.....

    Here you go luvvie, one pile of envelopes and another of the newsletter. Oh and another pile - covering letter! One of each in each envelope please. Thanks everso!


  • Comment number 65.

    Okay dokay Steffi - I'm here 'til 2.30 and I think that wee pile you've sent over will do me fine 'til then. If I need any more I'll give you a shout. Gailyb

  • Comment number 66.

    I love virtual offices - now if somebody could make a couple of phone calls for me and then finish this requirements document....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    btw - to a lurker - it's not fair that I can't access fv at work. ;-(...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    and you've finished your cabin..... grrr.

  • Comment number 69.

    Can the requirements doc wait 'til tomorrow MTD?

  • Comment number 70.

    S'ok Gailyb - I've said it will be finished by Friday so we've got a bit of leeway...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    MTD - I should have expanded a bit. I'm slightly snowed under with stuffing the envelopes for Steffi but can crack on with the requirements doc first thing tomorrow if you like?

  • Comment number 72.

    Well, MTD, if you're still stuck in the morning, give me a shout Sweetie and I'll tackle it then. Gailyb

  • Comment number 73.

    Deal done Gaily - actually I could take some of that envelope stuffing off your hands if you like.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 74.

    GR - I can't do scrabs either boohoo....

    mtd ffb xxx (really really in a cba mood now)....

  • Comment number 75.

    Thanks Gaily.

    These virtual offices are a godsend.


  • Comment number 76.

    MTD - best not to get sidetracked my lovely, I think Steffi and I have it covered but thank you very much for your kind offer.

  • Comment number 77.

    Steffi, I like to be busy.

    MTD, have a wee look at your list, find something that'll be quick and easy to do and get it marked off as done - hopefully that will encourage you to tackle slightly more demanding tasks.

    The ice cream van has just turned up outside - I think it's Mr Wh!ppy style. I'm taking orders - 99s all round? Show of hands, please.


  • Comment number 78.

    mmm yes please gb!

  • Comment number 79.

    MTD FFB - #67,#68 - I was on my lunch break - honest!

    Afternoon all, her with a cold and blocked sinuses and generally feeling lousy here - can I have lots of sympathy please? Otherwise I WILL sneeze all over you...

    Anyhow, feeling a wee bit subdued today, those of you who know me on FB have probably seen this, those who do not should enjoy this:

    An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck.

    One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.

    At the end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

    For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water.

    Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments.

    But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.

    After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream.

    'I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house.'

    The old woman smiled, 'Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?'

    'That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them.'

    For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table.

    Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house.'

    Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding.

    You've just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.

    So, to all of my cracked pot friends, have a great day and remember to smell the flowers on your side of the path!

    Love Daisy xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Go girl....extra flake please if that's ok!

  • Comment number 81.

    Okay Andy - here you go.

    Steffi and MTD - take 5 while you enjoy your cone.

    Daisy - would you like a 99 - do you think it may help cheer you up - feed a cold and starve a fever, etc.


  • Comment number 82.

    Blimey, its that time of day again!

    Off to work in a mo.

    I've been sitting in the garden listening to a skylark.

    You can never see them, but their song is simply wonderful.

    Right, camera at the ready.

    Fields of poppies await me.

    Oh, yes and work!!

    Its the best time of the year to do my job.

    All the horrors of winter driving seem so long ago.

    Please dont anyone mention what is looming on Monday, lets enjoy what we have now.

    Have a wicked Wednesday everyone.



  • Comment number 83.

    Aw thanks GailyB, that'll soothe me sore throat as well, no flake for me though, give extra to MTD please.
    Daisy x

  • Comment number 84.

    Steffi, how did I know you'd be an extra flake girl? Just as well I got them to pop another one on for you.


  • Comment number 85.

    I shouldn't really - I am still waiting for the choclit.

    Thanks for the advise again. I have a mental list rather than a written one and there are a couple of little things to get me going.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    You are sooooo right! Ta.

    Poor Daisy, hope the ice cream helps the throat.


  • Comment number 87.

    Okay Daisy - MTD will be well chuffed. Btw, have loads of sympathy from me for your cold - I hope you're on the mend and back to firing on all cylinders soonly. I haven't had a cold in goodness knows how long and want to keep it that way so I won't hug you, if you don't mind.


  • Comment number 88.

    I knew you'd be there Daisy. Ice cream is very good for the sore throat that comes with colds. I'll pass on the flake, I'll get crumbs in my keyboard.

    Love the crackpot story.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Thanks Gailyb and Steffi, sorry couldn't hug you anyway as I ache .... but soldiering on at work nonetheless! I hate having colds when the sun is out...... Been up since 3.30 when it was just getting light, got wrapped up and went and sat in the garden and the dawn chorus was lovely. However now I just want to sleep!
    Daisy x

  • Comment number 90.

    Hi MTF you nipped in quietly there. I was a bit flummoxed about the Monday reference but then I remembered that is when the nights start drawing in... but it's still cold.........

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    You poor old bean Daisy. Have an early night.

    I've been a bit naughty - being unable to think of a suitable Three Word Wednesday for SM's show, I have offered up Virtual Envelope Stuffing - which I thought was better and more intriguing than Bored. Bored. Bored. Will be listening to see if it gets a mensh.


  • Comment number 92.

    oh MTD / MTF - I can't believe it's that time of the year already - it's way too soon. However, if I remember rightly CLP did mention last week that we had about 4 weeks of enjoying the lighter evenings before we'd see a difference.


  • Comment number 93.

    Rightio, boss is just back claiming it's tropical outside so I'm off to find out. As a belated birthday celebration, we have youngerGB's friends round to tea tonight then they're off to footie practice. Hoping Bernie (rabbit) is up to it. He gets an awful lot of attention particularly when we have young visitors, bless him.

    Toodle-oo for noo.


    ps - hope the ice cream hit the spot and Steffi, all the envelopes are stuffed I'm just passing them back for you to frank.


  • Comment number 94.

    Thank you soooo much Gailyb, frank powered up and ready to go. Have a great evening. Hope bunnie enjoys the attention.


  • Comment number 95.

    Gailyb: hope you have a lovely evening - you've been on great form today!

    MTF: hello, and cheerio!

    Daisy: loved your wee story. Sorry to hear you are not feeling good - pet lamb! I must try sitting in the garden at 3.30am some time - I am always awake at 4am anyway, so a half hour earlier shouldn't make much difference! Incidentally, Daisy, I have emailed you, but I am thinking they are not getting through?

    C xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Hi Chrissie - they are it is my brain not functioning well enough to answer them. Sorry sweetheart. I will get back to you soon xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Daisy: just as long as you received them. Note to self: keep your emails simple!


  • Comment number 98.


    Pip / Scoobs please pass my sincere condolences to AF on the tragic lasso f her beloved dad.

    Jo - sincere condolences to you on the sad passing of your friend. Hope the visit to his widow went as well as can be expected.

    Chrissie - hope Mr Chrissie had a lovely birthday and enjoyed his simple fayre for tea! Trust no alcoholic beverages were partaken of on a schoolnight!

    Dozy - hope Mother Dozy had a good birthday too.

    Dolly - fingers crossed you don't get Peterborough, lived there all my life but sooo can't wait to move away in the near future!

    Exams - brings back happy memories!

    Bernie will love the attention Gailyb :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 99.

    AS: absolutely love the school night reference - clever! Perhaps a glass or two was consumed, it would have been churlish not to!

    C xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Chrissie - good to see you didn't let the side down :) Loving the word churlish!!



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